MTL - Juvenile Medical God-Chapter 4098 Mysterious strong

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After the first day of confrontation with Qin Lang, I immediately understood why Qin Lang is so powerful. That is because the incompetence of Qin Lang’s guy can uphold the power of the entire universe and attach it to one person. The power of the cosmic hierarchy, even if it is a tyrannical power, but how can an individual be blessed with the Qin Lang confrontation of the entire universe?

Therefore, until the day I want to understand the reasons, the confidence has gradually recovered, not because its strength is not as good as Qin Lang, but Qin Lang this guy occupies the advantage of "land advantage" only, if the first day to find Qin Lang's weakness, let Qin Lang If you can't get the blessing of the entire universe, or break the integrity of this cosmic hierarchy, you will be able to take advantage of it! It is because of this that Tianyi immediately began to integrate its devastating army, and began to find ways to adjust it, preparing for the next wave of attacks on Qin Lang.

However, after Tianyi passed a certain push, but did not find the weakness of the entire universe hierarchy, Qin Lang’s defense seems to be impeccable, and I can’t see any weaknesses for the time being. You can only summon the superpowers who are under your arm, and let them consider how to deal with Qin Lang. After all, this kind of thing has never been encountered. It is said that it is the most powerful supreme sanctuary in the world without the world. This is not exaggerated at all, and it is defeated by the supreme and sacred it once played. Otherwise, this time, no world's destruction of the army will come, how can it be the turn of the day to control?

However, it was not until the first day that the two sides had frustrated at the beginning of the confrontation, so it had to consider the power of a large number of strong players to deal with Qin Lang, and Tianyi also informed the results of its analysis of these worldless powerhouses. : "Qin Lang's own cultivation and strength should not be so strong, nothing more than relying on his incompetence, can mobilize the power of the entire system of the universe. Otherwise, I have already defeated him. But, about We have to face up to this point. If this guy does not leave this cosmic hierarchy, how can we break its defense? Whether it is Qin Lang or this cosmic hierarchy, it is simply a huge turtle, and it is simply not known. How to start!"

"If we use more cannon fodder to create voids in the void? Can we erode the defense of this cosmic hierarchy?" Another superpower made a suggestion. The idea of ​​this guy is to let more worldless monks act as cannon fodder. In order to erode the defenses of the world's cosmic hierarchy, after all, they have done so before. Many of the worldless monks are eroded. It is quite normal. As for the amount of cannon fodder, it is only a quantity in the eyes of these powerful people. There is no actual. significance.

"If you can use cannon fodder to do this, I certainly don't mind how much cannon is sacrificed, but I have tried it before. The power of nothingness can only erode some of the laws and the power of Taoism, but there is no way to break Qin Lang. This kind of innocent defense, this guy has already run into the entire universe hierarchy, so that he can not only get the power of the entire universe, but also use the inaction to build a strong defense. Power runs through the entire system of the universe. Therefore, the sacrifice of cannon fodder is useless!" I was very angry and said that it was invincible in the world, but it was rejected by Qin Lang. This feeling is simply quite awkward, the most annoying is that Qin Lang's strength is so general, at least in the first day, it seems to be nothing more than this, but the repair of Qin Lang, but it will be suppressed to Tianyi How can I not be annoyed?

"To Heaven, you are not Qin Lang's opponent, at least here, you are not his opponent!" At this time, I suddenly felt a strong will is talking to it, but it has no way to lock this powerful The orientation of the will, which made it so shocked, did not think that someone could avoid its induction, which is simply incredible!

"Who are you!" The sky screamed and shocked the rest of the superpowers. I don't know what nerves are going to be there.

As soon as he realized that the rest of the supreme sanctifications were not aware of the existence of outsiders, he calmed down and continued to respond to that powerful will: "Tell me, who are you? Why come?"

"Oh... you can rest assured that I am not your opponent, I am a monk without a world, and come to help you deal with Qin Lang. Without my help, you can hardly break his defense, at least now you have no way "Right?" This powerful will said to Tianyi.

"Hey... are you a strong man without a world? What is the name?" To Tianyi, it feels like it is also a smile. There is no world, but I don’t know that there is such a strong existence. This guy’s will is quite strange. I don't know what it is.

"To Heaven, you don't have to know my name. You just need to know that I am helping you against Qin Lang. If you don't have me, if you don't have a shot in a short time, you think you can break Qin Lang's defense and break the universe. The defense of the system is not successful?" This will be said to Tianyi.

"Who are you? I am quite uncomfortable with your mysterious secret!" Responding to Tianyi.

"You don't know where I am, how do I know my name?" said the will. "In any case, I am ready to break the defense of the eleventh-level universe. If you take the opportunity, then you can do it yourself. All right."

Having said this, the will disappeared. It seems that it should be a direct start. Even though Tianyi was quite uncomfortable, he decided to start the operation. He said to the rest of the Supreme: "Getting started. Well, I should have a way to break the defense of the eleventh-level universe!"

The rest of the Supreme Saint does not know what medicine to sell in the gourd. How can this time suddenly break the defense of the eleventh-level universe, but since the first day is the leader of this devastating army, the rest Of course, these supreme and holy things can only be heard by their orders.

At the same time, Qin Lang is still in the eleventh-level universe. Although he temporarily repelled the devastating army to Tianyi, Qin Lang did not relax any more, because he knew that the other party was only a tentative attack, even if he was lucky. However, it has not been shaken to the foundation of Tianyi’s destruction of the army, and Qin Lang feels that there is no world. The unknown danger is approaching here. This is a very different matter. Qin Lang knows that this danger is definitely not from the first day. It is supposed to come from the rest of the monks without the world. This is the place where Qin Lang feels a headache.