MTL - Juvenile Medical God-Chapter 8 Give you a lesson

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"Mr. Tao, letting you eat here, I am wronged." After sitting down, Sun Bo handed the menu to Tao Ruoxiang. "If you like something, just order something."

Tao Ruoxiang is light and frowning, and his heart says that Qin Lang is right. This Sun Bo is really a bit of a sentimentality. It is not just a meal. What is wronged and not wronged. Tao Ruoxiang did not want to pay more attention to Sun Bo, and ordered a few dishes directly, and then prepared to hand the menu to the waiter.

"That... Sun teacher, I haven't got it yet." Qin Lang, this guy is not at all polite.

Sun Boxin said that you are the one who came to eat rice. It is good to have white food. You are a little qualified for food! But watching Qin Lang put his hand out to get the menu, Sun Bo can only give him the menu, a smile: "Xiao Qin, just enough, I certainly have money to pay the bill, just can not waste food!"

The little **** the side looked at Sun Bo with a sly look. He said that the guy with the scorpion is really capable of loading, wearing a suit and a slap in the face, and sipping it to the whole room, thinking that there are rich landlords, no I think that if you want a few more dishes, you can't do anything. You can also play a slogan that wastes food. If you can pretend it, you and him. Mom wants to save food. You are at home, what kind of restaurant are you going to do?

However, Qin Lang did not plan to be angry with Sun’s blog. He looked at the menu with a smile: “Reassured Sun, we young people, have a good appetite!——Sister, give us a black-bone chicken, an old duck. Soup, a steamed squid! Chickens and ducks must be ground, don't make a whole feed!"

In this restaurant, these three dishes are considered high-end dishes. In Qin Lang's view, it is Sun Bo who gives money, and does not slaughter it.

"Reassured, 100% land-based goods!" The sister said with a smile, in fact, she knows best that such a restaurant can not use real soil goods, so-called earth goods, but it is a hoe, used to raise prices of.

Although Sun Bo hated Qin Lang, his income would not care more than two or three hundred dollars. He knew that Qin Lang was deliberately doing the right thing with him, so he could not let Qin Lang succeed, at least not in front of Tao Ruoxiang. . However, Sun Bo is not simple. He turned his mind and immediately thought of a way to make Qin Lang ugly. He smiled and said to Qin Lang: "Xiao Qin, this weather is already a little hot, or else drink two bottles of cold beer?"

"Drinking... isn't that good?" Qin Lang refused.

"Yeah, Qin Lang is still a student after all." Tao Ruoxiang also speaks for Qin Lang.

"Mr. Tao, you will be clear when you become a teacher in the class. For a middle school student like Xiao Qin, who hasn’t had a private drink, let alone beer, even red wine and white wine, I’m afraid they have drunk a lot. Right, Xiao Qin?” Sun Bo tried to lure Qin Lang to be fooled. “In any case, drink one or two bottles of beer. Should there be no problem?”

Sun Bo is an "alcohol test" teacher, the amount of alcohol is quite good, so he wants to use the way to make Qin Lang ugly. In his view, young people like Qin Lang are passionate and can speak for themselves in a few words and drink a mess.

In front of Tao Ruoxiang, Qin Lang was not good at lying. He nodded and said, "Yes, I used to drink a little. But Teacher Sun, I can't drink enough. I will drink a bottle at most."

"Well, then come first two bottles of cold beer." Sun Bo said to the waiter, the heart is dark. As long as Qin Lang began to drink, he had a way to turn the wine into a wine, and then waited for Qin Lang to get drunk at his feet, and spit in a mess, like mud.

"Come three bottles." Tao Ruoxiang spoke again. She saw Qin Lang and Sun Bo both staring at her with a strange look. I smiled. "There is no legal requirement that women can't drink a bar?"

The wine was quickly prepared, and Sun Bo realized that his chances were coming. He raised a big glass and said to Qin Lang: "Xiao Qin, in fact, I am too big for you. Since it is outside the school, you call me my grandson or The name is OK. Come, let's have a good meal together today, let's have a drink!"

Sun Boyi looked up and took the beer in the glass to the bottom of the day.

Since Sun Bo has already done the first respect, Qin Lang certainly cannot say no, otherwise it will be looked down upon. Therefore, Qin Lang also did a bite, and then said to Sun Bo: "Mr. Sun, I can't drink this amount, let's eat the mouth dish first."

This is Qin Lang's deliberate weakness.

"Xiao Qin, you are not right, oh, my brother has already respected you, can't you say nothing?" Sun Bo obviously does not intend to give Qinlang a chance to breathe, saying that your kid is waiting to lie down. Let's go.

"That line, Teacher Sun, I respect you!" Qin Lang raised his toast again.

"Come on! The wine table is not divided into teachers and students, only brothers, did this cup!" Sun Bo was bold.

A bottle of beer can pour up to three glasses, and two cups of belly will equal half of the bottle. As a veteran of alcohol test, Sun Bo knows that to let Qin Lang fall quickly, the best way is to let him drink on an empty stomach, so that alcohol will soon be absorbed by the body, and then quickly drunk.

"Xiao Qin, this third cup we drink with Tao teacher, can't just pay attention to our drinking, will Tao teacher dry it?" Sun Bo shot again, and did not give Qin Lang a reason to refuse.

"Sun... teacher, this cup is going down, I really can't do it." Qin Lang pretended to be overwhelmed.

Sun Bo secretly rejoiced, but said in his mouth: "How can you say no to young people? I can envy you young people. They are energetic and energetic. They are not afraid of anything - come, cheer for youth!"

At this time, without the help of Sun Bo, the waiter had already brought a box of beer to them. She is already used to this kind of wine-making.

"Almost on the line, Qin Lang and so on have to learn." Tao Ruoxiang really can not bear to see Qin Lang ugly.

"I think Xiaoqin has a good amount of wine. If you are incense, don't worry, young people are good and can drink!" Sun Bohaha smiled, but he was laughing in a knife. According to his experience, Qin Lang should have been drunk, but its I still don't realize that it is easy to continue drinking in the wine until I get drunk.

"Yes... Sun... Sun Bo, our two brothers drink for the first time, must drink well!"

Qin Lang "rides the wine" directly called Sun Bo's name, which makes Sun Bo very uncomfortable, but before he said that there is no teacher and student on the wine table, of course, it is not good to blame Qin Lang, and Qin Lang with him It is the heart of Sun Bo.

"Or, Sun Bo... Let's blow the bottle directly?" Qin Lang proposed.

"Good! ~ This is a young man!" Sun Bohaha smiled, Qin Lang was so easy to be fooled, but he could not ask for it, but the smile on Sun Bo's face quickly solidified, because he saw him feel "fantasy" Scene:

I saw Qin Lang holding a bottle of beer in one hand, and put a thumb in the mouth of the bottle. He suddenly heard two sounds, and the lid of the beer bottle flew out. Sun Bo has seen a lot of patterns of beer bottles, but as Qin Lang simply uses the power of the thumb to fly the bottle cap, this much power!

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