MTL - Kendo True Explanation-Chapter 1

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   "Beep beep beep~~~~~"

  A brief piercing alarm sounded suddenly out of the silence.

  In the darkness, Lin Fei's consciousness gradually awoke from the silence and despair.

   Suddenly opened his eyes.

This is a small bedroom. On the right is a two-story bookshelf filled with densely packed books. On the left is a desk with a black lamp. On the flat table is an open book of mathematics scattered casually. Next to it is a partially written homework book. The bright and dazzling sunlight above the desk penetrated from the outside and sprinkled on his face. A warm touch was transmitted to Lin Fei's brain center from the irradiated skin.

  His dazed eyes suddenly became a little clearer, and he stretched out his hand to block the dazzling sunlight in a daze.

   "I....Didn't..... die?" He murmured. The last remaining memory of the brain still stays in the purgatory moment of countless flames flying.

Father and mother fell silently in a pool of blood in the kitchen. In addition, there were many corpses in strange costumes scattered in the living room. The younger sister and two strangers were covered in wounds and a man with fiery red long hair The man confronted each other. The man was wearing a black windbreaker, and the hem of the windbreaker fluttered slightly in the countless firelights around him.

  I happened to have just returned home from get off work and found that there was a fire in my house. This was the first thing I saw when I rushed into the fire.

   "What is this? Is it a movie?" I still couldn't believe it in my mind for a moment. But the next moment the red-haired man suddenly turned around and disappeared, followed by a familiar scream, Lin Fei could tell that it belonged to his sister Lin You. Then there is endless darkness.

  Picking off the quilt on her body, Lin Fei turned over from the bed covered in sweat, and sat on the edge of the bed. At the moment of being killed, that kind of astonishment, there was no pain, no sadness, just complete astonishment.

   "Crack." Press and hold the alarm clock that was still ringing. Lin Fei wiped lightly on his forehead, his hands were covered with sweat. Suddenly he realized that something was wrong. When did his hands become so fair? After graduating from university, because of frequent travel, his originally fair skin had completely turned into a wheat color. and.....

  Lin Fei picked up the alarm clock whose sound had been stopped. It had a round white case with a cartoon decal of Doraemon on it. Some of the white paint had begun to peel off due to long-term use.

   "This is the alarm clock I used in high school?" Lin Fei looked at this familiar thing, and then looked at the surrounding environment. Immediately froze.

   "What is this? Time travel? Rebirth?" He suddenly felt that his brain was a little confused. The death at the previous moment was still vivid in his memory, and he would be reborn immediately after?

Lin Fei stood up quickly and walked to the desk. On it was his high school math textbook. The homework on the side of the book was covered with marks painted in black. This was what Lin Fei was doing in high school. After the question is wrong, black out the evidence and re-write the evidence.

  He opened the door suspiciously, and what he saw was a series of familiar scenes. Some of the narrow living rooms were empty, and the floor was still the kind of floor tiles similar to pebbles, which were still very common in that era. There are a bunch of brown sofas in the living room, some of the leather has fallen off, and you can see the cloth material exposed inside. Opposite the sofa is a black TV, which is turned on, and there are scenes of familiar scenes playing in it. Silenced and no sound.

  Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen, who are wearing ancient costumes, are standing on the broken bridge holding an oil-paper umbrella. Exactly the ending scene.

  There was a faint sound of cutting vegetables from the direction of the kitchen. The smell of fried eggs wafted in the warm air.

   "It's Xiao Fei, I finally know I'm getting up, hurry up and wash up, and dinner will be ready soon." Mother Jiang Feng's voice seemed young and powerful, not at all the tired tone that she remembered when she was nearly fifty years old. …

  Lin Fei felt that everything was in a dream, and squeezed the flesh on his thigh hard, and a sharp pain came to his brain.

   "It doesn't look like a dream! Calm down! Calm down! Excessive emotion can't solve any problems! We must first figure out what's going on." Lin Fei repeated these words in her heart. Some excited emotions gradually stabilized.

   Quickly glanced at the desk calendar on the side, May 13, 2004, there is a line of small characters under the **** characters: Huaguo Agricultural Bank gift.

   "First of all, make sure that if it's true, I should be back in my sophomore year of high school." Responding to her mother's voice, Lin Fei walked into her parents' bedroom next door, and stood in front of the only full-length mirror in the house.

  What was shown in the mirror was an ordinary boy with a flat head. He was as thin and tall as a bamboo pole, with clear eyes, and there were still traces of patterns on the pillow cover on his face. There is already some blue around the lips, and she is wearing a milky white vest and a pair of boxer shorts.

  Lin Fei silently looked at himself in the mirror, so young, so young, countless memories in his mind were constantly replaying and circulating.

   "Hua Guo? Isn't it China?" After reading countless online novels, he already had some guesses. But my mind is still a little confused.

  Stand in front of the mirror for more than ten minutes.

   "Xiao Fei?" A concerned voice sounded from behind Lin Fei. He interrupted it suddenly and woke up from the silence. Lin Fei shivered and turned around quickly. It was his mother, Jiang Feng, who looked at him suspiciously with a slightly fat face.

   "What's the matter? You child, why haven't you changed your clothes yet? It's time to eat, hurry up!" Jiang Feng pushed Lin Fei's back, "Hurry up and clean up, there are things to do later."

   Hastily put on the black and white school uniform from her high school days, Lin Fei finished the meal almost full of nostalgia. It wasn't until Jiang Feng went out to do some errands that he finally came to his senses. Clarified some clues. Sitting on the sofa and watching TV casually, he organized the information he had in an orderly manner.

"First of all, I went back to my sophomore year in high school, that is to say, it should be seven years ago. There is no doubt about this. My current physical condition is completely in line with the situation in my sophomore year in high school. Secondly, it is not completely the original world now." Lin Fei stared at the unusually clear four characters of Huaguo Chronicle on TV in silence. The title of this program explained to a certain extent the confusion Lin Fei had seen from the desk calendar just now.

  He was originally just an ordinary young graduate. He had just been working for a few years. He was born in a second-rate university, ordinary middle and high school, and stumbled through elementary school. Everything is so flat. His father, Lin Jianguo, is an ordinary small bookstore owner, and his mother, Jiang Feng, is a primary school teacher in a school. The younger sister, Lin You, is an extremely outstanding and dazzling girl who is loved by everyone and is invincible. Originally, he thought that his life would be so ordinary, with no features and no waves. To the kind of scene that only appears in movies.

Recalling the man with fiery red long hair, Lin Fei recalled that when he glanced at it at that time, he saw a large group of flames and ice-blue mist interacting with each other in the air between the three sisters and the man. Entangled scenarios. This is also the reason why I was stunned for the first time, thinking that I was making a movie.

I am just an ordinary person who is extremely ordinary, likes to read novels, and occasionally has a little fantasy, but in that case, it is obvious that my younger sister Lin You cannot be an ordinary person. Come down, why did the tragedy happen in my own home, not other places? The root of everything should be that my younger sister Lin You should not be an ordinary person. Even if she is an ordinary person, she should have some kind of unknown connection with those extraordinary guys. This connection is the chief culprit who harmed her parents and herself . …

   "Then, suppose Lin You is not an ordinary person." Sitting on the sofa, Lin Fei quickly analyzed in his mind. He originally had a high IQ, but he had always been lazy and had no goals in life. Now that he was fully focused, his thoughts quickly became clear.

"I remember that in the third year of high school, Lin You suddenly became very excited and emotionally active for a while. In school, there were rumors that she was seen walking with some unfamiliar adults. He called to warn her, but after her mother, Jiang Feng, called Lin You in for a private lecture, everything stopped happening. Lin Fei still remembers what her sister said at that time—I know.

  Just this sentence, no matter how Jiang Feng asked afterward, she just remained silent. After that, there were no more rumors about the school.

   "When my third year of high school was approaching the college entrance examination, and when my sister was approaching high school, the change should have started. This possibility accounts for 90% of the time." Lin Fei recalled carefully. For this beautiful younger sister who is far more dazzling and excellent than him, he actually pays attention to it silently a lot of the time. So these memories are still clear.

"In other words, there is still an inner world in this world that I didn't understand at all before? The existence of that kind of flame and blue mist is absolutely impossible to be an illusion. It can make me a master who has no reaction time after practicing fighting for a while How can it be so easy to come across!" You must know that the previous self has practiced self-defense, Sanda and other self-protection techniques specifically to strengthen his body. It's not a problem to fight against one or two big guys at ordinary times. After all, it is the actual combat skills that have been practiced hard for four years since college.

   Determined the real location seen before death.

  Lin Fei suddenly felt that his entire original world view collapsed.

   "Even I will be reborn one day. Then those unbelievable movie scenes are real and acceptable." He closed his eyes and felt the thin but full vitality of this body. "According to inertia, if I still don't feel anything and don't change, maybe this life will still be a recurrence of the scene before I died. Seven years, even if God reborn me seven years ago, what qualifications do I have as an ordinary person?" Redeem everything?"

  He asked himself mockingly.

"But this boring world finally has some new tricks. What are those flames and mist? Is it supernatural? Magic? Or fairy art? Living in this world, I rely on my parents to support me and grow up. This is a debt. , so repaying this part of the responsibility is what I should do and must do, neither reason nor emotion will allow me to retreat." Facing the unknown world, Lin Fei was a little apprehensive, but also faintly excited. It was a kind of restlessness engraved in the bone.

  Suddenly, this excitement was like opening a Pandora's box, and a torrent of countless memories rushed into Lin Fei's mind in an instant. In an instant, he understood why he was reborn.

  Real cause of rebirth.

   It is the true interpretation of swordsmanship that was once obtained, but inexplicably lost. That strange book that I never want to open every time I take it out. It's just an old book that I accidentally found in an online Taobao store. I thought it was a remnant of the era of qigong fever, but the countless information that rushed into my mind at this moment let Lin Fei know that this book is truly extraordinary.

"The sword is extremely chopping! Cutting everything! Putting it to death and rebirth! Anyone who hinders me, no thought! No thought! No thought! Cut! Cut! Cut! Three words of cut in a row, majestic, despise everything, Just thinking about it, Lin Fei's blood boiled all over his body. He quickly put aside this paragraph and started directly from the small part with a gentle breath in the back.

   "The true explanation of swordsmanship, the supreme swordsmanship of the king's court, those who are destined to learn it carefully! This sword is extremely extreme, and I specially added an article on Qi training to supplement it."

  Lin Fei finally regained his breath. The aura of beheading all things and looking down at everything in the opening chapter of the True Sword Dao just now made him sink into the abyss, almost suffocated to death, and his whole body functions completely stagnated for a moment. The last part seemed to be the qi training chapter left by another person, which to a large extent harmonized Lin Fei's breath.

  Written words, words will naturally produce associations, and just this association can affect Lin Fei mentally, thereby stagnating the functions of the whole body for a moment. I have to say that this true sword method is undoubtedly extremely weird and terrifying. Just looking at it is like this, if I really practice it, I don't know how far it will reach?

"Perhaps, this is the true meaning of my rebirth?" Lin Fei calmed down, and tried hard not to think about the secret book that led to his rebirth. With it, he would no longer be an ordinary person who had no power to resist. As a mortal, no matter what the final result is, this reborn world undoubtedly caused countless storms and huge waves in Lin Fei's already depressed heart.

  He recalled the scene before his death. The image of the man in the black windbreaker with long fiery red hair was deeply engraved in his mind.

