MTL - Kendo True Explanation-v4 Chapter 400 See you again

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  Blood was sprinkled on the ground of Jiandian space, and was quickly absorbed by the loess, leaving only a little red spot.

  The wounds on Lin Fei's body healed quickly. Numerous slits and wounds the size of a baby's lips quickly closed, and then slowly closed together, forming a red line, and finally even the red line disappeared quickly. [Search for the latest updates here.]

   This is the power of demonization. As long as the injury is not fatal, the body can automatically recover from the injury.

"Try it." Lin Fei gently pulled out the test tube, and strands of golden "blue" airflow suddenly appeared around him. These airflows were like golden "blue" ribbons, constantly revolving around the test tube stand up.

  The drop of blood suspended in the middle of the tube also slowly floated up. Slowly, the "liquid" emerged, and finally floated in the air, forming a small spherical shape. The whole drop of blood is only the size of a soybean. But the faint trace of golden luster in it shows its extraordinary essence.

  Lin Fei quietly looked at the blood drop, it was the blood of sister Hua. The legendary blood of the holy spirit is involved in the blood of that huge secret.

   Scarlet-golden blood drops were suspended in front of him.

  He stared for a moment, his lips parted slightly.

  Red flashed, and the blood drop instantly turned into a red line and flew into his mouth.

  Suddenly, a hot tingling sensation spread from the mouth in an instant. Then the face, the head, the neck,

  Lin Fei stood on the spot, motionless. His upper body became completely stiff within a few seconds, followed by his lower body.

  The fiery tingling pain is like peeling the skin, as if the air directly touches the blood vessel muscle pain.

  Lin Fei could hardly control his balance, and fell to the ground directly. The whole person fell on the loess without making any sound at all. His eyes became more and more dazzled, and everything in front of him was almost a fusion of colors, as if the dyes were poured together and blurred.

   I don't know how long it took before the tingling pain on my body slowly subsided. His vision also slowly returned to normal.

  Lin Fei tried to move her body, but found that the effect had completely faded, so she slowly stood up.

  He could clearly feel that between the true qi and demon power in his body, some fine red dots were evenly distributed in the buffer of the artifact parts. Distributed in a buffer strip emanating from artifact parts. These fine red dots are like blood spots on the skin, scarlet, but condensed clearly.

  A trace of demon power and a trace of true energy are continuously absorbed by the blood spot area.

   "This is the power of the blood of the Holy Spirit." Lin Fei slightly understood the function of the so-called blood of the Holy Spirit. "Being able to fuse different forces together, automatically extracting stronger fusion of the fittest. It turns out that it is the function of purification and blending."

  Although he didn't know exactly how the Holy Spirit's blood worked, apart from the discovery of its function, he could clearly feel two problems.

  One, it is such a fusion speed, and the growth speed of the demon power and true qi is completely different. If you continue to merge like this, you will never be able to complete the fusion.

Second, regarding the consumption of the blood drops, Lin Fei could feel that while the two powers of the blood points of the Holy Spirit's blood combined and purified, he was also being consumed rapidly. If this continues, it will take less than two hours. These blood points will be consumed.

   "Do you really want me?" Lin Fei muttered, frowning.

   After a moment of silence, he said softly: "It's not yet this time..."

   Finally, he glanced at the messy space. Lin Fei closed her eyes slightly, and slowly disappeared into the air.

   After exiting the space, Lin Fei slowly came out of the villa and went back to the bedroom directly.

  The entire dormitory was empty and quiet. It was already late afternoon. …

  Lin Fei opened the door and walked in. On Shiran's desk opposite, the ticking of the alarm clock was very clear.

  Today's weather is just cloudy, no sunshine, a little bit cold feeling. It was also a little chilly in the bedroom.

  Lin Fei stood beside his desk, and the light on the phone on the desk flickered, showing that there was a short message. He just bought this mobile phone to install the calling card for family members, classmates and friends. I just forgot to take it when I went out today.

  However, not long after he came out of the Jiandian space, the huge contrast between reality and Jiandian made him a little uncomfortable.

  It was like waking up from a dream all of a sudden.

  He picked up the phone, opened the flip, and clicked on the text message box.

   There is a familiar name inside.

   Chen Yun.

  Lin Fei didn't expect it to be this kid.

   During high school, he was his only friend. Also best friends.

   Gently click on the text message he sent.

  'Lin Feifei, how are you doing? Isn't college life colorful? Can you take care of yourself without me? Do you miss me? ,

  Lin Fei couldn't help but curl the corners of his mouth slightly. Crackling began to text back.

   "Chen Mazi, you are still so shameless! Didn't you go to North China Business School? How is it? How are you doing? Do you have a relationship life?"

  I just sent it, but I didn't expect the other party to reply right away.

  'Love your sister! Just introduce your sister to me! You kid has been hiding it from me for three years in high school! ,

   "If you have the ability, you can go after it yourself." Lin Fei replied with a smile.

  'Forget it, you haven't done it yet, let alone your sister, it's okay to be good-looking, and forget about the rest. By the way, are you still playing World of Responsibility and Fantasy recently? I just played a new online game called Asura 2, come in and play together?

  Lin Fei was about to reply to reject when suddenly her fingers stopped on the phone. A rare sense of reality surrounded him. It seems that he is no longer one of the strongest dream eaters in the world, nor is he the manipulator behind the scenes of several major forces. Instead, a lively breath of life resurfaced.

   Involuntarily, almost.

  He quickly replied.

   "Okay. But I don't have much time to play."

  'It's okay, Chen Yun paused'By the way, you are at Yandu University now? A lot of words in Kyoto? ,


  ‘Then do you know how many people in our class are in Kyoto? ,

   "I'm really not sure about that." Lin Fei didn't have the time to care about those things.

  ‘I know of four or five universities in Kyoto, and the one you are most familiar with is Fang Jing. And Du Xiaopeng and Lin Ling. They are all reported to the schools in Kyoto. Although they are not as perverted as you, they can still be regarded as undergraduate universities. In addition, two top students went to Jinghua University. I think you could go there back then, your score is not pediatrics for Jinghua University. What does it look like! I’m so hungry! By the way, I called you last time, why didn’t you answer? I can’t reach you anyway, and I don’t have your home phone

   "Maybe it's something. I have a lot of troubles during this vacation." Lin Fei also thought about it. During the vacation, he was busy with affairs in the world for most of the time, and many places he went to had no signal. It is estimated that this is the main reason. Moreover, it is impossible for ordinary mobile phones to make overseas calls without handling business...

  ‘What trouble can you have? You're just a boring "sexy" guy, and you can't even fart when talking to girls! , Chen Yun said mercilessly.

   "You boy!" Lin Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

  ‘Okay, we have time to play games together, remember! Shura 2, by the way, do you have a computer in your bedroom? Did you pull the network cable? ,...

"not yet."

  ‘Hurry up! , Chen Yun sent another game name and server name. ‘Remember my name, hurry up and register to play together! Add friends online! ,

   "Okay, okay! Get out!" Lin Fei laughed and cursed.

   He stopped playing online games a long time ago.

   "However, it's good to relax once in a while." After such an experience, Lin Fei's nerves after the battle soon relaxed.

   Checked the SMS mailbox, the text messages in the phone were almost full. But one of the text messages caught his attention.

  ‘I am Lian, this is my novice phone number, the original one is no longer used, this is a text message from Lian’s new phone number.

   Then there is another one behind.

  'I'm sorry Lin Fei, I blamed you for He Wenwen's matter. I apologize to you. she also explained to me

   Lin Fei frowned, and after thinking for a long time, she remembered why Xu Xu apologized. It seemed that she sent a text message suddenly, saying that she had misread him. Now Yun Yun may have learned the truth from He Wenwen, so she took the initiative to apologize.

  This kind of little girl's thoughts...

  Lin Fei replied casually,

'do not worry about it

  Unexpectedly, I just returned to the past. The phone beeps

  The caller ID on the top is actually permission.

  Lin Fei pressed the connect button.

   "Hello, Lin Fei?" Xu Xu's voice seemed more stable and mature than it had been for a long time.

   "Why did I think of calling directly?" Lin Fei pulled out the chair and sat down, listening to the call with her head up.

   "Sister Wenwen's matter, I made a mistake. Don't you blame me? A lot of words"

   "I want to say it's weird, but I really don't feel that way."

   "Are you at Yandu University? Quite a few words," Xu asked.

   "Yes, come and play when you have time, and I will be in charge of entertaining you." Lin Fei laughed.

   "That's what you said!" Ke Xu also smiled, "I'm just about to get on the plane, and I'll be in Kyoto in two hours."

   "Uh..." Lin Fei didn't expect that he would be arrested for just saying a few polite words. "Joke? A lot of words," he doubted.

   "Who was joking with you! Seriously! The flight number is u, anvil number, and they are queuing up for the security check right now." Xu Xu said with a smile, "You want to entertain me as you said! Don't count your words!"

"I said it! Of course it counts." Lin Fei said speechlessly. He looked at the alarm clock on the opposite table. "It's past three o'clock. I'll try to get to the international airport at five o'clock. Where are you supposed to be? There are a lot of words." "

   "Well, I'm just kidding, don't take it seriously. I don't want you to receive me." Xu Xu pretended to decline a few words.

   "But haven't you started school yet?" Lin Fei ignored her and asked directly.

   "We will be later. I am in Linhai Jiaotong University, much later than you." Xu Xu replied.

"yes?". Lin Fei casually chatted with Xu Xu about the current situation. And there is no life in college.

   It wasn't until the security check started over there that the phone was disconnected.

   Putting down her phone, Lin Fei changed her clothes and went out.

   In the afternoon, some students had already had a break after class.

   On the way in and out of the dormitory, you can also see many students walking towards the dormitory in twos and threes, carrying schoolbags and schoolbags.

  Lin Fei's major has no classes in the afternoon, so they all do their own things. Yandu University's Theoretical Physics major has a very average course schedule, even on weekends, but it is just because of the average, so almost half a day of class is given every day. Relatively easy.

   Follow the entrance and exit road beside the dormitory building to the school gate.

  Lin Fei suddenly saw a familiar figure walking towards him from the front left.

   It was Cheng Nianwei.

  The squad leader was dressed in white sportswear, and he was walking towards this side while chatting with a girl in red.

  The clothes on both of them have the word Wu printed on them. The big Wu character is in the middle of the chest. It looks very eye-catching.

  Lin Fei knew in his heart that these two people should have joined the martial arts club. It's just that I didn't expect the monitor to have this hobby.

   At this moment, Cheng Nianwei seemed to have seen Lin Fei coming from the opposite side. Smiling and nodding to him. Neither speak.

  Lin Fei also nodded with a smile in return.

   Neither of them spoke to say hello, they just passed by. (to be continued)

