MTL - Kendo True Explanation-v4 Chapter 407 catch two

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   "Dai Li, can you wait for me here for a while? I'll go buy some drinks." The man gently pinched the woman's cheek, and touched her forehead with his forehead very affectionately.

   "Well, go." Dai Li whispered.

  Then stood still and watched the man walk quickly towards the convenience store not far away. She smiled, and her heart was full of unresolved sweetness.

  Suddenly she heard what seemed to be a snap behind her. In the afternoon, the black flip phone rolled down to her feet from behind.

  Dai Li quickly squatted down, picked up the phone, and turned around.

   There is no one behind. From a distance, I saw a few children chasing pigeons, laughing and laughing tens of meters away.

  Daily frowned and turned around.

  But found a young man walking sideways in front of her.

   "Thank you for picking up the phone for me." The man approached with a smile.

   "Is it yours?" Dai Li handed over the phone.

   "Yes. I accidentally dropped it and rolled a long way." The man had a very gentle expression, and he took the phone and thanked him repeatedly.

   "Oh, by the way, your name is Dai Li? I heard your boyfriend call you that just now." The man said suddenly.

   "What?" Dai Li was slightly taken aback.

   "But why do I remember that your name seems to be Scarlet Wing?" the man said softly.

  Dai Li's pupils shrank. Suddenly, there was a blur in front of my eyes and I couldn't help but blink, and the man in front of me disappeared without a trace. As if it never appeared in the first place.

  A chill rose in Dai Li's heart. She turned and looked around.

   There is no trace of that man at all.

   "Dai Li? What's wrong with you?" The boyfriend came back with two cans of peanut milk.

   "Nothing" Dai Li lowered her head and said with a forced smile.

   "Are you feeling unwell? Why don't we go back and rest first?" the boyfriend thoughtfully said.

   "Okay." Dai Li let her boyfriend hold her hand.

   The two quickly left the square. Just behind the two of them.

  Lin Fei smiled and watched their backs. There was an inexplicable gleam in his eyes.

   Two days later...

  Dai Li's originally tense nerves also slowly relaxed. No one without a strong person came to trouble her, it seemed that what happened that day was just an illusion.

   "Maybe it's just a passing strong man who knew me before," she comforted herself.

   Then life went back to the good happiness with her boyfriend again.

   It happened to be shopping today with a buddy I met in Huaguo and my boyfriend. She also felt relieved. Don't think about it any more. After all, even that thing did not warn.

  The three of them walked slowly and ate with a handful of kebabs each.

   After a day of shopping, it is already afternoon and evening.

  The sky gradually dimmed. There are already night market food stalls on some streets, and the bright yellow lights are turned on early. There is still a smell of barbecue in the air.

   "Sister Dai Li, you never mentioned anything about your family. Are you not worried about your family after you have been out for so long?" Yao Qin, a girl from Huaguo, asked casually while eating meat skewers with a mouth full of oil.

  Dai Li held her boyfriend's hand.

   "No, I will call back every once in a while. Huaguo is so much fun that I only play for a while, it's still too early to go back." She speaks Chinese fluently. After speaking, he raised his head and looked at his boyfriend happily. She met this boy named Lin Yang during a trip to Huaguo to relax. She didn't know how she fell in love with him, everything seemed like a classic plot in a romance novel. She was robbed, and when she was about to fight back, Lin Yang stepped in to help fight back the robbing gangsters.

  So the two got to know each other logically, and they both had a certain liking for each other when they looked at each other, and then they both learned that the other party also came out to relax and travel. They simply play together together.

  As time goes by, the beats of the two become more and more in tune, and their relationship becomes deeper and deeper.

   Until one time when Dai Li returned to China, she learned that her older brothers and sisters were all exchanged by her father for the friendship of another strong man. Sadness, shock, fear, anxiety, all emotions were mixed together and she finally chose to escape.

   And before escaping, she took away a magic weapon of her former mother. Used to hide and protect oneself. …

   Until now, back to her boyfriend Lin Yang again.

   Lin Yang seemed to see that Dai Li had something on his mind, but he didn't ask any questions. Just hug her tightly.

   "By the way, there is a store with really good pot stickers over there. I'll go and buy some." Yao Qin, the buddy next to him, ate the things in his hand a few times and said loudly. "If Lin Yang also came along, I can't take so much by myself." Yao Qin wiped his mouth.

  Lin Yang was about to refuse.

  Dai Li in her arms gently pushed him.

   "Go, Yang." She lowered her face and said softly, "I like eating pot stickers very much, can you bring me some more?" She raised her face and showed a flattering smile.

  Lin Yang frowned.

   "Okay, how about you come with us?"

   "No, I'm a little tired, so I'll take a rest here. Please." Dali said softly.

   "Okay." Lin Yang glanced at her worriedly. He suddenly had a premonition, a bad premonition. But since Dai Li said so, he had no choice but to let go of his arms around his girlfriend's waist.

  Dai Li watched Lin Yang and Yao Qin walk into a series of small stalls together, until only a little figure could be seen vaguely.

   "It's time to go. Miss." An indifferent voice suddenly sounded from behind.

  Dai Li froze all over. Turn around slowly.

  On the street in front of her, two tall and thin figures stood quietly in front of her.

   "Alan is you," Dai Li said with a complex expression. "You should know that you can't keep me alone." She said calmly.

  One of the men nodded.

   "Of course, a young lady with a magic weapon in her hand is not necessarily an opponent even if she is a golden bat. Therefore, we naturally cannot just come here like this."

   "so early"

   "So, and us" another voice interrupted him.

  A blond man appeared behind Dai Li with a smile. Behind him is a tall man with blood-red eyes. There is a golden cross in the man's eyes, with a slight golden level." Dai Li's face froze, and she turned around slowly.

   Only then did I realize that I didn't know when I was completely surrounded.

  The passers-by and pedestrians around them kept walking between several people, but directly penetrated them like phantoms.

   Except for Delly, no one could see them if they wanted to.

   "Dai Li!" Suddenly, Lin Yang in the distance turned pale and rushed towards this side. The pot stickers in his hand were scattered on the ground. He didn't know when he saw the situation here.

  The same goes for Yao Qin on the other side.

   The two looked at this side from a distance. Run over here quickly. . .

  Dai Li was directly surrounded by a group of people. One of the blond men turned slightly to look this way. An inexplicable smile appeared on his face.

   "I'll go with you" Dai Li lowered her head and said with difficulty.

   "A very sensible choice."

   "As long as you don't hurt them." Delly said shyly.

   "Of course." The blond man smiled.

   Several people hugged Dai Li and turned around. hiss mm

  A light blue halo slowly appeared around them. The space began to slowly distort. It was a sign that the teleportation was about to begin.

   Lin Yang and Yao Qin rushed this way desperately, but it seemed that they would never get there. The distance of only a dozen meters in the middle has not changed at all.

  The blue halo is getting stronger and stronger.

   "Dai Li!" Lin Yang's eyes were bloodshot and his skin turned red, obviously because the flow of Qi and blood had reached an extremely high level.

  Suddenly everything froze.

   "It seems that you are still determined." Suddenly a frivolous male voice echoed from the surroundings.

  Everyone's footsteps stopped.

  The cross in the eyes of the strong Nicholas family became brighter.

   "Who? Come out!"

   There was a light laugh.

  A brown-haired man in a white suit jumped out of nowhere and landed in front of everyone with a bang. He put his hands in his pockets, looking relaxed and freehand as if he was just strolling around.

  A depressing strong wind suddenly shook with the appearance of the man, blowing the corners of everyone's clothes flying.

   "Dai Li, long time no see" he showed a cute smile to Da Li.


   There was a soft sound. The man in white disappeared instantly. …

  The surrounded Dai Li's eyes suddenly glowed red, and a red bead appeared in her hand in the blink of an eye. He slammed it **** the ground. With a snap, she disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already beside Lin Yang and Yao Qin.

   "Go!" A voice came from the void.

  A blue power grid shrouded the few people who reacted fiercely. But in an instant, it was pointed and broken by the strong Nicholas family. But at this moment, the three people in front of them disappeared directly.

  Boom! !

  Suddenly, a huge pressure came crashing down.

  The surroundings quickly quieted down, and all the traffic disappeared, leaving only empty stalls and car shops.

  Everything remains the same, but there is no one. The hiss sounded again.

  Dai Li, Lin Yang and the three unexpectedly resurfaced in the same place.

  The three of them were stunned.

   Silently, the man in the white suit also staggered beside the three of them. His face was extremely ugly.

  The air was completely frozen like amber.

  Everyone felt extremely dull in their chests. An extremely heavy pressure pressed **** his body, and he could hardly breathe.

   "What is Scarlet Wing that can make you give up everything and be with an ordinary person?"

  A plain voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.


  A flash of lightning flashed in the sky.

  Lin Yang and the two raised their heads, but they saw the sky in horror. They didn't know when it was already covered with dark clouds. Countless black clouds slowly formed a huge vortex, spinning continuously.

  A clear sound of footsteps came from far to near.

  In the shadows in the distance.

  A slender figure walked out slowly.

  He held a white ordinary long sword in his hand. Just walk over here step by step.

   "First Councilor!"

  The people from the Night Castle on one side, as well as the blond-haired Royce and the powerful members of the Nicholas family all lowered their heads in awe.


   Another huge to terrifying pressure descended instantly.

  The air also seemed to start to distort. Plop!

  Everyone fell to their knees unconsciously. Lin Fei was the only one standing in the audience.

   "Tell me what it is?" Lin Fei stared at Dai Li. His eyes clearly reflected Delly's frightened face. . ).

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