MTL - Kendo True Explanation-v4 Chapter 412 meeting one

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  Anyway, the matter of Snake Girl is over.

  She just passed on the information and images of that person to the rest. Asking to help her pay attention, there is no other request, it seems that I have made up my mind to do it myself.

   Sunny at 14:42 p.m. in San Francisco, USA

  In the living room of a hidden dark night castle

   "I always have a feeling that Snake Girl is likely to stumble this time." The Night King stood in front of the balcony with a glass of red wine, and said softly.

  Lin Fei sat on the black leather sofa behind him.

   "Exactly, I have the same feeling." He said lightly, "Maybe this person

  Night King nodded: "It just so happens that she has already started to mobilize the fangs and began to collect the whereabouts of that person all over the world. What is your attitude towards her?" The Night King asked bluntly.

   "I don't have any attitude." Lin Fei said lightly, "In my golden organization, the capable go up and the weak go down. If she can't do it, she will let the able one go up. That's all, survival of the fittest, the law of heaven and earth."

   "That's right." The Night King turned around and looked at Lin Fei who was sitting on the sofa. "The weak prey on the strong. If she is really defeated, her position should be taken by the person who defeated her. I think this person has great potential this time."

"Same." Lin Fei nodded and said, "This young man and the Holy See are only in a cooperative attitude. They are both dream eaters, this genius son of the void, and should have been one of my golden members. Wait, if he can Surviving under the chase of the old witch, Snake Girl, will grow faster." Lin Fei drank the red wine in his hand in one gulp. "I am looking forward...."

  The Night King also smiled and raised his glass to go along with it and took a sip.

   "By the way, I heard that you were molested by that old pervert from the Tower of Wisdom?" He smiled. He looked at Lin Fei who had removed part of his disguise.

  Black hair with shawls, slender and perfect body proportions, beautiful to bewitching neutral face, white jade-like skin. Whether wearing men's or women's clothing, it is almost perfect.

   No wonder people get molested.....


  The wine glass in Lin Fei's hand suddenly shattered into countless pieces. It turned into a pile of glass ash directly out of thin air.

  He said blankly: "Where did you know?"

   "Don't worry. The Tower of Wisdom is not without my people. I saw you teleported with that disgusting old man. With the character of Esses..." He didn't finish, but the meaning was obvious.

  Lin Fei said lightly: "I've sent someone to go to Europe. I heard that the old guy has two good properties there."

  Night King couldn't help laughing and said: "You move very fast." He didn't struggle with this aspect.

   "The four-armed snake demon troop belongs to you. By the way, if you have time, you'd better organize your subordinate branch. Among the several councilors, your branch is the most chaotic."

  Lin Fei nodded: "Okay."

  He stood up, "Then I will take my leave first."


  The Night King watched him instantly dissipate into countless golden spots of light. Shaking his head slightly, he picked up the wine glass and took a sip, with an expression of enjoyment.

  Lin Fei left Dark Night Castle and went directly to his own branch base—a submarine base in Huayu Kingdom.

   As the place provided by two other b-level councilors who do not live up to their names. Although this submarine base is called the seabed, it is actually only in the shallow layer of the ocean.

  An uninhabited beach in Linhai City, Huayuan Country.

  The waves of the sea wash the yellow-brown sandy beach forward, like a white line that keeps advancing and retracting.

  On the beach, a figure appeared out of thin air.

  This figure has a perfectly neutral face, black hair with a shawl, and the whole person stands quietly on the beach, as if he has been standing there for a long time from the beginning. He was wearing a milky white slender windbreaker, revealing the black shirt and jeans underneath. Put your hands in the pockets of your windbreaker.

  He just stood on the beach, his face indifferent, the afternoon sun fell on him, reflecting a light golden luster. Gives a sacred and sharp presence.

   This person is Lin Fei who just came out of the Dark Night Castle.

  Lin Fei looked down at his feet.

  Looking through the beach, through the soil layer, you can directly see the position tens of meters deep below.

  There is a small black disc placed there. Concentric circles of black rings are constantly rotating on the disk.

  Each ring is engraved with a large number of complicated runes and lines.

   This is the projection positioning device developed by Jin Jin.

   can be used by all MPs for direct positioning projection.

  But such a projection device, because it is artificially manufactured, is a new product that is barely manufactured by combining the power of the dream eater and technology, so naturally there is not much power attached to it. …

But the good thing is that in this thing, the real power seed is used and the device that integrates the real power seed is used. For other congressmen, it can only be an ordinary projection transmission device, but for Lin Fei, it can be used directly. A good thing for sending body clones.

  You must know that for a level A powerhouse, the avatar is actually a part of the main body. Possesses great strength.

  So coming here this time, Lin Fei is actually equivalent to coming here in person.

  Lin Fei quietly stood on the beach, looking at the surrounding environment.

  The sea breeze gusts, and the sea water rushes onto the beach again and again, bringing out the sound of rushing water. Leave some seafood residue on the beach.

   On the sea in the distance, several fishing boats are moving slowly.

   Obviously, although this place is considered no man's land, there are still people who have set foot here.

   Lin Fei felt that in this era, it is impossible for the entire earth to have completely untouched territories.

  The circular device deep below has begun to emit a faint red light.

  Although it was buried tens of meters deep, a faint force squeezed out and landed on Lin Fei's avatar.


  After a soft sound, there was no one left on the beach.

  Inside the submarine sub-base

  In the silver-white metal channel.

  Lin Fei strode forward, followed by two staff members in black military uniforms. These staff members all wear a gold seal on the right chest. Obviously all gold members.

   "Have you notified everyone?" Lin Fei asked while walking quickly.

  A woman in black behind him nodded and said: "It has been notified, all ministers and commanders are ready, and are waiting for your Excellency to preside."

   "Very good." This is the first time that Lin Fei has fully summoned all the strong men and forces under his command.

  So, not only is he very cautious, but all the other strong men who have been summoned are much more cautious. It has been projected for a long time in advance**.

  In this high-level meeting in the conference room, without B-level strength, there is no qualification to participate at all. It was also an opportunity for Lin Fei to test how many B-level powerhouses he had under his command.


   Directly in front of the passage, the black metal gate at the end was suddenly opened.

  Two huge two-meter-high gates are like underground caves, revealing the black hall inside.

  Lin Fei led the two of them in with such strides.

  The whole hall is not big, just equivalent to the size of a general living room.

  A main seat is high above, facing the gate, and two rows of auxiliary seats are placed opposite each other below, leaving a full ten metal seats on one side.

  Lin Fei strode towards the main seat with two female subordinates in black.

  Every time he passed a position, illusory figures automatically appeared on the deputy seats on both sides.

   Facing Lin Fei.

  These figures bowed their heads in awe, showing respect.

  There are ten people in total. These ten b-rank powerhouses are all the power under Lin Fei's command now. Jiandian has three subordinates, the three brought by Sith, and the two branches add up to four, exactly ten.

  Among them are Yuan Yicheng, Ye Yuhua, Jin Yi who is far away in Fengyang City.

   There is also a Sith fighting for artifacts in Europe, and two other European men. One has blond hair and blue eyes, the other has dark skin, bald head, and a huge scar on the right side of his face. These two are the first batch of b-level powerhouses fused with true power seeds to help Sith operate in Europe.

They were originally high-ranking members of the European artifact family, either for ambition in their hearts, or for other purposes. Although they are still members of the family on the surface, they have indeed completely betrayed the family in the interior and completely fused with the true power seed. Life and death are in Lin Fei's hands.

  Then came the head and deputy head of the branch under Lin Fei's command.

   strode through the passage between the two rows of phantoms. Lin Fei also sized up the leaders of the two major divisions under his command.

  As the actual controller of Alisa’s Gate, he is faintly one of the strongest councilors, so the branch he is assigned naturally will not be a general branch.

  He has two branches under his jurisdiction,

  One is the Special Operations Department.

  The head of the department, Toshikuro, is a Japanese, and the deputy head of the department is also a Japanese woman named Toyoda Lingying. Dong Sijiulang was tall and tall, with two small beards, he looked more like a westernized oriental. He was dressed in black tights, highlighting his strong muscles, but he was a bit short.

  Toyota Lingying is wearing only a few pieces of cloth to cover important parts of her body casually. Showing a hot figure and beautiful wheat-colored skin. Originally wearing You Weeping and a silky white shirt. But this woman's jeans directly exposed most of the area below the waist, and they almost couldn't cover anything. It was as if the whole trousers were hung on the body, and they would slip down if they were not careful.

   Lin Fei was indifferent to the Japanese. As long as he can be loyal to him, he doesn't care about any power. In his opinion, Japan's humiliation to China was just caused by the law of nature that the strong are respected. Back then when Japan was strong, it was normal for China to be bullied. Just like now, he is strong, so the two ministers and deputy ministers can only obey him. The two fused the true power seed. Life and death are in his mind. This is also the truth of the law of the jungle.

  However, when Lin Fei walked past the two, the eyes of the two Japanese showed a sense of fanatical admiration. The respect and awe in his eyes far surpassed that of others.

  Another directly-administered branch of Lin Fei is the so-called United Front Work Department.

  The United Front Work Department is one of the most powerful parts of the entire golden organization.

   In other words, it is the War Command, which is in charge of all the golden legion-level and troop-level departments.

   It is the four-armed snake monster army promised by the snake girl. After it is returned to gold, the control of this army will be handed over to the United Front Work Department for management. In other words, in disguise, it was handed over to Lin Fei for management.


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