MTL - Kendo True Explanation-v4 Chapter 423 Advent II

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  Usually I find those coworkers who are obsessed with **** not pleasing to the eye, but this time I gave her a set of miniskirts and stockings for selfish reasons, didn't I deliberately make her look ugly? ! It made her feel hot all over now, and every time the male creatures around her passed by her, they would leave hot eyes on her. Searchlights are particularly uncomfortable.

   "Hello, Annis, is there anything wrong?"

  The group leader's voice came from the in-ear earphones next to her ears.

   "There's a fart situation!" Annis raised her watch to pretend to check the time, but she was actually calling back.

   "The people above are getting nervous after watching too many sci-fi movies. Why do people from our intelligence team have to join in?"

   "How do I know? But do you really think those people don't exist?" The team leader's voice was a bit weird.

  Annis was stunned: "Does it really exist? Which country's biochemical weapons? Or aliens invading the earth?"

   "I don't know about these, but I also saw that video." The team leader's voice revealed a trace of solemnity. "Anyway, our intelligence team is fine. It's rare to see Anis's **** outfit. Wouldn't it be great to take a vacation? Haha..." His voice became relaxed again.

   "You bastard!" Annis put down her watch and turned off the communication. She twisted her **** uncomfortably again. The black skirt was too tight, making her uncomfortable.


  Just before she put down her watch, she suddenly felt her forehead hit someone in front of her.

   "You don't have eyes!" She yelled loudly.

   Looking up, he was suddenly taken aback.

   Standing in front of him was a young man with a beautiful face, or just describing it as beautiful seemed a bit inadequate. He wears gray sunglasses, and his skin is fair and crystal clear. The weirdest thing is that on his forehead, a delicate golden pattern is printed on the center of his eyebrows like embroidery. Gives a beautiful to enchanting temperament.

  Annis suddenly felt slightly dazzled.

"Excuse me.

  " The man apologized gently, "But I have been standing still. ’ He shrugged innocently.

  Anis blushed.

   "Then you mean it's my fault?" Her voice got louder.

   "Of course." The other party looked at her gently.

  Annis looked at each other unswervingly. In just a few seconds, she was completely defeated.

   "It's too dazzling..." She finally couldn't help rubbing her eyes. Just looking at each other for a few seconds, she felt as if there was a faint golden light radiating from those eyes.

   "Okay, even if it's my fault, shouldn't you be more graceful as a man?"

   "Okay, pretty lady, if you insist." The other party nodded indifferently. "Sorry for bumping into you, beautiful lady." He took off his sunglasses and bowed slightly in apology with a smile.

  Annis couldn't help but burst out laughing.

   "Forget it, it's my fault."

   "By the way, I'm actually a tourist from other places. Can you tell me about the city and its surrounding attractions?" the man asked gently. Very polite.

  Annis ignored the other party's attire, but it was not much different from that of a tourist. Except for the tattoo between the eyebrows, it was considered a standard tourist attire.

   "We are Northcent City, and the largest playground in the UK is here. The rest of the attractions are not as famous as this one. I suggest you go and have a look."

   "Northent, England??" The man was slightly taken aback. "Excuse me ma'am, may I ask what year and month it is now?"

  Annis looked at the other party with an idiot look on her face.

   "Of course it is April 3, 2031."

   "2031!" The man was stunned. Seems a little surprised.

   "Are you okay?" Anis thought to herself, could it be that she met a lunatic who just came out of the lunatic asylum?

   "I'm fine." The man came back to his senses, and smiled politely at Annis. "Thank you very much for your clarification. I still have something to do, so I'll go first."


  Annis stared blankly at the other party, turned and left calmly.

   "Anis!! Oh my god! What are you doing!??" A voice came from behind her angrily. "What are you doing?? No matter what you call me! Don't tell you that you broke this year's equipment again!"….

  Annis came back to her senses. There was also a gloomy expression on his face. Turning around, she saw a half-bald middle-aged white-haired man walking towards her quickly.

  She raised her wrist and said softly in a sweet tone.

   "Dear team leader! If my sensing equipment is intact, what will you do!" She looked at the watch on her wrist that had been completely blown up, and was stunned for a while.

  The top of a huge clock tower.

  Beside the gray-black railing, a middle-aged man stood quietly, looking up at the distant scenery. The man was dressed extremely gorgeously, with a golden robe, a golden gemstone belt, and exquisite black boots. The most eye-catching thing was the two light golden mustaches around his lips. The mustaches were shaped like a figure eight, giving people a The feeling of European western classical aristocracy.

  "It's a wonderful world." The man took a deep breath, as if he wanted to carefully remember the smell of the whole world. "There are no supernatural beings, no original power, and no potential energy. Only the power of dreams is so strong! So powerful!"

  A black figure flashed behind the man instantly.

   "This is the perfect world created for us!" Sombra almost exclaimed. "Master Griffin, I don't know if the others understand it clearly? When do we start?"

  The man with a golden mustache is the avatar of Griffin who entered Alisa's gate.

"I have notified several others. If it is confirmed, this city will be the first step in our occupation. The experts I brought have already explored around here. Energy stone mines are very rare in this world, but if we can fully Occupy, this will be our own territory, even if our own independent space is scarce, it is enough for us golden."


   Several voices appeared behind Griffin.

  The snake girl is dressed in a gray-white robe, with a cane that is higher than her head, and there are two scarlet snake eyes on the top of the cane. The whole person is like a witch who concocted witchcraft in ancient times, weird and mysterious. Her face was full of dense wrinkles and age spots like rotten wood.

  Night King and Luo Jia are still the same, a grim old man in a black suit with a smile on his face.


  The last golden shadow instantly appeared on the roof.

  In a cloud of golden mist, a slender and handsome man stepped out of the mist, with golden patterns faintly shining between his brows.

   "If there is no objection, then let's start." Griffin looked directly at the handsome man who appeared at the end. "You have no objection? Lord Yanfei."


   This person is exactly Lin Fei's avatar after entering Alisa's gate.

   "Everyone form an array!"

   Griffin raised one hand.

  A circle of golden light suddenly flew out of his hand.

   fills the sky above the crowd,

  The golden circle of light rotates slowly, with countless golden runes and symbols interspersed in it.

  The five figures quickly stood up separately, forming a circular formation.

  The golden halo rose slowly, then gradually grew larger, and finally enveloped everyone completely.

   "Teleportation circle, open!" Griffin lightly sprinkled fine black powder. The powder in his hand floated with the wind, and instantly turned into golden light and ignited.

  The five of Lin Fei corresponded to the five nodes of the golden circle of light standing under the circle of light.

   "The Eye of Nora!" Snake Girl snorted.


  The golden circle of light suddenly lit up. With the five people as the center, a golden beam of light rose into the sky in an instant.

   Through the clouds, through the blue sky. It's like shooting into infinite interstellar space.


  The world became completely dark in an instant, and countless dark clouds slowly gathered. The sky above the entire city was slowly shrouded in countless shadows, and lightning and thunder continued one after another.

  The golden beam of light connects the sky to the ground. Naturally, the city below will not be unnoticed.

  Countless vehicles quickly braked and stopped on the road. Some drivers hurriedly got out of their cars and looked up at the sky.

  Some residents living in the building walked out of their homes and looked up at the golden beam of light in the sky.

   A moment later, the siren of the police car approached quickly from far to near.

  In the distant sky, helicopters flew from the tops of some buildings. Quickly approach here. The sound of the propeller spinning was endless. …

  But the driver in the driver's seat also stared blankly at the golden beam of light.

   Inside one of the helicopters.

  A blond man turned pale.

   "Damn it! It's those people again! Notify the headquarters!"

  The two black men behind him also reacted quickly. One of them hurriedly took out their mobile phone to make a call, and the other quickly took out a tablet computer to calculate something.

  "My God" the black man just turned on the computer, and saw the exaggerated display data on it, the curves that are usually smooth, but now they are constantly rising and falling like waves. It is changing drastically.

   "Who are these people!??" the black man murmured. "Is this still human?!"

  As soon as the radio wave was sent out, it was interfered by powerful energy radiation and could not be transmitted at all.

   "Damn it! I can't make phone calls!"

  The helicopter keeps spinning in the air.

   "The console is out of order! The magnetic field is too strong!" the driver yelled in horror. "Skydive!"


  The helicopter exploded suddenly, turned into an orange fireball, and rushed into the middle of a building. Suddenly there was a scream from the crowd

  On the street below.

  Anis looked up at the sky dumbfounded.

  Beside the golden beam of light, a familiar figure of a man appeared in front of his eyes. It was the man who had just met her.

   "Fake" she murmured under her breath. She knew that maybe she would never forget the scene in front of her. The soaring golden light beam is like a key, opening a door to hell...

  The sky pierced by golden beams of light. A huge black void slowly appeared.

  The clouds moved out of the way automatically, and the huge black black hole slowly rotated like a vortex. . ).

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