MTL - Kendo True Explanation-v4 Chapter 428 spread one

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  . In the sky above the two cities, large expanses of demon power hovered, forming two huge vortexes, constantly absorbing the power in the surrounding air.

  Lin Fei had a knowing smile on his face.

   "Competition? Take this world as home."

  His eyes looked in the direction of Northcent City, and he seemed to be able to meet the same pair of golden-patterned eyes.

  Lin Fei knew very well that Griffin was either the Black Flame Lord or the chosen inheritor. Such a strong person would definitely grow extremely fast! In this environment full of monster power, there is almost no limit.

  Every time you demonize a person, you can get a source of demon power seeds. In this way, what Griffin and he are going to compete for is who has the greater proportion in the process of demonizing the entire world.

  Whoever can get more sources of demon power seeds will be stronger!

   "In this case, let's start." Lin Fei shook his head without any further hesitation.

  He reached out and pointed to the sky.

  A golden light flew out and disappeared into the clouds of the sky.

  Lin Fei has never fully let go of her demon power, or never in the real world.

  And now, under the pressure of Griffin, he completely let go of the shackles on the demon power for the first time. Completely release the demon power contained in one's own will out of the body.

  That seemingly simple golden awn is actually a collection of all the demonic powers in his body, and the concentration is frighteningly high.

  The sky slowly darkened. The whole sky went dark.

   Little white snowflakes are falling slowly. There are many, all over the sky. The temperature dropped rapidly, and snowflakes fell on the city, on the wreckage of buildings, on the faceless corpses, on the panicked cars. Soon a thin layer of white was laid...

   Several fires quickly dimmed, and thick black smoke rose.

   "The original owner of the ice crystal, or the power of the ice crystal demon king. It's really extraordinary." Lin Fei sighed sincerely as he admired the snowy scenery all over the sky.

  Anis in his hand was shivering from the cold at this time, her hair and eyebrows were all condensed with a layer of hoarfrost. The cold caused by this kind of demon power is far from being comparable to ordinary severe cold. Even her demonized physical fitness. Can't resist either.

  Hearing Lin Fei's sigh of emotion in a low voice. Annis trembled all over. I twisted my body a few times.

   "You guys! What the hell!?? God? Demon? Or aliens?" She asked in a low voice, seemingly angry and at a loss. Outraged by the disappearance of so many human lives beneath the city. And bewildered is at a loss, bewildered about one's own destiny.

  She is just an ordinary person who suddenly saw this near-massacre tragedy. Naturally, I was terrified.

  Lin Fei ignored her.

  This woman is just a test subject he chose, not only for demonization experiments, but also for experiments on other issues. Can't kill her yet.

  He carried Anis and slowly descended. On a messy street.

  A raging fire was burning on the side of the street. Two cars collided with each other. After the explosion and burning, a fashion store on the side of the road was ignited.

  Snowflakes are falling, and the intense biting chill is getting worse. The flames were also fading rapidly.

  The ground has been covered with a thick layer of white. Step on it and rattle.

  Annis felt that her whole body was about to freeze into ice, and every time her heart contracted, she felt as if she was inhaling a cold current, which was icy cold to the bone. She wants to move her joints. But it was already difficult to move, and all the joints became stiff.

  Lin Fei glanced at her. There was a glimmer of light in his hand. It turned into a light golden ball of light and enveloped Anis. Insulate from the cold outside.

  The snowflakes are getting bigger and bigger, and there are countless white spots flying over the entire city.

  The city became more and more quiet, only Yuan Yicheng's violent sword pressure could be heard from afar. One building after another kept collapsing. The city seemed to have become an uninhabited city in a short period of time. …

  Lin Fei walked slowly with Annis in his arms, and with every step he took, he covered a distance of tens of meters.

  Annis clearly saw that some corpses lying on the ground by the roadside had turned into popsicles, and their bodies were covered with a thick layer of white.

   She also became more and more horrified. This kind of means can change the weather by one's own power, perhaps only mentioned in the myth.

  Lin Fei glanced at her. His hand shook. Anis was stunned directly, and she threw it on the ground.

   "The power of the ice crystal original owner. It is really strong." He looked up at the sky. Not just the sky here, this moment. The entire sky of most of the UK may have been completely plunged into this cold climate. It was equivalent to forming an extremely cold current with his own power.

  In the entire surrounding area, only the breath from Griffin resisted the impact of the cold current. Everything else was icy, with snow covering everything that could be covered.

  Lin Fei raised his wrist and glanced at his watch. It was minus eleven degrees.

  The temperature in Solomon City dropped from the original nineteen degrees to minus eleven degrees.

   This speed, this level, is indeed very powerful.

  The coming of the cold air made Yuan Yicheng end the massacre work ahead of schedule.

  Lin Fei watched him fly up into the sky from a distance, cutting out countless moon-white light spots with a single sword, and slowly falling with the white snow.

  Every place where the light spot fell, a huge pit more than ten meters wide was blasted out. The movement is not small but silent.

   Below Solomon City, the entire core urban area was completely turned into ruins. Not a single living thing to be seen, blood and stumps everywhere.

  The few remaining intact cars are still beeping the alarm. Harsh and lonely.

  Yuan Yicheng threw out a light spot, turned around and flew in front of Lin Fei.

   "The core urban area should be enough." He whispered.

  Lin Fei nodded.

   "There should be 100,000 people in this area. After the snow is over, less than half of the people who can survive should be enough."

   "So can we start?" Yuan Yicheng asked.


  Lin Fei swiped casually.

  A wave of air swayed away, clearing an open space around him.

  He stretched out his right hand, and a ball of red light the size of a fist flew out from his palm. floating in front of me.

   "Blood sacrifice, begin." Lin Fei looked calm.

  The red light ball is suspended, and countless liquids flow inside, like blood.

  A cold voice came into Lin Fei's mind.

   "Start the blood sacrifice and test the sacrifice."

  The red ball of light flew out of the blood spot of the tent with a snort, and flew in all directions.

   Each blood point fell into each corpse precisely. Turn it into a blood-flesh mixture. float up.

   Around the entire block, all the corpses turned into **** of blood, floating in mid-air.

   There was a faint sweet fragrance in the air.

  Lin Fei's complexion remained unchanged, and he stared intently at the red light ball in front of him. The spherical surface is constantly twisting, as if something is about to arch out. Constant struggle.

  The voice of Jiandian sounded again.

   "Sacrifice testing is over. The standards are met. There are a total of 114,322 people within the scope of the sword master's strength. Has the resurrection of the blood sacrifice started?"

   "Start." Lin Fei glanced at Yuan Yicheng, who nodded knowingly. He jumped back, submerged in the heavy snow, and began to be on guard.

  As soon as Lin Fei finished speaking, the red ball of light suddenly lit up, and the surrounding area was full of fragrance.


  A group of blood cells flew into the red light ball, merging into it like milk and water. Immediately afterwards, other blood cells flew into the red light ball one by one.

  The time passed by one minute and one second, half an hour later.

  The red ball of light had grown twice the size and was as tall as a person, floating in front of Lin Fei. Influx of a large number of blood cells. make it bigger and bigger.

  Lin Fei stared intently at the ball of light. This is the most important part of the blood sacrifice process. Once interrupted, all previous efforts will be wasted. So he didn't dare to relax at all. …

  The distance is fully funneled into all offerings. It's still about halfway.

  Although the flying speed of the blood cells is fast and the fusion speed is also fast, the number is too large and it must take enough time.

   Soon, another half hour passed.

  The blood cells finally fused.

  The red light ball was already the size of a two-story building, and it was suspended heavily in front of Lin Fei. Inside was glistening with blood, and a human figure was slowly emerging.

  Lin Fei tried his best not to loosen his body. He knew that the next contract transfer. This is the most troublesome part of the whole process.

  Jiandian will transfer the master-slave contract from the main body to him through this process.

   Throughout the process. He had to bear the impact of Star Lord Ning Que's massive memory.

   For a powerful and ancient existence like Ning Que, the memory of its existence surpassed Lin Fei's for a long time. Compared with his vast memory, Lin Fei's memory of just a few decades is undoubtedly a drop in the ocean, and if he is not careful, he will completely lose himself.

   "Start transferring the contract mark." Jian Dian's voice just fell. Lin Fei felt his brain go numb, and a stream of fluid flowed in quickly.

  Scenes flashed in front of my eyes, and countless voices mingled in my ears.

  Lin Fei trembled all over, standing in the heavy snow with his eyes closed.

  His face turned from red to white, and became paler. The blood on his lips faded slowly, and dense beads of sweat continued to appear on his forehead.

   "If you can't bear it... then you will be destroyed!" Lin Fei struggled and whispered.

The impact of a large amount of memory made him almost forget who he was, and more and more memories made him seem to become the star master Ning Que. He experienced his whole life, from childhood to adulthood, from learning swords to becoming a star field elite , and then to intercepting and killing the disciples of the enemy sect with a sword...Scenes of experience flowed before Lin Fei like a cloud of smoke.

   This is when he is most vulnerable. If a strong person attacks him at this time, even a C-level power is likely to seriously injure him.

  If a large amount of memory is unbearable, you will lose yourself and become the person with the deepest memory. This is where the drawbacks of the Sword Code revive the strong lie.

   In other words, it should not be called a disadvantage, but a test.

This is the test set by the Sword Code to elevate the sword master. In the process of resurrecting the strong, the sword master's mind and spiritual cultivation are constantly tempered. In the repeated memory shocks, if the sword master's mind is not destroyed , will become stronger and tougher!

  Lin Fei stood quietly in the snow, motionless. As a strong A-level, the force field on his body naturally separated the heavy snow. Not one fell on him. But a thin layer of ice condensed on Lin Fei's body.

  This is the part where sweat is condensed by low temperature.

time flies.

  The sky gradually darkened.

  The entire city of Solomon was originally gloomy, but when the sky dimmed, it became even more dark and dead.

  On the street, the few surviving billboards were quietly lit.

  The rest is darkness.

  While the building was destroyed, many infrastructures were also destroyed, including power lines. It would be nice to have a few billboards still lit.


   There was a crisp sound.

  The brightness of the billboards also disappeared.

   Obviously, this is because the power supply outside the core urban area has been cut off. The entire Solomon City has experienced such changes. Although people from the outside dare not come in, it is okay to cut off the power and water sources.

  Lin Fei stood in the middle of the street, his eyes closed tightly, and the golden pattern between his brows shimmered, illuminating the area several meters around.

  The red light ball in front of him was beating like a heart.

   One click, one click, very rhythmic. A dull pressure radiated out along with the beating, covering a range of hundreds of meters around.

   "The transfer of the contract was successful. The resurrected person, Ning Que, has complete strength: 100%. Is the excess blood sacrifice energy stored?" A cold response sounded like the sound of heaven. …


  Lin Fei slowly opened his eyes, a trace of fatigue flashed in his eyes. The golden pattern between the eyebrows also dimmed.

  The huge red light ball shrank rapidly, shrinking to the height of a person in the blink of an eye. Turned into a full-body middle-aged man. The man has a silver pattern tattooed between his eyebrows. Dressed in a head of silver hair, with a calm expression.

  Lin Fei closed his eyes, raised one hand, and a white light flew out, turning into a suit of clothes and falling on the man.

   "We meet again. Star Master Ning Que."

  Ning Que smiled and said, "Get rid of Star Master. Call me Ning Que."

  A silver light flashed on his body, and he put on his clothes in an instant. It's just a set of white fencing society basic sword clothes.

  Lin Fei nodded.

   As for Ning Que, if he hadn't released the water, he probably wouldn't have been able to revive him. As a one-star master, Ning Que's strength is definitely not as simple as that of ordinary A-level. In other words, Lin Fei himself didn't know how strong Ning Que's true strength was.

   But at least it is stronger than himself.

  The shackles of the sword code are far less binding on high-level powerhouses than low-level powerhouses. Therefore, Lin Fei's attitude towards Ning Que is more of a cooperation and friend attitude. Of course, when he really needed his help, under the constraints of the contract, Ning Que still had to help.

   "How many years has it been since you came out last?" Lin Fei asked suddenly.

  Ning Que was slightly taken aback, as if he didn't expect him to ask this question.

   "About 20,000 years, I can't remember clearly. Time doesn't have much meaning for an existence like me." He said indifferently. "I was sealed in the sword code, and I will always remain at the moment when I am the strongest. Under the power of the king's court to reverse the law, everything about me is at the peak."

   "Remember who beat you back then?". Lin Fei was more interested in this. He didn't see this scene in memory recall. It stands to reason that Ning Que should have the deepest impression when he was killed at the strongest moment, but unfortunately, Lin Fei did not see any relevant information.

   "I don't know." As soon as Ning Que mentioned this, a gloomy look appeared in Ning Que's eyes. His face also twitched slightly. "Actually..." He pointed with one hand, and a silver circle surrounded the two of them, forming a sound insulation layer. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.



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