MTL - Kendo True Explanation-v4 Chapter 448 Violation and one

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  In the reddish sky in the afternoon, a blue trail streaked across the heads of several people. Fly towards Naga Canyon.

  Looking from a distance, Lin Fei could see three women with oriental faces wrapped in their tracks. They all have cold faces, gorgeous clothes, and a black robe.

   Seemingly aware of Lin Fei's gaze, the leading woman lowered her head and looked down coldly. It happened to meet Lin Fei's eyes. In a trance, she seemed to see the other party's eyes as infinite deep whirlpools, like two black holes, firmly attracting her sight. A kind of icy chill came to my heart instantly.

  Suddenly, her face turned pale and her whole body trembled. Almost fell from the sky.

   "Sister Liu Lin?! What's wrong with you?!" The two women behind were shocked, holding the leading woman with one hand. Both of them saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

   You must know that this woman named Liu Lin can be said to be the top three top powerhouses in the organization. A strong person of this level is not to mention that the body is immune to all poisons and diseases. But it will never happen suddenly when flying at high altitude.

  The woman known as Liu Lin took a deep breath with difficulty. Shen Sheng said.

   "There is a terrifying strong man below, don't look down!" She suddenly stopped the two girls from looking down.

   "I almost fell under the influence of the potential energy naturally emitted by his eyes!"

  The two women turned pale when they heard the words.

   "How is it possible!? A level that can make Liu Lin sister unable to resist... How many years has it been since a strong person of that kind of ancestor level appeared?!"

"Nothing is impossible. Fortunately, the other party didn't have any malicious intentions. He just glanced at us casually. I guess we were flying too arrogantly. We'd better land and walk later." Liu Lin said with lingering fear, "I once heard the teacher say something Strong people don't like people passing over their heads, and now it seems that I am too arrogant."

   "Remember the cold aura among the people below, don't try to provoke him! We will go back directly after completing our goal! This time the Naga Temple is beyond our control."

  The other two women responded at the same time and nodded one after another.


  Lin Fei quietly watched those people flying by in the sky. Look away.

  He doesn't like fanfare. But it doesn't mean that others can be unscrupulous in front of him.

  The three-person mercenary team around found nothing. Just checking the supplies of equipment and equipment brought.

  Facing dangerous places like the Naga Temple, no matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful.

   Ten minutes later. The sky was getting darker and darker, and only a small half of the red sunset was still in the sky.

   "Okay, let's go." The girl sitting in the back row of the car said softly.


  With a bang, the car engine started quickly and drove into the entrance of Naga Canyon.

  As long as the Naga Canyon does not enter the temple, the rest is not dangerous. The car only encountered a few weird black spiders, and after shooting them out, they never encountered any more problems along the way.

  The strange thing is that when entering the valley. There was a white mist all around, but after driving for a few minutes, the mist gradually dissipated, revealing the canyon inside.

  Where it comes into the eye. It was all barren. Black broken stones can be seen everywhere, scattered everywhere, and there is no grass on the ground. Gray and white stone piles completely covered the interior of the canyon. Every time you walk a certain distance, you will encounter some stone pillar forests like forests.

  The hard stone ground did not leave any traces of walking. It was as if the entire canyon was empty and no one had ever entered.

  Driving the car all the way in, the bearded man in the driver's seat had serious eyes, always paying attention to any movement around him.

  The other thin man is constantly checking his equipment and supply bag. Although there was no expression on his face, his nervousness could be seen from the repeated mechanical movements. …

  The girl named Nini and Lin Fei sat in the back row. At this time, I was also a little nervous.

   "Are you coming soon?" She asked without thinking.

   "En. Sass, assign things!" The bearded driver whispered.

  The Thin Man immediately starts taking items from the supply pack. Three small black backpacks. He first handed it to the big man driving, and then to the girl Nini.

  Nini took the small bag and was about to carry it on her back, when she spotted Lin Fei who was sitting beside her and frowned slightly. A trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, as if he was hesitating about something. But immediately stretched out his hand in front of the thin man.

   "Bring me another one! Sass."

  The skinny man Seth frowned and looked at Nini without speaking.

   "Hurry up." The girl urged, "I know you are still prepared."

  Sass shook his head slightly.

  But Nini still insisted on looking at him. The two looked at each other for a moment. In the end, Sass lowered his head and took out a small black bag again.

  Nini grabbed it and handed it to Lin Fei beside her.

   "Here! This is a first aid kit, which also contains emergency tools and emergency contact devices. It can be of great use in times of danger."

  Lin Fei didn't take the packet. He didn't expect that the other party would suddenly offer him something other than employment. This kind of small bag is obviously a relatively precious thing for this team. I didn't expect that the girl named Nini actually gave him the last spare first aid kit because of extra kindness.

"Take it." Nini said impatiently, "Don't you run away from home like the young master last time? These days, spoiled young masters and young ladies like you don't know anything, and just want to come out to explore the world. I've been bored all day long."

  Lin Fei took a deep look at her, which was kindness without reason that he couldn't understand. He took the small bag, although it was useless to him, but he was still somewhat curious about this kind of kindness without distracting thoughts.

  Originally, he planned to kill these people directly before entering the temple. But now the girl's move changed his decision slightly.

   "I don't know what the purpose of those people who flew in just now is. We have to be more careful." The beard didn't mind the girl's actions, and he probably got used to it.

   "Being able to fly in the air for a long time, either has flying props and advanced defensive props, or is a strong person whose strength has reached C-level. It is different from us ordinary mercenaries of D-level." The thin Sass said in a low voice.

   "Why don't we go?" Nini said suddenly.

   "What are you talking about?!" The bearded man said displeased. "I'm your second brother, what did your elder brother say when he left?! I won't look at you...!" Before he could finish speaking, he disconnected abruptly.

   Suddenly the atmosphere in the car became dull.

   Lin Fei looked at the three of them curiously. It seemed that these three little guys who were only D-level wanted to enter the temple for an unknown purpose.

   None of the three spoke.

   "Second brother, third brother, I really don't want you to do it for me..." Nini became depressed.

   "Don't be afraid, we are at the gate of the temple, and we will come out as soon as we get something." Sass lowered his voice. In other words, his voice was originally so low that he couldn't hear any emotional fluctuations.

  Lin Fei was somewhat reminded of Xiaoyou's companion, Chris.

  Both of them are the same taciturn, and they also like to do things silently and express their feelings with actions.

  After what they said just now, the three of them seemed to be a little depressed.

  No words all the way.

   Soon after turning two corners, the car stopped at the edge of a pile of rocks.

  In front of the stone pile is a dense stone forest. Cars can't go through at all.

   "After passing this stone forest, you can see the temple." The bearded man said in a low voice. Looking out the stone forest through the car window. …

  The off-white stone pillars are densely packed, leaving only a little gap for people to move forward. Each stone pillar is five or six stories high, looking like a huge maze entrance.

  After a few clicks of the car door opening and closing.

   Several people got out of the car one after another.

  Sass carefully locked all the doors. The rest came to the entrance in front of the stone forest.

   "After this stone forest, there will be a temple. At that time, our task will be completed." The bearded man looked at Lin Fei and said.

  Lin Fei nodded, reached out and took out an amber egg-sized power stone, and threw it directly.

   "This is your reward. The other half will be given to you when it arrives."

  The bearded man nodded. Take the energy stone.

   "Okay, check the equipment again and get ready to go in!"

   Both Sass and Nini began to carefully check whether they had forgotten anything. Nini even pinned a large black pistol to her waist. The muzzle was about the size of a fist, almost as thick as a small gun barrel.

  Sass had a small silver round shield pinned to his arm, and a small scythe embedded in it, as if he was using an unusual weapon.

  The bearded hands also wore a pair of lavender fists with sharp steel thorns on them. He bumped his hands lightly against each other, making a sound of gold and iron. Can't help but nodded with satisfaction.

   "o!" He made a ready gesture.

  The three of them walked in front, and Lin Fei followed behind.

   Entering the stone forest, surrounded by tall stone walls and stone pillars, it is difficult to identify the direction at all, and can only move forward with the pointer in the hand of the bearded leader.

   "By the way, why do you want to enter the temple?" Lin Fei asked casually.

  Nini, who was walking in front of him, glanced at him.

   "Why ask so many questions? Anyway, when we get to the place, our employment relationship will be over."

   "Just curious." Lin Fei was not angry either. His eyes fell on Nini's slender waist in front, the girl's beautiful curves were completely highlighted by the tight leather jacket.

  Suddenly he raised his head, just in time to see the sight that Seth moved away in front of him. The other party must have noticed the way he looked at Nini.

  Sass hesitated for a while, walked up to Nini, whispered something in his ear, and the two exchanged a few words quickly, but they used an unknown language with a strong local accent.

   Then the bearded man in front also heard the voice behind, turned around and stopped, and said a few words.

  The three of them talked with each other for a while, Nini was silent for a while, and suddenly said a word. Immediately, the expressions of the other two people changed, as if they were in a hurry to persuade them to say something.

  But Nini looked determined, she just shook her head slowly.

   After a stalemate, the two men compromised. ()



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