MTL - Kendo True Explanation-v4 Chapter 456 Deepen one

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  In addition, the power of inheritance is actually the common dream of many inheritance families.

  Whether it's Phil, or Chris, or Meryl.

  They are only weak in the supernatural world and in the other world. Every time he is hunted down, he is passively counted. I have already had enough of this kind of life, and no one will shrink back from the most likely opportunity to inherit the power of inheritance in history.

   But unfortunately, Lin Fei couldn't do anything about it.

  Outsiders must pass through the portal if they want to enter the sealed place. But that door itself has a spiritual imprint. Not everyone can come in and out at will. Only those related to the energy scepter can enter.

  Lin Fei quietly looked at the screen, Lin You and others entered the portal.

   The moment Lin You stepped into the portal. The blue crystal ring on her finger suddenly dimmed.

   This means that the connection between Ring and Lin Fei has been directly severed. It also means that the distance between the etheric plane and the main plane transmitted by the portal is greater than that of the inner and outer worlds. After all, even in the other world, Lin Fei can freely project.


  The portal on the screen slowly closes. shrink into a small dot. Then it disappeared into the air with a snap.

  There is no one around the woods.

  Lin Fei then looked away.

  Ning Que's phantom figure slowly appeared beside him.

   "The golden press conference has been held, and other congressmen are ready to go." He said calmly.

   "Okay, I'll be right there." Lin Fei nodded.

   This press conference was an exposure of Gold officially surfacing. All MPs will appear directly at the reception. Officially declared to be the supreme hall of the dream eaters. A unified plan will be formed for the world of dream eaters that has always been scattered.

   This was also the content that several people had decided in advance.

   "In addition, Snake Girl retreated to the second line and became the golden elder. Griffin discovered and recommended a new councilor to come up. He thinks it is very suitable."

   "Newcomer? Is it the dream eater who was there?"

   "Yes, known as Hades, the Hades."

   "It's him." A flash of clarity flashed in Lin Fei's eyes.

   Hades, the legendary king of the underworld. In fact, it was only because the legend of this person was deified. Because he is Hades, the world gave him the title of Pluto every time she appeared.

   Just like Griffin's troll king. It's just that the title of Pluto is well known among ordinary people.

   "However, people in the other world prefer to call him Hades Hades." Ning Que added.

   "Since it's him, then I voted for it." Lin Fei didn't hesitate.

  Hades' power is mysterious and unpredictable, and he is a strong man of the same era as Griffin. At that time, he was a top powerhouse who could be compared with Zeus and Ares of the pantheon, so naturally he couldn't be weak. Moreover, until now, Ares, Zeus, Poseidon and others have all fallen one after another, Pluto is still alive, which shows its mysterious and powerful nature.

   Another point is that Pluto is one of the few dream eaters who are deified among ordinary people. It is also one of the three remaining top dream eaters who have not been included in the gold so far.

   "The time is coming soon." Ning Que urged.

   "Let's go." Lin Fei caressed the artifact of truth and lies in his hand.

  In the magic side of the world, on the side of Mount Aijasda, Baixiangshan Castle

  In the magic side field. The highest mountain is the Aijiasta Mountain Range, and the second highest peak in this mountain range is the Aijiasta Mountain.

   The Baixianghua Castle standing on the top of this mountain is the location of the press conference "Baidu Qihang No Text" provided by the magic side's strong support for Jin. "Baidu Qihang has no text"...

   After all, the power of gold is still not as powerful as these old brands. At least it's not comparable in the other world.

   Now the golden color has not yet started the plan to establish strongholds in the inner world. Now the areas that can be occupied by the watch world have been divided up by many forces, and the rest are either barren and dangerous areas, or the garrison of the Alliance of Cities. If you want territory, there is only one way - fight!

  Gold has no plans to **** territory from the Alliance of Cities.

  The tall Baixiangshan Castle is one of the three famous castles on the magic side. It was originally owned by the Duke of Baixiangshan from the League of Cities in the Inner World, but after being killed by a powerful man from the magic side, the castle became owned by the magic side.

  The castle covers an area of ​​thousands of square meters, in the style of white spiers, surrounded by tall white oak trees. Therefore, Baixiangshan Castle is also called the homophonic White Oak Castle.

  On weekdays, there are very few people coming and going to the castle. Only when there are important events to hold a meeting, the tower owners of the magic towers will come to hold a meeting.

   But today, things are a little different.

   The sky around the white steeple castle.

   Beams of different colors flowed into the castle continuously. Like colored dots.

  In one of the blue beams.

  A young man with a red left eye and a white right eye was flying towards the landing pad at the top of the castle.

   "Estin. Are you here too?" A slightly surprised female voice came from one side.

  The man turned his head and looked, a red beam of light flew to his right, inside which was wrapped a beautiful woman in red with brown hair and blue eyes.

   "It's you? Rosa, didn't you go to track and report the current situation of heresy? Why did you suddenly withdraw?"

"I applied to be transferred here. The Dream Eaters are a huge force, but there has never been a unified voice, resulting in very little influence. If they can all be unified this time, it is likely to form a very strong force." Power. Affects the internal and external world structure." The woman in red smiled coquettishly.

   "But if you say that, why didn't any force want to unify the Dream Eaters before? Could it be that so many forces will honestly abide by the original treaty?" the man wondered.

"They have the artifact of true lies. The ability of this artifact may be tasteless to dream eaters, but I happen to know a little secret that ordinary people don't know." The woman in red paused and continued, "Really The artifact of true lies, for dream eaters, is a tasteless artifact that will cause pain as long as they hold it. But for supernatural beings, it is the source of all evil in legends, not to mention holding snatching, it is close to a certain range , will be quickly assimilated by the artifact, all abilities will disappear, and you will become an ordinary person. Of course, if you are lucky enough to have the physique of a dream eater, then you will be transformed into a dream eater. So the inner world and the outer world have strong abilities The reason why the dream eaters don't touch the dream eater is because of this artifact, generally only b-level powerhouses can resist the assimilation power of a complete artifact. The lower ones, just for a moment, will kill all the abilities in an instant. But Artifact components don’t have this ability.”

  The man is thoughtful.

   "That's why the supernatural beings don't bother to pay attention to the dream eaters?"

"Yeah, they won't be able to make a big deal anyway, and they will fight you and me in order to compete for the ability of assimilating the dream eater of the artifact, weakening their own strength. There is no need to worry that they will grow up by themselves. But the appearance of gold seems to be a little bit Deviation. This is inconsistent with the original plan." The woman in red frowned.

   "Since the artifact of truth and lies is so powerful, why is no one interested?" The man was even more puzzled.

"I've been interested in it for a long time." The woman in female clothes explained, "A group of researchers on the magic side have studied it a long time ago, and came to the conclusion that it is a storage device with a very simple structure, which contains a little space connection function. This is The essence of the artifact. But the detailed content stored in it and the space it is connected to. Those old research madmen just looked regretful and did not announce it. They just gave up the competition for the artifact. Publicly declared that it is worthless to the supernatural. .Later, other interested forces retreated on their own. As for the secrets in it, I don’t know.”….

"In this way, this artifact is likely to have little practical value, or have other fatal flaws. Otherwise, with the personality of those research freaks, as long as they have a little research value, they will hold on to it. What's more... "without

  The two talked while flying, and soon landed on the landing pad at the top of the castle.

   Along with some reporters who also arrived together, in the reception of the golden stationed staff, they walked to the inner conference hall of the castle.

  Estin roughly asked about the dream eater. Only then did he separate from the woman in red. Head towards the seat set up for the Mage's Eye.

  As one of the most famous magazines and newspapers in the industry, Mage's Eye is naturally quite famous. In addition, he is also a b-level powerhouse, so he naturally received a grand reception.

   Some delicately packaged small "Baidu No Qihang Text" gifts were delivered one after another to the seats, as well as drinks, fruit snacks, etc., and there were two beautiful girls waiting for orders and service.

   Beside them are reporters from other weekly newspapers, all of whom are B-level experts. Most of these strong people have a long lifespan and have nothing to do, so they become many media reporters. By the way, find a backer. After all, big media is also a big force.

  Generally speaking, when B-level strong become reporters, their interview style is very high. There are no A-level or B-level peak characters, and other things rarely attract them.

   And there are only so many such strong characters, so these b-level strong people spend more time busy with their own affairs, and only occasionally act as guest reporters. Perhaps among these reporters, there are people who have built a powerful force themselves.

   "Estin, I didn't expect you to come too?" Not far from the left, a deep male voice came from a seat.

  Estin looked up. "You are... Samba?!"

   "Do you remember me?" The man was a black man with a bald head and a white suit, and his white teeth cracked when he laughed. "We met once in Egypt two hundred years ago, remember?"

   Estin was taken aback. Then he seemed to remember something.

   "Are you... the officer who followed Napoleon's invasion? Aren't you white?"

   "Tanned." The black man grinned again.

  At this moment, several people wearing white gold-rimmed robes came out slowly and sat on the opposite side of all the seats. There was a row of curved metal seats.

   Voices suddenly came from around.

"I'm coming."

   "The top member of the golden legend."

   "All those who wear white gold-trimmed robes?"


   Other reporters around were chatting quietly.

  Estin looked over carefully.

   Sitting on the far left is Luo Jia. This bald old guy is not unfamiliar to him. He is one of the more famous and ruthless characters in the supernatural world. He is the strongest supernatural being in India. Unexpectedly, he is actually a dream eater in essence.

   Then there is the Night King, and Night Castle is also a well-known top medium-sized power in the watch world. The legendary vampire legend is derived from them. The Night King himself is known as Cain, the legendary ancestor of vampires. There are countless information about him, so naturally there is no need to read too much.

   Then came Griffin, the troll king Griffin, who was once fierce and mighty, and was known as one of the three great demon kings in the age of mythology. Compared with his essence as a dream eater, his power as a supernatural being is obviously more conspicuous. Since he himself admits that he is a dream eater, it shows that his real strength is still the power of a dream eater.

  Thinking of this, Estin felt a slight chill in his heart. Griffin himself is the top powerhouse. He is the top powerhouse of the same level as Ares, Zeus, Athena and others back then. These people are known as the strongest below the **** level. In that era, it was a deified figure! Griffin also has a mythical name, that is the legendary Apollo! Sun God! This is entirely due to his personal preference for gold.

  Even such a character appears as the dream eater himself, which means that his supernatural power must not be as powerful as the dream eater.

   In other words, Griffin is far stronger than it appears on the surface! . )

  Recommend a book: "Going to the Rooftop"

  Introduction: The heavens borrowed another five hundred years to cast me on the roof

  The rooftop is 18,000 feet high, climb up step by step and don’t wander

  In the previous life, one step away from the roof, one foot in the air, and the story of reviving in this life and starting over

  I stand on auspicious clouds, protect my body with golden light, and I am reborn, just to play a big game of chess!
