MTL - Kendo True Explanation-v4 Chapter 464 Familiar with one

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  464 chapter familiar one

  A large number of people flew out of the black hole, "and landed on the ground. Then they began to gather the newcomers around, and the whole team walked towards the central tower.

  Sitting on the high platform, Lin Fei and the others could look around the teams in every direction. It is very clear to see the situation in the fundus.

   "I heard that Fortune Roulette has found some good seedlings this time? I don't know if what I heard is true." Lin Fei said suddenly.

  Drisman smiled, with a naturally proud look on his face. "It's not bad, it's just that it has some potential. It would be perfect if Master Yanfei could mention a thing or two."

   "May I mention something?"

  Lin Fei was slightly taken aback. His eyes fell on a team directly in front of him.

In the woods.

  A group of boys and girls are walking towards this side, talking and laughing, led by a middle-aged man.

  One of the boys is the last one. With a silent expression, he quietly followed the team. The most eye-catching thing is the black long sword in his hand.

  Lin Fei looked at the boy from a distance.

   Not really handsome, just grabbing one from the crowd is a lot of types. But every time his eyes touched the long sword in his hand, his whole body suddenly felt cold and sharp.

  Although swordsmen will naturally bring such sharpness, in fact, every swordsman has a different temperament.

   Just like the boy in front of me.

  Lin Fei also immediately understood what Delisman meant by pointing out.

   He also used a sword, and this boy's swordsman qualities naturally did not escape Lin Fei's eyes.

  However, for some reason, he vaguely felt a faint sense of familiarity with the other party.

   "Which newcomer are you referring to?" Lin Fei asked suddenly.

Delisman smiled and said: "Didn't you already see it? Among the new blood this time, there is only one who is a master of swords. In fact, if Master Yanfei's swordsmanship club hadn't driven people to learn swords year by year increase, there may not necessarily be a person who uses a sword to become a strong person who comprehends power."

   "So, this newcomer is already a master?" Lin Fei was a little interested.

   "It's not long before I realized it."

   "Hey hey hey," ",

  The Dark Lord sitting on the side suddenly laughed a few times.

"I heard that the heretics made a special trip to the place where the Feiyan family used to be. When they came back, a young man with a sword joined him. Looking at it this way, maybe this young man is the same as the Feiyan family back then. What does it really matter?"

   "Oh? Is there such a thing?" The tower master was also interested. "I don't know if what the monarch said is true, Master Delisman?"

  Yan Shi, the once sensational swordsman. In the hearts of the strong who experienced the encirclement and suppression incident at that time, they also had a special status. After all, it was besieged by several ancestor-level powerhouses back then, and it took several days and nights to kill him. During this process, two ancestors also fell.

   You must know that the ancestor class generally has many clones. Very difficult to fall.

   And Yan Shi didn't know why he didn't have any clones, and for other ancestors, he also had the strange ability to kill all clones by killing one clone.

   It seems that his sword has already belonged to the level of beheading the opponent's will.

  dang If a person's will and soul are beheaded, no matter how many bodies he has left, it is naturally meaningless. And in exchange, it seems that he doesn't have any avatar himself.

   "I was also one of the ancestors who participated in that siege." The tower master recalled. "It was indeed a very tragic battle. Although there are many rumors and versions from the outside world, in fact, there were five ancestors who participated in the siege at that time, including me and five ancestors. The five of us were the five strongest in Asia at that time. But that time After the encirclement and suppression, two people were also lost."...

   "It's useless to have a clone?"

   Lin Fei interjected.

   "Yes, it's useless even to have a body." The master of the conquest tower nodded his head. "I'm also a sword cultivator, I don't know if Master Yan Fei knows

   There is a kind of swordsmanship that can kill opponents from the soul. "

  Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I know this kind of swordsmanship, but this kind of swordsmanship is very restrictive, both for yourself and for actual combat conditions. Most importantly, this kind of swordsmanship requires a lot of spiritual cultivation between the practitioner and the opponent The difference is the effect of beheading the will. You want to ask, what Yan Shi has mastered... ",

   "Sixi. As far as I know, the swordsmanship mastered by Fei Yanyanshi should be this kind of swordsmanship."

  The Dark Lord sneered twice.

   "What's the use of such a thing? After practicing, you can't guarantee your own safety. You can kill others, but you lose the greatest advantage of being the ancestor."

   Several people also fell silent.

   It seems that they are thinking about something.

  Lin Fei turned his attention back to the rookie who wielded the sword.

   The middle distance is several kilometers, but his vision is not disturbed by any obstacles. Very clear.

   After the Delismans explained some competition rules again.

   Then sat down in two positions on the side.

  The method used by heretics in the so-called contest selection of newcomers is the elimination system.

  Three teams, with a total of hundreds of people, are elites selected from all over the world. These elites are independent, and anyone but themselves is the enemy. And defeating the enemy to obtain the competition identity card on the opponent is the only way to win.

  The more identity cards you have, the more you will be valued by the upper class. Get more resources to grow.

   Among them, the top three come out alone to win the first place.

  The final winner will get a reasonable request to the top management. As a rule, these requirements are generally met as long as they are not too outrageous.

  The so-called identity cards are small, small round cards, more than a dozen of which occupy only half of the palm of the hand, very small.

   Along with the sky, a fiery red flare exploded into the air.

  The game has officially started.

  All the teams dispersed on their own.

  Some newcomers spontaneously form an alliance and start group hunting for small brands. And some newcomers ambushes independently and set traps.

  But the newcomer Lin Fei had been paying attention to seemed to be not very popular. Only a timid-looking girl with glasses followed behind him cautiously.

   It wasn't just Lin Fei whose eyes fell on this man.

  The eyes of the rest of the people also focused on this newcomer from time to time.

   It seems that Yan Shi's information and this person's background have aroused the interest of several people.

   "Whether he is the descendant of Yan Shi, you can tell by looking at his swordsmanship." Delissman's wife Doris said softly.

   "Back then, Yan Shi was just an ordinary scion from an aristocratic family. He had a gentle temperament and didn't like to fight. It seems that something happened that caused his temperament to change drastically."

   "I know about this matter." The tower master conquered continued. "The only people who knew these things back then were me and the other two. The rest either died, or were injured by Yan Shi in that battle and died of serious injuries. In this world, there are still There are no more than three people who know this inside story, including me. After all, no records were allowed back then."

   "I guess this is one of the reasons why Lord Delisman specially invited you here." Lin Fei said.

   For a long time, he has also sent people to pay attention to and investigate Yan Shi's matter, but unfortunately there is no news clue for so long. Except for unreliable rumors, there is no news of any value. So he was also a little curious about this. …

   After all, Yan Shi and him also had some kind of intersection in the beginning. Not a pleasant experience though.

  The tower master conquered nodded and smiled.

"Indeed. The Feiyan family that Yan Shi belonged to back then was one of the more famous families in ancient China, but it was famous, but its strength was not strong. Yan Shi was originally just one of the ordinary children with a gentle personality. One of them liked His sister, he doesn't want to learn swords, he doesn't like to fight. He just likes to read books, paintings and other sundries."

   The conquest of the tower master fell into memory.

"Different from him, his older sister Yan Jiu was stunningly beautiful and was known as the strongest swordsman in the history of the Fei Yan family. She was tied with the nine masters of the Hua Kingdom at that time. Although she was the weakest one, she was also the youngest. Later, it seems that due to an incident, Yan Jiu was favored by a child of another super family and wanted to marry him. However, Yan Jiu himself did not agree. In order to avoid the pressure of the family, he ran away from home and only had a relationship with Yan Shi. Contact. Later, after a series of events, it seems that the elder Patriarch of the Feiyan Family, in order to increase the power of the family, designed Yan Jiu's favorite younger brother Yan Shi to write a letter asking Yan Jiu to come back.

After Yan Jiu came back, she was held by Yan Shi for her sister's good, not to let her sister become a traitor who betrayed the family and was hunted down to death, so he sneaked up and drugged Yan Jiu, but Yan Shi was coaxed by the family to hand over Yan Jiu. , Yan Jiu was sealed off, married into the previous family, and later seemed to be tortured to death by that family. It was only later that Yan Shi found out that the aristocratic family itself practiced martial arts such as harvesting yin and nourishing yang. Yan Jiu died after being drained of his energy and vitality by the living body, and his body was sent back to Feiyan's family after his death.

  As for the family's hope of taking off because of this, it is naturally shattered. "

   Conquering the tower master also let out a long sigh.

   "This incident was also a bit tragic, so I was particularly impressed. Yan Shi also changed his personality drastically because of this, and betrayed the person who loved him deeply, and the person he loved deeply. In exchange for the most tragic ending.

   For the next ten years or so, needless to say, the Dark Lord who has experienced that incident must also know it well. "

The Dark Lord sneered and said, "I have experienced such joys and sorrows countless times in my life. What is there to be emotional about? Yan Shi himself was stimulated, and he happened to have an extremely terrifying swordsmanship talent, so more than ten years of hard work Cultivate swordsmanship. Breakthrough to the highest realm. Destroyed the original family power organization of the Feiyan family. Rebuilt the family, and the character became brutal and bloody. A word of disagreement may slaughter people all over the family. Publicly declared that "those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish! , the slogan. He also believed that the organization of the aristocratic family was the root cause of Yan Jiu's tragedy, so he began to exterminate all the aristocratic families. Later they were annihilated by you. "

   "It is said that there is a hidden story in the middle." The tower master added.

"Not a few years after Yan Shi wiped out all the families, I heard that Yan Jiu was resurrected. I don't know if it's true. In fact, before we encircled and suppressed Yan Shi, he had already been severely injured. Otherwise, it was only because of the few of us who entered the world at that time. The ancestor didn't have the strength for a long time, not to mention destroying him, I guess I might not be able to escape from Huaguo."

   "Oh? Is there something hidden in the middle?" Lin Fei was listening intently.

   "Yes, I've heard of this." Doris continued. "It is said that Yan Jiu, Yan Shi's sister, was reincarnated and resurrected. I don't know exactly what happened.

   "Yan Jiu? Resurrection?"

  . )

  This manual update is provided by "Qihang Li Ping, I am".

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