MTL - Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils-Chapter 1114 Weak Amethyst

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This figure is exactly Su Yu.

Su Yu used the power of will to disperse himself and the flesh into molecular atoms and attached to one of the gold's bodies, not even the six kings of gold, even concealed them.

It was only at the moment when the "violet iron gate" with eighteen layers of protection opened, that he reorganized everything into his original appearance, grasping in his right hand the cocoon that was flowing with purple blood, because of the rupture. The six kings of gold who were listening to the order of Ziluo who was preparing to close the "Purple Gold Iron Gate" kicked his body in half and folded it in his left hand. The "Purple Gold Iron Gate" that was closed by yù shocked and stopped. Came down. Novel Chapter Updates Fastest

The six kings of gold in the surrounding area returned to God, screaming "ah" and took out "" and wanted to attack. Su Yu's figure flickered along the gap of the opened purple gold iron gate, carrying the flesh cocoon, Escaped.


Ziluo chased after him one step behind, and stretched out his hands, completely slamming the purple gold iron door that opened a gap, but he saw the vast and boundless space on the front and a towering tree standing in the distance. The ancient tree and the colorful river, but outside, were empty and empty, and Su Yu disappeared without a trace with her child. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"Bastish things you can't escape. In our world, you won't be able to do anything ... You dare to hurt my child. I want you to never be born again. I want you to suffer all the pain in the world-"

Zi Luo issued a sharp and screaming roar. The big man of the "Amethyst Family" was at this moment like a madman.

Su Yu took the cocoon and turned into a rainbow. In order to cover up the breath, he rushed into the colorful river, dived into the colorful material, and then swam down the river towards the distance.

This colorful material energy tumbled, and it really covered his breath and the calluses. When Violet rushed out, he did not feel the slightest breath and clues. Su Yu did not hesitate at all, and desperately faced the bottom of this colorful river. He rushed away from a distance, the speed reached an astonishing realm, and even when Su Yu felt a little tired, he finally stopped and estimated the distance. I was afraid that he was far away from the building where the purple was. Wu doesn't know how many countless light-years it is, and Ren Ziluo's ability to master the sky can't be seen at a glance.

The world in which the Amethyst family is located is obviously indescribably high, so even Su Yu can't tear up the space here. If the "positive and negative realm" he used to be was just a house made out of mud, So here, it is like a high-rise building piled with diamonds. The mud-soiled soil house can easily be destroyed and toppled down, but it is too difficult to push down and destroy this diamond-built high-rise building.

The Amethyst family is too powerful to stand on top of all living beings. Only in this way can the solid space bear their survival.

Su Yu took the flesh cocoon, slowly followed the colorful material, and climbed out of the river bank.

Although Su Yu's current body is too large to describe from a human perspective, but because the world of the "Amethyst" is also huge, the buildings or trees and rivers inside are as large as one to one. Su Yu can't feel her hugeness, even looking at the towering ancient tree far above him in the distance, Su Yu feels her body is small.

The Amethyst can breed giant gods and treat them as pets. Their bodies are not thinner than giant gods.

Su Yu climbed ashore and looked at the rolling towering ancient trees in the distance. Among the ancient trees, there were faintly shaped buildings, and on the other side, there were rows of buildings with different styles. Thing.

Su Yu frowned slightly. Naturally, he didn't dare to approach the rows of buildings. It should be the gathering place of the "Amethyst Clan". Now the safest place is to enter the rolling forest.

Su Yu didn't hesitate and rushed towards the distant woods.

He now needs time to digest what Su Guozheng left to him, and his brief encounter with Zi Luo made him understand that now he is not Zi Luo's opponent. He wants revenge, but based on his current ability, I'm afraid it is not enough.

"Father's enemies ... and Ada, who stayed in the realm, Ziye and them ... can be said to have fallen under the control of that violet, now she is most afraid that she will transfer her anger to me To everyone in the realm ... no matter what, I need to become stronger in the fastest time to be able to fight with the violet. "

Su Yu murmured, and soon shot into the forest, flying all the way into the mountains, he needed to find an absolutely quiet place.

The great will was quietly launched, and he found that there were other beings in the forest besides himself.

These creatures are strange and different in form. They do not have the purple gold skin like Ziluo. It can be determined that they are not "amethysts." In terms of the breath he senses, although they are not weak, they are not how strong they are. Su Yu's estimate should be the original souls living in this forest.

Su Yu didn't want to startle them. Once she noticed these creatures, she noticed them far away. So she went deeper and deeper. There was a loud noise called "Boom", followed by a scream ~ www.novelbuddy .com ~ Su Yu's heart is a little stunned, and her huge will has "seen" a humanoid monster that looks like it was pushed out of a pile of rocks and fell to the ground. A huge hole has been opened in the body, and further away, There are a pair of young men and women who are very young in appearance. They are walking here while joking.

This pair of men and women who look quite young has the same purple gold skin as the violet. The handsome appearance of the man and the beauty of the woman. Excluding that weird purple gold skin, these young men and women are just like Jin Tongyu girls. They all had weird things in their hands. It was just the woman who used this ancient monster, a little far away from the humanoid monster piled out of rocks, and a flash of purple light passed by. This rock humanoid monster screamed in response. But after falling down, he stopped moving and apparently died.

Su Yu squinted slightly, he could see that the weapon that the men and women only held was similar to the "purple electric bite" used by the six kings of gold under the violet, but what surprised him was that he found it They, and the two young men and women of the Amethyst family did not notice him, and talked and laughed all the way to the place where the rock humanoid monster fell to the ground.

Su Yu did not frighten immediately because she saw the "Amethyst", he stopped, slightly converged the eyebrow peaks, and silently converged, laying down a "top seal" to hide himself.

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