MTL - Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils-Chapter 1133 Remaining Blood

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Dete lifted his sword in a volley, and came towards Zi Di's heart. Zi Di's arms spread out gently, and the sound of "嗤嗤嗤" sounded, starting from his hands, piece by piece of amethyst scales emerged. For a moment, his arms and upper body went into amethyst, which was the symbol only when he reached the "fourth-order amethyst". The Descartes in the back was shocked, the figure of Zidi twisted, and the arm of Amethyst waved. Toughly shake the sword, bursting out dazzling fire ua.

On the other side, Zach and Hollo also rushed up.

They all reached the level of "Amethyst Tier III". Zach ’s purple gold sledgehammer blasted in the air. The corner of Zidi's mouth was pulled, and a slight smile was wiped out. A pair of dragon palms came together. The "decision" blasted out suddenly, and suddenly, the oncoming pool of blood turned upside down, hitting fiercely at the emperor Zidi, Zach, Hollo, Dete and others. Novel Chapter Updates Fastest

All of a sudden, everyone was caught in a panic.

Ah "Hollow came out with a sharp and terrifying scream. The cloud of blood was like possessing a spirit, pouring into his body madly towards his features, and all the other Zach, Flute, Zidi and others were the same.

In these three moments, all eight people wrapped in a cloud of blood suffered an unimaginable horror experience. This cloud of blood is like the most terrifying monster in the world, wrapped them in, and then drilled towards their body, and then twisted continuously Broken devoured their body organs. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Hollow couldn't stand it at first, and gave out a desperate and snarling growl, and was instantly devoured by the cloud of blood, and vanished into nothingness.

Then Zach and Liliana.

Although everyone tried their best to get rid of this cloud of blood, it was like an animal caught in a quagmire. The more they struggled, the deeper they got, and eventually they were completely swallowed by the quagmire.

The engulfed eight people gradually stopped struggling. After the violent cloud of blood calmed down, the eight people had been completely swallowed by the cloud of blood and turned into a pile of irregular flesh.

The ever-moving blood cloud slowly has an unusual mutation. "I saw the pile of irregular meat and mud, and slowly there was some power taking shape.

As this unknown force was gradually taking shape, Blood Cloud immediately raged again, continually gathering shocks, and seemed to want to break this unknown force apart.

The unknown force gradually formed a vortex, "which caused the flesh and blood clouds to gather in between. Soon, an imaginary shadow appeared from between.

If this imaginary shadow came, immediately sat on the knees of this tumbling cloud of blood and a lot of flesh and blood, and put his hands on his knees, as if to cultivate.

With cultivation, the raging blood cloud becomes more and more agitated, but this phantom gradually becomes "true" and becomes "a phantom of a human man if there is nothing."

The agitated blood cloud seemed to want to escape, and if a human man stretched out his hands with both hands, he completely grasped the blood cloud that he wanted to escape, so that it was wrapped around his body, and then He began to take a long breath and absorbed this cloud of blood into his body.

As the cloud of blood was continuously consumed and absorbed, the imagination of this unassuming human man gradually became clear.

Appearing is a light human man this year. The appearance of this man is exactly what he looks like.

Su Yu was regarded as the host of Zidi, Zilu's own child. Now, Zidi is, by reason, Su Yu should have died, but at that time when the clock was broken, it was also Su Yu that came and shattered. After the shadowlessness swallowed the power of the blood cloud, Su Yu's appearance was changed again.

When all the clouds of blood and those flesh and blood energy were devoured by the young man, he breathed a long breath. "The cracks began to appear on the skin, and soon a large amount of dead skin was recorded.

After taking off the twelve layers of dead skin, the absorbed debris was finally completely discharged, and the young man finally opened his eyes. A pair of amethyst eyes are like two amethysts, beautiful and mysterious. .

The young man slowly stretched his arms. His whole body skin was as human as ordinary human beings, but his only eyes, but like amethyst, seemed to indicate that he had a part of his body. The most mysterious and powerful Amethyst lineage in the world.

"Finally ... I'm completely back ..." The young man breathed a sigh of relief. Around him, the cloud of blood disappeared, and Zac, Dete and Zidi disappeared as well. All that remained was him and the pile of dead skin on the ground.

Feeling the flow of energy in 〖Body〗, this new life form and body make young men immersed in it, speechless for a long time.

This year, it is Su Yu who is a light man.

At that time, he suddenly left the Mukaichang to meet Shiro, and his father, Su Guozhen, sacrificed himself and created a chance for Su Yu to escape. Su Yu brought Zi Luo ’s baby cocoon that was not born yet. Escaped into "".

Later, when he was besieged, knowing that he could not escape, he hit his mind on the child of the violet in the cocoon.

He knew that once he was caught, he would still be used as the host of his child by that time, and then he was afraid that he would escape.

In this case, Su Yu thought of this baby with a cocoon.

Like a avatar, he planted his own consciousness into the baby's body.

Although the infant's resistance was very fierce, at that time, Su Yu had swallowed several "amethyst nuclei" to reach the first-order state of amethyst. With the help of the huge god's will, she finally succeeded in refining the baby into a similar Exist as your own avatar.

It was only that Su Yu, in order to ensure that in case, this ray of godly knowledge was planted in the core of this baby's spirit, and was extremely weak, and finally deceived Zi Luo's eyes and eyes ~ ~ After Su Yu was arrested, he As he expected, Ziluo regarded him as the host of his child, and then planted the baby equivalent to his avatar into his body, devouring his energy and growing up.

For Su Yu, this is tantamount to changing the consciousness of waking up and bringing his main body and avatar into one.

It can even win the bloodline of purebred "" in one fell swoop.

Although he imagined it well, the baby was not simple. He could restrain the consciousness that held him down. As a result, Su Yu could not be fully awakened over the years.

However, his consciousness was slowly changing the baby Zidi, so Zidi often did not know whether he should be called Su Yu or Zidi.

Su Yu took this opportunity to give the two "amethyst nuclei" to the "Made in the Realm" and the wooden man and Ada, hoping that they merged with the amethyst nuclei and broke through the realm of the realm in one fell swoop. Level of existence.

This was taken away, and until today, when the Emperor Zi was swallowed by the blood cloud, Su Yu was finally liberated, and then there was the battle between the huge will and the blood cloud.

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