MTL - Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils-Chapter 1142 Little princess

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With the crisp snoring, Su Yu turned back and saw a little girl riding a Pegasus from a distance, holding a whip in her hand, constantly beating, and the Pegasus was beaten into a panic. Pedestrians or businesspeople around dodge one after another, and it seems that these people know that this little girl is very big and dare not resist.

Su Yu frowned, and everyone else flickered around, and it turned out that he was standing in place, and the Pegasus slammed into him.

Exclaimed from all around, the Pegasus was extremely ferocious, and the collision came at once, either dead or injured. w novel chapters updated fastest

This pegasus looks ordinary, but anyone who knows the details knows that this pegasus has the blood of a demon god, and it is not an ordinary product, and ordinary gods can't withstand its collision.

The little girl immediately watched that there was someone standing in front of her, and suddenly Xingyan's eyes were wide, and she felt that her authority was provoked. The whip in her hand was immediately stretched, and he fought fiercely towards Su Yu.

Su Yu twitched slightly.

Whose child is this? Dare to be so rampant in "Ada City"?

Su Yu didn't do anything, but just glared. The Pegasus, who had the blood of the devil, who was aggressively rushed by, was frightened, and suddenly a horrifying hissing came out, and the man stood up, "Zhe Li Li" hissed, riding on The little girl above was caught off guard and was thrown out by Pegasus. w "Fiction" Fiction Chapter Updates Fastest

The little girl exclaimed, and had not been able to return to her spirits, and suddenly her back was tight and she was already held in her hands, otherwise she would hit the ground all at once and must be injured.

"Where is your lord? Who indulged you so presumptuously?" Su Yu was the one who suddenly mentioned her.

Su Yu was holding the little girl, seeing her pale face scared, and could not help but smile a little. What kind of identity he is now, naturally he would not care about such a child, just asked a question, yù let her go, but I didn't want the little girl to be shocked, she immediately turned her backhand on, and came up with a whole-body fiery red sword, and tied it down severely at him.

"Dare you do anything to me? You're dead--" the little girl screamed.

Su Yu stretched out her left finger, clamped her sword, and pulled it again, "slightly", to break her sword, which seems to be coming from nowhere.

Almost at the same moment, a few deep screams rang out in the void: "Bold, who dares to be rude to us? Don't you know this is the 'Holy Land' Ada City?"

"No wonder you are so outrageous, but it is used by adults in your family." Su Yu carried the little girl like a chicken, and when he looked up, there were already several powerful forces towards him. Strike over.

There were several warriors in black clothes, all of them rushed towards Su Yu fiercely.

Su Yu smiled a little, telling the truth, he could destroy all of this by blowing his breath, but in order to avoid shocking the world, he reached out and prepared to suppress the samurai in black clothes. At this moment, he suddenly passed away. A loud scream came: "Stop it for me-"

This sounded, the black warriors were startled, and they were busy converging and stopped, and they did not attack Su Yu anymore, but the little girl raised by Su Yu in the palm of his hand screamed with joy: "Dad-Dad You are going to kill this wicked man, he bullied me— "

With this scream, a figure came out in the air and fell in front of Su Yu. He ignored the little girl caught by Su Yu, but looked at Su Yu in surprise.

The warriors in black had stepped back to the side, gods with respectful faces.

Su Yu looked at the man in front of her, and looked at the little girl with her hands in her hands. Then she realized that they looked similar. Obviously, they were father and daughter.

"You ... you are ..." The man in front of him looked at Su Yu, the expression on his face, in amazement.

Su Yu looked at the man in front of her, and she gave a slight stun before she laughed: "Old trick."

The man who suddenly appeared was Zhang Zhongmou.

After hearing Su Yu's voice, he finally determined it, screamed, and rejoiced, "Su Yu, are you really Su Yu?"

Su Yu laughed, let go of the little girl in her hand, and pointed at her: "Old plan, is this your daughter?"

The little princess ramming in "Ada City" would be Zhang Zhongmou's daughter?

Zhang Zhongmou's rare old face blushed and nodded: "Yes." Then he shouted, "Girl, don't come over and meet your uncle Su."

The little girl clawed and shouted, "Dad, he's a wicked man, he bullied me ..." Also yù, Zhang Zhongmou already screamed angrily: "Shut up--"

Angrily rang out in the distance, "Who dares to bully my daughter?"

Along with this snoring, a green-clad woman descended into the sky and fell to Zhang Zhongmou. She was furious. When she saw Su Yu, she was shocked and said, "You ... you ..."

Su Yu laughed and said, "Old plotter, you married her."

This woman in green is the last tribe of the Muria civilization, the woman in green that can manipulate biological energy.

"Mom." The little girl rushed to the woman in green clothes, pointing at Su Yu, and she wanted to expect her mother to be angry for herself. The woman in green clothes had already looked awkwardly, "You ... really Su Yu?"

Just because of the existence of his eyes, although he has the appearance of Su Yu, he has a pair of amethyst eyes, which makes Zhang Zhongmou and the green woman dare not recognize each other for a while.

Everyone around the distant surroundings gradually felt the strange atmosphere. Zhang Zhongmou and the green woman ~ ~ including their daughter, this recognized little princess of "Ada City", which is not a means The existence of the sky? Now, how could this look so strange in front of this stranger?

And soon, everyone began to realize that the man with a pair of amethysts that popped out was very similar to the towering statue in their Ada city.

According to legend, the supreme god.

In the distant sky, silhouettes come from time to time, and it seems that the important existence in the entire "Ada City" feels something.

Soon Zhao Shichang appeared, and then Li Dong and Lei Rui came one after another.

With a smile on her face, Su Yu looked at the little girl standing next to the woman in green clothes, looked at Zhang Zhongmou, and then shook her head, "Lao Mouzi, this is really your daughter? You seem to have failed your education."

"Yes ... Yes ..." Zhang Zhongmou flushed, "All of us didn't take care of her, and she was too indulgent on weekdays."

Hearing what he said, his daughter yelled, "Dad, what are you talking about, you should listen to an outsider ..."

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