MTL - Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils-Chapter 1157 Emperor of Heaven

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A dragon with nine amethyst horns was born, and all the "princes of the clan" and "princes" and other strong men worshiped the ground.

Su Yu looked up and understood that the Heaven Emperor of the "Amethyst Family" came.

Once seen in the crisis of the "Eternal Kingdom" collapse, Su Yu understood that this is one of the nine supreme emperors of the "Amethyst Family".

"Dragon Ancestral Emperor", who has lived for an unknown number of years, is the ancestor of the origin of all dragons and even all primates in the world.

The strong men of the Amethyst tribe admiring the earth trembled, and no one expected that a little Su Yu would startle the "Heaven Emperor".

"Heaven Emperor", but that is infinitely powerful and paramount.

At that time, the "eternal kingdom" was invaded, and even the "ancestor of the world" was violent. Only such a state of affairs was worthy of the appearance of "the emperor of heaven".

Even if it is said that the three supreme beings that surpass the existence of all living beings, it is not easy to hurt the "Tiandi".

"The Emperor of Heaven" is already the real limit that souls can cultivate.

"Dragon Emperor Tiandi" suddenly descended, and other powerful ones conceded. "Tiandi Emperor" appeared, and no part of them was involved.

An indescribable coercion has locked Su Yu, making Su Yu feel that all sides of his body are being squeezed by continuous terrorist forces. "Dragon Ancestral Emperor" has not really shot, but only put his consciousness in Su On Yu's body, Su Yu felt unbearable.

"Unexpectedly, 'The Eternal Heart' will choose you. Is that a big time coming? But even if it is destiny, the power of our 'Emperor' will definitely reverse it —"

Above the void, "Dragon Ancestral Emperor" issued a majestic sound like a dragon chanting, saying complex and difficult words that Su Yu could not understand. At the same moment, the amethyst dragon shook slightly, and the terrifying dragon power instantly pressed. Come down.

Su Yu groaned, and suddenly felt that the surrounding earth began to collapse and shatter, and the world number of the "Amethyst Clan" was the most solid in the world. At the moment, it became vulnerable to the "Emperor of Heaven".

It was only under the pressure of Longwei that the ground shattered, and Su Yu was breathless, and kept sinking.

In the body, the "eternal heart" seems to have sensed an unprecedented crisis, and blood red silk threads, like spiders spitting webs, are released madly.

The major "clan emperors", "princes" and countless other strong men have fled to escape. The power of "the emperor of heaven" cannot be resisted. "Dragon Ancestral Emperor" is about to really punish San Yu. The eyes were too close, and they would also be punished by the "Tiandi" sanctions.

The "eternal power" released by "The Eternal Heart", along with Su Yu's body, blood red silk threads emerged from Su Yu's amethyst scales. This "eternal power" inherited " The power of the "eternal kingdom" is unpredictable, so that Su Yu could easily kill the clan emperors. At this moment, the "Eternal Power" was fully launched. Soon, Su Yu's whole body became bloodshot and purple. Mixed, strange and inexplicable.

"Drink-" Zhentian growled. Even if the opponent is the supreme "Emperor of Heaven", Su Yu vowed to fight with one of her wings. A pair of wings lifted back. The infinite "Eternal Power" violence impacted the downed dragon. Wei, rising to the sky, his arms wrapped in bloodshots, blasted out.

"Eternal Power" was really horrible. Long Wei released by "Long Zu Tiandi" was actually penetrated by the "Eternal Power" carried by this fist Su Yu. Then, in the blink of an eye, he came to the "Long Zu Tiandi".

Almost at the same moment, "Longzu Tiandi" swayed slightly. Suddenly, the amethyst dragon tail volleyed down, and a "bang" made a loud noise. This pumping hit Su Yu.

As soon as Su Yu rushed to the sky, she was hit by the amethyst dragon's tail, and fell again with a moaning hum.

The power of this amethyst dragon was no Tao. Su Yu was hit by the dragon's tail, and the pieces of amethyst scales on the body were faintly showing signs of cracking.

Watching Su Yu rising from the sky was beaten and dropped, the dragon horn in the center of the forehead of the "Longzu Heavenly Emperor" flashed with light, instantly turning into an amethyst rainbow.

With a bang, Su Yu fell through the body.

The distant clan emperor and other powerful masters could not see the secret vibration. Su Yu cooperated with the power of "Eternal Heart" to slaughter the "Amethyst Eighth Order" clan emperor with ease. "But it is so fragile. The horror of the" Emperor of Heaven "is simply shocking to the limit.

The nine emperors are worthy of being the ultimate peak of the soul that can be cultivated.

Su Yu was pierced through his chest by this purple light hole, his eyes widened, and blood oozing out of his nose, nose, ears, and ears. "Boom", Su Yu was nailed to the ground by the purple light turned by this dragon horn. , Can't move.

This dragon-horned purple light not only penetrated his body and nailed him to the ground, but also continuously poured into his body, vowing to burst from the destruction of his body. Among them The horror feeling is beyond words.

"Dragon Ancestral Emperor" has a total of nine dragon horns. Now the power of only one dragon horn has made Su Yu almost unable to parry. Obviously, "Long Ancestral Emperor" has not used any real power at all.

The strength of a dragon horn of "Dragon Emperor Tiandi" nailed Su Yu and broke into his body, which also stirred the crazy resistance of "eternal power" in his body ~ ~ this moment It is no longer the war between "Longzu Tiandi" and Su Yu. To be more precise, it should be the battle between Tiandi and the eternal power of "Eternal Kingdom".

"Eternal Power" is unprecedentedly powerful. The blood-red silk threads appearing on Su Yu's amethyst body are growing more and more dense. Soon, his whole body is like burning red, dense blood. The red silk thread completely replaced Su Yu's amethyst body.

"Roar--" A roar, Su Yu's eyes became blood-red, arms outstretched, grabbed the purple iris at the chest, and pulled out stiffly.

The Emperor Dragon Emperor in the void snorted softly. Obviously, he did not expect that the "eternal power" in Su Yu's body would be so powerful.

Su Yu never felt strong to such a level. The eternal power of the body was flowing endlessly, and the perfect combination with his body turned into his own strength, while pulling the purple rainbow on his chest. The light, shaking the body at the same time, the ground shattered, he rose to the sky, and the pair of blood-red wings that splayed back slammed open and waved heavily.

(To be continued)