MTL - Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils-Chapter 1177 Last battle

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Please keep in mind that this ... full of eyes ... in his eyes, no matter whether Su Yuhuai is purple or not, the crystal ancestor is the same. This kind of life-breathing thing makes it extremely disgusting, countless demon Eyes opened, the terrible luster tore the "macro" space through the gullies, and then they were crisscrossed, densely packed, and gathered towards the place where Su Yu was. [] Free text updates !.

With a thought, the "colorful weapon" that became huge with him rose to the sky "and then reached out and grabbed the colorful weapon in the palm of his hand, a feeling of soul resonance came to his heart" "colorful weapon" was taken by him Holding it in his hand and waving it horizontally, all of a sudden, he felt that this "colorful weapon" became an extension of his body ". His novel chapters are updated the fastest.

A squeak and crisp sound, "Colorful Weapons" chopped out instantly, the seven flashes of light flashed, and fell on the body of the "Thousand-Eyed Demon Soldier", and along its body, it drew along. Seven energy blasts, and Yojo tofu cut the “Thousand-Eyed Demon Soldier” from it.

The colorful weapons dragged the "Thousand-Eyed Demon", cut into its body, and burst out the dazzling fire hua "and other colorful weapons completely cut it from it. From here, the" Thousand-Eyed Demon "burst out. A lot of zero and jīng incomparable parts. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

The "magic soldier" is really a machine created by the "human race of gods", which is definitely not a natural creature.

The colorful weapons were just one blow, and they cut and destroyed the thousand-eyed queen. Su Yu himself also took a slight glance, the eyes of Amethyst Laojing glowed, and said, "Sure enough, our prediction was correct." The spiritual power of the human race, the fusion, the magical forces, the non-spiritual forces, will certainly give birth to the most powerful, the Lord of the magical demon "must be defeated, the magical soldier, when it comes to here, because, The "Thousand-Eyed Demon Soldiers" were embracing in the distance, brand-new "Demon Soldiers", one after another.

"Su Yu" continued. "Mrs. Moyù shook her hand" and threw that shield of Moyù to him.

This ink shield is exactly one of the nine "magic soldiers" they prepared for Su Yu. It has infinite power as the colorful weapon "blood armor".

Su Yu watched, "The Thousand-Eyed Demon Soldier" was destroyed by one blow and "saw the colorful weapons before he looked at it" and then stretched out his left hand to receive the shield of Moyù.

He felt the feeling of blood and soul in common once again, colorful weapons and shields of ink, in his hands, resonated "Jump. M

The ancestors of Amethyst and Mrs. Mo yù have begun to protect the crystal wall and began to retreat. The countless microcosms in this crystal wall are the brainchild of their billions of years. Although the creatures of these microcosms are in their eyes, maybe even The ants can't compare, but the whole, except for the non-living demon soldiers, "there are only a few of them and the creatures in this microcosmic universe. In the future," these "microcosmic universes," among them, may still have the opportunity to be born like Beings like Su Yu, so the "microcosm" in this crystal wall is their future hope.

In the distance, there were hundreds of various "magic soldiers ..." with four arms and three, six four tutu, and eight beasts with eight heads. Sen Leng's desperate gaze vowed to belong to the "macro universe". The last batch of Wu Sheng was killed.

Su Yu held right hand, "Colorful Weapons", left handed "Mo yù Shield" and looked back at Amethyst Ancestor, Mrs Mo yù and the Silver Giant who had just united their bodies, and then looked at being protected by their hearts It contains countless "microcosmic" crystal walls "looking back at the various magic soldiers rushing out in the distance, and in the blink of an eye, these magic soldiers" are like locusts.

The living creatures and those intelligent non-biological creatures started, and the ones who belonged to the living creatures who were able to fight were only Su Yu and him.

Life is great. Su Yu looked back at the crystal wall again and took a deep look at the "thinking world" thought of those emperors, thought of countless amethyst creatures, thought of the positive and negative world, thought of "Ada staying in the realm", Su yù, Zhang Zhongmou and other loved ones, at this moment, in his mind, he thought of a lot, and then ...

He smiled and shook his body, holding his shield on his left and holding colorful weapons on his right, and greeted him.

Behind him, the "blood armor" continued to sing, and suddenly turned into a blood yùhongguang, chasing Su Yu.

With all kinds of "magic soldiers" densely packed, Su Yu was holding a colorful weapon on the right, and out of the snarling roar, he suddenly waved out sideways.

He felt that two different energies flowed from the "mo yù shield" on the left hand and the "colorful weapons" on the right hand. This energy merged in his body, and then exploded into a more horrifying power. This power "followed him. His body, flowing into the colorful weapons, burst out.

"Booming" with a loud noise, the entire void suddenly cracked horizontally, like a blank piece of paper that had been cut out. "Ten heads of monsters were chopped at once.

The demonic soldier chopped by the waist burst out in his body, "creak", "creak", and crunched, and then scattered thousands of jīng dense parts, scattered all over the sky.

In one instant, the "blood yù armor" behind the "Ten Demon Soldiers" was resolved, and he had caught up with Su Yu and started covering his body.

In the "sound" sound, the blood armor completely wrapped Su Yu, the third force poured into Su Yu's body, and the energy of the "moy shield" and "colorful weapons" fused together. "Strength" is by no means the simple one of three plus three equal to three, but it is exploding in multiples of geometry. Instantly, this power boiled in his body, reaching an incredible level.

Su Yu emptied her body, inhaled slightly, and the second sword was cut out.

No tricks or combat skills are needed anymore, just by waving a colorful weapon at will, the space is shattered piece by piece, and the magic soldiers rushing up are wrapped up, and then shattered and shattered.

This second blow destroyed hundreds of demons.

"Is this the strength of combining our nine gods and nine kinds of magic soldiers? No, now we only have three tenon magic soldiers." We already have such power. Once the nine kinds of magic soldiers are merged, what will he be strong? What kind of level? "The ancestor of the amethyst in the back muttered to himself, he could no longer imagine, what level would Su Yu, who gathered the nine demon soldiers, be strong.

In addition to "Mo Shield", "Colorful Weapons" and "Blood yù Armor", the other six types of spheres are also ringing. The hidden magic soldiers are resonating and want to break out of the ball. "Together, burst, reversing all the might.

The energy in 〖Body 」continued to boil. When Su Yu split out in the third blow, nearly a thousand" magic soldiers "had been destroyed.

It's just that Su Yu, who fuses three kinds of "magic soldiers", is innumerable.


"Invincible ..."

In the back, Mrs. Moy and the Silver Giant looked at Su Yu's actions from afar, stunned. "They can't use other words to describe the moment Su Yu Er Su Yu stormed into the army of countless magic soldiers. Weapons and might are becoming more and more horrible, and each strike can destroy almost a thousand "magic soldiers".

But these, "Magic Soldiers", are like endless sources. The more they fight, the more the "Magic Soldiers" become more and more quickly. In all directions, the dense "Magic Soldiers" can no longer be counted. Su Yu It's like being submerged in a sea of ​​locusts.

An aura of worries finally appeared on the faces of the original amethyst ancestors and others, and at this time, among the remaining six **** in the distance, one of the blue gold balls, one The gold round rose.

This golden circle turns into a rainbow and rushes into the mantis ocean formed by the countless demons, and falls behind Su Yu, who is fighting.

The golden round wheel and the blood yù armor covering Su Yu ’s body completely melted into a golden round wheel, standing high on Su Yu ’s back, like the Buddha ’s backlight.

Almost at the same time that the golden round wheel was attached to Su Yu's body, his mouth was screaming, and suddenly the whole body shook, one after another, the glow of the rays burst out, and instantly tens of thousands of demons were destroyed.

Su Yu's strength has soared tenfold again.

At this moment, he ~ ~ has collected "Colorful Weapons", "Blood Armor", "Moy Shield" and "Golden Round Wheel". These four great efforts were created by the ancestors of Amethyst and others. The strongest came out, the "Ultimate Demon Soldier" in one, the strength in his body has already mentioned the state of no Tao.

The energy explodes, destroying and destroying 10,000 heads of magic soldiers, and following up with the colorful weapons on the right hand, kills a large number of magic soldiers once again. The gold round behind it is directly rotated, and every time there is gold, The luster was released, like a winch, and the demon soldiers were rolled in, and then shredded.

Countless "magic soldiers", the army, can't stop Su Yu. Su Yu threw "墨 yù, shield" in his left hand, and turned them into giant sky-like ink shields. "It shattered, turned around, and suddenly felt that among the countless magic soldiers, it seemed that they couldn't kill themselves." A stream of magic soldiers was split up and rushed to the distant Amethyst ancestors and Madam Moyù.

When Su Yu's heart sank, "the idea moved, and suddenly disappeared from the original place." When it reappeared, it was blocked in front of the amethyst ancestors and others, and the golden circle on the back automatically exuded a golden luster. The surging magic soldiers were rolled into the golden luster, and then burst into the sky. !! !! This chapter is finished

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