MTL - King of Gods-Chapter 12 Distribution of benefits

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"Who is that person? Look at the logo of the clothes on the body. It should be the child of Zhao."

A few of the Xin family have escaped and have a lingering fear.

Xin Fei visually observed the back of Zhao Feng’s departure and whispered: “Good and light-weight exercises! I am faster than the peak period, and the archery is not empty...”

"Hey! It’s just a guy who’s cheap and puts a cold arrow. Don’t let us catch it, or you must look good.”

Beside a martial arts triple frivolous boy, cold and ice.

The strength of the youngsters is among the five, second only to Xinfei.

His words immediately received another few people's reconciliation, hateful words: "Yes! That kid used us as a bait, it is shameless to put a cold arrow in the dark!"

"Xin Gang, the man saved our life after all."

Xin Fei shook his head.

At this time, a few miles inside and outside, there was a cry of "green head tiger king", and it stopped abruptly...

A few sons of Xin family, their faces changed.

There is no need to think at all, and the green-headed tiger king is bound to die.

"Fast chase!"

A young boy named Xin Gang, screamed and led several Xin family to run in that direction.

at the same time.

Rely on the position of the East Three Four.


Zhao Feng stood on the top of the tree, holding a heavy iron bow in his hand, panting, sweating on his body.

Below, the four-and-five-meter-long Qingtou Tiger King has several arrows in his forehead, and the original wound expands into the washbasin.

Not long ago, the head of the green-headed tiger, the tiger head at this moment, the forehead is purple and black, no life...

Zhao Feng’s subconscious mind touched the quiver and found that the quiver was empty and sighed with relief: “Good insurance!”

This is still him, the practice is "Floating Lingdu", the speed can catch up with the green tiger king.

In addition, his archery attack, the case is not false, the trick is to attack the thorns, with poison.


Zhao Feng fluttered to the bottom and stared at the huge body of the Qingtou Tiger King. After a brief excitement, he fell into thought.


His left eye, locked in two miles, is a few Xin family.

Zhao Feng stood in the same place, calm and leisurely, did not start harvesting this huge body.

Not that he doesn't want to, but it's a bit tricky.

The body of the Qingtou Tiger King weighs two or three thousand kilograms. It is difficult for the martial arts to move. In addition, the tiger king's skin is thick and thick, and ordinary swords are not easy to scratch.

After a while, the five breathless five Xin family, finally arrived at the scene.

"Kids! It’s not going to go away! The body of the Tiger King is owned by our Xin family!"

Running in the forefront of the frivolous young Xin Gang, hegemonic and proud.

Originally, he had some scruples about the strength of Zhao Feng, but when he saw that the other side was only a martial artist who was a martial artist, he was disdainful.

Their group, although one died, the strongest Xinfei exhausted, but there are four martial arts, two martial arts two, two martial arts triple.

Among them, Xin Gang’s strength is the strongest, reaching the triple peak of martial arts.

Zhao Feng stood in the same place, with sarcasm, and ignored Xin Gang.

Among these people, the only thing he is jealous of is Xin Fei.

"Xin Gang! After all, the other party saved our life, and the right to dispose of the tiger king's body, let us both negotiate."

Xin Fei came from behind and slowly spoke.

Zhao Feng glanced at him with a slight appreciation, and smiled lightly: "I am in line with my intention, such a large tiger king body, I have no tools to cut, can not move."

Can kill the Qingtou Tiger King, Xinfei contributed, Xin family to contain the Tiger King, but also died a child.

Therefore, even if he gives up half of the profits, Zhao Feng does not mind.

"Okay, fly brother."

Xin Gang was somewhat unwilling, but he was so eager to agree with Xin Fei’s prestige.

Next, Zhao Feng and Xin Jia discuss the distribution of the body of the Tiger King.

"Twenty-eight divisions, we Xinjia take 80%."

Xin Gang’s way of breaking the iron.

"Hey! Two percent profit, it's already cheaper!"

The younger son of Xin, who is holding a longbow, has disdain.

"Two eight divided? Hahaha..."

Zhao Feng suddenly smiled.

"Kid, what are you laughing at, I want to hear, how many do you want to take?"

Xin Gang faces the road with contempt.

They have many people, and they have not seen Zhao Feng in their eyes.

"Two eight, I am two!"

Zhao Feng is more powerful.

Originally, he still wanted to share with the Xin family, and he did not expect the other party to be so brazen and ungrateful.

"The kid is crazy! I have to see how powerful you are, so I don't know how!"

Xin Gang was not angry and laughed. "Awkward", a silver sword came out of the sheath, cold light, and forced Zhao Feng.


Xin Fei angered, but it was too late.

"Fantasy remnants!

Xin Gang was shaped like a wind, and the silver sword in his hand crossed a series of sword shadows in the void, sweeping Zhao Feng’s lower plate.

Looking at his posture, he seems to have to go to Zhao Feng's legs.

"It is a high-level martial art "The Wind Sword"!"

"That kid is dead, Xin Gang has already cultivated the first six styles of "The Wind Sword" and cultivated into the realm of Xiaocheng."

The Xin family, behind him, showed mercy.


Zhao Feng does not retreat, his body shape is like a little water, "唰" in the original place, bullying near Xin Gang's body.

Fast speed!

Several Xin family, including Xin Fei, only felt in front of them.

not good!

Xin Gang’s move, “Fantasy Wind Remnant”, rushed into an empty space and saw Zhao Feng’s speed beyond the regular level.

"Rage of the Wind!"

Xin Gang shouted, and the silver sword in his hand had a silver-like sword in front of him.

"Raging the Dragon!"

Zhao Feng's qi and blood condensed in the blink of an eye, and once again on the fist, the second increase occurred.

In a flash, he blended "Rangerous Dragon Fist" with "Pushing the Air" and became a violent force.

"Good blood!"

Xin Fei, who is behind, has a brow.

Xin Gang felt a violent momentum like a flash flood, and his heart was boring and very depressed.

Because of the cultivation of "Pushing the Air" to the third floor, Zhao Feng's blood and blood strength is more important than most of the martial arts.

At this time, he merged with "Ranger Dragon", and the blood broke out in an instant, almost exceeding the triple limit of the martial arts.


A shock-like collision broke out between Xin Gang and Zhao Feng.


Xin just took the first punch and spit out a blood.

The second punch.


The silver sword in his hand flew out.

The third punch.


The whole man flew out and slammed into the big tree on the side.

So terrible strength!

Strong explosive power!

A few of the Xin family, almost fell into a sluggish and shocked.

They did not expect that Xin Gang, the martial artist's triple peak, actually lost three tricks to a Zhao minority child.


Xinfei, not far away, flashed a astounding look in his eyes and asked: "Dare to ask your name."

"Zhao Feng."

The opposite boy, taking a breath, calmly accepts the fist.

"Kids! This is your luck!"

Xin Gang reluctantly from the ground, hateful and unwilling: "Xinmou and the Green Tiger King fight a lot, exhausted, with injuries, can only play 70% strength. Next time you do not have such good luck. ”


Zhao Feng did not give a smile.

It is true that after the hard work of Xin Gang, it is difficult to exert real strength. However, Zhao Feng is confident that even in the peak state of the other side, he is sure to win.

The only thing on the court that made him jealous was Xin Fei.

The strength of Xinfei has reached the level of the paramilitary. He has a full-fledged "cracking wind", which can break the big tree that the two men hold together, and even can be a frontal wounded beast, the head of the tiger, the ordinary martial arts triple, and can't even pick him up. A knife.

"Xin Gang! You are not his opponent, but you are not too ugly!"

Xin Fei slowly stood up from the ground and screamed.

Immediately, he had a seemingly innocent warfare on his body, staring at Zhao Feng on the opposite side.

Zhao Feng’s heart is a glimpse, is this Xinfei already recovering a bit of combat power?

Of course, as long as Xin Fei did not recover more than 60% of the combat power, Zhao Feng did not have to worry.

After a hard fight, Xin Fei was extremely injured and obviously could not be recovered.

"Your boxing method, almost cultivation to the peak of the fire, light weight exercises can be called amazing, Xin Mou admire, next time have the opportunity to teach one or two."

Xin Fei looked directly at Zhao Feng, praised and expressed his own war.

"Well, let me know if I have time."

Zhao Feng is not afraid.

The strength of Xinfei may be equivalent to the "Zhao Yijian" who ranks third in the middle of the family.

In the future, Zhao Feng will defeat Zhao Yijian at the ethnic meeting, and at least he will be able to compete with Xinfei.

After some competition, the two sides began to discuss the distribution of the interests of Qingtouhuwang.

"The six four divisions, I am six, you four, this is the last condition."

Zhao Feng’s grace is doubtful.

"it is good."

Xin Fei nodded and promised that several other people did not dare to disagree, and even Xin Gang did not say anything.

At this time, Zhao Feng's strength made them convinced, and even Xinfei as an opponent.

Next, the younger son of Xin, took out the tools and began to divide the parts of the Green Tiger King.

Zhao Feng nodded secretly.

He gave up 40% of the benefits, which can be described as a double-edged sculpture.

First, he has no tools. It is difficult to divide and carry the body of the Green Tiger King, and simply hand over these troubles to the Xin family.

Second, before there is not enough strength, Zhao Feng does not want to attract attention and attract enemies.

Imagine if he killed the beasts alone and swallowed all the benefits, wouldn’t it be dazzling?

Now, with him and the Xin family, killing and even distributing the interests of the Qingtou Tiger King, everything will be a matter of course.

After an hour, the body of the Green Tiger King was divided.

Zhao Feng took away some of the most valuable parts that did not occupy the volume, such as tiger teeth, tiger claws, tiger skin, tiger bones and so on.

The most valuable tiger meat, Zhao Feng is very generous, all to the Xin family.

In the end, Zhao Feng determined that he had taken away about 60% of the benefits, and then sprinkled it.

"Zhao's family actually came out with such characters. The original 'Zhao Linlong' was not the same at the same time."

Xin Fei visually observed the back of Zhao Feng, a little emotional.

"Zhao Linlong!"

Xin Gang’s heart was shocked and he was awed: “He is one of the four great talents of Yuyang City. As early as two years ago, he has been promoted to the martial arts and became a real warrior. What is this kid’s comparison? ”

The four geniuses are the rising stars in the city of Yuyang, and they are proud of thousands of younger generations.

Any one of them is a real warrior, even stronger than the average warrior.

"Don't say that it is Zhao Linlong. Even if it is a flying brother, it has the strength of a 'common warrior'. In the peak period, with only one knife, the kid can be defeated."


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