MTL - King of Gods-Chapter 2 One stroke wins

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I don't know how long it took, Zhao Feng gradually recovered some consciousness, but almost could not feel the existence of the body.

The only touch is the sting from the left eye.

Left eye?

Zhao Feng shuddered, and he suddenly remembered: Before the coma, the weird eye-shaped black beads pierced his left eye.

If nothing else happens, your left eye is likely to be paralyzed, and it can be compared with those ugly and violent "one-eyed dragons."

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng wants to cry without tears.

Hey! Hey! ......

It seems like a heartbeat, with inexplicable intimacy, from the left eye that may be hedged.

Because the left eye is the only body part that Zhao Feng can perceive, he has to forcefully perceive it.


When the mind is moving, his consciousness is actually integrated into the left eye.


In the mind, Zhao Feng’s consciousness entered a dark and empty space.

At the center of the space, there is an extremely dark, pale cyan spiral aura that extends over a foot.

"here is……"

Zhao Feng is full of fear of the unknown, such a strange scene, completely beyond his cognitive range.

His mind is attracted by the light cyan spiral halo in the center of the dark space.

The light green spiral aura, empty and mysterious, deep and innocent, slowly rotating, as if extending from Taikoo to the present, gives a sense of endless life, never ending.

Zhao Feng’s mind was taken by him, almost completely trapped, and he could not extricate himself until the ages were old and the time and space were shattered.

"Heng Gu is broken, the ancient gods are turned into trillions of dust..."

The bleak sighs of the air sighed in the dark space, as if the caves were worn in time and space.


Zhao Feng's heart trembled, and the body was cold, looking around the dark space, but did not see any figure.

The sound seems to come from the space itself.

"Is there a creature in the world that fits so well with my soul, is it fate?"

The mysterious voice is a self-talking way.

"What people, sneaking!"

Zhao Feng was frightened and shouted.

"Continue the strong power of my **** eyes, dominate the ages, control the ages - lucky juniors, don't let me down..."

In the dark space, suddenly there is a will of the wild and the wild, and gradually disappear with the voice.

Everything returns to calm...


Zhao Feng Chang breathed a sigh of relief, but he was not allowed to think more. A severe pain came from the left eye.

In the room.

The hot sun, transmitted through the window.

"Oh... my eyes."

Zhao Feng screamed, licking the red eye and the painful left eye.

At this point, Zhao Feng has regained consciousness and returned to reality.

This is my own room.

Zhao Feng was lying on the bed, and there was still some black hair left on his body. It was obviously affected by lightning.

At this point, the severe pain from the left eye made him sweat and tumbling in the room.

Fortunately, over time, the pain of the drama gradually faded.

"my eyes……"

Zhao Feng looked worried and slowly released the hand placed on his left eye.

He is not sure whether his left eye can see the light.

However, when the left eye greeted the first sunshine, the strong glare made Zhao Feng breathe a sigh of relief.

The left eye gradually adapts to the intense light and touches the outside world.

In the next scene, Zhao Feng was shocked and stood on the spot.

At that moment, the whole world, as if it had been dyed with fabulous colors, became colorful.

In the field of view of the left eye, all objects become magnificent and bright and incomparably clear.

Zhao Feng can even capture some fine dust and water vapor floating in the air, which is not the fine particles that can be seen by normal vision.

Between the eyeballs, he can even see the ants on the big tree 100 meters away, the fine lines on the leaves.

"What happened, my left eye turned out to be..."

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked and revealed a few joys.

He is convinced that his left eye has undergone some kind of change, ten times more powerful than the original eye.

Zhao Feng took out the mirror and observed it carefully: the size and shape of the left eyeball were not much different from the past.

The only difference is the center of the eyelid, which is darker and darker than the average person's eyes.

And when the full force is urging the left eye, the surface of the eyeball is a little faint.

These differences, although not obvious, have made Zhao Feng’s heart beat.

"Is it... that mysterious eye, blending with my left eye?

Zhao Feng’s heart is mixed.

After a long while, he took a deep breath and walked out of his room.

"Feng, you don't wake up one night, you can make your mother worry."

Zhao saw the son of Enron, and he burst into tears.

"Mother, I am fine! Maybe it is a blessing in disguise."

Zhao Feng grinned.

But he quickly changed his face: "Wait! Mother is saying... I was unconscious for a day and night?"

"Yes, you were caught in the thunder and lightning, and the pharmacist had seen it, saying that it was only a temporary coma."

Zhao's dry tears, some fearful look.

In the conversation, Zhao Feng’s stomach was “squeaky” and it felt hungry.

"Come! Mother wants to eat for you."

Zhao quickly went to the stove to get busy.

During this period, Zhao Feng did not stop using the left eye to observe external objects, faintly feeling his body, and some minor changes occurred.

The most obvious is the ability to respond.


At the time of eating, Zhao Feng’s eyes stared at a fly in front of him.

His left eye can clearly capture the trajectory of flies, not only can distinguish the male and female, and even the fine texture of the wings, they can see clearly.


He subconsciously waved his chopsticks.

Suddenly, the "嗡嗡" kept peeking at the sound and stopped.


Zhao Feng looked at the flies caught by his chopsticks and smiled in his heart.


It’s so cool!

Because of the left eye, Zhao Feng's reaction and sensitivity are far superior to ordinary people.

After eating a full meal, Zhao Feng was energetic enough to go to the military field.

He has an intuition that the mysterious left eye may change his life...

The left eye of the change, the silk is warm, accompanied by a seemingly no "beep" beating sound.

He did not know that with the integration of the mysterious eyes, his body and blood are changing.

Playing the battlefield.

As usual, Zhao Feng is ready to start practicing the basic boxing method.

"Ha ha ha! Zhao Feng, you finally came, I thought you would be a tortoise turtle..."

A wild laughter came from the other side of the show.


Zhao Feng is not good, looking at Zhao Kun, a big flesh, striding toward this side.

He remembered yesterday’s "about a covenant" with Zhao Kun.

With Zhao Kun’s long laughter and drinking, near the martial arts field, many ethnic buddies are gathered here.

"It seems impossible to avoid..."

Zhao Feng had to go through the scalp.

"Zhao Feng, you have to be ready. One trick! Just one stroke, I will knock you down!"

Zhao Kun’s tall body is like a tiger, approaching Zhao Feng and putting a lot of pressure on the latter.

The voice fell.

His hands and body contracted in a strange posture, like a hovering snake, emitting a cold, poisonous smell.

Zhao Feng suddenly gave birth to an inexplicable chill, as if he was stared at by a poisonous snake.

"God, it turned out to be a high-level martial art "Thirteen Change of Viper"!"

There was a scream in the crowd, recognizing the origins of Zhao Kun’s exhibition.

"Advanced martial arts, how is this possible! The general martial arts dual-family children can only choose intermediate martial arts in the "Xuanwuge", how can Zhao Kun be a senior martial?"

"You may not know the situation, Zhao Kun's grandfather is the elder of the family..."

"It is no wonder that Zhao Kun is sure to win a trick. It turned out to be a "Thirteen Change of Viper"!"

Many family children around, could not help but shudder, and even some younger brothers who had overcome Zhao Kun were exposed to a dignity.

"It is actually advanced martial arts."

Zhao Feng sucked in a cold air.

In the Zhao family, the children below the martial arts are generally low-level and intermediate-level exercises.

As for Zhao Feng, there is no promotion to the martial arts, and he cannot enter the family Xuanwu Pavilion. Even the low-level exercises can't be learned.

The advanced martial arts such as "Thirteen Victims of Viper" is far superior to the low-level and intermediate-level exercises, and it is not comparable to the basic exercises.


Zhao Kun only brought a lot of pressure to Zhao Feng, as if he had to move a little, he would be attacked by a viper.

"No wonder Zhao Kun is sure to beat me!"

Zhao Feng's heartbeat speeds up. Under normal circumstances, he may not be able to catch a high-level martial arts blow.

What's more, that Zhao Kun's cultivation is better than him.

Hey! Oh...

Under unprecedented pressure, Zhao Feng felt his left eye, frequent beating, and there was an excitement to try.

Zhao Feng could not help the left eye with full force, and settled on Zhao Kun.

At this time, no one found out that Zhao Feng’s left eyeball surface was flooding with an imperceptible micro-Zhuze...


Zhao Feng suddenly entered a super-visual interface: Zhao Kun in the field of vision, the body was enlarged and pulled closer, and every subtle change in his body, including the contraction distribution of breathing, heartbeat, body muscles and veins, was reflected in his left eye. Take control.

At that moment, the speed of the world's objects seems to have slowed down many times.

However, the speed of the world has not changed.

The change is the peak response speed of Zhao Feng!

Under that super strong interface, Zhao Feng's mood became abnormally calm and calm.

His opponent Zhao Kun, inexplicably hit a spirit, there is an illusion of being pierced through all the secrets.

"The third change of the snake!"

Zhao Kun's face is poisonous, he does not hesitate, launches the strongest move, the body is like a viper, and it rises from lightning to extremes, producing amazing speed and explosive power.


In the blink of an eye, Zhao Kun’s two fingers, like the teeth of a snake, cut through the air and stabbed Zhao Feng.

So fast!

Many family children on the field, exclaimed.

Many young martial arts teenagers barely saw Zhao Kun’s movements.

Seeing Zhao Kun's fang-like fingers, only half an inch left, he would poke the target and make Zhao Feng defeated.


Daddy, a powerful fist of the yang, hit the arm of Zhao Kun between the sudden, so that the latter shape.

"what happened--"

Zhao Kun’s heart was shocked, his body was stiff, his arm was sore and numb.

His fingers, from Zhao Feng’s chest, were only half an inch, but they couldn’t get any more.


Zhao Kun’s abdomen hurt and screamed, and the whole person flew out.

what happened!

A group of Zhao people, exclaimed.

"One trick, you lost..."

Read The Duke's Passion