MTL - King of Gods-v4 Chapter 1512 Invitation to the day witch

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In the light of the gods, when the sacred shadows appeared.

The edge of the red star field.


In the void, a swirling space of water suddenly appeared, and a figure appeared slowly inside.

The old man in black, the black hair is windless and automatic, like a dark waterfall, the dark and deep eyes of the eyes, flashing cold and shining.

The moment he appeared, everything in the vicinity of the void, almost solidified, became very heavy.

This person is the **** of the sacred land of the Chixing domain, the king of the cloud.

"The ninth god, I didn't expect you to be in the red star field!"

The **** of the cloud whispered.

When he got the news, Zhao Feng appeared in the Taiwanese domain and was accepted by the Tianzu.

Less than two or three months before and after this, Zhao Feng actually traversed several large domains and came to the Chixing domain.

If it wasn't for this news, it was transmitted by the Lord of the Symphony, he would not believe it.

I don't know why, although I learned the specific location of the Ninth God, there is always some inexplicable anxiety in the mind of the King of the Clouds.

"When I get the ninth god, I can become the king of God!"

But when I think of the ninth god, it is difficult for the cloud king to suppress the mood and I can't help but get excited.

Just when the King of the Clouds is ready to leave.

He received a message from the elders of the sacred sacred land.

"What? ‘Dream Beastmaster’ is about to break the seal!”

The body of the Yunyun God was suddenly shocked.

"Dream Beastmaster" is a seal in the sacred sacred land, a horrible ancient beast near the level of God.

Because the level is too high, even the King of the Clouds is difficult to tame, unless you are invited to the god-level animal trainer; this request is too harsh, so the sacred sacred seal it in the forbidden land.

Moreover, the invisible power exuded by the Nightmare Beastmaster can also benefit the disciples of the sacred and sacred, and learn the illusion and dreams.

The sacred and sacred land is full of prosperity, and the Nightmare Beastmaster also has a certain contribution.

"The seal of the "Dream Beastmaster" is sealed every million years. Now it should be 5,000 years old. How can it be broken in advance?"

The **** of the cloud is somewhat annoyed.

The dream beast king is extremely powerful, except for the "Wang Qiang, at least the need for several powerful triple gods to suppress."

Once the Nightmare Beastmaster breaks through the seal and uses its hatred against the Holy Land, it will surely retaliate. By then, the sacred and sacred will be hit hard, and the entire Red Star will also be catastrophic.

It can be said that once the Nightmare Beastmaster breaks through the seal and does not stop it in time, the entire Red Star field is destroyed.

For a time, the King of the Clouds was caught in a dilemma. If he went to pick up the Ninth God, the Holy Land and the Red Star Field would suffer an unimaginable disaster.

He feels that all this is too good.

Just when he rushed back to the Red Star field and was ready to pick up the Ninth God, the Nightmare Beastmaster would break through the seal.

"The sacred sacred land, the foundation of the illusion of the ancestors of the tens of millions of years, must not be destroyed, the words of the ninth god, the God also has a response!"

In the end, the King of the Clouds has a decision, neither of which can be lost.


The dark clouds illusion, a black man in middle age, emerged from it.

This middle-aged black man is his avatar, and his face is similar to that of the sacred god, like he was young.


The king of Yuyun whispered, and then disappeared.


The middle age of black clothes went in the other direction.

This avatar of Yuyun Shenwang has the strength of his 40%. Even if he can't take the ninth god, he can also hold back. Wait until the Yunwang God King has solved the "Dream Beastmaster" and then rushed over.

At the same time, the light **** country.

In the sky, floating in the sky, so that everyone in God, gaze away, very dignified.

"Zhao Feng, we finally met again!"

Yu Tianwu looked at Zhao Feng and showed a gentle smile.

Zhao Feng suddenly stunned, the people of the Tianji clan know that he is not surprising, but the meaning of listening to the other party's words seems to have seen himself? Why did Zhao Feng have no impression at all!


The little thief cat threw a few bronze coins, and a bright color flashed in the eyelids.

In the distance, 禹流平 was very alarmed. He did not expect that the shadow of the sky and the sky was actually in the hustle and bustle.

"It seems that the wise men will still block God's plan!"

The sputum is flat and inner.


Controlling the silver-gray metal disc, Yu Tianwu quickly left.

"Want to go?"

Zhao Feng looks awkward and ready to shoot.

But at the same time, he has some doubts.

Isn't this illusion of the sky still a person of the celestial family? Why did you feel awkward and stunned?

Just at this time.

"Zhao Feng, Yuyun Shenwang has already rushed back to the Chixing domain, hurry and leave this place!"

禹天巫 slowly shot, just a faint 瞥 禹 禹 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 ?

Yuyun God King!

Referring to this name, everyone was on the look.

The celestial **** is the sacred **** of the gods, even if it is Shibuya, they are not sure to hold a few moves in the hands of the **** of the cloud.

"Who are you?"

Zhao Feng immediately asked why the person of this celestial family wanted to inform them of this.

At this moment, Zhao Feng has no intention to kill and level.

If the King of the Clouds is really coming, wait for him to kill the sputum, I am afraid that the King of the Clouds has arrived.

"One of my avatars, I used to live in the Six Witch Towers in the Qinghua area!"

Yu Tianwu said plainly and plainly.

"Six witches..."

Zhao Feng’s mind was shocked and suddenly became clear.

He had long guessed that the Six Witches were certainly not simple, but they did not expect that the Six Witches were just a avatar.

Nowadays, the ontological body of the Six Witches has taken the initiative to show up by means of the shadow of the sky.

The Six Witches must have long guessed that Zhao Feng’s ninth shrine’s identity, but he did not win, so Zhao Feng guessed that the six witches who are the Celestials may not be enemies.

Aside, Xin has no trace of shock.

"You are a wise man?"

Shibuya volunteered.

When the anti-day sentiment attacked the Guangzu, the wise men sent help to the Guangzu, and even, Shibuya had some impressions of the image of the scorpion witch.

"The wise men!"

Zhao Feng suddenly realized.

The things of the celestial family, many strong people in the wild gods know some.

This highly intelligent race is not peaceful. The interior is divided into two factions. One is against the heavens, the other is the wise men, and the other is the sage.

In this way, the members of the celestial family led by God should be anti-science.

And 禹天巫, belongs to the wise men.

From this, we can explain why the Six Witches did not capture Zhao Feng’s ninth god.

"Yes, if you have nowhere to go, you can come to me!"

As soon as the words were finished, the shadow of Wu Tianwu suddenly dimmed a bit.

It can be seen that the body of the scorpion is far away from the red star field.

The Guangzu and the giant gods are immersed in contemplation.

Today, the Red Star domain can't stay any longer, and there is no thought before it can be traced. Where should I move?

The wise men’s side is indeed a safe place. Even if the Holy Land finds their traces, they dare not scatter in the wise place.

He hesitated because they didn't know much about the wise and had some concerns. The Guang family also had the same anxiety.

"Wise, what do you want to do against the heavens?"

Zhao Feng suddenly asked.

I have lived in the kingdom of the heavens, and I have been with God for some time. Zhao Feng is convinced that God will make a picture.

It is absolutely not normal for the Tianji people to fight against such things. Zhao Feng even has a feeling that this matter has a certain connection with him. Otherwise, the other party will not pay such a big price and want to get the ninth. God.

This answer, except for the anti-science faction, is the most likely to know, that is, the wise men sent.

"The wise and the anti-science have not been in contact for a long time. I am not very clear about this, and I have no time to say it..."

Yu Tianwu hesitated for a moment, shaking his head slightly.

This emptiness is even more dim, and seems to disappear at any time.

"Please ask the seniors to tell the specific location!"

After thinking for a long time, he finally made a decision.

Shibuya is still hesitating. If the sorcerer does not lie to them, the prince of Yunyun is really coming, and if he does not leave, the consequences are unimaginable.

"This is the specific location of the wise men, and the route, everything is up to you!"

The shape of the scorpion witch is getting dimmer.

He sent a message to Zhao Feng, Xin Wuji and Shibuya's mind.

After doing all this, the shadow of the sorcerer’s emptiness disappeared completely.

"Zhao Feng, how do you choose?"

Shibuya asked Zhao Feng.

"I want to send a wise man!"

Zhao Feng definitely answered.

Qi Tianwu knew his identity as the ninth god, but he did not.

Moreover, Zhao Feng can have today's achievements, and it is indispensable to promote the six witches. This is also confirming the purpose of the wise men: to conform to the destiny and to help the people.

When Wu Tianwu’s cross-empty shadow disappeared, Zhao Feng’s mind suddenly appeared a white figure, and there were many questions.

At the beginning of the red star field, Zhao Feng saw people who were very similar to Liu Qinqi. Is it an illusion? Why did the Van Gogh ancient temple in the Tianqin Palace disappear, and where did the people go?

Perhaps, the Six Witches know the situation of Liu Qin, or Liu Qinyin.

In addition, if the wise person is really not malicious, he is indeed a haven for refuge.

After listening to Zhao Feng’s answer, Shibuya was slightly surprised.

Zhao Feng, who is the ninth god, dared to go to the wise side and he was afraid.

If the wise men and the anti-day sects do not stand together, they may be able to borrow the power of the wise men to revenge against the heavens.

The same moment.

A large field in the south of the wilderness domain, among the white clouds, stands two figures.

One of them is the scorpion witch, and the woman next to him is beautiful and noble, mysterious and vain, like the green lotus in the mountain fog lotus pond, stand out.

"Let's go, it's already done, then look at their choices!"

The eyes of Hao Tianwu’s closed eyes suddenly opened, showing the color of exhaustion.

"it is good!"

Liu Qinyu's face is dull and simple.

The big lazy cat on her shoulder also yawned, and it seems that I still don't know why the wise man and Liu Qinqi ran here.

"You said he will come?"

禹天巫 reveals a gentle smile.

"Answer, don't you know?"

Liu Qin's light and beautiful face, smiled slightly.

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