MTL - King of Gods-v4 Chapter 1528 Strong anti-day

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The battle of the Holy Land level is completely different from the battle of the five-star forces.

In the eyes, there is chaos, all are stifling.

The entire battlefield is extremely large. Therefore, the two forces have divided the battlefield into four small battlefields, each with a command and commanding the war.

The personnel on the side of the Holy Land have a clear division of labor.

In front of the assault personnel, good at defense, in the middle is good at attack and remote personnel, while the rear personnel, responsible for support and treatment.

But the opposite is true, and there are more means.

In the anti-天派 battlefield, there are many battle-type warships, large weapons, and special large arrays, which make them extremely aggressive, even if it is a holy place, it is difficult to cope.

This is still a very powerful life sacred place, with plenty of physicians and good at restoring treatment.

If you change to a general holy place, there is absolutely no chance of winning. It is no wonder that the original sacred sacred land was captured by the anti-natural.

However, the anti-opse faction has just captured the sacred sacred land. It has been unbelievable to attack the sacred place of life without training for a few years.

Is it true that in such a short period of time, the anti-天派 will regain its vitality?

Of course, there is still a possibility that the anti-celestialism is overwhelmingly superior, defeating the sacred sacred land, and the loss is not big.

"There are so many descendants of the gods in the anti-天派!"

A triple **** is not amazed.

As a holy place where the gods are in charge, the number of descendants of the gods is far less than that of the anti-science.

"It seems that the backs of the anti-science faction far exceed our expectations!"

Huafeng Shenwang has a deep complexion.

However, he did not worry much. The low- and medium-level war situation had a weak influence on the outcome.

The most important thing is the high-level confrontation, and on their side, there is life to dominate!

It is very easy to win the title of the king of the king, and it is very easy to defeat the ordinary king. If the anti-genre does not counter the power of the ruler, it is almost impossible to have a chance of winning.

Even if you have the power to counter the dominance, I am afraid that it will not last long, unless the anti-day faction has the power of the master!

Huafeng Shenwang just doesn't understand a bit. Why does the anti-God faction attack the holy land of life?

At this time, one party is sent against the sky.

"Life is dominant, it is better to surrender directly, so as not to make the whole life holy place become the land of death!"

The mouth of the lord smirked and smiled.


The look that life dominates is more serious than ever.

Although she is among the eight great gods, she is not good at fighting, and she does not like war. But the gods will surrender, and will they be sent to the fence?

"Ha ha!"

Protecting the law and making a smile, and issuing an order.

Suddenly, on the battlefield, one side of the heavens, many descendants of the gods began to swim and gather.

"What are they going to do?"

Huafeng God Wang reveals doubts.

But the next moment, he looked sad.

On the battlefield, in many directions, there is a heart-warming atmosphere.

I saw that at least three people, up to eight descendants of the gods, used a certain secret method to fuse the power of blood and blood.

"The law of God is one!"

Zhao Feng was shocked and carefully observed.

This secret law is a big card for the anti-science, the power of the gods and gods. So far, it seems that only Zhao Feng’s original strength can be restrained.

Through observation, Zhao Feng found that on the battlefield, most of them were five to six people who used the method of combining gods and gods. This has the greatest success rate.

There are fewer examples of eight people playing. After all, it is extremely difficult and time consuming. If it is interrupted, it will be greatly countered.

Of course, the reason why Zhao Feng observes this is that he is also very interested in this secret law.

With his realm at this time, plus the gods of the gods level, observing the low-level personnel to display the gods and gods, you can see a lot of information.

I think that at the same level, in the battle of the same level, if the other side’s exercises were not too high, Zhao Feng could even copy and study directly.


In the battlefield, the breath of the gods rises to the sky, causing great shock to all the personnel of the Holy Land.

As members of the holy land where the gods are in charge, they are infinitely awe-inspiring to the gods, but at this moment, they feel the gods of the gods only in the enemy.


On the battlefield, the explosions began to alarm the world.

The power of God's unity, destroying and killing the members of the Holy Land.

In less than a moment, the whole day is sent to the heavens and promoted a thousand miles away.

"This secret law..."

Life dominated the heart and was shocked.

She only heard about this secret law, she did not.

At this moment, the anti-Japanese party, using a large number of descendants of the gods, to display this secret method, instantly gained a huge advantage, crushing the Holy Land.

"Report, the northern army is not good..."

A soul is voiced and passed through his token in the hands of King Huafeng.

One side is not strong, either to send reinforcements or to retreat.

However, at this moment, the Holy Land has all been dispatched, and reinforcement is impossible.

"Report, the army of the East is not!"

Another news came, making Huafeng God King look gloomy.

"Mastering the adults, the bottom battle situation is in a weak position, can only improve the battlefield pattern, send strong players to fight!"

Huafeng God King asked for life to dominate.

Immediately improve the battlefield pattern, carry out high-level battles, the bottom battlefield will have to cut personnel, which can reduce casualties.

The master of life nodded and agreed to the strategy of Huafeng Shenwang.

There are all kinds of descendants of the gods, and there is also a method of unity of gods and gods. This is almost a big card for them. The holy land can only be like this.

"Go to war!"

The king of Huafeng immediately gave a voice to many gods in the Holy Land.

Suddenly, nearly ten people, the **** of the gods, and the two gods of the gods, joined the battle.

"Haha, life is holy!"

On the other side of the heavens, the law-protection laughed.

At the same time, in the anti-Japanese **** country, more than ten God-powered people were also found.


The Lord of God, who suddenly appeared on both sides, violently collided.

The battle of the Lord's main class is so powerful that it spreads a lot, prompting the lower battlefield to gradually reduce the number of people.

Although there are many descendants of the gods in the Lord of the heavens.

However, the method of taking a few gods to display the combination of gods and gods at once was equivalent to losing a few Gods' main battles at once, which had a greater impact on the entire battlefield.

Moreover, one of the holy places can use the slain to interrupt the law of the unity of God and the loss of one person, but it is a cost-effective way for many members of the enemy to perform the law of unity.

Therefore, the method of unity of gods and gods is not practical in the battlefield of God.

Even so, the anti-day party has a variety of descendants of the gods, and the battle of life is not very good in terms of combat, so it is still the advantage of the anti-celestial.

But the Holy Land of Life is good at long-lasting warfare, and its defense and healing ability are excellent. The longer it is dragged, the better it will be.

It is a pity that the anti-God will not let the holy place of life get what it wants.

Since they attacked the holy land of life, they must have prepared themselves.

Hey! Hey!

In the anti-Japanese sentiment of the kingdom of God, there are constantly strong gods who rushed out and joined the battlefield.

Even the king of the palace was dispatched.

The strength of the king of the heavens is definitely the invincible existence of the double heaven.

"There are so many gods in the heavens!"

"And the strengths are extraordinary!"

On the side of the Holy Land, many high-level elders were amazed.

At the bottom of the war, the anti-celestialism defeated the Holy Land by the method of unity of gods and gods.

The main battlefield of God, the anti-day faction is also very strong, among which the descendants of all kinds of gods, the top 20 of the ancient times, and even the top ten blood descendants have appeared one by one.

In the face of such a situation, the Lord of God in the Holy Land of life can only be dispatched one by one.

But in the end, the gods under the Three Heavens of the Holy Land played as many as they could, but they were far less in terms of numbers than against the heavens.

The anti-science faction that originally had the advantage of the warfare has more people than the holy land, and the situation has once again developed into one side.

"The situation is not good!"

The face of Huafeng Shenwang is very deep.

"It’s not suitable for the shot at the moment, but I also want to help the Holy Land!"

Zhao Feng suddenly spoke.

Although he did not need to fight for the holy land of life, but the anti-Japanese sent a few to kill Zhao Feng, and even against Zhao Yufei, to force Zhao Feng to compromise, this hate must be reported.

"Oh? What are your plans?"

Asked the king of Huafeng.


Zhao Feng waved his hand, and several big avatars, including the demise of the Black Dragon, appeared one by one.

Subsequently, the channel of the Kingdom of God opened, and a little god-level combat power in the dreaming kingdom appeared one by one.

"it is good!"

Huafeng Shenwang’s eyes are slightly bright.

At this moment, he still does not recommend Zhao Feng to participate in the war, but Zhao Feng actually has so many gods.

"Get started!"

Zhao Feng gave a low drink.

Once he entered the war, the anti-天派 will definitely take corresponding measures and have little impact on the entire war situation.

Therefore, Zhao Feng first let his men play, and secretly assisted them.

"Holy level battle!"

The demise of the black dragon's eye smashed the raging awn, and the figure screamed out, followed by others.

Zhao Feng divided his men into four teams and joined the Quartet.

"Destroy the dragon!"

The dying black dragon killed a black-scale old man in a double heaven.

"Oh, I killed you this real extinction dragon today!"

The black scale old man smiled, and his body also ran the blood of the extinct dragon, but it was transplanted.


The dying black dragon screamed in the sky, and the fierce eyes swept away.


In his hand, there was a piece of black iron with a black flame on it, which exudes a devastating atmosphere.

"Ancestral fragments!"

The black scale old man changed his face.

At this time, the extinction black dragon has already been killed, urging the fragments of the ancestors and launching the destruction of the attack.

As a true extinction dragon, coupled with the fragments of the artifacts, the strength of the black dragon is far beyond the cognition of the black scales.

In addition, Zhao Feng put a **** mark on the body of the black dragon.

Through this mark, the extinction black dragon can get Zhao Feng's willpower and partial ability blessing of the dream god.

The eternal black dragon feels that everything in front of you is nearly ten times clear, and the perception of all objects is accurate to the limit.


Fighting hundreds of strokes, the seriously injured black scale old man, will be killed by the killing of the black dragon.


The body of the black scale old man was engulfed by a black sun.

Even if he has the dragon body, it is completely annihilated under the continuous roasting of the black sun.

At the same time, Zhao Feng’s other men also received his blessings, and his combat effectiveness far exceeded the usual level.

Although in a short period of time, Zhao Feng’s participation in the war did not have much impact on the entire situation.

However, after a period of time, Zhao Feng dispatched his men to participate in the war, and the influence on the battlefield gradually expanded and gradually accumulated, and the entire battlefield was reversed.

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