MTL - King of Gods-v4 Chapter 1530 Forcibly killing

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In the far side, the high-level side of the anti-sky party, gaze at Zhao Feng in the battlefield.

"God, the ninth **** appeared, we want to..."

The law of protection whispered.

"First, don't worry, let me feel the power of the ninth **** again!"

God shook his head slightly, and his eyes stared at Zhao Feng with a hint of doubt.

The law-protection nodded and glanced at the eyes of God.

When he went to take Zhao Feng, he won some blood from Zhao Feng. It is precisely because of this that God’s plan can be completed so quickly. If not, at least it will take tens of thousands of years or more.

"Ninth God, are you really the ninth god?"

Protecting the law whispered.

In the battlefield.

Zhao Feng holds a chaotic thunderbolt sword, and the claws of the thunder robbery surround the whole body, arbitrarily killing enemy members.

Nowadays, the holy land of life is in a disadvantage. Even if Zhao Feng starts to fight against the gods, the impact on the war situation is not great.

Therefore, when Zhao Feng entered the war, he quickly slaughtered the low-level gods and made the enemy members tremble.

Moreover, the gods will naturally find the door, without Zhao Feng taking the initiative.

as predicted.

Hey! Hey!

In the far side of the sky, two thrilling breaths came straight.

"come yet?"

Zhao Feng’s eyes are awkward.

Today, the two gods have taken the initiative to kill, but before this, Zhao Feng has killed many low-level gods of the anti-science, and has a lot of influence on the entire battle.

"Zhao Feng, let's die!"

Chang Shen makes the body flashing, turning into a virtual white aurora, and quickly approaching Zhao Feng.

He is the first of the seven gods to be killed, all thanks to Zhao Feng.

Li Shen made a follow-up, giving a low, gloomy bloodthirsty laugh.

"Guangzhou and Shenwu?"

Zhao Feng has a dull face and takes the initiative to meet.


Two chaotic thunderbolt swords waved, two chaotic thunder robbery swordsmen, whistling out, attacking the two gods.

Li Shen made the waving of the scarlet long knife in his hand and took the initiative to meet.


The terrible storm of power swept out and beat it on the body of Li, and made it suffocate.

"A strong power is stronger than Beihuihui. No wonder he will die in your hands!"

Li Shen made his body stagnant for a moment, revealing a more excited and bloodthirsty smile.

In the Seven Great Gods, Bei Minghui is his rival, and the two have fought dozens of times.

But now, his death rival is killed by others, which makes Li Shen very interested in Zhao Feng.

On the other side, Chang Shen makes the blood of the Guang nationality, with strong sensitivity, and evades the attack of Zhao Feng.

"This kid is stronger than it was!"

Chang Shen makes the face cold.

But this is not very useful, can Zhao Feng resist the siege of the two gods?

"You can't fight for a long time, you must kill one of them quickly!"

Zhao Feng looked deep and analyzed the situation.

In the face of two great gods, he still has a chance of winning, but it is even more difficult to kill the other side.


The little thief cat was called out by Zhao Feng and was ready to participate in the battle.

"Bloody devil!"

Li Shen made a long knife in his hand and burst into madness.

The huge red demon shadow on his body also holds a translucent blood red long knife to do the same.

Humbling ~

Between heaven and earth, the **** knives are horizontal and vertical, forming a chaotic blade storm that runs through one side of the world.

The attack has not yet come, and a bloodthirsty war of words has impacted Zhao Feng’s mind.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng’s soul and strong will, under the impact of this stock, do not move.


Zhao Feng double-handed swords, and displayed hundreds of chaotic thunder robbers in an instant. Among the hundreds of swordsmen, they released the power of infinite thunder and robbery, connected to each other, forming a thundering sword net.


The two powerful forces are intertwined, raging and annihilating.

At this time, an aurora flew quickly behind Zhao Feng.


Chang Shen made his arms wave, and the two white clouds of Qingtian formed suddenly and cut away from Zhao Feng.

Where the two virtual white blades passed, everything returned to silence and became very slow.

"The domain of chaos!"

Zhao Feng released a huge force of chaos and quickly integrated into the void of heaven and earth.

In the next moment, everything in the hundreds of thousands of miles became dark and gloomy. Everything between heaven and earth began to disappear, turning into a chaotic stream of chaos and raging.

For a moment, the domain of chaos is formed.

In this field, Chang Shen and Li Shen immediately felt that the connection between themselves and the world was cut off and their strength was affected.

At the same time, the two moments of time were also suppressed by invisible, and the power was weakened.


In the domain of chaos, a number of powerful chaotic turbulent flows, such as the thick vines of the vines, are blocked before the two time.

In the domain of chaos, Zhao Feng's idea can easily control the chaos of the whole body.

At the same time, Zhao Feng released the law of time, offsetting the time rule that Chang’s **** released and increasing his own speed.

call out!

Zhao Feng quickly evaded the attack of Chang Shen and attacked Li Shen.

Chang Shen makes himself a light family, and his speed is fast, and the body of time is also hard to kill.

Relatively speaking, although the Shenwu strongman is strong, he is more likely to die.

"Junior, you are a small boy, do you think my strength is weak?"

Li Shen makes the red light flash in the eyes.

They attacked Zhao Feng from both sides, but Zhao Feng chose to shoot him first.

The light and shadow are interlaced and the two collide.


Bloody red light and chaotic lightning, stirred up, swept across the world, and alarmed.

"Oh, in my opinion, you are weak!"

Zhao Feng snorted and held a chaotic thunderbolt sword.

In the domain of chaos, Zhao Feng's attack ability has increased, and his mind can control the chaotic turbulence around him and become his own defense layer.

Therefore, in the face of the gods of the blood of the gods, he did not fear, and hard against each other.

Moreover, his chaos and thunderbolt power is far stronger than the divine power of God.


The dim light flares and the blood red knife breaks.

Li Shen made the blood of the body boil and rolled back.

"One-on-one, I am not his opponent!"

Li Shen made his face sink.

Just at this time.

call out! call out!

Zhao Feng swept back two white and horrible time blades.

"Chaotic Thunder Hole!"

Zhao Feng once again released a lot of chaos, forming a black hole in the thunder.


The attack made by the gods is on the top of the chaotic mine.

If you change to a general attack, you have long been penetrated by the time attack made by Chang Shen.

But the power of chaos is extraordinary, and there is a certain restraint on the power of time.


At the same time, in the chaotic mine hole, a huge layer of thunderbolt force is released, destroying the time blade. Coupled with the weakening of the domain of chaos, the attack made by Chang Shen did not break the chaotic mine hole of Zhao Feng.

However, Zhao Feng had expected this to happen, and he did not care about it at all, and directly killed him.

"Chaotic lock!"

Zhao Feng hands together.

In the domain of chaos, countless chaos turbulent, gathered together, surrounded by the gods.


Li Shen made a roar, and the **** long knife smashed out, a shocking scarlet awn, burst out, and instantly shackled the chaos and smashed a gap.

"Chaotic Thunder!"

Zhao Feng left the middle of the scorpion, the sorcerer that had already been brewed, and showed it out.


Lei Guangzheng, a faint lightning thunder, passed through the chest of Li Shen.

The terrible chaos of thunder and robbery instantly invaded the body of the gods and destroyed his body and soul.

This made Li Shen break the blockade of chaotic turbulence, but did not escape immediately.

At this time, Zhao Feng launched a chaotic lock.

Hey ~

The dimly chaotic turbulence, the more and more gathered, forming a chaotic encirclement, which will lock the inside.

Zhao Feng extended his hand.


The power of infinite robbery spreads out and falls on the chaos lock.

The destruction of the robbery, the power of paralysis, and the power of the chaos of the chaos, while invading the sacred, made him unable to break through in a short time.

"Spirit, let me save you!"

Chang Shen made the face change slightly and immediately forced Zhao Feng.

However, it is at this time.

In the dark chaos, there are countless black and white streams.


Numerous shadows of black shadows rush from the heavens and the earth, entangled with the gods.

At the same time, a dark little thief cat, carrying a deadly edge, swept past in the void.

However, its attack was avoided by the gods.

"Shadow family!"

The **** of the gods makes the eyes flash, and in such an environment, the shadow family can indeed exert a strong power.

However, the thief cat who shot him was too low.

Chang Shen makes the light of the blood of the light family, and successively evades the raid of the black shadow, and is close to Zhao Feng.

"Moonlight Tianhua!"

Chang Shen makes the whole body bloom out of the vain and white light, penetrating the heaven and earth void, including the domain of chaos.


On his arm, the power of a heart-rending time is getting stronger and stronger, and the brilliance is more dazzling.

At some point, a huge dazzling white light pours from the sky.

When you are, everything in the heavens and the earth seems to have slowed down.


Zhao Feng immediately motivated the law of time to dispel the influence of Chang’s law of time.

At the same time, he spurred the robe of time and space, releasing a false and overlapping time and space barrier, enveloped around the chaotic mine.


The shocking white light came down.

When the space-time barrier is blocked for a moment, it breaks up. After all, the time of the enemy's attack is powerful, and there is a certain restraint on the space-time barrier.

Immediately, a powerful force of time acts on the chaotic mine hole.

The two are intertwined for a moment, and the chaotic mine hole appears a twist, as if to be penetrated.

But at this time, the entire chaos domain began to surge.

Hey ~

In the domain of chaos, several chaotic tentacles are formed and integrated into the chaotic mine.

In a flash, the chaotic mine hole is supplemented by a large amount of chaos, and the peak state is restored, and the defense force is greatly enhanced.

"it is good!"

Zhao Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth. He believed that Chang Shen could not hurt himself.


Zhao Feng's hands and hands, two chaotic thunderbolt swords instantly condensed, and spurted out, inserted into the chaos lock.


Inside the chaotic lock, the screams of suffering and suffering are heard.

"Chaotic Thunder!"

At the same time, Zhao Feng’s left-handed shackles were launched again.


In the dark chaotic domain, a thunderbolt breaks through the chaotic lock and passes through.

This chaotic thunder sword once again caused a devastating blow to Li Shen.


Zhao Feng gave a low drink.

That chaotic lock, together with two chaotic thunderbolt swords, suddenly surged out of taboos.

"Do not!"

Chang Shen made a big eye and exclaimed.

However, his attack could not cause harm to Zhao Feng.

In addition, there are small thieves and cats in the dark, and the gods are unable to save all of this.


The earth-shattering power of chaos, rolling the world, gradually dissipated.

And Li Shen, has disappeared without a trace.

The Shenwu people have excellent combat power, and the Vietnam War is fiercer, but their survivability is far less than that of the Guangzu, so they are easier to kill.

Last time, Zhao Feng, with the help of Shibuya, killed the gods.

Nowadays, Zhao Feng alone, under the interference of Chang Shen, forcibly killing the gods!

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