MTL - King of Gods-v4 Chapter 1579 Zhao Feng

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Song Tingyu’s mouth smiled and watched Zhao Feng leave. He had a letter of ten percent in his heart.

But Zhao Feng just stepped out of the threshold, and a thick purple infuriating air came out from his body. At the same time, the heaven and earth in the room flew away to Zhao Feng.

"this is……"

Song Tingyu suddenly took a look. Before she looked at the source of infuriating in Zhao Feng, she could be sure that the transformation of the blue spirit to the purple spirit was only 10%.

But at this moment, the purple gas concentration emitted by Zhao Feng is definitely not 10%, at least 30%, no, 40%.

The purple infuriating is getting richer and thicker, like a deep smog, shrouded around Zhao Feng, making him faint, deep and mysterious.

Even when Song Tingyu looked at Zhao Feng's back, there was a momentary illusion that it seemed to be a peerless power that she could not imagine.

But she recovered in an instant, and she recovered even more amazingly after she recovered.

The concentration of Zhao Ling's body is very pure, without any impurities, it is a sign of 10%.

The spirit of the sweep, Song Tingyu's face changed again, his mind creaked.

"Just... what happened?"

Song Tingyu whispered inside.

In a short while, Zhao Feng actually broke through to the purple atmosphere!

She also said that it is necessary to take at least 10 days before Zhao Feng can take a breakthrough. In fact, this is already an estimate made by her after watching Zhao Feng.

I know, Zhao Feng just took a few steps and broke through!

This makes Song Tingyu very angry.


Song Tingyu blushes and suddenly drinks.

"What about finding this son?"

Zhao Feng turned around and smirked at the corner of his mouth.

"You just played me?"

Song Tingyu’s eyes are cold.

In her opinion, Zhao Feng must have hidden the cultivation, otherwise how could he take a few steps and directly break through.

As for what she did not see before, it may be that Zhao Feng cultivated Zhao’s special hidden secret.

She is not very good-tempered. She didn't know the child Zhao Feng before. But now, she thinks that Zhao Feng is playing her, and Song Tingyu did not regard this kid as a normal child. The anger rushed to the head, and the original temper was revealed. It is.


Zhao Feng recognized.

Zhao Feng admitted so simply, Song Tingyu had a big eyes and didn't know what to say.

She did not expect it, Zhao Feng would admit it, not to argue.

In addition, she became a peak and was played by a fourteen-year-old child. This is to say, who believes.

Moreover, Song Tingyu is the Song family Tianjiao, she is not willing to publicize these scandals.

"No matter what strategy you play, I am your master now, I will give you a task now!"

Song Tingyu took out a booklet from the storage space, then held his chest with his hands and stared at Zhao Feng with cold eyes.

"The Spirit of the Top Steps, "Huanglong Boxing""

Zhao Feng glanced.

"Give you ten days to cultivate this battle skill to the peak!"

Song Tingyu snorted.

Wushu has a grade, but it is not necessarily a high-grade martial arts that can defeat low-grade.

That is because martial arts also has a distinction of proficiency, which is divided into Chucheng, Xiaocheng, Dacheng, and Fengfeng. There is also a level of perfection, but this level is too harsh. Even if the person who created this martial art is not necessarily Achieve a complete level.

Zhao Feng plays with her, how can Song Tingyu stop here, she is now embarrassed by Zhao Feng.

Huanglong boxing is not high, but in ten days, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate it to the peak of the peak. Even if it is the top genius of the celestial genius above the three atmospheres, it will take at least 20 days.

"Not as good as this, I will make a bet with you!"

Zhao Feng took the martial arts in his hand and looked at Song Tingyu with a hint of evil.

"What gambling?"

Song Tingyu was hesitant.

I don't know why, she has a bad feeling.

But she is so eager to change her mind, is it still afraid that this child will not be married?

"I also have a martial art here. The grade is the same as "Huanglong Boxing". The two of us will get the martial arts to the peak level at the fastest, and whoever wins!"

Zhao Feng’s hand? A turn, there is a warfare technique called “Streaming Sword”.

Song Tingyu’s face looked again, and couldn’t help but want to laugh out loud.

The purple environment of the district, actually want to compare with her, in the shortest time, will practice a spiritual martial arts to the peak.

She even had some doubts, Zhao Feng’s head is not broken.

As the peak of the gods, she cultivated the top level of the land. I want to comprehend a top-level martial art. It is very simple. It is estimated that I can read it all, and I can use it to make a little bit of proficiency. Can reach the peak realm.

This is simply a win!

"Okay, let you see the ability of being a teacher!"

Song Tingyu agreed.

Before being beaten by Zhao Feng, this tone, she can fight back immediately.

"Whoever wins, who is the master!"

Zhao Fengping said that if there is a gambling game, he will have to bet.

"it is good!"

Song Tingyu can't wait for Zhao Feng to be embarrassed immediately, and promised.

As her first apprentice, Song Tingyu wanted Zhao Feng to obey her own posts and no complaints.

After taking over the martial arts in the hands of Zhao Feng, Song Tingyu opened it and swept away.

Although she is not good at swordsmanship, she believes that she can display it as long as she can see it again. It is also a breeze to reach the peak.

However, Song Tingyu suddenly found that Zhao Feng was a bit wrong.

At this moment, Zhao Feng did not look at the martial arts "Huanglong Boxing", but smiled, and seemed to be embarrassed, staring at her.

"Why don't you practice "Yellow Dragonfighter"?"

Song Yuting asked with doubts.

"Please look at it!"

Zhao Feng gave a low voice and stepped out.

Above his double fists, the purple spirit is surrounded by insults, and in a moment it turns into a yellow light, which contains heavy soil attribute power.


With a punch and a blow, the yellow air rushed out like a dark yellow dragon, roaring, and the power was amazing.

Then, Zhao Feng blasted the second fist, the third punch...

I saw that inside the mansion, a dark yellow raging dragon surrounded Zhao Feng, lifelike, imposing, in the continuous exercise, Zhao Feng itself seems to be turned into a horrible dragon, the momentum is soaring.

The practice of the whole boxing method was full of beauty and violence, which made Song Tingyu fall into it and forget about himself.

Such a low-level boxing method, in the presence of Zhao Feng, but with such a real and huge momentum, Song Tingyu could not help but give a hint of admiration.

Suddenly, the truth and the roar of the house disappeared.

"I won!"

Zhao Feng smiled lightly.

Song sports face a glimpse, and immediately changed.

"You... cheating, you must have cultivated this martial art beforehand!"

Song Tingyu's whole body shook slightly, his face was shocked and panicked, and finally only the three words were squeezed out.

Zhao Fenglian martial arts "Huanglong Boxing" has not been read, it is directly displayed, and it is not the peak realm, it is obviously the perfect state, but how it is possible, it is simply incredible.

Therefore, Song Tingyu can only think that Zhao Feng has cultivated this martial arts in advance.

However, although this "Huanglong Boxing" has a low grade, it is the martial arts of the Song family. Zhao does not necessarily have it.

In addition, there is such a clever thing, she arbitrarily took out the martial arts, Zhao Feng just practiced in advance.

This explanation, she can not even persuade herself.

She knows that Zhao Feng’s eyes are swept away, and he has browsed Huanglong Boxing again. It is easy to use Zhao Feng’s level of creation and perfection.

"Whether I have cheated, I just want to see if the Song family can't afford to lose, they are rogues, they are all people who don't accept the money. If so, I have nothing to say!"

Zhao Feng looked very angry and shouted.

This drink made Song Tingyu a stiff body, and then his heart was angry, but he could not vent it.

First of all, here is Zhao, and Zhao Feng’s status is not lower than her. Secondly, Zhao Feng said that there is nothing wrong with the gambling... It is indeed she lost!

"Well, my Song Tingyu is willing to gamble and lose. Now you are my master, I want to see what you can teach me!"

Song Tingyu? The gnashing teeth, and finally can only agree.

At least, she can't do the debtor, first pass this level, and then find a way to deal with this little boy!

After that, Song Tingyu was ready to leave.

"Well, you are awkward, go out with the teacher first!"

Zhao Feng nodded and said immediately.


Song Tingyu's pace suddenly stagnate, her heart raging, but she still tried to restrain herself.

Today, she has eaten twice. She saw Zhao Feng. The whole person is not good. She just wants to go back and vent a meal, and then find a way to rectify this little boy.

But Zhao Feng does not seem to want to let her go.


Zhao Feng put his hands behind his back and walked outside.

Song Tingyu followed behind him, staring at Zhao Feng, seemingly wanting to swallow his life.

Gradually, Song Tingyu calmed down and recalled all the previous things. She found this one... unfathomable!

When Zhao Feng and Song Tingyu left.

Another closed house in the city government.

A tall, burly man sits high on it, invisible and overbearing, making the whole room extremely heavy.

In front of the man, a black shadow suddenly appeared, and one person appeared in the distortion.

"Zhao Feng has left, together with Song Tingyu!"

The shadow of the shadow bends.

"This Zhao Tianlong, on the surface, asks his son for a teacher. He is actually a bodyguard. He secretly monitors all actions of this child and has a chance to solve it..."

The burly and domineering man whispered.

"Yes, the second home!"

The shadow disappeared.

"Zhao Tianlong, originally I did not intend to shoot your son, but your son, not simple, not dead."

The burly man, a sly smile.

This person is Zhao’s second master, Zhao Balong.

His three sons, in this generation, are the top talents of Zhao.

And Zhao Tianlong's eldest son, the talent is average, there is no big act in the future, as expected, the next patriarch is, become the patriarch, the position of the city is easy.

After Zhao Feng was born, Zhao Balong also observed.

He found that this one was somewhat invisible, as if it was dark and dark, and it was hard to go deep into it, but it was not at the bottom.

In short, he noticed the threat from Zhao Feng.

In this case, you have to eradicate!

Outside the city seat.

After Zhao Feng and Song Tingyu came out, they quickly found Huo Qingfeng.

"the host!"

Huo Qingfeng has a dull look.

Three perfect levels of soul Yuan Qing Dan, the Huo Qingfeng body seriously injured, completely healed.

At this point, Huo Qingfeng is very grateful to Zhao Feng.

Moreover, he needs revenge and needs to improve his strength. It may be a chance to follow Zhao Feng.

"You are... Huo Qingfeng of Qingcheng Jianpai!"

Song Yuting looked slightly condensed and said nothing.

The Qingcheng Jianpai is far from the place, but the name of the other party, Song Tingyu, has heard of it, it is a genius who is more enchanting than her.

I heard that the next head of the Qingcheng Jianpai was internally designated as Huo Qingfeng, but only a few months ago, the Qingcheng Jianpai had a tragedy...

Of course, this is not the real reason why Song Tingyu is so shocked.

She was shocked that this Huo Qingfeng actually called this little boy to be the main person!

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