MTL - Lady Cultivator-Chapter 594 Sunday

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Charge chapter (12 o'clock)

Above the East China Sea, a unicorn appeared, and there was a battle with the monk of the gods, which confirmed that the battle was several damaged magic weapons on the bottom of the sea and a unicorn bone. // Quick update without popups //

Regardless of what Fengqing Fairy said is true or false, it must be profitable, and she would risk the danger of being discovered by the demon to go deep into the East China Sea.

If it's a unicorn, it's really the temptation they can't resist. Over the years, unknowingly, they encountered three temples of Qinglong, Suzaku, and White Tiger. The power of these three spirits was obtained by Mo Tiange, Qin Yuan, and Feifei, and the Xuanwu Festival Temple has already known the location. What is lacking is just Kirin.

Mo Tiange has a hunch, gathering the power of the five spirits, there must be great gains. They originally planned to go to the Xuanwu sacrifice temple and look for clues to Kirin. Now they can't let go of the news.

After discussing with Qin Yun, the two agreed that they would continue to monitor Fengqing Fairy, and Xiaofeng would inquire about the news-there are monsters in the vicinity, and they could not communicate with them, but Xiaofeng could.

Xiaofeng gladly obeyed, took the magic weapon given by Qin Yun, and disappeared, it quietly left the lone boat for thousands of miles.


Hundreds of miles flying away from the scope of Fengqing Fairy's consciousness, Xiaofeng stopped in midair, swept away from consciousness, and determined that the number of surrounding sea beasts was not a small number, and there were a few in the sixth and seventh steps.

When it shook, it showed itself. After the thunder-quenching body, the breath of Suzaku was completely absorbed, Xiaofeng's appearance changed, and gorgeous feathers grew on her bare body. The fiery red light was the color of the purest flame. There were countless tiny feathers. The flame was burning, like a phoenix composed of a flame.

Xiaofeng raised her head, and a phoenix rang, with endless might, and passed around.

"Wow, wow." With Xiaofeng's tweet, the calm sea waves, many sea beasts first panic, then gather, and finally, one after another, head up from the sea.

When they saw Xiaofeng, they were shocked first, then shocked, and finally worshipped.

For monsters, bloodlines are their most essential characteristics. There are differences between high- and low-level monsters. Monsters with noble bloodlines are more distinguished, because noble bloodlines means higher starting points, faster progress, superior qualifications, and spirituality. Chi opened early. The fish with the lowest bloodline are in great difficulty to become monsters, but the most noble Wuling is born with five or six levels of cultivation.

The worship of bloodline is deeply rooted in the blood of monsters. Even if they are higher, they will give up three points to low-level monsters with noble bloodlines.

And now, a phoenix appears in front of these sea beasts with low or low pedigrees. Its beautiful appearance, pure breath, and powerful power all deeply shock them.

The sixth-order killer whale with a bite in its mouth loosened its mouth unconsciously, and the bitten **** jellyfish fell off and fell into the sea.

"Did I read that right?" The killer whale was deeply suspicious.

"Brother Tiger," a giant clam floated towards it, "what is this?"

"Divine beast, this is a divine beast." A seal raised its head and roared out the beast language, attracting a number of sea beasts of order six or seven to swim towards it.

"Divine beast, is it really a divine beast?".

"So powerful, what isn't it a **** beast?"

The seal was convinced. It swung forward and lowered its huge head to Xiaofeng: "Holy Lord God, seal Leopard star."

Xiaofeng lowered her gaze and nodded proudly, but did not even hum.

At close range, the seal felt more coercive. It has not been transformed into eighth order, and its intelligence is not high. The monsters rely on their instincts to act. It has no doubt believed that Xiaofeng is a true beast.

"My lord," under the pressure of the seal, the seal clawed his head sternly. "The gods have risen to the spiritual realm since they changed the world. But are the adults from the spiritual realm?"

Xiaofeng snorted softly and said, "I am the descendant of the God King, and I have left the world."

"Ah ..." The seal remembered that the heavens and earth had changed not long ago, and the East China Sea and the South China Sea were connected together. Isn't the ruler of the South China Sea the Kirin family? Although the beasts of God have long since passed away, those descendants of impure bloodlines are not qualified to ascend to the spiritual realm and can only stay in the world. Unless one day, they break through the blood vessels and reborn to change the spiritual realm.

However, after millions of years passed down from generation to generation, the blood of the beasts has become thinner and thinner. These descendants of the beasts are hard to maintain the appearance of the family of beasts, let alone purify the blood and become true beasts.

Thinking of this, the seals admired the Lord Monarch even more. In this case, he could cultivate the breath of a pure animal and make the bloodline evolve into a true **** beast. This Lord Monarch is really amazing.

The seal stood up respectfully, admiringly, "Adult is really a model of my demon tribe, admired by Leopard. I wonder why the adult came here? If ordered, Leopard Star will die."

There was a smile in Xiaofeng's eyes, and he said, "You're a smart one."

The seal's short forelegs were put together to make a saluting gesture: "Master God is the Phoenix family, which is very different from my aquarium. When I come to the East China Sea, there must be important things, Leopard Star understands."

Xiaofeng was very satisfied. It said, "So, you help me to do one thing. If it is done, it will be in your favor."

Leopard responded, "Master, please."

Xiaofeng said, "About three thousand miles away, there is an island. Do you know anything unusual near the island?"

"Small island?" The seal thought for a while, and asked, "What kind of unusual is the adult referring to?"

Xiaofeng said: "On certain days, there will be unusual phenomena, or strange things will appear." It paused, and then said, "By the way, you can find out what legends are nearby. The oldest, the better, the better. "

Leopard summoned his courage and said, "Sir, it will take some time. Why don't you go to my cave for a few days?"

Xiaofeng said indifferently: "I am a fire phoenix. I am not compatible with your aquarium, so I will not enter the sea. After you finish the work, you are here directly."

"Leopard star obeys."

The seals were taken away, and the surrounding beasts who had missed their chances because of hesitation frowned. Regardless of whether this is a true prince or not, its eight-step cultivation and breath of sacred beasts are not fake. The benefits of leaks between the fingers are huge opportunities for them. Alas, let Leopard Xingbai pick it up cheap.

The sea beasts were reluctant to offend, and they didn't dare to offend.

Xiaofeng glanced and Shen said: "You and other juniors don't have to wander here before what is said, if you have news, you can come here."

The sea beasts were overjoyed, and one boldly moved closer, and said timidly, "Master God, the little beast has something to say ..."


Under the pressure of the beast, but two days later, Xiaofeng heard a lot of news, removed the useless ones, recorded the relevant records, and decided to go back.

Unexpectedly, when I left, I suddenly felt several powerful breaths rushing towards it.

Eighth level or above

Xiaofeng jumped in her heart, feeling that there were ten-level monsters in these breaths, and her mind turned.

It is not an ordinary demon cult, but a monk's spirit beast. It is really unwise to appear in front of other demon cults when the demon is not in harmony with each other. But it's too late to flee. The demon repair that flies here is the tenth-order repair. It's just eighth-order, and it can't escape. Hidden breath? That's not enough, it has been seen by these sea beasts. Under the repression of Xiu, there is no way to hide the ten-step monster repair ...

Those breaths are getting closer and closer, flying towards it, Xiaofeng must have a decision in her heart. Anyway, I can't escape, so I can face it directly, so as not to bring trouble to the owner.

Thinking about it this way, Xiaofeng shook her body, gathered up the flame, turned into a human figure, and stepped on a phoenix with burning flames, waiting for those monsters to come.

Soon, the sky appeared bright, mostly blue and white, accompanied by a strong breath, and instantly rushed to its eyes.

Xiaofeng raised his eyes and looked away.

The eighth-order Xiu Xiu, headed by a demon, wears a blue robe, looks twenty-seven and eighteen, has a handsome face and a proud look.

Behind the blue robe demon Xiu, there are six demon Xiu of different appearances, two tenth, three nine and one eighth.

Xiaofeng felt sensibly that the body of the blue robe demon Xiu had pure and deep watery atmosphere, and the grade was extremely high. Although it was not as good as its Suzaku, it was just as vast and vast. It was amazed, wasn't this the descendant of the ancient **** beast?

The blue robe demon's eyes fell on Xiaofeng, his eyes flashed with astonishment. Xiaofeng's human appearance is beautiful, but more unique is the mysterious heavy pupil and the flame-like atmosphere all over her-behind the beast.

After being surprised, the blue robe demon raised his hand and said politely, "This Taoist is polite."

When Xiaofeng returned a gift, he asked, "Dao You should be a fire monster, why did you come to the South China Sea?"

Xiaofeng blinked her eyes and said, "South China Sea? Isn't it the East China Sea?"

The blue robe demon repaired for a moment, and smiled: "Dao You is right to say this. Not long ago, the heavens and the earth changed, and the East China Sea and the South China Sea were connected together, so here is the South China Sea and also the East China Sea."

"That's it." Xiaofeng suddenly realized, "No wonder, this time when I came to the East China Sea, I always felt weird." He paused, and worried again, "Well, it won't ..."

The blue robe demon Xiu busy asked: "Why is Daoyou here? Maybe it can help." Seeing Xiaofeng hesitantly looked at him ~ ~ and laughed, "In Xia Xuanri , Kirin, father of the South China Sea. "

Xiaofeng heard it suddenly. The Xuanyue Demon Prince besieging Bixuan Pavilion is the second prince of the South China Sea. The name is Xuanri, and is also the son of the monarch of the South China Sea. Is it the Great Prince?

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through my mind, and my face remained calm: "It turned out to be Xuanri Demon King, I am a Phoenix clan, the name of the phoenix master, everyone you call me Xiaofeng."

The monsters were surprised when they heard the words. Xuanri Yaojun returned to God after a while, and his face was very enthusiastic: "It turned out to be a friend of Fengdao. No wonder the breath of God and beast is so succinct. It ’s God ’s beast ... ”

He is much more keen than these low-level sea beasts. Although Xiaofeng's body is pure and pure, the power is not enough. If it is a real beast, even if it is just eighth level, with its high-end beast 謉 dc3 阕 阋 even "Mi  莘 p" is a series of sodium cyanide (10). See you, my wife, my wife, quinoa, , cut, beautiful?

Thinking of this, Xuanri Yaojun's heart moved, could this Taoist friend of the Phoenix clan have any secret technique to purify the bloodline?

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