MTL - Lady Cultivator-Chapter 630 Monster in the sea

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Charge chapter (12 o'clock)

Speaking of the word "her", Ling Yunhe paused, staring directly at Qin Yue, with a smile on her lips, as if waiting for Qin Yue's counterattack. // Quick update without popups //

To his disappointment, Qin Yue never reacted, and still looked at him like that.

For a long time, Ling Yunhe sighed, "Are you too confident, or don't you care?" After seeing him or not answering, he said seriously, "Don't pretend not to understand."

He was determined to hear the answer. Qin Yue finally spoke, but just shook his head: "This is a matter between us, so I can't talk about it." He didn't have the love to tell the love story to others, and he didn't need it.

Ling Yunhe settled, and after a long time, he smiled bitterly: "Why, why should I ask for trouble." His eyes returned to clear, saying, "This matter, I will tell you, but now is not the time."

"When is that?" Qin Yun didn't want to be perfunctory.

"... When I'm calm." Ling Yunhe lost a word of calm and turned around.

But I heard Mo Tiange's voice behind him: "Don't you also know the reasons for the ancient and ancient destruction of the ancient times?"

Ling Yunhe paused suddenly and turned around.

Mo Tiange stared at him, instantly.

Just now their conversation was clueless, and she still had some thoughts, but she heard some of Ling Yunhe's previous words. Everything will be destroyed. What else can be called "everything will be destroyed" besides what they know? What Ling Yunhe must know

For a long time, Ling Yunhe asked, "How do you know?"

"You do know." Mo Tiange did not answer, but looked at him.

Ling Yunhe sighed again. He sighed a lot recently. He said, "Let's go find Tiancan Daoyou first, one day later, it will be hard to find one day."

Mo Tiange only considered a few things and agreed: "Okay." Compared to this incident, she valued Nie Wu's safety more.

As if nothing had happened, the three flew back to the depths of the North Sea.

The farther north, the stronger the sea breeze. Later, it has faintly carried all the tearing power. When it passes, the surrounding space becomes extremely unstable.

Ling Yunhe reminded him: "This is the hurricane wind. We will soon enter the Arctic Circle. Under the aurora, the hurricane wind will be more violent. If you encounter the eye of the wind, there is no other way than to avoid it."

The sky is getting darker and darker, but the sky on the north is gradually glowing with a layer of fluorescence. The fluorescence is colorful, as fog and electricity, and gorgeous, like a fairy holding a paintbrush, leaving a thick ink.

However, this beautiful scenery is with an aggressive killing. As soon as the three of them entered the aurora range, Mo Tiange and Qin Yue's bodyguard aura burst into smoke.

Ling Yunhe stopped and said, "Aurora has the power of magnetism. The two are best to have a special way of protecting themselves."

Mo Tiange and Qin Yue looked at each other. The two of them, Qin Wei, specializes in the fire department. At present, it seems to be of little use; Mo Tiange, what he learned is very complicated. Unfortunately, Bai Sipa, the strongest defensive magic weapon, has been destroyed. Personal protection. The two pondered for a moment, Mo Tiange offered a Taiji gossip picture, and Qin Hui pulled out a piece of silk fairy clothing, waved it out, spread it into a pair of exercises, and protected them.

This Xianyi is one of the reward items of Xianmeng. It comes from the warehouse of Fengsha City. They completely resolved the matter of the East China Sea monster repair, and made a lot of credit. Xianmeng specially rewarded a lot of wealth. They had no shortage of spiritual stones and no medicine, so they chose a few useful magic weapons. The others stayed in Dongfu, filling their collection room.

Ling Yunhe's eyes stopped on Xianyi for a moment, then he moved away. This is a good magic weapon, but it is of little value to him.

As the three flew northward, the power of the elemental magnets carried by the aurora became stronger, and they could not escape at all. There are also hurricane winds, often more powerful than the aurora.

This flight took three days. In the northern boundary of the North Sea, Ling Yunhe's eyeliner did not dare to enter easily, but stared at the North Seaside. These days, no trace of Moon Shadow Demon or Nie Wushou was found, so it is inferred that they should still be in the North Sea. Only they found it. Fortunately, Nie Wushou left Ling Yunhe a Yuanshen card, which can roughly sense the distance. They can be sure that Nie Wushou is still safe.

The sharp voice sounded in the ear, and the force of the spatial turbulence brought by the hurricane wind suddenly intensified. Ling Yunhe's face changed: "Not good, the wind is here"

The three looked up, and not far away, one by one huge gray vortices, sucked up on the sea surface, wherever they passed, the sea water swelled, the ice floes smashed, and the gale * was raised, without exception.

"We must avoid it," Ling Yunhe said hurriedly. "The power of the wind is definitely not something we can resist, even the monks in the Yuan Dynasty, can't carry it."

Mo Tiange looked around, and frowned: "Except the seawater here is ice floes. Where can I avoid it? Under the sea?"

Ling Yunhe nodded: "Yes, it's the bottom of the sea." After a pause, he added, "Most of the monsters in the North Sea are hidden on the bottom of the sea. We must be careful when we enter the sea."

The eyes of the wind are moving, and after a while, they will reach their place. Ling Yunhe finished, he planted without hesitation and dived into the ocean floor.

Qin Yue didn't delay, Xian Yi showed up and threw it to Mo Tiange, and when he raised his arm and called out the sword array, he followed it.

"..." Mo Tiange didn't say a word, so he put on Xianyi and followed.

Under the influence of the hurricane wind, the seawater was also turbulent. Fortunately, they were both Yuanying monks. This turbulence was not a concern. By the time the eye of the wind reached the sea above them, they had already dived into the deep sea and could not affect it.

These days, there are no traces of creatures on the sea. Until this time, there was no gloomy shadow in the sea.

Mo Tiange watched the shadow slip past, and it didn't disappear for a long time, and there was something terrifying in his heart. The breath of such a large sea beast is so weak ... She would not think that no breath is low strength. Ling Yunhe said that the sea beasts that can survive in the North Sea have the strength of Yuanying.

Ling Yunhe was well prepared. As soon as he reached the bottom of the sea, he took out a palm-sized magic weapon, and when it was shot, it quickly became a real ship that could hold dozens of people.

"Go in," he said, opening the hatch first.

When they followed in, the hatch closed, and the entire ship became a closed space. "It may take a few days for the wind eye to dissipate, and we are waiting here." Ling Yunhe said, looking for a place to sit down on the bow of the boat, and meditating with his back to them.

Seeing him like this, he didn't plan to talk to them. Mo Tiange has always been an interesting person, so he took Qin Hui to sit in the back cabin, facing Ling Yunhe far away.

"How are you?" She asked with concern.

"It's okay." Qin Yue knew what she was asking. He left Xianyi to her just now. He only used sword array to protect himself. The sword array was greatly weakened under the aurora and hurricane wind. "It just consumes a lot of aura. They wo n’t hold up. "

After a while, Qin Yun said: "This environment will reduce our strength. I need not say that except for the destiny magic weapon is the bow of the Suzaku, all of the fire department; in your case, the heaven and earth fan are all five systems, supporting the living The sword and Tianlei Dafa are the thunder system ... The Moon Shadow Demon King is not only the Xiu Xiu, but also the corpse, if the magical cultivation is less affected ... "

They are now in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty. With the breath of the beasts on their bodies, they have a chance to deal with the monks after the enemy, but if they weaken too much ...

"Should not." Mo Tiange thought of Wuyougu's experience. "Magic Qi is opposite to Reiki, but it is still in the Five Elements and Yin and Yang. Defiled Qi and Dead Qi are unique existences, which The magic energy has an impact, and the same is true of Aurora and Hurricane Wind. It should be no exception. "

In the final analysis, Aurora is the power of elemental magnetism, and the wind of hurricane is the force of space tearing. These two forces can be either aura or magic.

Qin Yun thought about it and felt reasonable: "I hope so."

The two were silent for a while, and he suddenly said, "The other day, Ling Yunhe said, do you know what it means?"


Qin Yan smiled: "I thought you would not understand."

"I didn't understand it, but after thinking about it, I understood." Mo Tiange answered honestly. After waiting for a long time, Qin Yun didn't ask any more, and she couldn't help asking, "You ... don't ask why?"

Qin Yue looked down at her, and always smiled at the corners of her mouth: "Do you want to ask anything? I never think you have no charm."

His response was too calm, and it seemed that the vinegar and sea wave never happened to him, even at this moment, it was such a bland sentence. Mo Tiange said: "... No wonder he asked that day, whether you are too confident or don't care."

Qin Yue said: "What he thinks is his business, and the business between us has nothing to do with others. Now I do n’t even have this confidence. How can we stay together for millennia and ten thousand years? Feelings are never impulsive and can bear fruit, doubt And doubt will only kill its existence, and if one day wears off, it will be called self-injustice. "

Seeing Mo Tiange fixedly looked at him, he smiled: "What's wrong?"

She sighed and sighed, "I know now, but the loser is me."

"Huh?" Qin Yan raised his eyebrows ~ ~, puzzled.

Mo Tiange laughed without answering.

The wind of the hurricane blew for two days, two days later, Ling Yunhe stood up.

Mo Tiange and Qin Yue also stood up, listening only to Ling Yunhe saying, "Fengyan should be gone, let's go up."

They were about to respond, and the hull suddenly shook. Ling Yunhe froze and turned back to look outside.

A huge eye glanced over the ship, followed by a hollow mouth, exposing sharp teeth.

"This is ... a monster from the North Sea?" Mo Tiange was startled. The sheer size of this sea beast is the only thing she has seen in her life. There is no trace of breath, but it is even more terrifying.

Ling Yunhe's face was ugly: "It's unlucky." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to the starting point mobile phone network to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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