MTL - Lady Cultivator-Chapter 639 Black water polymorphism

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It was almost half a day after the pedestrian crossed the canyon. // Quick update without popups //

Although the strength of these Yuanying ghosts is not good, they win in a large number. They are around ten or so, but they can also kill you.

Moreover, the vitality around them was pervasive, and they scored to resist the vitality.

After all, everyone gathered, rushed across the canyon, and rested on the spot.

"Feifei, is there nothing behind?"

Feifei, while combing the hair on the head, replied, "It seems ... well, no need to fight, it's just a little hard to walk."

The terrain is complicated? There is no need to say anything about the fight, a few people didn't take it seriously.

After half a day of rest, all the reikis were restored and they were on the road again.

It didn't take long for them to see what Feifei called "a little harder to walk."

This is a huge cave that can't be seen at a glance. They went into the cave. The road turned round and round, and the ground was deep. Now, looking at the situation of this cave, it is as high as a small hill.

The problem with this cave is not high, but black water droplets that drip or float in the cave. These water droplets contain a strong breath, as if with the underground river, and the meaning of corrosion is far beyond.

"What is this?" Mo Tiange asked.

Feifei let out a hand and said he didn't know: "You can't touch it anyway."

Qin Yue divided a ray of sword light, and touched a mass of black water. There was an instant "swish", the sword light and the black water were in conflict with each other, the black water dissipated, and the sword light shook to stabilize.

"So powerful?" Mo Tiange was taken aback. Qin Yue's sword light contained the breath of Suzaku. Among them, the meaning of destruction and wickedness was the nemesis of ghosts and demons, but it was black by this ordinary and extraordinary. The water has corroded.

Ling Yunhe frowned. With a swipe of a finger, a piece of moonlight flew from the sleeve and hit a drop of floating black water at the same time. There was no sound this time, and the moonlight and water droplets disappeared at the same time.

Jing Xing didn't believe in evil, and he drew his sword to a drop of black water. The black water was chopped, but a trace of black gas remained on his sword.

Jing Xingzhi's destiny sword has long been refined into a sword infant. But Jian Xiu. Playing is a handsome, up to the Yuan Ying Jianzun, down to the ancient sword school entry disciple. They like to carry swords on their backs. Jing Xingzhi is no exception. The sword on his body was the body of the water-stop sword, which was corroded by the black water at this time, and his sword air became impure. He regretted it in a hurry and forced the black air out.

Nie Wushou also tried it out. Her dark cloud was light and light, and black water drops fell on it. It dripped again.

"Eh? Are you okay?" Mo Tiange was surprised.

Nie Wushang said, "Don't you remember? When I entered the Valley of Worry-free, I was contaminated with death gas, but I was swallowed up by the spirit of Yuan Mo. Maybe it is the same source, and the corrosive effect of death gas is not Strong. "She called Heiyun back. Pushed in front of her, "Look."

Traces remain on the dark clouds, but they are much shallower than them.

"Where is Yang Daoyou?" Mo Tiange turned to Yang Chengji. "You fellow practitioners must be the same?"

Yang Chengji also tried it, and sure enough, although it was no worse than Nie Wuye, the ability of black water to corrode him was also greatly reduced.

"Since you can maintain your strength and alertness, it's up to you." Qin Yue said.

Nie Wushou and Yang Chengji nodded in agreement. At present, it seems that this road may be more dangerous than Guixiu Canyon. These black water drops, or drifting or dripping, are inevitable. If an accident occurs, they will be caught accidentally.

"Let's go, try again." After waiting so long, Feifei was a little impatient, the stone also called twice, then held Feifei down, held it in his palm, and used his body to block the black water around him. Stepped in.

Mo Tiange shook his head and followed in. There are water stains everywhere on the ground, and all the water droplets are flying around, more than what Feifei said is "difficult to walk"? They don't need to fight this part of the road, but they are more labor-intensive.

Mo Tiange released a mix of Qi and Qi, and then released the fairy clothing, walking carefully.

These black waters have no laws at all, and they are in this cave just as they want. They either drop from the top like ordinary water droplets; or gather into a pool on the ground, consciously expand and shrink; or simply move around in a cave, like a naughty child; or hit, fuse, and separate in the air.

In it, Mo Tiange is almost breathtaking. These drops of water are just like life, or cheerful, or calm, or fanatical, or melancholic ... a world of its own. If you look at it seriously, it will seem to fit into their world, and follow them together with joy and sorrow ...

There was a cold chest, and Mo Tiange suddenly awakened. Looking around, the others appeared more or less addicted. Only Nie Wushou and Yang Chengji were awake.

"Be careful!" She exclaimed. "Weird here."

All of them suddenly refreshed, as if they were awake at the beginning of their dreams.

Ling Yunhe was shocked: "What the **** is this?" He was afraid that the forbidden **** beads would be contaminated with black water and corroded by it, and he put them away. However, because the forbidden **** beads suppressed the Yuanshen, these drops of water invaded.

No one can answer this question. Feifei and Stone have no need to worry about it, they have long disappeared.

Six people and one beast roused their spirits, each casting a trick. They all know that even if they are corroded by black water, they cannot be fascinated. Once they lose their consciousness, it is equivalent to giving up their lives.

Ling Yunhe sacrificed the forbidden **** beads and said, "Let's get closer, the forbidden **** beads have the effect of fixing gods."

Others heard the words and approached Ling Yunhe. The forbidden **** bead floated in the air, and the light was bright under the control of Ling Yunhe, and it was bright and bright with dozens of squares. There was a forbidden **** bead to suppress, and their spirits were refreshed.

The six people moved forward slowly, not only to prevent the delusion of the mind, but also to prevent the corrosion of the black water, and they walked extremely slowly.

As they walked dozens of feet, the drops of water behind them suddenly merged extremely fast, forming a large pool of black water on the ground. Black water walked along a weird curve, drawing his head on the ground, his body, his hands and feet, and waiting for the drawing of the human figure, he suddenly made a break, broke the **** of the ground, and stood up.

This black man made up of black water is covered with a tight black skin, no hair, no features, no nails. No hair, only black lacquered skin.

He twisted his hands and feet, then adjusted his steering, and walked forward to a few people, walking silently.

These people are careful. But he was too fast, just a flash of thought, and he had already hit it.

"Be careful!" Nie Wuhu shouted. A black cloud waved out, blocking the black man's blow.

Seeing this, a few people took a breath. They just feel. These black waters seem to have life. I didn't expect to have life!

This "human" composed of black water has no coercion on his body, but only the ruinous pollution of black water itself. If Nie's non-injury strength has not decreased much, they may not have noticed this blow!

In an instant, everyone sacrificed magic weapons.

"You retreat!" Nie Wujue shouted. "Let me and Yang Daoyou come."

This black water is too corrosive to several of them if you let them approach. It is necessary to splash a few drops, and then the strength will also decline-this can not be restored after a day or two of rest.

Mo Tiange and others didn't hesitate and stepped back a few steps. Yang Chengji did not hesitate. Ghost face slammed a stroke, Yuan Mo's swift brush to the black man.

"Let's go!" Qin Yue said. "It's not good for us. Staying here is a drag on them."

The four people and one beast are advancing at a rapid pace, and they do not hesitate to use every means. As long as they don't corrode themselves and their destiny magic weapons, other magic weapons can't be ignored. It is better to destroy treasures than to destroy people.

On this side, although the person transformed by the black water is slightly sage, it is far less than human beings. He was repeatedly brushed by Yang Chengji's ghost face, and Nian Wushou saw his injury, raised his fist, and gathered the spirit of the original demon. , Punched out.

She was a martial artist. This punch was full of strength. With one punch, the black man broke in response, but still turned into countless black water droplets and spread out.

She and Yang Cheng base station for a while, saw the water droplets still wandering around, and suddenly a figure gathered behind her and stood up.

"Behind!" Yang Chengji yelled, the ghost's face brushed, and a spirit of Yuan Mo hit the black man.

Nie Wuren turned around and still punched out and broke it.

"This won't work, we can't kill it." Yang Chengji said, his brows were tightly folded, "Go!"

Nie Wushou nodded, followed behind him without hesitation, and flew forward.

Not long after they walked, they saw Mo Tiange taking a step first. They were surrounded by three or five "blacks", and four people and one beast were running while resisting.

"After giving them a break!" Yang Chengji said, the ghost face was brushed, and a black man was quickly brushed down by him.

Nie Wuju nodded and shouted, "You go!"

The four people and one beast were not polite, and they resolved the two blacks. The others were left to them, and they left quickly.

When they ran away, Nie Wuju broke a black man by boxing and said, "Thank you."

Yang Chengji's gaze moved: "Thank me for what?"

"Thank you, willing to believe them." Nie Wushou looked at him and smiled. "Originally, you passed by yourself, and we can't say anything."

"..." Yang Chengji turned around while facing the enemy, his pale face was a bit unnatural, but his voice was cold: "It's not just you who can have friends."

Nie Wushou was stunned ~ ~ The next moment, the corners of his mouth were bent, and his voice was a little cheerful: "I'm more talkative, sorry."

They no longer say more, solve these black people, and go after them again.

When they arrived, it was still the scene, they were surrounded by several black people, and more and more people.

Everyone was a bit weak. There was a feeling that their fists hit the cotton. These black people became water droplets in a dozen, and after a while, the water droplets could turn into adults. However, they lost all their energy to become a magic weapon, but they were afraid of being corrupted. Unable to shoot at full strength, he could only run all the way, after Nie Wuju and Yang Chengji broke.

"Hou roar!" A distant voice came, and the figure of the stone approached slowly, very surprised to see them fighting the black people, and then came forward and threw and threw a black man into a drop of water. Push and throw again, and between the breaks, the black people were swept away.

The six people and one beast are a little embarrassed. Here and there ... They are called geniuses of the Infant Monk, plus the noble blood of the **** beast, they are not as good as a monster ... (To be continued). ..

More to the address) Book friends, pay attention!

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