MTL - Lady Cultivator-Chapter 645 Stun

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Between the dark mountain belly, a long and wide canyon ran across it, as if the immortal left a slash, and the mountain walls on both sides were vertical and steep, and the dark air was diffused. // Quick update without popups //

At the edge of the canyon stood a man with a tall figure in black. He watched the rumbling black gas and wandering ghost repairs in the canyon, silent like the corpses around him.

I don't know how long after that, a figure of Confucian clothing in Tsing Yi came flying and stood behind him.

"Senior Moon Shadow." This man arched his hand. Although he called the senior, there was not much respect in his tone.

The man in black-the Moon Shadow Demon King, turned around and looked at the middle-aged Confucian student in front of him. Losing his cloak, his face is still blurred, which seems to be the reason for the exercises.

"Han Daoyou." Moon Shadow Demon slowly said.

This middle-aged Confucian is Han Shizhi. Han Shizhi is still in such a calm state. After he was born, he is no longer as fierce as before, and he looks the same on the surface, but it is even more difficult to understand: "The melee has begun there It is expected that they can support it for a while. I wonder when Jiu Yanzong will arrive? "

Upon hearing this, Yueying Devil smiled overcastly: "Jiu Yanzong always does things without leaking. When the time comes, they naturally appear."

Han Shizhi's eyes narrowed: "Where's the horse and the old donkey? But the predecessor wants to share a portion of him?"

Moon Shadow Demon's fuzzy face flashed his eyes: "How? Unwilling?"

Han Shizhi snorted softly, scorning: "This old guy is doing something that is reluctant. When he does work, he doesn't see anyone, but he picks up cheaply and comes quickly."

"Oh ..." Moon Shadow Devil chuckled, "However, without him, how can I confuse those people?"

Han Shizhi said coldly: "This old thing, sooner or later, tell him to suffer!"

"That will be the future." Moon Shadow Demon said. "Let's talk later when we have it."

The two were silent for a while, and Yueying Demon asked: "Mr. Yu should be here?"

Han Shizhi nodded: "The teacher has already set off, but it is inconvenient to use the open teleportation matrix. It takes time."

"Yuan Mu Laoer has left Jiu Yanzong, but he can't delay."

In this regard, Han Shizhi is more confident: "No Yuanzheng can be found. You can always drag him on for a while, that's enough."

Moon Shadow Demon King bowed his head: "I hope so smoothly."


Heaven and earth fan waving. A blue dragon rises, brings forth thousands of golden lights, and spreads out a splendor.

Mo Tiange yanked Nie Wuju, and the two pulled back slightly. Ling Yunhe was on top of them.

"No injuries, are you okay?" She asked.

Nie Wushou was pale and took a black jade charm from her arms. With a pinch, the dark air was quickly inhaled by her, and her face quickly looked better: "It's okay, just rest for a while." She spent too much energy when evading the pursuit of the Moon Shadow Devil, and suffered many small Injuries, although resting for more than half a month, are easy to feel tired.

She looked at the entrance anxiously. These people seemed to have reached a consensus. Can they resist it?

Mo Tiange had the same mindset, and the two looked at each other. Retreat tacitly and meditate.

Six of them, one beast, kept guarding the door, resolutely refusing to let anyone in. The monk blocked was watching. Just learn from them and discuss the rotation. As a result, their pressure rose sharply. After all, they were more than twenty monks of Yuanying, and they also consumed them!

"Support!" Ling Yunhe said, his eyes were firm, "Jiu Yanzong can't see me die, we can live if we stay on."

Looking at him like this, Mo Tiange couldn't help sighing secretly. She also hoped that Ling Yunhe was right that Jiu Yanzong would not give up on him, but what if Jiu Yanzong really gave up on him?

After thinking for a while, Mo Tiange shook his head. No, it's not for Ling Yunhe, they have to come to ban the **** beads and basalt.

They did not expect that this guard lasted for three days. Previously, they still overwhelmed others with strength, but later, they relied entirely on elixir. Seeing that the elixir gradually became insufficient, Mo Tiange was worried. Except for Nie Wushou and Yang Chengji, everyone wanted the elixir to supplement the aura. Although each of them is a good person, the Yuanying Monk ’s fighting skills are extremely detrimental, but once they start, it is easier to separate the victory than the lower-level monks. In addition, the high-end elixir is extremely precious. The gas phase is also eaten as jelly beans. She hesitated for a long time, looked outside, and made up her mind.

"Brother," she whispered, "not enough elixir, should I get some?"

Qin Yue motioned for Jing Xingzhi to stand on top of him and backed down. From Mo Tiange's eyes, he saw what she meant, and frowned slightly: "You want to ..."

After a pause, he explained, "Jiu Yanzong should not give up Ling Yunhe, but we are incomparable to them. Who knows if Jiu Yanzong won't be able to hold us back and then save Ling Yunhe? ? "

Qin Yue thought for a while and said, "You make sense."

"Then I'll get it?"

Qin Yue quickly glanced at the people present and nodded: "I protect you."

Mo Tiange understood what he meant, saying: "In ancient times, there were a lot of strange storage magic weapons."

Qin Yue smiled at her. Sanyang's real fire sword shot. Numerous swords and dazzling lights circled her in the middle. Through the cover of Jianguang, it is difficult for others to detect slight aura fluctuations. Mo Tiange entered the virtual world and went to the storeroom to load all the available elixir into Qiankun Ring. After thinking about it, they released Xiaofan Feifei and told them to stay well.

When she got out of the virtual world, Qin Yue accepted the Sanyang Real Fire Sword and distributed the elixir to others.

When Ling Yunhe saw the elixir she handed, she was surprised: "Mo Dayou, this ..."

Mo Tiange said calmly, "I have a lot of storage magic weapons, but I have some trouble getting in and out."

Their actions just can't conceal the monks outside, but they can't hide from Ling Yunhe. After listening to her remarks, Ling Yunhe had no doubt, only when her magic weapon was unique, nodded and took over: "Thank you very much."

Jing Xing Zhi didn't even ask, he was used to it, the mysterious couple husband and wife, from time to time to get something weird.

However, looking at the high-grade elixir given by Mo Tiange, he could not restrain the fire of jealousy: "You two, there are too many good things!" At the beginning, he returned to Haixian Palace in the market. After touching Mo Tiange's bottle and returning it to Yang Dan, she was so happy that she gave two bottles now! Jingxing didn't regret it, I knew I should have hit it a little more!

"Don't talk so much nonsense, fight seriously!" Mo Tiange said.

Jing Xingzhi swallowed the elixir without any nonsense and continued to block people. This is a matter of life and death!

With these elixir, everyone is full of confidence. These people outside are rotated longer than them and have enough time to fully regain their aura, but they have one shortcoming, that is, dissonance. Everyone has their own intentions, and they want to work harder, so they will not desperately. .

Looking at these people, Jing Xingzhi winked at Qin Hui, looking at one of the monks vacantly.

In the early days of these monks, the middle-aged look was a pair of nails that were several inches long and glittering. The two nails turned into golden light when punctured, and turned into a golden screen on time. The transition was smooth, and they were not weak. However, offensive and defensive balance also means that both are not very sharp.

Qin Yue nodded slightly, indicating that he understood what he meant.

When the sword and light staggered, Jing Xingzhi suddenly exploded. Countless lightsaber phantoms went to the early monk. The early monk was shocked. When the magic weapon changed, it became a golden screen. The next moment, it was extremely sharp. The red Jianguang suddenly appeared, interrupting his movement.

The monk was also calm. When he looked into the bag, a white light lit up, protecting him strictly.

With a finger at Qin Yue, a flare of light suddenly rose from the sword light, a vast sacred, warm destruction meant to spread out unstoppably, and this mighty force suppressed the early monk firmly.

At the same time, in the dazzling lightsaber phantom, a golden light suddenly appeared, raising the same vast breath, the violent killings contained in it were trembling. This golden light merged into the sword light. Everyone seemed to hear the white tiger screaming, and the heart was shocked. The early monk faced this sharp killing intention, and when he had no time to get out of the way, he felt cold and physically Cleaved into pieces.

The red sword light that had already raised its hand appeared again, with a clear voice, a roll of gorgeous flame tail feathers, and in a sacred flame, Yuan Ying's beard was burnt black, turned into flying smoke, and disappeared with the flesh. , Not even the Qiankun bag.

Everyone is shocked!

They did not expect that these two men would suddenly explode, and Thunder killed and killed a monk, and even Yuan Ying had no chance to escape!

Great skill, so hot! What spell did they use just now? That power is much higher than the exercises they practice. Someone thought that this Qin Daoyou was the one who snatched the bow of Jiuzongzong Suzaku, and there was another flamingo just now. Is this the legacy of Suzaku? What about the other one? Obviously an obscure sword repair, actually has no less inferior strength than that Qin Daoyou, could it also have the inheritance of the beast? What about Ling Yunhe? If he absorbed the basaltic relics, plus the forbidden **** beads, wouldn't it be Yuanchu's victory over Yuanzhong, maybe he could compete with the Queen?

For a while ~ ~ the crowd was both deterred and aroused greed.

At this time, Yang Chengji, who had been covering them, rolled a ghost mask, and the ghost mask flew away, biting another monk fiercely.

The monk woke up like a dream and took a picture of the top-level Yuanying Fuyu. Looking back, the place where the ghost's face was accidentally bitten was black and purple, and a lump large like a walnut was floating. This person couldn't help but panic, thinking in his heart, if it wasn't for him to decide on his own, and to lay down the top-level magic charm, I'm afraid that he would confess his life to him, just like that one?

This is why everyone else is watching, and they can't help backing away.

Those two are very powerful, this Yang Chengji is not easy to deal with, and the following Ling Yunhe and Mo Tiange, one is cultivated in the palm of the hand by Jiu Yanzong, one dare to talk to a monk Yuanyuan just after the Dandan period. Overwhelming, even the humble woman in black is not a messy role!

Everyone hesitated for a moment. Is it necessary for such a powerful voter to die for others? (To be continued). ..

More to the address) Book friends, pay attention!

Read The Mage of Eternity