MTL - Lady Cultivator-Chapter 7 Xiuxianjie

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Mo Tiange was just awakened by the sound of the next door just as soon as the sky was clear.

睁 She opened her eyes and stared blankly at the roof for a while before she remembered that it was the ancestral house.

The quilt had a moist smell, and she frowned, getting up and getting dressed.

The clothes are easy to wear. She has been dressing herself since she was four years old. It was only when she wore pigtails that she was in trouble. No matter how she made it, she didn't think it would be better. Trying to control the feeling of crying, she wiped her eyes and opened the door to go out.

In the kitchen next door, Lin Ying is already making breakfast. He Bo is cutting wood in the yard. He does the rough work in the house. In addition, there are several servants sweeping the floor and feeding pigs.

As soon as Momo Tiange washed her face, she heard Lin Ying cry in the room, "Hey, come here."

She turned her head and looked at Lin Mao in puzzlement.

Lin Linzheng held a shovel in one hand and akimbo in one hand and said, "Call me, come and help me to set fire."

She glanced around and walked down.

Lin Lin pushed her back to the stove: "The fire is burning outside, the fire is burning inside."

Momo Tiange watched Lin Yan turning her head and burying her vegetables. She didn't even care about her. She bit her lip and started to burn after sitting on the stove.

Fortunately, breakfast is done quickly. Lin Zhi boiled a pot of porridge, or steamed or fried a few side dishes, just fine. She smelled the scent, and her empty stomach became hungry.

I made breakfast, Lin Yi saw her come out from behind the stove and said, "Go wash your face and go to eat."

Momo Tiange wiped his face and found that it was stained with gray, so he obediently went to the courtyard to get some water and wiped it again. Don't go to the dining room until you feel clean.

This meal is still like this. She was obviously hungry but could not eat anything. She ate the grass and ate, and went to the school with Mo Tianqiao.

I walked on the road, and Mo Tianqiao said something to her with interest, she didn't hear it.

Until Mo Tianqiao pulled her sleeves and asked, "Tiange, what happened to you?" Worriedly.

Momo Tiange returned to God, but just shook his head.

Seeing her like this, Mo Tianqiao didn't speak for a while, and the two walked silently for a while. Mo Tianqiao then hesitated to say, "Tiange, do you miss your mother?"

Momo Tiange froze for a while, bowing his head and not denying.

Mo Mo Tianqiao glanced at her, then clenched her hand, and said seriously: "Tiange, I know you are sad, but your mother is no longer there, and you are useless."

Although this was very poor comfort, Mo Tiange smiled: "Tianqiao, thank you."

Momo Tianqiao watched her smile, she was relieved, and continued to say something with interest, this time, Tian Ge will echo a few words.

When I arrived at the school, the two found that the Master was already there, and quickly ran to their seats to sit down.

Seeing them late, Mo Tianjun grimaced in his position, Mo Tianqiao stared back unwillingly.

"Cough!" The old master coughed, and the students calmed down immediately.

"Have you copied it?"

Many students took out the copied textbooks, spread them out on the table, and waited for the Master to examine them.

Master Qiao's eyes glanced again, and he saw Mo Tiange, which had nothing on the table, and said, "Tiange, have you been injured?"

Momo Tiange quickly stood up: "Master, I'm already done, I'll make up for my homework tomorrow."

Old Master Qiao nodded: "Well, if you haven't been to school for a few days, you must have finished your homework. Today, you will only check the dictation. You can read a book by yourself and come back to study in the afternoon."


Master Qiao glanced over again: "Everyone who copied the level can read a book by himself."

Mo Mo Tiange packed up the pen and ink of the book and bowed to the master before entering the library.

I haven't been here for a few days, but the library is still the same, but she didn't think about reading today.

I randomly picked up the book from the east shelf, and opened it in writing to see the "Tianji slightly heard" that day. Suddenly she remembered the dream, those words that claimed to be the voice of the ancestors of Mojia.

Thinking like this, she opened the book again. This book is obviously written by mortals. For the legend of immortals, there is only a descriptive description. With a movement in her heart, she stood on a stool and flipped through the books on the east shelf.

I found a local book without any special content, and suddenly found a "Qing Lian Note".

I opened the book, and the preface of this book was self-prologue. The preface said that he was originally a scholar of Jin Dynasty, but he could not learn and reuse it because he was full of belly, so he was wandering between the mountains and rivers. It is a pity that when he was over 200 years old, he felt that his life was near, so he wrote this book and passed it on to future generations.

Momo Tiange immediately put the other books back and held the book to the window to read.

At the beginning of the seal book, the Qinglian layman told his origins again, Mo Tiange turned over without interest. Later, the Qinglian layman began to talk about his experience of encountering Xianyuan.

It turned out that when he was walking in the mountains and waters, he had been to a place called Tianzhu Mountain, and the nearby residents said that the mountain was surrounded by clouds and mists, and there were always colorful lights, and there must be immortals. The Qinglian priest only had this Tianshan Mountain on his body. This mountain is really magical, the sea of ​​clouds is small, and the rocks and stones are weird. If you are unconscious, you will get lost. When he lost his way, he went to a place suspected of being a fairy cave, in which there were strange pictures and words. When he saw the magic, he wrote it down, and after leaving the mountain, he realized the immortal law from it.

To the back, the Qinglian layman has practiced Xianfa, only to find that his ears are clear, his brain is smart, and slowly, there is a fairy in his body. The martial arts are even more powerful.

He was happy to practice the immortal law, and he did n’t know what its origin was. Later, he inadvertently met other people who practiced the immortal law. Then he knew that there were many people like him in the world. , Called Xiuxianjie, and these people are also called monks.

Momo Tiange recalled that the ancestor did say the word monk, and it seems that what the Qinglian dweller said is indeed true.

After being aware of Xiuxian Realm, Qi Qinglian lived in contact with other monks, and gradually learned some common sense of Xiuxian.

In the distant ancient times, when God was still on earth, there were many auras and spirits on the earth, there were many great monks, there were many highly capable spirit beasts, there were monsters and demons with strange powers, and there were often monks or spirit beasts. Cultivate into immortals, and there are also cultivators and monsters who cultivate into demons. But I do n’t know why, a sudden war broke out between heaven and earth, there were many immortals, humans, beasts, and many dead people. The heavens and the earth changed, the mountains and seas moved, and everything was destroyed.

After the ancient times, it is the ancient times. In ancient times, the realms of immortal spirits and demons were separated, and the world was left to the unreasonable people and beasts. At this time, the world still has the aura and environment that are not inferior to that of the ancient times. The schools are full of sects, and it is the heyday of mankind, creating a lot of exercises and magic weapons. Xiang'an has nothing to do for more than 100,000 years. The battle between the demon and the demon spirits took part in the battle, and the mortal was almost extinct. It slowly became what it is now.

After more than 100,000 years, the monks with great magical powers disappeared, the high-order spiritual beasts also disappeared, the aura began to become thin, many spirits became extinct, and the people who practiced immortals began to break away from the world and no longer live together with mortals.

Today's Xiuxian Realm has established the Xiuxian sect in a place full of aura, far from the mundane world, and only when choosing the gatekeeper will it be between mortals.

But mortals can no longer practice immortality. Only those who have spiritual roots can retain their aura in their bodies to cultivate their immortals. And the spiritual roots are among mortals, and there is nothing in them. Only the descendants of the cultivator can increase the probability of appearing spiritual roots.

The carcass is divided into two poles, and the spirit belongs to the five elements. This means that the constitution has the attributes of yin and yang, and the aura has the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and soil. Most people's constitutions are yin and yang. When practicing, they will repel each other, and the spiritual roots and the five elements are in harmony with each other. If the spiritual roots are in the same constitution, they will cancel each other out, so the purer the constitution, the better, the less the spiritual roots. it is good.

In the practice of immortality, the three spiritual roots and the four spiritual roots are the most common. The practice of the three spiritual roots is not too slow, but it is generally not a great tool ~ ~ The four spiritual roots and the five spiritual roots are poor spiritual roots, generally Lifelong trapped in the gas refining period, foundation building is also very difficult. The Qinglian dweller himself is the four spiritual roots and has no chance, so he has been unable to build a foundation.

And above three spiritual roots, double spiritual roots will no longer be dragged down by qualifications. In addition, there is a different spiritual root of the five elements, and the speed of cultivation is no less than that of monks with single spiritual roots.

However, spiritual roots are not omnipotent. Practicing immortalism also involves understanding and mentality. The spiritual root is slightly worse. If the understanding is very good, the speed will not be much slower, and the breakthrough of the realm is related to the mentality and the mentality. But all this is based on the spiritual roots. If the spiritual roots are too bad, then no matter how good the understanding and mentality are, it is useless.

Momo Tiange remembered what her ancestors said. She had a pure yin constitution and dual spiritual roots, so her cultivation speed was no slower than that of a single spiritual root monk. However, the ancestors said that she had five elements of spiritual roots, which was the worst spiritual roots that the Qinglian layman said, and generally there was no great success.

She has a low mood. Although she hasn't thought about the day, she knows that her spiritual roots are not good, but she is still not happy.

"Tiange, what are you looking at?"

It turned out that Mo Tianqiao pushed in the door.

Mo Mo Tiange closed the book and said to her, "Tianqiao, have you passed?"

Mo Mo Tianqiao smiled with joy: "Yeah, I copied it all night yesterday, and managed to get through it."

"Then what book do you want to read, I will help you find it."

Mo Mo Tianqiao reached out and turned her over two pages, not very interested, and handed it back to her: "Look at it for myself, I will take a look."


I saw Mo Tianqiao moving between bookshelves, Mo Tiange looked at the book in his hand, hesitated, and stuffed it into his schoolbag.

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