MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-Chapter 1 chess game

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The serene mountains and forests are fragrant with the fragrance of birds and flowers, and the cool temperature by the streams in the mountains is also very comfortable.

A group of people are busy here, frolic and set up tents to build a camp.

This is a camping activity organized privately by colleagues in the company. Of course, all of them are young people. Because they have to carry tents and other equipment for mountaineering and hiking, the older people are not strong enough.

Originally, everyone wanted the company to organize a camping trip, but the company organizes group tours every year, and there are tour guides who drive buses, so this year, many colleagues simply did not follow the company, but let a few with outdoor experience lead the organization by themselves. , so there is also this mountaineering camping.

Ji Yuan has only been working in this software company for two years, and her hair is still black. Naturally, she belongs to the category of young people, so this time, she is playing a mobile game with another colleague after setting up the tent.

"Hey, hey, Jiyuan Jiyuan, give it big, give it a big one!! Hey! I'm dead!"

"What's the use of it for you? It will fall after two seconds. It's better for me to be able to escape. Now, let's get a double kill in the bottom lane..."

"My, my... I'll let you play as a shooter, and I'll assist you!"

"Don't, don't...I'll ask passersby to help..."

Don't look at the fact that this place seems to be in the mountains, but the base station can be seen on the top of the mountain in the distance. The two of them are having fun with their mobile phones, and the network speed is not delayed at all.

Naturally, there are places in China where the signal is extremely poor or even absent, but most people have long been accustomed to having a signal wherever they go. This is the confidence brought by the perfect infrastructure and equipment, which makes people forget about the signal without realizing it.

The location where they set up their tent is on a relatively flat hill with a clear stream on the side, which is an excellent place for camping in the wild.

There were more than a dozen people who came. A large group of people were taking pictures outside, and a few were adjusting their tents. It seemed that Wang Gang, Ji Yuan, and Li Jun were the ones who were free.

Wang Gang was about to use stones to build an earthen stove for barbecue, and he looked at the camp, so Ji Yuan and Li Jun had a good time.

"Jiyuan, Dajun, stop playing games, go find some firewood, the fire will be lighted in a while, otherwise you can eat cold canned food at noon!"

A little further away, a colleague called out to the two people sitting at the entrance of the tent.

"Got it!!" "Okay!"

Li Jun and Ji Yuan both replied, and then looked at each other. Anyway, they were sprayed like a dog by their teammates, so they quit the game.

The two stood up and walked towards the edge of the woodland, into a denser shade of trees.

There is no shortage of firewood in the mountains and forests, and fallen branches are everywhere. Li Jun drags a big branch around, and from time to time, he tosses it to and fro, and shouts "drink, haha," in Ji Yuan's eyes like a fool.

In order to prevent infection, he was also afraid of being accidentally injured by Li Jun's "crazy" stick technique, so Ji Yuan hurriedly stayed away from this guy.

Like most young people in modern times, Jiyuan's grandfather has a bunch of brothers and sisters. In his father's generation, Jiyuan's father is the only son, but there are also a few Jiyuan's aunts, who become the only child in Jiyuan's generation.

Maybe it’s because the children and grandchildren are less precious. The old family’s simple and rude naming patterns such as “Golden Flower, Yinhua, Guoxing, Cuifen” suddenly become poetic in the grandson’s generation, and the grandfather also asked him for decades. Mr. Feng Shui's uncle and father-in-law thought together, and finally chose a single name with the word "yuan", and the whole family was very satisfied.

"Ah! The air in the mountains is good! Travel should come to a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters!"

Ji Yuan sighed, and was not in a hurry to pick up firewood, but strolled in the woods first, and brought it over on the return trip to save effort.

After walking around for only about a minute, Ji Yuan suddenly discovered that there were several huge trees in front of her. Visually, they were bigger than the surrounding trees.

"Big army, big army, come and see, here are some super thick trees!! Big army!"

Ji Yuan shouted to the other side, and found that the guy was still brushing sticks, so he ignored him for the time being, and planned to go over to take a look first, and show everyone later.

When he got closer, Ji Yuan had a more intuitive feeling for these trees.

Only the outermost one has many exposed roots, which are intertwined on the ground, and some of them are estimated to have thick thighs.

' there such an old tree? ’

Niutoushan is not a well-known tourist destination, but there are also many people who come to the mountain for outings and barbecues. It is reasonable to say that such a thick tree should be posted on the Internet, right?

But Ji Yuan just thought about it casually, and then turned to the other side that was blocked by the big tree outside.


A suspicious voice came out of his mouth.

On that side, in addition to seeing several other equally sturdy ancient trees, there was actually a chessboard in the middle of the trees. To be precise, it was a tree stump with a chessboard on it.

Ji Yuan subconsciously took a few steps forward and came to the edge of the tree stump where the chessboard was.

Looking left and right, there is no warning sign to remind tourists to pay attention, and of course there is no chess player.

On the chessboard, black pieces and white pieces are criss-crossed, black pieces are like arrays, and white pieces are like dragons.

This made Ji Yuan a little curious, is it that Niutoushan is a small hill that is intended to be developed as a scenic spot?

However, the chessboard and its surroundings were already full of fallen leaves and twigs, with bird droppings and rotten fruits scattered intermittently. Whether it was a real game or a decoration, it was obviously a long time ago.

Then his eyes swept to a special object behind the chess game. There was a rusted object next to an old tree, which had obviously bulged and deformed due to excessive rust.

Ji Yuan took a few steps and took a closer look. After thinking about it, it felt like an exaggeratedly rusted axe.

'and many more! Could it be the legendary rotten chess game! ? ’

This idea also made Jiyuan laugh. This decoration really looks like that, and it also brought up Jiyuan's interest.

He returned to the chess game and took a closer look. Looking at the board full of black and white stones, he didn't understand the game of Go very well at first. Suddenly, he felt that the dragon, Baizi, became more and more awkward. It could be very coherent. There is also a sense of threat of being surrounded by the seemingly chaotic Kuroko.

The key is that for some reason, the feeling of the white dragon missing a corner made him feel obsessive-compulsive. He glanced at the two wooden chess boxes next to the chessboard a few times from the corner of his eye, and then he reached out and took a white stone.

This chess piece is very weighty. It feels like an iron piece, but it feels like ceramics. Ji Yuan weighed it, and then looked left and right with a guilty conscience, and reached out and placed the white piece in the center of the chessboard. "Tianyuan" in terminology.

"Yes! I feel much more comfortable now!"

Ji Yuan clapped her hands, took out her mobile phone from her trouser pocket, and planned to take a few photos, record videos, etc., and then invite everyone to take a look.

It's just that I pressed the unlock button on my phone several times, but the unlock prompt didn't pop up.

"Damn it! What's the situation? It's really out of power!?"

The phone was really out of power, and when I pressed the Changan power-on button, the phone vibrated to turn it on and turned off automatically.

Just finished playing, the phone still has at least 80% of the battery, but it will automatically shut down without knowing it.

Ji Yuan turned his head and looked outside, but he didn't see the army playing sticks before.

'Forget it, go get the power bank! ’

With this thought in mind, Ji Yuan walked towards the camp, and after walking a few steps, he realized that the sky was getting a little dark.

After walking for a few minutes, Ji Yuan was stunned. He saw the trickling stream and the flat hill, but, what about the camp?

Not to mention that there is no one in the company, even the tents are all gone. What the **** is going on?

It's not April Fool's Day, and it's so hard to set up a tent and build a camp, so the fool immediately dismantled it and played a prank.

Ji Yuan looked around and saw two people in some kind of uniforms sitting there resting by the stream in the distance, so he walked a little closer and asked.

"Dude, may I ask, did you see where the campers went? We just set up the camp not long ago!"

The two of them trembled obviously, and UU reading was startled by the sudden sound.

Then they turned their heads and looked at Ji Yuan in amazement. Although they were resting just now, they were also paying attention to their surroundings. This person seemed to appear suddenly.

Hearing Ji Yuan's question, one of them subconsciously answered.

"Camping? Just now? No one has been camping in Niutoushan these two days, and they are busy looking for the missing."


Ji Yuan's answer made Ji Yuan even more confused.

"Someone disappeared in the mountains?"

Before the company organized a group, I checked it out. There is nothing wrong here, and even the weather is fine.

"Yeah, I've been missing for more than half a month. A young man named Ji Yuan went out to camp with his colleagues from the company. By the way, who did you come to the mountains with, your companion? Don't you know about the search and rescue of the missing?"

The search and rescue team carefully looked at the person in front of them as they spoke, and felt that this person's foreign trade characteristics were somewhat familiar, but Ji Yuan, who was next to him, was stunned when he heard this.

'Missing? Myself? Most of the month? ’

Ji Yuan's first reaction was to feel absurd, and her second reaction was to feel that something was wrong.

Before the startled Ji Yuan could say anything, a strong sense of dizziness came throughout.

When it was dark in front of him, Ji Yuan seemed to have lost all physical strength in an instant, a strong sense of weakness and dizziness came along, and his body fell down after a while of weakness.

And in the process, Jiyuan's body lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her lips became extremely dry and cracked as if they were rapidly weathering.

"Sir? What's wrong with you, sir? Be careful!"

"Hold him up, hold him up!"

"Not good!! Hurry up and call for reinforcements!!"

The last sound Ji Yuan heard in this life was the exclamation of two search and rescue team members that seemed to come from outside the sky.

Read The Duke's Passion