MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-Chapter 1017 Mountain Broken 2 There is nothing to cross in the world

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The whirlpools of the ocean are constantly increasing and strengthening. This world is indeed rising rather than growing, because it is like a terrifying current that is constantly impacting, squeezing and tearing the original bed of the seabed. Dragons and many aquariums seem to be It was the small leaves in this current that were lost because of the rapid expansion of the world, and were also washed away by this torrent.

The intensity of this shock spread across the world in an instant. Even on Fangtai Island, the farthest away from where Fusang fell, everyone could feel that the heaven and the earth seemed to be shaking, and people's spirits had a sense of trance and daze. bad feeling.

And in the two largest battlefields of Nanhuang and Heihuang, where most of the experts in the world are gathered, the feelings of the warring parties are particularly obvious.

Both the demon and the righteous subconsciously slowed down their rhythms.

At the Southern Desolate Heavenly Secret Array, Ju Yuanzi, who had just come back to rest, Xianxiu from Changjian Mountain, and Rong Yun and other experts who were still in the demonic flames all looked to the northeast, and so did some demons.

"What's the matter? Daoist Xuanjizi?"

"This is the wasteland..."

Xuanjizi, who was controlling the Heavenly Mystery Wheel, looked horrified and looked up at the Heavenly Mystery Wheel in the sky. The light on the roulette spread in bursts, and the movement of the Qi Qi of the heaven and the earth appeared in the light. A turbulent air flow in the wasteland rushed in, and it seemed that the whole world was shaking constantly.

Where Hengshan was, Hengshan Mountain God also let out an almost roar-like pain.


The divine might that permeated the entire Hengshan Mountain wilted in an instant, the sense of vibration continued to become clear, and all the mountain ghosts in the mountain were panic-stricken. Distracted, he took the opportunity to slaughter demons, Lu Shanjun even swallowed a considerable number of demons nearby.

"Old Lu, do you know what's going on?"

"It should be that the world has been broken, or the ancient wasteland is coming back."

Lao Niu ran wildly outside the mountain with the hurricane, killing countless monsters and ghosts just by relying on his body.

"What will happen, please explain clearly."

"It's not very good, the wasteland is back, and the evil obstacles in it can't come back. Master will make arrangements. We just need to kill all the evil spirits and evil spirits in front of us!"

"Hahaha, okay, old cow, I like simplicity and rudeness!"


In the sky above the land of Yunzhou, Phoenix Xihuang, who insisted on flying to this place, suddenly lost all of her strength.


Xihuang shook and fell from the air, and fell into the Chunmu River with a "pop". No one on the beach saw Xihuang falling from the sky, but only heard the sound of falling water and saw the sound of sinking into the water. , hurriedly shouted.

"Someone fell into the water--" "Hurry up and save people!"

It's just that there are no boats on this section of the river at the moment, and the Chunmu River is now in high waves, and it is easier to save people.

However, there was a blue shadow in the river, and she quickly supported Xihuang who fell at the bottom of the river. In the eyes of Da Qingyu, this woman who fell into the water was a little strange. She didn't have the pain of drowning and lack of oxygen. Breath shriveled.

Xihuang opened her eyes a little, and there was still a ray of phoenix fire in her eyes. She could feel that although this herring was not deep in Taoism, its aura was definitely not simple.

"Know Mr. Ji? Do you know where Linggen is? Take me... over..."

Hearing that the woman said Mr. Ji, the big herring was refreshed, and it was impossible to simply send the woman ashore, but to find the old turtle. The other party should have a way, just wait for the old turtle to see the big herring. At that time, when he saw that the woman on his back was completely enveloped in a red halo, it became blurred as if it was about to dissipate, and there was a phoenix flying in the halo.

Seeing this scene, the old tortoise immediately knew that he couldn't take it lightly, and hurriedly took the big herring to Ning'an County. He thought that the phoenix was going to use his spiritual roots to continue his life, but it was the exact opposite.


In the depths of the black wilderness, Ji Yuan stood on the top of that high mountain, and naturally felt the vibration of the heaven and the earth. He waited here for so long, and he killed an unknown number of demons, yet Yue Cang and the others still did not show up. , maybe just waiting for this moment.

However, if you think that the true spirit will be able to merge with the true body in this way, and then come out with momentum, it would be a big mistake.

Ji Yuan just stood on the top of the mountain, without even looking back to the northeast, he spoke the law of the edict in a calm voice, and the voice only came out, and it turned into a thunder that resounded through the heaven and the earth, only the echoes of the thunder could be heard. Ji Yuan's voice.

"Edict, Huang Xingye is the righteous **** of the immeasurable mountains and the mountains, and quickly blocks the two worlds of heaven and earth."

rumbling rumbling...

In the ears of some people, Ji Yuan's voice even overshadowed the vibrations between heaven and earth at the moment, starting from the depths of the black wilderness, ignoring geographical restrictions, and spread all over the world in an instant, and also spread to the boundless mountains.

At this moment, it wasn't long before Shi Jiu returned to Wuliang Mountain, and was being severely reprimanded by Songlun, but after all, he had been a teacher and apprentice, and the reprimand was a reprimand, but he did not drive Shi Jiu away immediately.

As soon as he returned to the Infinite Mountain, Shi Jiu's heart settled down, and the outside world shook, but in the Infinite Mountain, he could only feel something, but the earth was so solid, as if the vibrations of the heaven and the earth were all illusions.

It doesn't matter if he is reprimanded or even beaten severely. Now that the world is so chaotic, Shi Jiu can safely hide in Wuliang Mountain. He keeps saying "yes" to Songlun and constantly repents. I saw Zuo Wuji sitting cross-legged on the top of the distant peak and Jinjia standing like an ancient pine.

"Uh, Master... That's Mr. Ji's protector, right? Who is the warrior next to him? The breath is so special!"

"Shut up, I'm not your master!"

Song Lun cursed angrily and looked back at Zuo Wuji, who was sitting quietly.

"That's Lord Wu Sheng."

'Wu Sheng Zuo Wuji? How could he be in Boundless Mountain? He should be at the frontier of the two deserts, or he should be sweeping away demons while wandering the world! ’

Shi Jiu was stunned, could it be that Zuo Wuji is greedy for life and afraid of death? can't...

It was also at this moment that Ji Yuan's voice entered the Boundless Mountain.

"Edict, Huang Xingye is the righteous **** of the immeasurable mountains and the mountains, and quickly blocks the two worlds of heaven and earth."

Huang Xingye appeared out of thin air at the top of the highest peak of Wuliang Mountain, bowed his hands to the sky and saluted.

"Huang Xingye, receive the decree!"


A mysterious yellow ray of light fell from the heavens, crossed the sea and passed through the Great Magnetic Array of Infinite Mountains, and landed on Huang Xingye. In an instant, Huang Xingye’s body was full of divine light, and golden threads emerged from the light, and finally turned into a brilliant golden light. Silk robes, the divine light on the top of the head gathered, and finally turned into a high crown, and there was also a golden chapter and jade book in his hand. The entire Boundless Mountain was completely related to Huang Xingye.

"Fellow Daoist Zhong, Qin Shenjun, I will wait to separate the two worlds."

"Go!" "At the moment!"

Huang Xingye's whole body's mana and divine light soared, filling the entire immeasurable mountain. Zhong Pingxiu and Qin Zizhou worked together to cast spells, directly breaking the two-meter suspension magnetic formation.

At this moment, the gravity of the entire Boundless Mountain increased greatly, and Mo Yu and Li Feng both felt their bodies sink. The gravity they had already adapted to, now seemed to be carrying a dozen sacks on their backs, and they almost couldn't stand and fell down.

But the next moment, Liangjie Mountain actually floated up from the ground, and the next moment disappeared directly into the sea.

At the place where Fusang collapsed, the vitality of heaven and earth has become tyrannical, and there is even a sense of time and space disorder. There has been a loud roar in the barren realm, and those existences with dead aura have awakened from the ancient times, and they can all wake up. Feeling that breath, that breath of breaking free from the shackles, some beasts have even rushed to the light in the distance.

At this moment, the Boundless Mountain appeared in the sky out of thin air, blocking the light, and then falling from the sky with unparalleled power.


Less than an hour has passed since the shock of the hibiscus tree breaking the barriers of heaven and earth, and another shock spread from the same place to all sides. This time the shock is not heard everywhere in the world, but Ji Yuan can feel it, Yue Cang and others can also feel it.

At the same time, Qin Zizhou stood at the back of Wuliang Mountain, directing the celestial starlight and mysterious yellow gas to flow to Wuliang Mountain. Zhong Pingxiu and Huang Xingye stabilized the mountain together. It is a mountain, but it looks like an airtight barrier, directly dividing the two realms and becoming a veritable two realm mountain.

The terrifying terrain of Wuliang Mountain turned into an insurmountable iron wall, so that the fierce beasts and monsters that rushed down the mountain first could not even get close to the mountain. The closer they got, the greater the resistance. Unable to move an inch, he could only keep roaring at Liangjie Mountain and the light on the other side of the mountain.

On the Boundless Mountain, Zhong Pingxiu, Qin Zizhou, and Huang Xingye gathered together. Fayan saw the terrifying atmosphere in the barren land, and even if he had prepared for it, he was still shocked.

"Thanks to the presence of Wuliangshan, otherwise, if these things rush over, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Yes, there may be some gaps in the original Boundless Mountain, but Mr. Ji has already set up the heavens, with all parties in the world as the reflection stars, and the power of the world's topography will be used to suppress the Boundless Mountains, let alone come to the side of heaven and earth, just want to Going up the mountain is wishful thinking!"

Shi Jiu and Songlun were on the hill not far away, and they could hear the conversation of the three masters, which made Shi Jiu, who had just been restless, relaxed again. It was safe, but he looked at Zuo Wuji over there, and found that Jin Jia was looking into the distance, but Zuo Wuji always sat there with his eyes closed, and even his breath was getting weaker and weaker, like a mortal person, a person facing the outside world. A mortal who doesn't respond to anything.

"Master, why doesn't Master Wu Sheng have any reaction at all?"

Zuo Wuji is only a person who is not even a hairy child in terms of age, but at this moment, facing Zuo Wuji, even if the other party does not have the slightest momentum, even like a mortal, it makes Shi Jiu feel more and more in awe, faintly want to face Feelings of fate.

Song Lun also looked serious. He knew that although the three masters, including his master, were chatting and laughing, they were also paying attention to Zuo Wuji.

"Master Wu Sheng, this is gaining momentum..."


In the depths of the black wilderness, Ji Yuan was still standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the end of the earth and sky in front of him, he took off the bag, and when the little paper crane wanted to get out, he gently pressed the little paper crane Go back, throw it back again, and the kit immediately shoots out and disappears into the sky.

"I haven't shown up yet? As long as there is a certain day, the Boundless Mountain will forever block the two worlds. Just relying on those deadly evil obstacles, it is impossible to climb the mountain, and there is no second hibiscus tree to fall."

Ji Yuan's voice spread out, but this time it didn't use any Dao sound, and it didn't spread to all parties.

A shadow first appeared above Jiyuan's head, and before noticing, a large number of dark clouds had gathered in the sky, followed by the strong wind in the south, and then the Qianli Swamp began to boil.

"Yue Cang, it seems that it is impossible to fight with Ji Yuan after trying to retrieve the true body!"

"Mr. Ji has a long-term plan, and naturally it is impossible to predict what I am thinking, this is just a try."

"Hahahaha, what else is there to say, now that he doesn't have much Xuanhuang Qi to protect himself, and the injury has not healed, it is time to start."

Yuecang, Qiang, Fierce Demon, Xiangliu, and Yan appeared in the sky and far away in the four directions. They were not fake bodies, but bodies full of true spirit. For this moment, in order to face the fate, they would also be able to. Go all out without any reservations.

"Ji Yuan, your Taoism is indeed slightly better than ours, but being too conceited is the way to die. I have already prepared a gift for you!"

After Xiang Liu spoke, the fierce demon sneered and turned into a shadow and rushed towards Ji Yuan.

"Zhongyuan Quartet is fierce and fierce, and it is only for you, Mr. Ji!"

"Hahaha, it's a pity that those righteous paths didn't come together, otherwise it would be better to kill them together!"

"Stop gossip, this is enough, start the formation!"

The five evil creatures gathered together, but the fate seemed to stand indifferently on the mountain. Although the five people also had doubts, but now the arrow is on the All conspiracies and tricks are false in front of absolute power. , and it is not possible to calculate fate.

The twisted magic light and demonic energy directly turned thousands of miles into nothingness, cutting off the outside world. The five people formed a formation to cover Ji Yuan in it, but for a moment, Ji Yuan even felt that his breathing was a little difficult. The way of qi stands, usually his way overwhelms all the filth, but at this moment it seems to be the other way around.

"It's finally possible to come out, it seems that they really don't know I'm here?"

With the sound of Xiezhi's voice, the picture scroll flew out of Jiyuan's sleeve and turned into a hero.

"Xiezhi? That's right."

"Hahahahaha, it turned out to be Xiezhi!" "Hehehe..."

Yue Cang and the others suddenly burst into laughter. It turned out that Xie Zhi was the source of their fate, but unfortunately, even adding Xie Zhi would not make a difference.

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