MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-~ Extra: The Unbroken Past 12

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When everything calmed down, in a small hole deep in the mountain, Sheji, who was still afraid, huddled here, trying her best to hide her aura.

Although the thundercloud had dissipated, Sheji still didn't dare to move. About half an hour later, the soil on the wall of a cave in the ground arched slightly and turned into an old face.

"Niang Niang, it should be safe."

"Uh, ho, ho..."

Sheji began to gasp for breath. She covered the wound on her body, and blood was oozing out continuously at this moment.

"Thank you Gong Weng for saving me, thank you very much..."

"Hey, I'm ashamed, there's only so much I can do. If the maiden wants to thank the fairy girl, if it weren't for her, the consequences would be unimaginable. She said that my teacher and I have some origins, who is it... ."

In the canyon where there is no cave, the anxious Mr. Gao finally waited for Sheji and the old man to come back together. Sheji's subordinates and a few mountain ghosts immediately greeted him.

"Niangniang!" "Lord Mountain God!"

"Niangniang She, Gong Weng, how is your injury?"

Sheji shook her head, waved her left and right to sit cross-legged in the center of the canyon, and the maid next to her delivered the medicine pill. After she took it, she began to close her eyes and recuperate.

The old man on the side sat in front of the chessboard stone table, looking a little dazed.

"Who is it?"

"Gong Weng, are you alright?"

Mr. Gao looked at the old man with some worry. Although Sheji was injured and bleeding, she seemed to be stable, but the old mountain **** seemed to have something on her mind.

"It's alright, the thunder of the Thunder God is really powerful. After a few more times, this old bone can't stand it anymore. If it wasn't for the help of the fairy, it's hard to say whether I and Niangniang would escape."

"Who is the fairy?"

Mr. Gao looked at the old man, but Sheji, who had already recovered some injuries, spoke first.

"That immortal is another person who protects the grandson of the grandson. Tonight at the Lantern Festival, she sat at the noodle booth and chatted with me for a while. Help me, and hide my breath for me..."

The old man was slightly disappointed when he heard this.

"It turns out that this is the case, then I want to come to Xian Gu's rhetoric is also an excuse.


Hu Yun flew back to Ning'an County with the escape light. She was still thinking about the actions of the Leibu Tianshen just now. She recalled her contact with Sheji, and also recalled that the mountain **** actually appeared to block the thunder. This kind of little god, really Will it block the thunder for reasons such as preventing the mountain from being destroyed?

Then Hu Yun thought to himself that he had just said that the mountain **** and the teacher's door were old, which of course was a slap in the face, but this kind of words meant that he was more or less involved in it.

"Oh, trouble is dead, trouble is dead!"

Hu Yun gritted his teeth and stomped his feet again, and when he arrived in Ning'an County, he was already angry with himself.

It was just that before he landed from the sky, Hu Yun had already smelled the fragrance of flowers that permeated the county. Looking around the county from the air, there were green leaves and safflowers everywhere in the white snow. Hu Yun was stunned for a while before flying to Ju'an. Small Pavilion.

When pushing the door, Hu Yun had already started to complain.

"Aiya, Shanjun blames you, let me chase what you want, do you know what trouble you have encountered, ah, trouble is dead!"

"I heard that you were the one who shouted to try and test, so why do you blame Shanjun?"

"That's not the same, I myself is..."

Hu Yun paused in the middle of his words, and then pushed open the door. A very familiar figure was sitting in the courtyard. Hu Yun couldn't help rubbing his eyes, for fear it was a hallucination.

"Sir! You are back!"

"Little Hu Yun has grown so big."

Ji Yuan looked at Hu Yun with some admiration, while Lu Shanjun sneered with a dark belly.

"Unfortunately, it was the wrong gender."

"Hu Yun changed his clothes, how many women in the world have to be ashamed of themselves."

Zao Niang was also smiling, Hu Yun clenched his fists and kept comforting himself to be calm, these two could not be beaten, and then smiled, turned into a red fox and jumped to Ji Yuan's side, while not forgetting Tell about what just happened.

The people in Ning'an County were no match for the sleepiness, and they began to go home to sleep one after another, and the noise in the county gradually subsided.

In Ju'an Pavilion, Ji Yuan looked up at the sky.

Some are still alive, some have passed away, some have been cultivating and some have reincarnated. The various ways of heaven and earth are no longer familiar to him, and the world still seems to be familiar to him.

Zao Niang was making jujube cakes in the kitchen. Hu Yun and Lu Shanjun ate all the previous ones. A fiery red fox fell asleep under the jujube tree. Lu Shanjun refused to take a seat and stood quietly beside Ji Yuan, occasionally using Yu Guang looked at his master.

Ji Yuan rested against the stone table with one hand, and he was a little tired again. Although he had only slept for hundreds of years, he was still sleepy after waking up. He shook a few times and opened his slightly closed eyes.

"Master, if you are tired, go back to the room and sleep!"

"Yeah, Ji is no longer the great monk with boundless mana, sit down."

Lu Shanjun shook his head.

"Disciple wants to stand beside Master for a while."

Since he was accepted into the wall, Lu Shanjun asked himself how few days he really spent with his master, and now he wants to spend more time with him, and now even Qingteng sword is not by his side, even if Lu Shanjun believes in his master No one can match the respect, but he will not leave the left and right, even the sacred mountain of Central Continent, where his responsibility lies, does not have the respect of the teacher.

Lu Shanjun looked at Ji Yuan again, and saw that his master was already on his head, and he seemed to have fallen asleep.

As the so-called day and night have dreams, and the fate of the dream is dreaming in China, I heard Hu Yun tell it before, but now I have reached the top of the It seems that the world is only a square inch when you step out. between.

In the sparse clouds, a pair of blue eyes overlooked the earth, mountains and peaks were lined up, mountains, rivers and rivers crisscrossed.

In the first battle of the year, not only those main battlefields, there were confrontations all over the world, but also the gods of the gods in the world cast spells. Although there was no devastating aftermath, they were not inferior to moving mountains and reclaiming the sea. There are many changes in the earth's veins, and the topographic changes in all parts of the world have lasted for more than two hundred years.

Then there was a new "topography" pattern in which the two realms of heaven and earth towned Yin and Yang, all the mountains in the world towned the world, and the Shenshan Mountains of Central Continent lived in it.

Although the changes are relatively mild, the changes in the past two hundred years are enough for many countries to redraw the map, and even cause some wars.

But even so, in Ji Yuan's eyes, the entire vast mountain range could vaguely see the shape of a large banana leaf.

"It turned out to be Banana Leaf Mountain."

Ji Yuan remembered what Hu Yun said before, that he had a little bit of meaning when he tried to scare the two gods of Leibu.

A burst of aroma wafted, Ji Yuan took a breath, opened his eyes and woke up, Zao Niang had come out with a plate of freshly made jujube cakes.

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