MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-~ Extra: The Unbroken Past 4

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After quietly washing his underwear, Sun Yiqiu tidied himself up after dressing, and then came to the kitchen. His parents had all woken up, even his elderly grandfather and grandmother were there.

Seeing her grandson come out, grandma brought over a bowl of white porridge with a smile. The porridge was piled with pickles, cured meat and a piece of fermented bean curd.

"Eat quickly."


Sun Yiqiu took the bowls and chopsticks and started to cook the porridge. The others didn't say much after seeing him. He was busy all the time. The steam was bubbling over the stove, and what was cooking in the pot was already laid out on the table in the kitchen. less dishes.

"Eat quickly, help after eating, and stay in bed to a degree."

The old man complained, and the grandma next to him spoke for the grandson.

"Okay, boss, it's just a little bright today. We can't do it. Xiaoqiu is still young, let him sleep more."

"You're still young? You're still thinking about women."


Sun Yiqiu, who was sucking the white porridge, choked on his father's words, coughed non-stop, his face was extremely embarrassed, and he kept thinking nonsense.

"Look at you, Dongdong's kid is also very popular. It's good to enter my house. Let's eat quickly and help after eating. Your aunt and sister will come to their house today."

"Hey, cough cough."

Sun Yiqiu hurriedly went smoothly, then speeded up his meal, and then helped together.

The lid of the stove was opened, and a large amount of steam was released. Inside was a big goose that was being boiled. The Sun family put the big goose on a large tray, then inserted a few chopsticks on the goose, and then wrapped the goose intestines around the chopsticks.

With the big white meat, big goose and other chicken, duck, fish and fruits and vegetables put on the table, the preparation work is almost the same.

At the end of the year, the Sun family is preparing for the big sacrifice at the end of the year. Generally, people worship gods and ancestors separately, but the Sun family is obviously different.

The sun began to light up, and the Sun family cleared out the living room of the house, put all the chairs and stools on the side, and then placed the tributes on the table of the Eight Immortals in turn.

Sun Yiqiu's two aunts and sister who married the year before also arrived shortly after dawn. They almost arrived together. One aunt came with her grandson, the other came with her wife, and her sister brought her child along with her. Came with her husband.

"Brother! It's New Year's Eve!"

"Brother! By the way, call Uncle!" "Uncle!"

"younger brother......"

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law! Grandpa and grandma are good!"

"Sister, brother-in-law. Oh, little jelly beans are here too!"

"It's all good, hahahaha..."

The family greeted each other, which made the Sun Family Courtyard look very lively, but everyone came back to participate in the sacrifice, so naturally they should not forget the business.

After the excitement was over, the offering table was also set up. In addition to the tribute, incense cases and red candles were naturally indispensable, but the most special thing was a few tablets.

Sun Yiqiu's grandfather personally "invited" them out and placed them at the end of the table.

Other people sacrificed to gods, Buddhas and ancestors separately, and generally there were no tablets, just called a few times and then prayed, and the Sun family had a total of three tablets.

In the middle of a dark brown plaque, there are two characters "Heaven and Earth" written in perfect handwriting.

But it wasn't over yet. Sun Yiqiu's father slowly pushed the cabinet cart he usually used for stalls to the door. Then Mr. Sun walked to the car in person, squatted down carefully, and placed a small wooden sign from the money jar saying "Please "Come down, then walked slowly to the offering table, and hung this small wooden plaque in the middle of the "Heaven and Earth" plaque.

"Okay, let's start!"

Whether it was true or pretending, the Sun family immediately became serious, and even the children who were laughing before were reprimanded not to be presumptuous.

The red candle was lit, and Mr. Sun held three lit incense sticks and faced the offering table solemnly.

"The New Year is approaching, the Sun Clan in Ning'an County is here to worship, I hope that the gods and Buddhas of heaven and earth will protect my Sun Clan's descendants, I hope that the ancestors and ancestors will bless me, and I hope that my aunt and grandmother will bless me!"

With that said, the Sun family bowed down together, and the old man put the incense on the incense burner.

"Okay, come up and worship one by one! Remember, be sincere!"

Under the instructions of the old man, the Sun family stepped forward and started to worship one by one. Of course, the baby still had to be held by an adult.

Although this kind of annual event is grand, it is owned by the family, and the Sun family is naturally more relaxed. Among young people, it is not so serious that it is more about respecting the traditions of the elders, maybe when they are old It will change the concept, but it is not really sincere right now.

"Grandma, why is it different from ours?"

The child who came with Sun Yiqiu and Ergu is only five years old. This is the second time that he has come to worship, but the first time was when he was two years old. Explained with a smile.

"Haha, Xiao Caitou, don't look at the fact that our Sun family doesn't seem to have produced any great dignitaries, but our ancestors are also prominent, so let's just say this plaque is not your uncle, I'm blowing, there are not many in the world, and we Grandma Xianguzu..."

"Grandpa is telling old-fashioned stories there again. I have heard calluses in my ears since I was a child."

Sun Yiqiu and his sister-in-law were talking behind them with a smile, and the grandfather over there also finished "science science", but the little kid in Caitou had obviously heard of something, so he hurriedly asked.

"Uncle and uncle, is there really a grandmother Xianguzu? Grandma said that grandma Xianguzu is a heavenly man, is she more powerful than some big gentlemen? I heard that some gentlemen in big cities have college students who can go to heaven and earth. !"

"Uh, well, it must be better than them!"

When old man Sun said this, he felt a little guilty. How could he have never heard of some literati and Taoist scholars in Ning'an County? Many people know some great things, but most of them are more familiar. The matter of Xianguzu's grandmother I have only listened to it since I was a child, never seen it, and there are not many that can be passed down.

"Oh yes, and this tablet is the proof! This tablet of heaven and earth and this small tablet, but Grandma Xianguzu personally drove the clouds to our Sun's old house, and gave it personally. It will never be forgotten by the descendants of the Sun family."

"I know this, the lumen noodles here are delicious, but every time I go to the collection booth, I have to leave a portion of the ingredients. It can't be sold out! Uncle, I'll eat the lumen noodles in a while!"

"Alright, alright, I'll eat the noodles later! Uncle cooks himself today!"

Why keep one? The Sun family had actually forgotten, it may be that the ancestors meant more than every year, anyway, they did not break the default ancestor's motto.

"Yiqiu, it's your turn, stop giggling, go up and say goodbye."

The father called Sun Yiqiu, and the latter put away the laughter with his sister and brother-in-law, made a serious appearance, and went to the offering table to worship, with some words of praying for health and well-being in his mouth.

There was no disturbance in the whole sacrifice process. Like ordinary people, after the sacrifice, the table was cleaned up, and then some edible dishes were placed, some dishes were warmed up, and some new food was prepared, such as braised noodles.

At noon, the family sat around the table with the round table to eat, the older one had a drink, the younger one kept frolicking, and the baby cried and wanted to breastfeed. It was very lively.

It's just that the family didn't find out. In fact, there was one more person in the room, a woman in a light blue dress, with blue silk tied in a bun, but the front of the temple was like a long willow, the back was three feet long like water, and there was a white jade hairpin on the top of her head. Embellished with a faintly shining bead.

This woman just watched the Sun family eating happily. She walked a few steps around the table and stopped beside Sun Yiqiu, holding her elbow with one hand and pinching her chin, carefully observing Sun Yiqiu, the strongest cook on the field. Man, the big red flower bowl in his hand was filled with a big bowl of rice, and it was disappearing rapidly along with all kinds of dishes that were put into the bowl.

Nothing like Yaya!

Seeing the Sun family enjoying their meal, Zao Niang bit her finger, turned and walked out of the lobby. When she went out, she already had a duck leg with sauce in her hand.

"Just try it!"

After whispering a word, Zao Niang waved her sleeves with one hand and flicked the dust near the threshold to the ground. She sat down casually, stretched one leg and bent the other, and tasted the sauce duck leg there.

Although there is a saying that it was the fifth generation of the gentleman, but the rules of the Sun family noodle stall have been followed for so many generations, even if Sun Yaya does not care, most of the time Zao Niang who has been in Ning'an County will not ignore it.

"What if the first master wants to come back to eat noodles one day and can't find anyone?"

Thinking like this, Zao Niang glanced outside the door again. There were already two people standing with swords on their faces with serious faces. Judging from the clothes, they were daytime wanderers in Ning'an County.

"You are extraordinary, what are you doing here?"

"But what's the relationship with the Sun family?"

"If there is nothing to do, I hope your Excellency will leave immediately!"

The two Japanese parades didn't attack immediately. After all, the other party only stole a duck leg from the Sun family, and the aura on the other party's body was neither a god, nor a Buddha, nor a fairy, nor a ghost, nor a ghost, so they should not act rashly.

Zao Niang got up and saluted.

"The two of you are on a day tour. I am also from Ning'an County. I know the ancestor of the Sun family. Today, I suddenly feel that this family has been contaminated with something. I came here to see that there has been no arrogance, and it will not hurt them. Please two A wise man."

The two-day cruise subconsciously glanced at the half-gnawed duck leg, nodded slightly, and made some relaxed gestures even though her hand was still on the knife. There was an inexplicable aura about this woman that made people want to believe, even ghosts and gods. No exception, it's amazing.

"Do you know what it was contaminated with?"

"Then I don't know yet, it doesn't seem to hurt the Sun So I'm going to wait here, if it's a misunderstanding, just tell it, if you don't know what's good, let it be It's all gone."

Zao Niang's tone was very calm, but her words were a bit ruthless. The two Japanese cruisers had some synaesthesia, and they could sense that this was not an exaggeration, or even self-confidence, just some normal words that were taken for granted. That's it.

The more this feeling, the more unusual it is, and the woman in front of her is probably very impressive.

The Japanese parade showed some respect, and one of them deliberately bowed and saluted and asked again.

"Dare to ask this fairy's surname and name, where does it come from?"

Zao Niang smiled. It seemed that the other party did not believe that she was from Ning'an County. With a bit of solemnity, she put the duck legs in the space inside her sleeves, stood up straight and threw her sleeves behind her, her hair on both sides fluttering slightly in the wind.

"Born and raised in Ning'an County, Zao Niang!"

There was a gentle breeze blowing in the county, and at the end of the twelfth lunar month, there seemed to be a faint scent of flowers floating in the county.

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