MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-~ Extra: The Unbroken Past 47

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The woman who was curled up on the ground was Sheji, and thanks to her tenacious consciousness, she had such a strong attachment to true love that the spirit that was almost burned in the fire of karma could be reshaped by fate without costing too much. Great strength, but this also means that the pain she endured in the burning karmic fire is far beyond ordinary.

Karmic fire does not instantly turn people into ashes. Karmic obstacles have long consequences and suffer long-term pain. However, it is obvious that the woman in front of her would rather suffer this pain than leave. This is her own choice.

And behind the pain is also a kind of beauty.

Ji Yuan understood this almost as soon as he came into contact with Karma. Even though he had experienced so much, he was still happy to see this truly pure and beautiful thing, and it made him smile when he was in a bad mood.

A shirt floated over from Hu Yun, covering Sheji's body, and Sun Yiqiu also ran over excitedly.

"Ruoruo! How are you?"

Sun Yiqiu rushed in front of Sheji, but he didn't dare to touch it. He subconsciously looked at Ji Yuan next to him. Even if he thought about it with his toes, he knew that this person must have a lot of background.

"She's all right."

Ji Yuan said this, Sun Yiqiu breathed a sigh of relief, leaned down and shook She Ji gently.

"Ruo Ruo!"

And Sheji actually regained consciousness in these few breaths, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Sun Yiqiu beside her and Hu Yun not far away. It was obvious that the pain before that was even worse than the burning of purgatory. That feeling is still very strong.

"One hill..."

Ji Yuan stretched out his palm, and a miniature golden plate appeared in the palm of his hand. She Ji and Sun Yiqiu flew with obscure thin lines, all of which were integrated into it.

Although it seems that Ji Yuan did not take care of Hu Yun, his condition was much better at this time. At this moment, he looked around curiously and saw that the golden plate in Ji Yuan's hand was full of runes, and there was a sun-like circle in the center. The light is flowing.

Two breaths of black and white flew out from the golden plate, turning into Lu Shanjun and Laolong beside Ji Yuan.

The old dragon said with emotion.

"Unexpectedly, this thing turned out to be the root cause of the destruction of the Tianji Pavilion. Back then, they used the Tianji Wheel as the foundation, trying to reverse the vitality after Mr. Ji's vigor was exhausted, in order to revive Mr. Ji, but this matter was too turbulent and everything developed. It is beyond the control of human beings, and if you fail to do your best, you will be shattered in the calamity, and you will also die!"

"Believe in fate in the first half of my life, and disobey it in the second half of my life, there is no need for Tianji Pavilion to do this for me."

Ji Yuan is actually a very contented person. He believes that he has lived a free and comfortable life. Although he also wants to see more beauty in the world, he would not have any hysterical unwillingness if he died that year.

Back then, Tianji Pavilion may not have been refined into a treasure, but it is difficult to say whether it is also related to Jiyuan's death.

At this moment, Ji Yuan waved his other hand towards the roulette, and the rotation speed of the golden wheel suddenly accelerated a lot.


A crisp cry came out from the golden wheel. This sound seemed to have some kind of penetrating power. Even the gods in the heavens could hear it, and it strongly stimulated Mi Huang who was fighting.

The peerless fierce ape had already suppressed King Jizo Ming and the old beggar. At this moment, the fierce flames soared. After hearing the chirping sound, his heart felt like an electric shock.

Among the few people by the Yellow Spring, Mi Huang saw Ji Yuan at first glance, and even saw the mini golden plate in his hand, Mi Huang was slightly stunned...

The respectful Nether Emperor, the stern God Lu Wu, the Dragon Lord standing casually, the fox fairy who was wounded and dying, and Sheji and Sun Yiqiu who reappeared in an incredible way, their center is the same. Not the golden plate, but the person holding the golden plate!

The fighting stopped for a while, because the fierce ape's offensive slowed down, King Jizo Ming and the old beggar also discovered the changes in the Yellow Springs.

In the heavenly realm, several gods also realized something because of the cessation of the fighting method. Under the spell of the gods, the peeping heaven realm, which should have been able to feel the energy, moved to the side of the neglected Yellow Spring.

Among the gods, some people are puzzled, some people frown, but some of them have opened their mouths slightly, and even stood up in shock.

There are a lot of people here who know the fate, but very few have seen it. It's just such a scene. How many people have guessed in this direction, but no one dares to say it.

And in the human world that was illuminated by the peeping sky, Mi Huang roared out with strong disbelief and excitement.

"Are you Ji Yuan?"

At this moment, Mi Huang was so excited that the demon body trembled slightly, and his face showed an arrogant expression. If he could win the battle together with the method of fate, and then take away the treasure and surpass his own limit, what a wonderful realm!


A strong demonic energy shot up into the sky, but the outburst of demonic energy was like a shock wave, and even the stupefied King Jizo Ming and the old beggar were rushed to retreat for the time being, but Mi Huang did not immediately launch a stronger offensive against them. Facing the direction of the edge.

Ji Yuan raised his head, his blue eyes were slightly opened, all the situation was like a thorough ancient well under this line of sight, the faint light reflected the sun and the moon, and the tranquility suppressed the storm.

But just by looking at each other, what Mi Huang saw in his eyes was no longer a predestination. The Dao hidden under the calm is a kind of vastness that shakes the ancients and the present. Looking at the vastness of the sky and the earth, I feel a drop in the ocean!

Mi Huang shook his head fiercely, and all the legends of fate came to his mind. Some jokes after drinking were all real jokes at this moment, and no one gave him this feeling, let alone the so-called measure of victory or defeat, even if To see clearly the fate of the plan seems to use 100% of the effort.

"Mr. Ji, I have long admired the famous name for more than a thousand years and haven't seen it for a long time. I thought that I would never have a chance, and I would not have achieved my wish today. If it were you, I would not have been as vulnerable as these vulgar buddhas and fought with you. , Victory Fang Jie Qiangu is happy, hahahahaha..."

When Mi Huang said this, rays of light flew out from his mouth, and a dazzling brilliance appeared on his demon body, a golden armored robe shone brightly, and a long soldier with double-edged heads and tails was cold.

That peerless monster with fierce flames, the brilliance at this moment is so pure and extraordinary, and then all the brilliance converges, Mi Huang stands on the ground, a momentum of contempt for the world arises spontaneously, a pair of glazed eyes staring straight at Ji Fate, As if everything else around him is no longer in sight.

Seeing this scene, the old beggar's nose was almost crooked with anger, and even the King Ksitigarbha had the Buddha's name. They knew what it meant.

This is the first time that Mi Huang has used weapons and armor. Even his so-called brothers and friends in the demon world and the heavenly world have hardly been seen. All his strength is only in the moment of fate, and no one else deserves it!

Ji Yuan folded his left palm, held the golden wheel in his hand, then carried his back behind his back, took one step forward, and walked towards the sky with the breeze, while Mi Huang was like a forest enemy. attack.

Lu Shanjun was also two steps behind after Ji Yuan vacated the air and followed.

Hu Yun was a little worried, Mr. Ji only came back after all, and what he had done before was not the fate of the year, so it would be better to let Lu Shanjun take action.

"Shanjun, this monster..."


Lu Shanjun sneered. He understood Hu Yun's concerns, but he believed in his master more. Then he looked back at Hu Yun with a hint of approval on his face.

"I did a good job this time. In the words of the master, it is considered a success."

Mi Huang is like a great enemy, and he has already calculated thousands of possibilities in his heart, but none of them have calculated how the fate will be shot...

Until Ji Yuan reached the same height as Mi Huang, Mi Huang's tension value had climbed to the peak, and the veins of the demon arm holding the magic weapon burst out. When he was about to make a first move, Ji Yuan's footsteps did not stop. .

At a distance of about 100 feet, Ji Yuan turned to Mi Huang and continued to step up, completely ignoring Mi Huang.

Everyone was stunned, including Dasheng Mi Huang himself, who was nervous for a while. He stared at Ji Yuan's back, and then realized something, suddenly turned to the side, and found that God Lu Wu was not far away.

Lu Shanjun looked at Mi Huang contemptuously and said softly.

"You're not good enough!"

After saying this, Lu Shanjun turned to look at his master, and at the same time he was secretly taking precautions, while Mi Huang's heart had already ignited an anger that affected the essence.

It's just that all this was quickly drowned out by Ji Yuan's next voice, Ji Yuan looked up at the sky and stretched out her right hand.

"Sword come."

This flat voice was as calm as a murmur, as if it was stronger than thunder, as if it penetrated time and space.

In the distant Boundless Mountain, a light of ink finally crossed thousands of mountains and rivers to come here. A towering mountain in the distance is the destination of the small characters. On the upper cliff of that mountain are engraved with four large characters containing the meaning of the supreme sword— Infinite Sword Tomb.

At the top of this mountain, there was a woman in white with a sword in front of her knees sitting cross-legged on it. She saw the ink light in the distance, but before she could say anything, she suddenly felt something and turned into a sword light and left Jianzhong Mountain.

In the next instant, the entire Boundless Mountain began to sway, affecting the endless waves in the sea and swaying the boundless sky.

"Crack, boom—"

The immeasurable sword mound was smashed, and a blue-white light that surpassed the mountain peaks connected to the sky and the earth. For a time, the sea roared thousands of feet, and the heaven and earth shook in the urn.

Even in the mortal cities in all parts of the world, people have a feeling of drunken shaking, but in the place of the celestial law meeting, it is already shaking like overturning, and everyone is unstable on the side of the tables and chairs.

At this moment, the existence of the heavenly realm reaching a certain realm felt a sense of it, and the immeasurable sword mound broke open.

"He's Mr. Ji!"

It was also at this moment that someone finally called out that name.

Some people left the dharma meeting and flew to the Tianmen quickly, while others returned to their positions and assisted in the exploration of the magnifying peeping mirror, while the golden armored gods at the Tianmen in several directions had already left.

That sword light stood in the heavens and the earth, twisted at the height of the sky, turned into a radiance that surpassed the galaxy, and penetrated the barriers of time and space like that call.

Zangfeng's thousand-year-old fairy sword emerged from the stream-like sword light, and slowly fell into Ji Yuan's The moment Ji Yuan held the hilt, he drew the sword out.

This is perhaps a sword that Ji Yuan never wielded when he surpassed the heavenly way. The sword spirit contained in Qingteng Sword is beyond the understanding of the world, and at this moment Ji Yuan's sword spirit is even more sharp.

There is no dazzling brilliance, and there is no movement that shakes the heaven and the earth, just like the wind and waves in the flat lake, the sword intent flow turns upward, the thousands of qi between the heaven and the earth retreat from the wind, all the splendor of the sword's edge vanishes into nothingness, and the sword light penetrates the heavens. Penetrating the sky, expanding and moving forward...

Penetrates heaven and earth, crosses the three realms, goes beyond the five elements, divides Yin and Yang, smashes through chaos, the might of a sword, without attacking anyone, but born out of the sky to cut out a place beyond the sky.

It's just that no one has realized this except Ji Yuan himself. They just stared blankly at the sword that surpassed the Tao in their hearts. ?


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