MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-~ Extra: The Unbroken Past 7

If audio player doesn't work, press Reset or reload the page. 69, the fastest update of Rotten Keqiyuan! Zao Niang saw Lu Shanjun, and the latter naturally saw her as well. The latter and Qingfeng landed on the stone platform and nodded slightly to each other as a courtesy.

"I haven't seen you for many years, Shan Jun, stay safe?"

"Suddenly I felt sleepy when I practiced. I dreamed for ten years, and it was the end of the year when I woke up!"

Lu Shanjun didn't answer what he asked, and looked at the distance outside the mountain with emotion, looking at the direction of Ning'an County, the slightly dim lights compared to the big city, but it was a reassuring place to return.

"Zao Niang!"

As soon as Lu Shanjun finished speaking, a surprised cry rang out, and a red shadow swept over from the foot of the mountain, and in a moment he turned over to the stone platform.

The figure of the visitor is graceful, youthful and beautiful, and his movements are full of vitality, like a group of bright flames, the flames are also burning when they stop, it is Hu Yun with a happy face.

"Little Fox!"

Zao Niang was also very happy and couldn't help but take a few steps forward.

"I have seen Shanjun!"


Lu Shanjun responded, looked at Hu Yun a few times and shook his head slightly.

"I didn't make much progress in my cultivation, but I paid attention to dressing up."


Zao Niang couldn't help laughing. Although Hu Yun was wearing a red Confucian shirt and a small bun, his soft fringed temples and softly curled blue silk, plus the delicate face under the bangs, revealed a hint of The beauty of the heroic force really makes Ruduo women feel ashamed.

Hu Yun grinned and muttered softly.

"You think everyone is you, it's just perverted when you practice."


Lu Shanjun turned his face slightly, so that Hu Yun seemed to see the shadow of a fierce tiger behind his calm face, which made Hu Yun jolted.

"I mean, I'm going to grow a beard next time."

Zao Niang thought about the scene and immediately shook her head.

"Don't, it's best to let it go."

"Indeed, I actually thought so too. By the way, Zao Niang, I just went to Ju'an Xiaoge to find you, and found that you were not here. I didn't expect you to be here, and Shanjun was also there. Is your husband back?"

Zao Niang smiled and shook her head slightly.

"Since you're here, let's go back to the small pavilion together, and I'll make nectar tea for you."

"Okay, then let's go!"

Hu Yun turned into a cloud-walking red fox, and disappeared into the distance in a flash.

"Shanjun please!"

After the arch, Lu Shanjun walked away with Zao Niang in the wind, blowing into the sky over Ning'an County, and soon reached the door of the small pavilion.

Over the years, Ning'an County has changed a lot, even if it is a quiet place. However, the area where Ju'an Pavilion is located seems to be independent of changes. It is still a quiet alley, or a quiet pavilion.

Lu Shanjun looked up at the gate of the courtyard, the inscription of Ji Yuan was clearly visible, but the plaque that seemed to have been weathered was unchanged over the years.

Zao Niang opened the door in person. In the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, the jujube trees in the courtyard had both fruit and flowers, and bees were busy among the bushes. With some snow in the courtyard, winter and spring were in the same frame.

Rather than entering the house, people prefer to gather under the tree, and the topic of discussion is naturally related to fate.

"Shanjun, I haven't seen Mr. in a long time, have you seen him?"

Hu Yun drank honey tea and ate jujube cake, the pastry tea entered the mouth, there was a flame-like aura on his face, and he looked charming and charming, and Lu Shanjun frowned slightly, but he still answered Hu Yun's question.

"When I woke up, I heard Lao Niu say that he seemed to have met Master a few years ago on the coast of the North Sea. Although he was not sure, but it felt very similar, but he couldn't confirm it. When I rushed there, I couldn't find it. ."

"How many years can you stay in place, sir?"

Hu Yun complained, and Zao Niang, who was on the side, rolled her eyes and smiled.

"With the temper of Mr., I really can't tell."

"Yes, I think so too. By the way, Lao Niu mentioned you to me and said that he would bring you together another day."

Lu Shanjun's expression was inappropriate, but he "said it casually" maliciously. Hu Yun, who was chewing the jujube cake, paused for a while, then shook slightly, and said in a low voice with some fear.

"Also, I don't want it anymore, er, Mother Zao, how long have you been out and what are you doing?"

Only then did Zao Niang put down the teacup to talk about the recent events in detail, and when she was almost done talking, Hu Yun had already opened her mouth with some righteous indignation.

"Okay, where is the evil obstacle, you dare to count on the descendants of the Sun family, I don't know how to write the dead word, but if it is really a love between a man and a concubine, and a love between a lady and a demon, Mr. Chang will not be here. The man who beat the mandarin ducks, you say so, Shanjun!"

Hu Yun knew Bai Ruo's story, and he had seen many kind-hearted monsters, so he still had good thoughts and wishes for the love of a lady and a monster. After all, after listening to Zao Niang's description just now, the monster didn't look very vicious.

But what surprised both Zaoniang and Hu Yun was that Lu Shanjun didn't respond when he heard this, he just sipped the tea quietly, and then spoke slowly after a long time.

"It's not easy to pass down blessings for many generations. It's impossible for our ancestors to be immortal, but since they hit it, they can't ignore it. Let's see."

Today's Sun's family has long forgotten who the rest of the stall materials are for, and the formalism they leave behind will not last long. In fact, the Sun's noodle stall has long been closed, but there are people who have been learning the art, or passing on foreign surnames or surnames. It was re-opened by the Sun family, but it was not completely inherited, and it will disappear one day.

Lu Shanjun put down the tea cup, the tea cup rippled, and some pictures seemed to be reflected in the ripples, and the courtyard was magnificent.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ The atmosphere is magnificent, and the house is magnificent.

This is a future with a lot of possibilities. It looks like it is prosperous, the heaven and earth tablets and the ancestral tablets are in place. Everything is beautiful, but somewhere in the corner where the dust is thick and full of cobwebs, a piece of "stay" has fallen. A "wooden sign.

The tea cup was rippling again, and there was no more picture. Lu Shanjun smiled lightly, took it up and drank it again, turned his head to reach for the jujube cake, and found that the plate was empty, and Hu Yun's cheeks were bulging, and he was chewing hard.

"Hush, huh"

The corner of Lu Shanjun's mouth twitched, so he didn't get angry.

"I'll go get some more."

Zao Niang couldn't help laughing and got up to go to the kitchen, while Lu Shanjun said to Hu Yun coldly.

"It's extremely rare that this jujube cake can be placed on a plate. You don't know how to restrain it? You must know that the law of fate can never be repeated."

"Then do you still eat?"

Zao Niang's voice came from the kitchen, and Lu Shanjun's face turned straight.


Even Lu Shanjun has a desire to eat. This jujube cake is the only place in the world. Inside and outside the world, there are only a handful of people who can eat this.

Hu Yun covered his mouth and almost spat out the jujube cake with a smile, but seeing that Lu Shanjun's face was not good, he quickly turned his head away, winked at the jujube girl who came out with the plate, and fiddled with the shape of his mouth to speak - he was learning Mr. again!

The New Year's temple fair in Ning'an County is very lively. The lively atmosphere of the small temples and workshops has become a part of the temple fair. As the location of the holy hometown, Ning'an County is famous for its reputation, and the temple fair also has extraordinary significance.

The scale of this year's temple fair is also not small. As close as Desheng House and as far away as tens of thousands of miles away, there are people who come to Ning'an County by various means at this moment to pay tribute to the qi that rises from the temple at the moment when the old and the new alternate.

To be honest, in Ning'an County at this time, there are still many talented people, but they will stick to the rules and not show much.

Although it was a big New Year's Eve, the Sun family still pushed their noodle carts to set up a stall at the temple fair. It wasn't that the Sun family really had to make this money. To some extent, it was also the need of the temple fair. How could there be no food stalls for such a large-scale temple fair? Well, every year at this time of the year, there is a record in the yamen, which will provide a lot of convenience, and this temple fair is also very insightful.

Fireworks are blooming in the sky, red lights are everywhere on the ground, children are running around with lanterns, or sparse or crowded people flow in the temple, and the young men and women can have a tryst.

Whether it is tourists or locals, their faces are flushed by the lights.

"Selling braised noodles, delicious braised noodles and haggis, a time-honored brand in Ning'an County, the braised noodles I have eaten in Shengdu"

Grandfather Sun shouted loudly, which was also part of the atmosphere of the temple fair. As soon as he shouted at this sound, many foreigners gathered around, most of them were young Confucian scholars.

"Shopkeeper, have you eaten this braised noodle saint?"

"That's natural. We don't know how many generations our family art has been passed down. The saint has eaten noodles made by our ancestors. Can you try it?"

"Okay, let's have a bowl to taste." "Then I'll have a bowl too."

"I'm going to be a saint too." "Hahaha, I'm going to be lucky too!"

"Okay, wait a minute, guests!"

Several Confucian students ordered orders one after another, and the Sun family immediately became busy. Sun Yiqiu also hurriedly helped him and began to prepare materials to check the charcoal fire. When he finished adding the charcoal fire, he looked up and saw a Confucian scholar looking at him.

Different from others, this Confucian scholar was dressed in a fiery red shirt and had a very handsome face. He looked at Sun Yiqiu for a while, and at a glance he knew that it was a woman dressed as a man. .

"Master, do you want noodles too?"

"This little brother, I think the words on this sign are well written. Would you like to transfer it to me? I am willing to pay fifty taels of silver."

Sun Yiqiu suddenly widened his eyes.

"Fifty taels isn't enough? How about five hundred taels?"

Perhaps because he was afraid of saying nothing, the scholar in red took out his purse and poured out some gold.

Sun Yiqiu took a deep breath and subconsciously repeated a sentence.

"Five hundred taels!? Dad"

Sun Yiqiu had never seen such a large amount of money in his life.

"What are you yelling about, I'm going to make noodles soon, I'm too busy. Er, this son, this brand has been handed down along with cooking skills. It is worshipped during the New Year. It's not for sale. Do you want noodles?"

The man in red nodded.

"A gentleman doesn't take people's favor, so I'll have a bowl of braised noodles."

After Hu Yun finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the tables and chairs set up in the There were scholars watching over there.

"Girl, I have an empty seat!" "Sit here, girl!"

Hu Yun grinned, ignoring them and standing at the edge of the booth's awning, about to stretch out, snowflakes slowly falling from the sky, and a moment later, one of them fell to Hu Yun.

Against the background of the temple fair lanterns, this scene is very beautiful, but it also made a few discerning scholars quiet down, leaning on the building and watching the sky, Feng Xueluo the prophet, has already implied the way of heaven and man, whether it is Taoism or other practices. Not someone to be underestimated.

Hu Yun looked at the snowflake in his heart carefully, saw the sharp edges and corners clearly, and watched it slowly melt, and then said in a low voice.

"Ordinary life is like this snowflake, which falls from the sky and touches the earth, and then melts quickly. It's short, fragile, and very beautiful, but I stretched out and caught the snowflake and admired the beauty of the snow, but it made this beauty even more short-lived. It melts at your fingertips in an instant."

After speaking, Hu Yun looked to one side, where the lights were dim, a beautiful woman was standing there. She looked at the noodle stall quietly at first, but now she is looking at Hu Yun.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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