MTL - League of Legends: My Age-Chapter 426 The leader is so beautiful

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At this point, Yoyo didn't think Zhang Qiu was thinking too much, because Ye Xiu Xuan was really possible. Once the temper broke out, no one could stop it, but other people couldn't be wayward like her, so Zhang Qiu would rather give up.

When she learned the reason, Ye Xuanxuan didn't say much. She only had a chance to interview and the old ball agreed.

Seeing Pei Ye in front of me, the old ball almost didn't recognize it. This flip is too big, right?

In the past, there was always a lollipop in his mouth, and his eyes were tilted at 45 degrees to look at the sky. Does the corner of his mouth have a taunt of Jinbei from time to time?

The old ball coughed twice, and he was also afraid of Jin Beibei acting.

Looking at the resume submitted by Ye Xuanxuan, it was Ye Xuanxuan who took three days to earnestly and repeatedly revised it eight times before making it. She did not expect that one day she would make a resume and she was very happy.

This resume is rich enough, in fact, nothing, the people in the wolf den actually know the glorious history of Jin Beibei better than the people in the 12 serial docks. After all, after fighting for so many years, Ye Xuanxuan not only wrote his resume, but also made a wolf team. The planning book, which fully takes into account the training and external publicity of the players, the most important thing is that she got to the point of the old ball, training is first.

"It's not very good." Lao Qiu threw his resume lightly on the table. "Ye Xuan Xuan, in fact, I don't understand. You don't lack money. Why?"

Ye Xuanxuan's eyebrows jumped lightly, watching the plan that she had stayed up all night was so ignored, her heart was angry, but soon calmed down again, "I want to love LOL, not just you."

"Why did you choose the Wolves?" Laoqiu smiled uneasily, and enjoyed this condescending feeling very much.

I can feel the provocation of the old ball, because she was the same before, Ye Xuanxuan squeezed her hand, "I like this team."

"Oh, do you want to talk about the reasons." Zhang Qiu still looked like a light cloud.

Ye Xuanxuan stunned, do you need a reason to like it? But the opposite ball obviously needed a reason.

Outside the door, Li Mu Xiaoye and others were betting.

"Dinner, I think the old ball will be hit hard!" Greed Wolf said.

"Hey, hit +1, 120 away at any time." Li Mu grinned.

Xiao Ye froze, "No, right? Actually, don't we really need such a person, Ye Ye is nice."

The last time I came to shoot, Ye Xuanxuan was quite thoughtful and had a good time control. There was no oversight and she was professional and in place. She knew everything because of everything.

Several grown-ups shook their heads. Young, you do n’t understand the horror of women.

Ye Xuanxuan was silent for a while, "Maybe I can feel my hope in you. Actually, I always wanted to be a professional player, but it seems impossible, so I hope you can win the championship, so, old You can ask what you want. If I can't, I can resign immediately. "

The old ball looked at Ye Xuanxuan, frowned, and the atmosphere was a bit dignified. Ye Xuanxuan always grasped his own destiny. For the first time, she encountered such a thing, but she didn't come here. She likes this team. Year is also her precious three years.

Suddenly, Zhang Qiu took a contract from the table and handed it to Ye Xuanxuan, "Look."

Ye Xuanxuan took it over subconsciously, with the leader contract clearly written on it, and the following are dense provisions and very detailed requirements.

"Look carefully, there are a lot of codes of conduct. As the team leader must lead by example, please follow them one by one, otherwise the club will dismiss at any time. The probation period is one month, 8,000 a month, the probation period ends, five insurances and one gold, according to the team results The bonus is extra. "

Ye Xuanxuan didn't look at the terms, but just looked up, "I was accepted?"

"Of course, otherwise, welcome to join, Kim Babe, I hope we can create the glory of the Wolves!"

Somehow, Ye Xuanxuan, who had never known what was tense, had a heart thumping, inexplicably happy.

Zhang Qiu smiled, "Your plan is well written, more thorough than I thought, but you have to control your emotions. This is no longer a joke. Our club is related to the lives of many people, and many more. Support our fans. "

The old ball was deliberately trying to stimulate Jinbei. If it was still a little bit, you could not listen to any disagreement. The young lady had a bad temper. It was really dare not to use it, and everyone didn't have time to spend on such things.

Ye Xuanxuan calmed down and looked at the contract seriously. This is her real meaning. She did not rely on spending money, but earned a recognition on her ability to obtain a professional contract.

The leader of the Wolves.

"Thank you, I will work hard!" Ye Xuanxuan stood up and bowed.

"Don't be so polite, you will be a trench brother in the future, let's go and tell others, this guy must be eavesdropping outside."

Talking that Zhang Qiu had arrived at the door, and suddenly opened the door, Li Mu Lao Cheng and others almost fell down, one by one looking around, "Oh, old ball, you are thirsty, I'll get you water."

The old ball rolled his eyes, "Well, introduce you to our new team leader, Ye Xuanxuan, team leader Ye."

"Good leader!"

"The leader is so beautiful!"

Listening to the noise of a group of guys, Ye Xuanxuan also laughed. She felt that she was really a member of the Wolves.

Xiaobai smiled at Ye Yanxuan, "Welcome to join the Wolves."

A small welcome dinner in the evening did not have a big fanfare, but it was extraordinarily warm. One hour of meal was actually a long time for the Wolves. Usually they could solve a meal in five minutes. After the end, everyone was put into training.

E-sports clubs don't have an eight-hour work day. They want to do everything they love. The club is home, at least the Wolves.

Ye Xuanxuan has a small room. This is her office. It is not as big as the toilet in her house. It is equipped with a computer and an ugly desktop. It is not as valuable as her computer accessories, but it really has a completely different feeling. This is her office.

Closing the door, Ye Xuanxuan turned happily, waving his fist tightly ...

The playoffs started, and there were certain changes in the version. The Wolves, who won the first place in the regular season, had enough time to adapt and watch the competition.

In the first round, the first half, LID3: 0 beat ETA, there is no suspense, Group A still showed a relatively strong strength; the second half, WOE3: 1 beat BBT and also advanced.

In the second round two days later, in the first half, LID defeated VO 3: 2, and Mahoon once again showed a world-class level, especially in this knockout match, the level is beyond imagination, and it will usher in a decisive battle with the Wolves.

In the second half, when WOE was behind 1: 2, he moved two innings and completed the 3: 2 turnaround. As a newcomer this year, Zhongdan Zhuo Yunhai issued his strongest voice in the competition. The tsarist tsarist came out in the round. When the team was dragged to the late stage, the team battle staged a drift against the sky, pushing back the three, helping WOE win the team battle and defeating the powerful IMG.

Never underestimate the heart of a champion.

Li Mu's halo did cover Zhuo Yunhai, but Zhuo Yunhai never gave up his pursuit of the championship, and this time he changed his life, and the rebirth of the fire also completely opened Zhuo Yunhai's Ren Du's second pulse. There is nothing more like this competition Can make a young player transform.

In the post-match interview, the host also specifically asked him how he beat Top. Zhuo Yunhai was very upright, which basically meant that there were only two middle orders in LPL, Killer and others, and his goal was only Killer.

What aroused his infinite fighting spirit in adversity was the desire to meet Killer in the final.

Zhuo Yunhai condensed his thoughts to a point and put himself into the most focused state.

It's just ... where does Sirius put his face? Ignore the first middle order?

Every time in the playoffs, Ye Xuan Xuan came to the scene to watch, and if you did n’t have a class, she would follow along. Since joining the Wolves, Ye Xuan Xuan seems to have changed a person, as if matured in one day.

Converged his temper and focused on the game.

Seven days later, the finals of the first half of Wolves and LID is about to begin. Whether the Wolves won their first LPL finals or whether LID entered the finals again, fans are waiting to see.

LID passed all the way through the playoffs, and also played his own momentum, especially Mahoon began to get used to targeting from all sides, came across the wild, came from the middle, and also came, assisting, simply improper military training, showing strong adjustment ability He came to LPL to prove himself. Even if he left SK and left only, he can achieve dominance. From the beginning of the season, he has to lead the team.

Mahoon's integration has also filled LID fans with hope. After all, the Wolves are a new team and have never played such a knockout.

Will those who have not gone through the championship path panic, or will they behave abnormally?

Half-to-half odds. In the playoffs, everything in front is ignored.

The organizing committee recorded the "spoken words" segment before the game as usual. Mahoon, who placed the order, bluntly encountered a huge challenge when he came to LPL, but also aroused his desire for the championship.

Zhongdanguashen also said: Killer's condition is very good, but there is still a long way to go before the "first" Zhongdan.

On the Wolves side, Xiao Ye: eager to enter the finals, eager to win the championship.

Killer: As an "old player", I want to seize the youthful tail to win the championship; I hope I can play against Zhuo Yunhai again in the final.

Both sides talked about each other, hidden murder, a season of struggle, and finally reached a critical moment.

On the 17th, at 2 pm, the HQ Sports Center, which can accommodate 15,000 people, was full.

It seems okay to listen to the numbers, but when you get to the scene, you know how spectacular the 15,000 people are, especially when you are a player.

This glory is unparalleled.

In the lounge, the status of Li Mu and others is still better. The elder brother who has experienced big scenes has better emotional control. His presence can bring different stability to the Wolves. Experienced people.

The game is objective, but subjective factors are equally important.

All the preparations needed to be done before the game.

"Brothers, it's time to go to the battlefield, take them down!" Zhang Qiu fluttered his arms, and the members of the Wolves stood up with a confident smile on his face.

Everyone here is eager for such a stage, dreaming for a long time.

On the other side, the LIDs who have passed through this stage will also have morale.

"Brothers, win the Wolves, the championship is ours!" Roared the weight, "Come on!"

The players from both sides appeared, and the audience burst into warm applause and cheers. Such a stage will never get tired.

Just listening to the cheers, the hearts of the players are as if ignited. After winning this game, the next time is the finals. The place to compete for the championship and the place where dreams begin.

Han Xing and Haha are also “dressed up”. Now Haha has become accustomed to suits and leather shoes, not as restrained as at the beginning. Not only are the players growing up, but also all people involved in LOL. Han Xing is naturally familiar with the light, today is white blue and white The cheongsam is particularly dazzling under the haha ​​"bulb".

Today's guest is Ka Feng Ling Feng, one of the former WOE Five Tigers generals. Fading away from the old days, Ling Feng returned to the arena with extraordinarily warm feelings. They are the first heroes of LPL pioneering.

"Ling Feng, welcome home, how do you feel?" Han Xing asked with a smile.

"Awesome, I want to come back to play professionally, I don't know if there are any teams, this is the place that all players dream of." Ling Feng laughed, with light in his eyes. As a brilliant representative of the old WOE, Ling Feng also felt it. The conditions are really better than they were.

"This year's LPL is very strong, and its strength has been further improved. The consolidation of the old strong teams ~ ~ The new Wolves are also a sudden rise, unstoppable, Ka Huang, tell me what you think?" Haha said .

"The two teams are very strong. After a season of running-in, LID is also getting better. They are playing very well right now, and they definitely have their own understanding of the version. The LANG team is undoubtedly a surprise, old The ball is very strong. It used to be our internal command. The Wolves' style is very aggressive. This is their characteristic, but it is still a bit difficult in terms of version. The biggest question in this game is whether they can adapt to the playoffs. Rhythm. During the regular season, players ’mentality is relatively relaxed. In the playoffs, especially experienced players, their consciousness and operation will become different, and their tactics will be different. This is a must for Wolves. Facing the test. "Ling Feng said.

Some players are born with big scenes, the bigger the stage, the more they can play abnormally, but this is a minority, and most people still have to pay the price of inexperience.

Skysavers like Only are unique. Not only that, but not everyone can meet the best coach and the best teammates, so that SK ’s Kingdom can be achieved, but today SK also encountered the pain of changing the team. Although the new jungle is fierce, the integration is always unsatisfactory, showing the importance of teammate fit.

Five people are not counted as 1 + 1, but as a whole.

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