MTL - League of Legends: My Age-Chapter 458 San Francisco Group Stage

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Soon, the match day of ngvskon is coming.

对 This showdown also touched the hearts of domestic audiences.

San Francisco, U.S.

Tao Taosu took the gas group organized by Ye Zixuan to the front row, and Ser held the fan light of ng.

On the other side, the support group from South Korea is not to be outdone, and several Korean professional ser are also dressed up.

The battle has not yet started, and the fans on both sides have begun to part ways with each other.

"The development of the cosmetic industry is amazing!"

"But we are all natural!"

"There are peach crisps, overwhelm them!"

For the first time, Tao Taosu felt proud of her "overgrowth". This is really a contempt for her.

"I'm coming!"

"Come on!"

"Wolf King come on, Xiao Bai, Xiao Ye! Fat brother! Tank!"

With the appearance of ng, fans from China shouted to the stage in Chinese.

Not only Taosu them, but also a lot of foreign students who were on the scene, and shouted "Come on!"

Very kind! More than twenty compatriots, a small group of people, but the sound of shouting and cheering passed on.

Fa brother smiled, he was used to it, but Chengfeng's steps were a bit stiff, a lot ... foreigners ... "Old wolf, it seems that the babes are not as **** as on the screen ..." Chengfeng took the camera away At that time, he whispered softly behind the old wolf.

Well, he's not because of nervousness!

牧 Li Mu is smiling and nervous? tension! But also excited!

Finally, ng has to formally fight with lck's team, kon, the third seed, a good test object.

Xiao Xiaobai ... expressionless and calm, he has played two games before, this time playing kon, um ... for him, the difference is not big.

Xiaoye is the most nervous, but also the most excited. In ll, he has already played top adc from lck, now it is time to upgrade challenge.

Under the guidance of the staff, all ng team members are in place.

At this time, it was the turn of the kon team to play.

Boom ...

There was a howling in the audience instantly!

The smile on Laoqiu's face froze, shit!

牧 The smile on Li Mu's face also deepened. It was originally thought that when they played, the roar of Chinese compatriots was loud enough, and they even felt like they were still playing in China.

However, now, 啧啧, I can only say that it is indeed a team of lck. There are so many American fans.

The American audience under the influence of multiculturalism is actually very pure. In addition to **** support for European and American teams, they are more supportive of the strong, and whoever is stronger, they like whom. Listening to the cheers, it is clear that they think that the kon team is stronger than the ng .

Even if they know that ng is the top seed of ll!

"Fuck!" Ye Zixuan was very angry, but also very helpless. In fact, the ng spring record has set off a wave of wolf in the world. Many foreigners have learned the Chinese pinyin of the word wolf-ng!

However, with the summer season, ng's record was ups and downs. Although he won the summer season with a winning streak, in the eyes of foreigners, this is a short time for the team to build a team. It is too new and has no real rule. Performance of force.

Moreover, ng has never won the record of lck, and the mid-season match that has been placed in high hopes by the world's audience, also lost very badly.

At this time in China, in the early morning, Zhang Chun had started a day's business, but the live broadcast on the mobile phone of the cashier was now able to name many heroes, even though a group of villains were jumping around She still couldn't understand.

I shot the camera and gave it to the American audience at the scene. Most of them held the support card to cheer the kon team, and the kon player id was written in various English.

kon is a strong force of lck. It is an old club that has been established in 2002. Since the establishment of the lol branch, this is also the first time they have reached the global finals, but the popularity of the players is very high. Influence.

After placing a single rightan, lck acknowledged that he could compete with suer for a super order.

The wild man cut off the brother offcut, lck's first reckless husband, his blind monk, once played only in the lck game, he was desperate for life. That battle also won offcut many fans around the world. At this time, the scene was on Hundred American viewers held the name of offcut.

Zhongdan anroot, stable in Zhongdan like a robot.

Adc gun emperor rock, adc ranked fourth in the world, good at small guns, airplanes and explorer ez.

Assist axgi, s5 summer season starting to play professional rookie assistance, good at protecting soft auxiliary heroes, and form a useful complement to the fierceness of the emperor.

After the players from both sides have finished playing, they will enter the battle room to prepare for the match.

随着 As the destination of the live broadcast audience is different, the screen also gives different commentary seats.

Chinese stream, or commentary from Haha and Han Xing, accompanied by guest guns and three guns!

"Hello everyone, I'm Han Xing."

"I am haha, I am very happy to explain such a crucial game to everyone on this stage."

"Yes, it's me again, your chief gunner, to be honest, when I received the guest invitation, I was very excited! I can do wolf blowing again!"

"General Manager, you say so, how can I still be a wolf blower?" Haha interface said.

所以 "So, it was the three of us explaining the ng game together. To be honest, as long as the three of us explaining the ng game together, it seems that ng has not lost!"

"I have remembered this, never."

"Yes! This is where I get the most excitement after receiving the invitation. In this game, we will be together again. The Wolves will win! Especially the order in this game is played by the elder brother! Feeling in my heart "Stability!" Luo Sanpao has begun, the flesh of the whole body is shaking in front of the camera, and the black Batman T-shirt does not stop him from shaking enthusiastically.

弹 The barrage of the live channel is crazy brushing ng to win!

At this moment, all audiences do not distinguish each other, whether it is fans of evg, hardcores of ig, or fans who are not inclined to any team ~ ~ At this time, all of them have only one sentence to win.

Frankly speaking, now, ll's audience fans need such a victory too much, evg and ig's battle situation makes them worry, now, ll's last card is the top seed ng.

If the Wolves lose to kon ...

Ll's long-standing pride and stubbornness will be shattered, unless he can reach the final and win the championship later!

But it's really a bit far away, sk is like a sun, and sst is also a tiger down the mountain.

Ng is too young after all!

But, no matter how, it is also ll's top seed, ll spring and summer double crown, how can you lose to lck's weakest third kon?

This moment is the moment with the most ng fans.

At the same time, the Korean commentator is talking about it. Ng is a good team. It won two championships in one year. However, they are all in China and there are too many newcomers. International competitions Insufficient experience, in the face of experienced kon, ng's win rate ...

"It looks like 10 to 20%."

"Oh! Can you give 20%, I think kon has a 90% chance of winning, and the remaining 10% is based on their mid laner face, killer!"

"Ah! Killer, is a very strong player. In ll, it feels like only, ll version only."

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