MTL - League of Legends: My Age-Chapter 474 Impetuous poison

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Slow-motion playback. This wave of Wolves ’spirit is quite good. It caught the blind monk in the wild, but the team show of sk followed. Rambo topped it twice, Hanbing topped it three times, and the third one Paying treatment at the same time, the female gun was put on for the last time, and none of the three died.

Perfect kill, the fairy resists the tower!

"The bottom lane is a bit explosive. The middle lane has an advantage. The upper lane slows down. This one depends on the middle lane." Zhuo Yunhai said that this is also the characteristics of the Wolves. Come out, this is where the Wolves are immature, there is no way, young team.

Only this time, Li Mu faced the sk of the sky. Can he still perform previous miracles?

Xiao Xiaoye came home and gave ez an extraction. This one he knew must be beaten. Olaf would not come to help grab it. This was impossible to grab.

"It's really a big move. This coach b of Zhu Zhenzhong directly helped the lower lanes to establish an advantage."

Haha's voice just fell, and the next line of cold ice suddenly gave a big move, settled Xiaobai's Jie La, the female gun opened the big move in place, alas, the ice approached, took a basic attack and directly accepted the head. .

Jie Jiela did not release a skill from beginning to end.

If this is the case, Jira will become a cash machine.

On the live broadcast network, at the beginning, there was still a little doubt about the style of Zhu Zhenzhong's removal. All of a sudden, it was clear that there would be a large wave of female guns to go online.

Suddenly found that the pair was really great.

"Look now, Jella was deliberately released to the Wolves."

"I hope the down road can be stabilized, this hope is in the middle."

Olav came over to help ez to close the line, and the blind monk on the opposite side also came.

The Jackals were sad, their bare tactics targeted, and they played out completely.

Victor, who is in the middle of the road, is chasing the fan mom. He has an absolute advantage in the middle. The hero mechanism is like this, and tank has helped a lot in the early two visits. After completing a single kill, Kalmar is obviously more cautious. , Top players like only immediately knew where the opponent's operating limits were.

牧 Li Mu didn't make nonsense. When he met, he gave a big move, cut Kalmar's blood by half, and kept the online suppression, so that Kalmar could not swim unscrupulously.

But obviously this one of sk is not about playing in the middle. To put it plainly, it really doesn't make much sense to target the middle.

Once the vigilance is really not what Olaf can do, as for the mentality, there is no need to worry about it. Standing on the peak, it has also fallen into a trough, countless single kills, and naturally have been killed alone. Will only fire the only state.

When I hit the road, Ike, the elder brother, played very fiercely. In the face of Rambo, Ike still had an advantage in the magic resistance, and Olaf went around from the wild area.

"Tank this wave of gank, see if Rambo has a chance here, Rambo directly to the Daqing soldiers! Alas, this alertness really has nothing to say." Han Xing is uncomfortable, this is not a problem of vision, God's perspective has no vision at all I saw Olaf, but Ike's movements and reminders from his teammates definitely reminded Rambo.

Lan Bo opened the Qing soldiers, but tank has not given up, he is the king of the reckless king, either recklessly the enemy or recklessly himself.

After going around, Olaf drove out an axe and sprinted out. Suer knew very well. He won Olaf's first axe. After that, he slowed down infinitely and flashed directly. Whether the tank could be killed or not, he only knew that he could build a little on the line. The advantage is a little, otherwise, choosing Olaf will be useless, this one is impossible to suppress the blind monk.

Don't follow the rhythm of blind monks, let alone imitate others.

At this time, the blind monk of clib went down again. This position was too scary. The blind monk's displacement skills allowed him to move around in the wild area of ​​the Wolves. Even if he found it by eye, the distance was already very close.

Frost fired an arrow, ez and Jela pulled back immediately, and the blind monk appeared. This wave of gank was not available, but sk apparently forced to push down the road to get a rhythm. Zhao tried to stop it, but at the same time Rambo teleported again!

Xiaoye's ez arcane transition flashed, and the double displacement was pulled away, but Xiaobai's Jiela was surrounded.

Jyla ... Zyla without displacement can only wait to die.

> Is double t again, five people arrived at the scene, forcibly took off a blood tower, to find this situation and push down the second tower, this is to completely destroy the bottom of the Wolves.

"But this wave of Wolves is not too bad. Ike pushed off the top tower and Victor also pushed down the middle tower! It was equivalent to changing the tower, that is, Jela was killed again." Zhuo Yunhai said, "The road and the middle There is no blind support. The Wolves' communication is very good. The other five people share money and experience. In fact, this distribution of the Wolves is more reasonable. "

别 Don't count on this bottom lane, it really depends on the middle lane and the top lane.

I felt that the blind monk was directing in the early stage, but the double-t tactic must be mastered by an old player like only.

It's just that the Wolves are obviously prepared. Knowing that they can't follow the opponent's double t at this time, suddenly everyone also finds that the functional heroes are playing like this.

At this time, the 三个 sk team was three heads ahead and the economy was more than 2,000. At this time, it was quite a lot.

After pushing the lower lane, sk's duo changed to the middle lane, Jie La lined his eyes in the wild area, just clicked on the false eye of the grass above the red buff, and the cold ice that was being replenished suddenly made a big move, Jie La reacted Xiaobai reacted really fast, but there was really no place to go in that position, and he was directly settled by the big move. The female gun quickly came up, a gun forest bomb rain slowed down, then crouched in place to open r, barrage time-咚咚咚.

All the audience members who were stunned in one pass were frightened, and Jella's residual blood flashed.

"Jie La now has no game experience. To the extreme, every subsequent wave must be careful."

Who would have thought that this time the world's hottest and highest winning assist was beaten.

"This one can only watch the old wolf!" The wolf's nest is also worried. For the wolf's nest, the wolf team is simply their eyes. From the professional game, the wolf's nest has always been the most consistent backing of the wolf team. I know that many kings of lol passersby are concentrated here.

"Zhu Zhenzhong's hand is definitely a big move that sk has been hiding for a long time. The Wolves have been miserable, and the things in the rank are taken directly to the game, or they will lose first."

"Xiao Bai and Xiao Ye's response is a bit poor."

"Clib is too strong, this person is a sharp knife."

"The old wolf suppressed the only one, and continued to suppress it, we must play a greater advantage."

"It can't be considered as suppression. The wave of solo killings was attributed to Olaf, and he also made a double call. Seriously, Kalmar's development was not bad at all, and the output of this one was not on him at all, but Lan Bo and Bing, even the female gun, lying down, this female gun's damage is also very high. The big move, and the slowdown of the e skill, are really disgusting. "

The people in the wolf den are more and more horrified the more they discuss. Kalmar as a driver, the development of ice and Rambo is too smooth, and it is particularly suitable for the team system of sk. As for only, Kalmar is not low in damage, and the team fights a group. Speed ​​and shield ...

Talking that the wolf den is a bit silent, it feels that Li Mu alone is not enough. How much damage can Victor face in such a lineup? Especially Kalmar, the fault tolerance rate for sk is too high.

create a miracle?

I also want to see who the opponent is!

"Wolves need to calm down, keep calm, and let the middle and upper levels develop."

"But the first one is the fire dragon. There seem to be few such dragons in front. This game was really hot from the beginning."

The blind monk started to fight the dragon, but there was an eye in the dragon pit. Olaf rushed over the first time. Zyla and Victor also came over from the middle. Ez was a bit far away and was catching up. T

"Is the Wolves going to fight, this is a bit dangerous." Zhuo Yunhai said subconsciously, of course, this is also the consistent style of the Wolves. They are in the fire, there is no group they dare not play, but ...

"Olav rushed in to grab the dragon, the two sides fought, ah, Victor was seconds, what's going on, the Wolves are going to withdraw, the only output is gone, but Olaf can't run, and Ike has not entered the field It ’s used, the injuries are n’t enough, the Wolves collapse ... ”Haha could n’t speak anymore, he could n’t catch his breath, and was anxious!

I really feel bad.

怎么 What's going on, Olaf fell to the ground, Ike also fell to the ground, only one ez left, a wave of zeros for four, plus a little dragon, sk has taken a big step towards victory. r />

卧 "Fuck, what **** is this hitting, ez didn't arrive, hit a fart!"

"The disadvantage is still fighting, what is it?"

"The first win will swell, this is sk!"

"It's over, it's over, I know, it's the same, I won't know what my last name is!"

Slow-motion playback. The key to this wave is Rambo. Rambo is hiding in the grass above the blue buff near the river. There is no vision here. When Victor and Jella are preparing to press forward to the big move, Red Wen Rambo suddenly The harpoon barbecue package rushed out, horrible damage, the female gun fired a gun bullet rain, the range slowed down to two people, Rambo did not give the big move, Victor left a trace of blood, flashed open, but still dead.

"It should be withdrawn at this time, Victor is dead as soon as he dies."

"What a consciousness in this silly fork!"

The live broadcast barrage was even more mad, feeling the feeling of last victory and hope, just as sk shoved into the toilet and washed down.

"It's too late, Jira hasn't moved, Aike and Olaf have rushed in, but unfortunately, Xiaolong hasn't grabbed it. This one is different from the previous one. It's really difficult for hell." Zhuo Yunhai can only That said, as a professional player, I feel like I'm gone.

Sk will not give a chance.

北美 The North American commentary at the scene is also a scream of exhaustion. This wave of suer is too beautiful. This wave of grass is ambushing, really god!

Masters showdown, there are not so many gimmicks, whoever achieves the best details, who can get an advantage.

During the chase, Olaf ran fast, but was cut off by a big move by Rambo next wall, and was taken away by a blind monk. This Polish Botian show.

I have n’t used any big tricks in team fights!

炸 This wave of bombing is too thorough, four heads, and a fire dragon, not so bad.

"Nice, suer!"

"Rambo, man!"

"Take them down in one go!"

The team members of sk are full of morale, and they lost their anger in the first game. This time they are all back. As long as they find the rhythm, there is nothing else in this world.

"I rely, how is this Lambo here!"

"Grandma, I'm out of skin. I don't have vision. These boys are pretty dark. Brothers, please be more careful."

"Drag, this one, Rambo's damage is too high."

"Ice and women's guns are not low, especially the female guns have an increase of e, the damage is not worse than the fire men's assistant, this is not auxiliary at all."

"Sk these monsters are really fierce."

"It's so good, drag it on!"

"I have a chance to release my big move, brothers hold back, not afraid, development, bear, bear with a knife on the head!"

The members of the Wolves team are also “Ghost Crying Wolf”. This wave of opponents played well. Li Mu ’s Victor was too eager to hit the first wave of damage. The only empty spot was really drilled by Rambo, and this Rambo ’s The gall is fat enough.

In this wave, people who watched live broadcasts were completely dozed off. Sk ’s horrible rule was not only shrouded in ll, but the entire League of Legends world. No one dared to say that they won 10,000 ahead of them. Thousands, basically nothing.

Everyone's heart is hanging up. What's more worrying is the psychological quality of this Wolves team?

Can I withstand the pressure?

The Wolves went to take the Canyon Pioneer. In fact, both Wolves and sk are the teams that love the Canyon Pioneers. This is not a tactical focus in other teams. However, the two teams encountered each other. Because the competition was too fierce, none of them were on. Go and get it.

At present, the Jackals can only eat a Canyon Pioneer stop loss. At a disadvantage, every bite is meat.

The blind monk discovered the movement of the Wolves. This clib feeling has come up, and his eyes are handsome enough to eat on his face.

The Pioneer Canyon Pioneer is not so easy to get.

"Go on, make a wave!"

Clib said that his blind monk plunged his eyes and saw that the Canyon Pioneer had blood. At this time, Clib felt that he had red eyes, and his thoughts were instantly accessible. Tian Yinbo kicked Olaf in an instant and followed the echo. Rush to grab the Canyon Pioneer!


However, as soon as the blind monk came down, Cheng Feng steadily took a punishment to accept the canyon pioneer. When he saw the blind monk down, Cheng Feng also pressed the r key at the speed of light to start Olaf's big move, and at the same time, Bear's female gun zoomed across the wall against Dalongkeng, and the barrage time swept wildly.

The ng team retreated quickly, and the sealed Olaf also ran fast. He was slammed by a blind monk and ate a female gun. His health was less than two hundred. At this time, he was really touched. There is a chance to die, and two touches will die.

Watching ng withdraw towards the blue buff field in the blue side, Clib stared at Olaf with 180 points of blood, and his heart was as uncomfortable as the fire, "Kill him! I have a big!" At this time, the order Suer also spoke, and his Rambo rushed to a position where he could zoom in.

Clib blind monk immediately touched his eyes, he stared closely at his q skills, the moment the cd turned good, the q flashed out decisively, Tianyinbo!

The moment I saw that I was about to hit Olaf, the assassin's time, Ike, suddenly stepped back, and he would catch the blind monk's inevitable killing Tian Yinbo!

Clib, this works!

The commentary, the three ll commentary heartbeats came to their throats, and they had to quickly comment on "Fa brother blocking the blind monk q, send brother niubi! Do blind blind monks still want to kill? Or give up? Rambo big road closure! Blind monk on Now! One foot on Fat brother! "

"Fuck! Too much bullying!"

Xiao Xiaoye couldn't help but curse, ez turned back and fired a shot on the blind monk's head!

"Hit him!"

牧 Li Mu was also angry, Rambo's big move was good, but he still left a little way for them to go, but run like this, and wait for the blind monk's next q skill to turn to cd.

Brother Falcon swooped forward, then rushed back towards the blind monk. At the same time, Xiao Baijie pulled out a big move to hang the vine.

The blind monk did not wait for the Strangling Vine to fly him, and was shot down by Li Mu's Victor with a qa and death rays.

"Tank survived! Sk other people leaned too far to catch up, the female gun put an e across the blue buff wall, no one hit, this wave, the ng team pulled away safely! "Han Xing was relieved.

Yun Zhuo Yunhai was also panting, really nervous!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Haha just laughed, he wanted to speak, but, unable to speak, thrilled to the peak circuit, and then to the blind monk who could not be killed, really ... the blind monk is giving charcoal in the snow!

Although the Wolves said to be stable, the opponent's radical still drove the whole rhythm.

However, for sk, this wave is actually irrelevant, but the team is alert again. On the side of the cli team, because they took the head of the blind monk, they became a little impatient.

Rambo and the female gun Kalmar suddenly caught and forced the second tower of the road. The brother Aike had actually been pulled away. The three did not have the ability to retain people. ~ But ... Ike went back for a big move, and his blood volume was not very healthy. This wave of forcibly guarding the tower sent him directly.

哇 "Wow, this wave is too hurt. What is wrong with this brother, this can't be up!"

"It's a bit on my head. I don't control my mentality. In fact, players will be impulsive at this time. This wave shouldn't be played." Zhuo Yunhai was also anxious, this node can't be sent anymore.

At the same time, Victor grabbed it and walked around the blue buff field of sk, cooperated with ez to kill the blind monk, but this wave of clib got the prompt of his teammates to directly contact ez imperial city k and hit a set to immediately take over Displacement, reverse escape, thief fast, ez and Victor are a little reconciled, ez crosses the displacement and pursues, but the ice in the distance comes directly to seal the road, and the night instinctively pulls back, ... the blind monk escapes.

I came back once and it hurt.

真的 "Really, the mentality of our team members is always invincible at critical times, which is a sharp contrast."

"Don't worry, don't worry."

"Well, can you be in a hurry? After waiting for so many years, I want to see that I can win SK once. Isn't this asking too much?"

Sk is 5,000 yuan ahead. The Wolves have encountered a larger economic gap than this during the summer game. The horrible wolf resilience has really overturned, but ...

Ninety-nine percent of people now do n’t think it ’s okay, because with sk, calendar

Ll's team in history has never turned over.

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