MTL - League of Legends: My Age-Chapter 484 More than just functionality

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Han Xing also gave a view: "If you want to use this auxiliary mid order, I think it is better to get a Moganna."

The commentary was tense, and the audience watching the broadcast exploded!

"Oh my god, what the **** is time? Features are single? Funny?"

"The only wolf Carry, is he crazy or the coach crazy for a while?"

"What do you guys know, you can't beat it anyway, you're going to die, just come and show something and lose your excuses."

"It's a convention. If you can't fight, you just play blindly. When you return home, you apologize when nothing happens."

But there is also a very rational voice, "The wolf king's time is very strong, and don't take time as an aid!"

"The mid-to-single time is very smooth in the middle and late stages, and the outbreak is weak, but the protection is strong, the double Q is placed, and it is difficult to open the group on the opposite side."

"Stupid, follow sk, you choose a time, who do you think you are!"

"The timing of the election is unpredictable, but playing SK does not show up. You think you can really win by Carry alone?"

"Everyone cheers more and beeps, all of them!"

"I'm just sitting and watching the wolf king being beaten into a pup."

"Oh, I sit and watch the wolf king time super god."

The picture on the big screen gave a close-up of the ball, expressionless, very serious, and he was woken up by the cliff. To win SK, all team members must burst, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to win, and Li Mu must Provoking this girder, time is killing some of Li Mu's characteristics, but he can bring out the characteristics of his team by 200%. In this game, either live or die!

The screen shifts to SK again. Zhu Zhenzhong is very calm and talks with the team members. SK's final selection was won by Rambo.

"It's Rambo again!"

"Lambo's big move is actually a little restraint of time. Time can mainly speed up the teammates to leave the battlefield, but Rambo's big move closes the road and can't be retired." Haha felt a headache, this BP was crushed Squeezed.

"BAN is not enough!"

"How many games have Rambo played? Not yet BAN!"

"No way, BAN Rambo has Jess, or do you dare to put Only the Dragon King?"

Heartbreaking sounds are everywhere in the barrage.

BP ended, the coach shook hands and left the game, and the game entered the loading screen.

Blue Party LANGVS Red Party SK

Order: Lost Tooth vs. Mechanical Enemy

Wilderness: Wild Hunter vs. Berserker

Order: Guardian of Time VS Mechanical Pioneer

Shooter: Slayer vs. Ice Shooter

Support: Apocalypse vs Rising Thorns

Looking at the lineup on the live broadcast, LPL viewers really didn't feel good.

"Oh my God, does this lineup hurt? What ghost lineup is this going to give up?"

"Time really doesn't work!"

"All I can say is that the coach is crazy again."

"Brother, if you want to die, you are going to die. Is this going to be disgusting?"

This lineup, to be honest, the commentary is uncomfortable, and the audience does not accept it, even some masters, even some anchors, can not help but crazy barrage spit out!

However, in the live broadcast of Douyu, Guoge is still supporting, "We have to believe in the choice of the coach, the BP of the ball, if anyone can understand, what is the BP of the ball? The time of the Wolf King is really strong, me and the wolf Wang has been a classmate and a teammate. Really, I know the best! This is the real king of the wolf king. How about a clockwork? Let me put it this way, five clockwork starts. "

The commentary stage, Zhuo Yunhai said: "To be honest, to win SK, you can't rely on just one person. SK doesn't rely on Only. The Wolves need to play all. The lineup from the ball coach can be played and retired. Defensive, initiative is strong, this is to suppress the ferocious rhythm of SK in the first three games, everyone's attention is on time, in fact, what you need to see is to help Tank get the leopard girl, this is the wild The key, and noticed, the summoner skill of the time zone is teleportation, and the flash of the victor belt is sprinting away. The Wolves' game is a double TP. "

Zhuo Yunhai is the coolest, because it is the opponent's sake, the other can most feel the things behind the Wolves lineup, coach Zhang Qi, and finally there is no fan of the authorities. In this peak matchup, the Wolf King is Carry alone. Yes, on the one hand, he is equal to Only. On the other hand, SK's players are all world-class. From the mentality to the strength, they are not afraid of the wolf king Carry, the typical third game, even if they are The super can also deal with explosive damage when the team needs him.

The game went to the fourth round. Although SK got the match point, now the fight is no longer the operation. The Wolves can win the first round, which proves that they can win. Now, the fight is the game between the two sides. To understand, what is needed is an understanding beyond the version. The players must also wake up. Zhu Zhenzhong overthrew the understanding of the Wolves with two female guns. Now, it is equal to Zhang Qiu's time and Nalga Panther, the Naka Ueno. The combination made a move.

With a smile on his face, Zhu Zhenzhong returned to the lounge. The smile on his face disappeared and sank instantly. The pen in his hand was biting in his mouth, and his brain was thinking at a high speed. From the moment he shook hands with Zhang Qiu, he had a bad idea feel!

He never underestimated LANG, nor did he underestimate Killer.

He wasn't afraid of his opponent's "death". The so-called letting go, in fact, was a poor donkey, but this time did not think about it, he even thought that Killer would also come to Kalmar in a single rhythm.

However, at present, you can only choose to trust the players. Now they can defeat any strong enemy.

Both players enter the Summoner Canyon.

The life and death situation began, and both chose the normal alignment.

At the beginning, both sides played very well, and the director's footage kept giving the guardian of Time to the match between the mechanical pioneer Victor.

Judging from the situation of the front, Victor has taken a certain advantage. However, everyone knows that this is temporary. After the level of time rises, Victor's front cannot pass the time.

"The leopard girl is still brushing the wild. Tank's leopard girl is a bit conservative! It should invade the opposite wild area as soon as possible to suppress the development of Olaf."

Haha is a little impatient. This one, the only winning point of the Wolves in the early stage is the leopard girl, but the leopard girl so conservatively brushes her own wild area, it is impossible to play the characteristics of the hero of the leopard girl!

"But the leopard girl also needs to know where Olaf can get the effect. The problem is that Olaf is also one of the fastest junglers now. If the first-level eye position does not capture Olaf's position, Leopard It is more appropriate for women to choose stable development first. "Zhuo Yunhai said.

3 minutes and 25 seconds, Cheng Feng brushed into the lower channel on time, then invaded the red square blue area, plugged in the jewelry guard, but saw that most of the wild area was empty, and immediately knew that Climb had brushed into the upper half of the wild area. , Can only go back and brush the river crab, at the same time, and Li Mu and a question mark in the river grass, "have eyes?"

Cheng Feng is very clear that all of the early pressure of this pair is on his leopard girl. This one requires him to stand up, and at the same time, it is also a battle to prove himself! Go all out!

"Eye." Li Mu immediately gave feedback, "You can catch a wave."

Olaf hasn't shown his face yet, but Li Mu has some judgment. Climb's Olaf hits the wild, he definitely dare not take the initiative to find the leopard girl at this time, so he will only continue to brush the wild, no accident In this case, with Olaf's efficiency in jungle, all the monster camps should be cleared now, and it is almost the time node when Olaf returned to the city for the first time.

Only's position is very careful. At this time, both sides have reached the node that is about to rise to the fourth level. He calculates the number of soldiers on both sides. Both soldiers can upgrade.

Li Mu held his breath lightly, he stared at every action of Only Victor, pulling, repeated irregular moves, and then stepped in to fill up, Victor rose to the fourth level ... now!

Seeing the moment when Only rises to the fourth level, Li Mu's time suddenly shot, E speeded out, and double-Q trembling fingering. He has clearly studied that Only has a habit of using shortcut keys as soon as possible after upgrading. Ctrl + Skill Key "method to upgrade the hero's skills.

In fact, this is not a big deal, but after all, there is a little extra hand operation, subconsciously, the right-handed mouse movement will reduce the corresponding response operation, such as changing from random walk to traceable Mechanical positioning, at the same time, the reflection speed when seeing each other's movements will also slow down!

In fact, this slowness is relative. This time is only one moment, but in Li Mu's view, this slowness is the moment of victory and defeat!

Shivering fingering, specifically strangling this!


Double-knock knock! Victor was instantly stunned and stunned. At this moment, the sealed leopard woman flew out and shot a javelin accurately. However, just as the javelin flew to two-thirds of the distance, the moment when it was about to hit, Victor dizzy Woke up in the middle, Only flashed in an instant!

"No bid! Flashes off!"

"Flash in time! Just a little more time! Oh my gosh, leopard girl can definitely get a blood!"

"It's a pity that the time output means is limited. If time rises to the fourth level, this is a two-level Q skill. A time bomb of the first level can only stun the target for 1.1 seconds, and the second level is 1.2 seconds ... It ’s too much at 0.1 second, and the result is different. ”Zhuo Yunhai also accelerated his heartbeat. He clenched his fists, really eager, it was him on the playing field, that time was his operation! Although this is only a semi-final, but the opponent is Quansheng SK, it is the transformed LOL legend only single! This is probably the highest stage for a single player!

Chengfeng's face was iron blue. "My ... is still slow."

"No, if you come out half a second early, you can see in the field of vision that he retreats early and will not eat my double Q." Li Mu said immediately. Bo Chengfeng is indeed the limit operation. As soon as a little bit, Only can be pulled away after a sprint. This wave hits the flash and is still a big profit. Unfortunately, Only counts as the output of time. If you rush away and change to Xiao Haizi, you might be scared.

Cheng Feng took a deep breath and raised his mentality from failure. Now is not the time to think about these things, do things, do things!

Turning down, at the same time, gave a signal to the bottom lane.

Xiao Ye's eyes were shining, there was an embers in his hand, I have the world, this hero, he played the most in the summer, at the same time, he also feels the best, even when he has reached the touch of Delevin .

As long as there are embers, he never thinks he and Xiaobai will suffer when they fight!

At this time, when he saw the signal, he did not hesitate to give Xiaobai a hands-on signal, "Go!"

Xiaobai understands, seeing Zelah walking forward, he pulls away, and an oblique angle of mental flame Q goes up, bang, this time Jella failed to twist away, under the damage of mental flame, Jella moved At the same time that he suffered a 25% slowdown, he was wearing a lethal huacai injury mark.

Suddenly, when the war broke out, W Fatal Huacai shot Jelah from a long distance, and the marker triggered Jail to be held in place.

Xiao Ye rushed up and wanted to fight the blast of embers, but Bear and did not panic and fight for damage. They were not counseling. Jela immediately released the winding roots to the embers that rushed up, while binding the embers in the distance. , WWQ immediately followed, triggering the two seeds released by W Wild Wild Long with deadly thorns, and at the same time, he summoned two thorn sprayers to spit damage to the trapped embers.

The ice gave him the healing technique, and came up with the output at the same time. At this time, Jie La also got rid of the imprisonment and did not retreat. She stepped forward and ignited the body, but Xiao Ye responded faster and pressed the treatment in advance. The surgery returned a big sip.

And Xiaobai immediately handed his weakness to the icy rushed up. At this moment, Xiao Ye also broke free from the **** of the arabesque, and shot one or two shots at Jie La, at this time, among the whispering guns of Ember There is only the last bullet left. This is a bullet that must be crit and will cause a high percentage of additional damage based on the target's lost health.

This is a bullet with a kill effect on low health targets, which is equivalent to Rui Wen's big move!

Seeing that Ember came with this bullet, Bear, who was being held by Xiaobai W's unwavering spirit chain, immediately backed away and pulled the spirit chain, and the blood that had already seen the red Jela pulled the fourth bullet to Ember It is mortal, and the ice is constantly slowing to the speed of the embers with the ice arrows shot by the general attack.

At this time, Xiaobai ’s Q skills improved to CD, and a RQ shot ~ ~ The flame of the soul blessed by the Brahma evolved into a flash of aura, and suddenly hit the ice with a 50% slowdown effect. At the same time, there are three Wolves' long-range soldiers who are attacking him remotely! The blood volume of the ice dropped very quickly. When he walked out of the circle of fire after the aura of sparkle exploded, the blood volume also became red ...

The embers with the fourth round of special bullets in the gun pursued with full force. The damage was already dead. To kill this ice, as long as the fourth round was hit and a Q skill was added at the same time, it could be directly killed.

Seeing to be chased by the embers within the range of the basic attack, he finally couldn't withstand the pressure and flashed, and at the same time, Xiao Ye also caught up with the flash. The basic attack distance was not enough, but the Q-Techman grenade (grenade after hitting the target) Will bounce four times between nearby enemy targets) has been thrown on Frost's head.

Bang, the grenade exploded over the head of Frost's ice. Frozen blood only had 157 points left. At the same time, the dancing man grenade jumped to Jira's head. Jira, who had just drank a blood bottle and returned to more than 300 blood, was instantly bombed again. Back to more than a hundred blood ...

However, Ember's attack method has also been cut off. At 4 minutes and 16 seconds, the LANG team's bottom line combination hit a climax on the line!

At this point Xiaobai's mentality was completely restored. At the moment of playing, 008 was still in his ears, "You are the best assistant I have ever seen."

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