MTL - League of Legends: My Age-Chapter 491 War

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The clockwork puppet flew out, and a shock wave erupted directly to pull back Jyala who wanted to retreat. At the same time, pressing the W command noise, the E skill command defense pulled the puppet back, and followed up with a General attack.

"Jie La was left with blood instantly, and flashed away. Why did she die?" Haha explained halfway, hesitated, because Jie Laming, who was flashed, still had a little blood, why did she fall to the ground just after flashing?

Han Xing immediately followed the explanation: "Jess wanted to catch up, but Nami released a big move, the roar of the raging waves, and blocked the most important output point of SK in the grass. A big shot from the ice at a long distance It was crooked, but it did n’t affect it. Jess killed him again, but the blind monk arrived. There was a big move. The dragon was swaying at the tail. He also followed a Poppy behind the river. Poppy directly hit Jesse, seconds. The big move put Jess back in place, but the person flying with Bobby Hammer couldn't choose the state, there was no harm to follow, Jess landed, the blind monk was a pity, the lotus trap that stepped on the embers slowed down, echo wave Can't play Jess, the embers gave a big move, the Wolves pulled away, but this wave of SK can't play anymore. To retreat, the Wolves won the wave of team fights in the middle! Jess is in his strong period It didn't work as it should. "

Zhuo Yunhai touched his nose. "Jess was stopped by Nami's big move, otherwise this wave of results would be difficult to say."

At this time, the big screen was replayed ...

"In this wave, the mainspring of the Wolf King came out completely. With the first move, calmly move, and then pay attention. The big move shock wave was launched, and Jie La was forcibly caught back at the maximum distance. Attack, E skill pulls back the puppet, and then accepts the general attack ... At this time, Jie La has already flashed, but the general attack has already gone A ... "

Haha's face was stunned, "It was really killed by clockwork attack A. This is a single kill!"

Han Xing nodded: "Yes, the head is a clockwork alone. Nami is a pity. She did not add E skills to the clockwork in time to get an assist."

"It was mainly too fast. Nami was not too far away at that time. When she came over, Jira was killed by Clockwork Ping A."

"After all, wolf king, have you reached a single digit in the judgment of damage? This general attack, which just happened to kill, two big moves, is very important. The first wave interrupted the rhythm of the spider, the second wave, and Breaking the rhythm of Jace. "Zhuo Yunhai let his eyes shine, and sincerely hoped that he was on the court, but if he could do the same thing, he clenched his fists.

Every aspect of the LPL offline viewing, from the stadium to the Internet cafe, from the e-sports hall to the campus e-sports club ...

The cheering was endless, and it was too critical. The single kill in the clockwork of this clockwork was tantamount to forcibly pushing back a wave of team battles that Jess was supposed to force.

"Jess came out to the Black Cut Out Mountain: I'm coming in a strong period!"

"Wind a ball over: No, you didn't."

"Wow, that's why I love the Wolf King!"

Everywhere the wolf blows to death, and this wave is too morale.

However, Jess didn't plan to just leave it alone. When the soldiers came over, SK continued to advance to the middle and vowed to pull out a tower from the middle of the Wolves!

The eyes of Climb exuded an extremely hungry light. In this game, he should have been glowing, but he was interrupted stiffly. The hero of the spider is characterized by its fierce early stage, and once it has a rhythm, it can be invincible. Bring up the rhythm man, but when the rhythm breaks, the hero's power is halved directly.

Forcing the tower, the mainspring will come up to keep the line, now!

Suddenly, Li Mu wanted to hide, but walked slowly for a while, trapped by the spider cocoon, and at the same time the deadly huacai of the embers came again!

The spider silk is tied with a deadly colorful bondage. Climb's spider immediately kills the sky and must kill a clockwork! Otherwise, this game is likely to let this clockwork control the past.

The damage of the spider is really horrible, but, just when the spider fell down, Xiao Bai's weakness was put on ... After finishing the set, the clockwork still had a third of his health, and the blind monk came over at this moment QQER directly lifted Climb up again.

But Cheng Feng stunned for a moment. He thought that this kick was a siege, but he didn't expect that the kicked spider only had more than a hundred blood ...

Jess took the opportunity to push away a tower.

"I trust, healed the wounded." Cheng Feng was angry.

Li Mu smiled: "Okay, Kalmar and RE, how can spiders never die, Xiaobai, Niubi!"

This wave, if it is not Xiaobai's speed to weaken the spider, he will definitely be killed by the spider.

At 17 minutes and 10 seconds, Bear also started to walk away with Jyla. He cooperated with Jess to catch Bobby on the road. All skills were hit, but Bobby only lost half of his blood ...

"Bob's hair, how do you feel a bit more fleshy than others'?

"Are you sure this Jess is an advantage, have this Bobby more than forty knives?"

"Jia Lai wants to kill me? Old wolf, they look down on me, what should I do!" He made fun of it and asked the old wolf to sue.

"Find an old man to do him!"

"Get the order." Cheng Feng also played. His blind monk didn't ask for a show. It didn't matter if Q didn't show up. Lao Tzu worked with you when he didn't flash. ...... The blind monk who can eat the flesh turned into a team-controlled jungler.

18 minutes and 40 seconds, on the road, Jess hammered off a tower and saw Bobby chasing from the line in a firm manner, Super retreated immediately.

"Jace has a keen sense of smell, but in the direction of the river, the blind monk came, straight into the middle, followed by Xiao Bai's Nami. Seeing that Jace speeded up his door to speed, Xiao Bai gave the blind monk a Send E to call for the help of the tide. Under the slight acceleration of Nami's passive wave-walking, he quickly rushed to Jess under the seal. At this time, the role of the wind dragon was manifested. The fight was useless, but it was chasing after people. At that time, it was still very exciting. "Han Xing said excitedly," Can you catch a wave of Jess, this is very important! "

"Chong Chong Chong! The blind monk W touched his eyes, and for a while, tank flashed to the back of Jess without any aesthetic sense of operation, and then kicked back with a dragon and kicked Jess back to Bob. Come forward, then the three follow up with the besiege. Let's not be fancy, we're going to be real, Jess, you can't fall! "

I have to say that at this time, the Zhongdan Only teleported the soldiers on the road. Jess was really fat, and the blind monk Gabby ’s output ability was very limited. After playing for a long time, Jess actually had a third. The amount of blood, fortunately, Xiao Bai got stuck at the time of teleportation. Nami's big rage of the raging waves knocked Kalmar up. At the same time, she followed up with a Q and wrapped up Kalmar with water to make the blind monk and Bobby succeed. Kill Jess. Even so, the blind monk was killed by two-thirds of his health.

Kalmar broke free from the blisters, and immediately RQ blasted to the blind monk. At the same time, the spider of Climb rushed to the battlefield, fell, and the poisonous cricket slayed the blind monk.

Ember zoomed in on the river and wanted to keep people, but Li Mu ’s clockwork arrived. When he saw the clockwork, he reacted quickly, interrupted the big move, and the speed of light flashed across the wall to return to his own wild area. Confluence.

Without the big move of embers, SK quickly pulled away, and the Wolves did not pursue, the two sides regrouped and dispersed again.

"It's another change, the gods fight, never seen such a strong and fierce confrontation!" North American commentary is high, their speaking speed is faster, the neutral position allows them to express their praise on both sides passionately.

Both sides have made the details of the fight to the extreme, and they have great confidence in their teammates.

The endings can be accepted. Generally speaking, SK earns one more tower, and the Wolves side hinders the development of SK's order.

In 20 minutes, SK's firepower turned to the next tower, which was the last outer tower of the Wolves. Jess as the leading brother, Spider and Jela escorted.

The spider pulled away and invaded the wilderness, trying to get around.

At this time, facing the three brothers no longer buddhas, he straightened his waist and fully operated. Jess was pushed away by Bobby and hit a hammer. He turned back to an EQ to accelerate the electric energy cannon, and then chased it. Go up and start the W super charge three times to hit Bobby quickly, and Jela also throws skills together ...

But it was still a little painless and itchy, and Fage very eloquently threw away a residual blood soldier with passive "soap" and obtained a white shield ...

The blind monk and Nami supported from the line. This invaded the wild area, and the spider who had just reached the triangle grass quickly retreated. At the same time, the embers also rushed from the middle to the lower battlefield, which meant that the attack on the middle The bar and ice will also support the lower lane soon.

Seeing that the Wolves were coming together, SK retreated decisively. Kalmar, who had been teleported in the last wave of team battles, took the route, and this wave was 4V5.

"SK withdraws, the blind monk Q is empty, and W comes down, but SK withdraws decisively. Ember doesn't even let go of a trap, just runs. The Wolves can't even drive a group. Clockwork and ice are wasted. Here comes the chance to hit a tower. "

Haha explained halfway, and suddenly saw a huge magic crystal arrow above the screen penetrating the ground type, and shot down from the small dragon pit.

"... Wait, Crystal Arrow, Frost Strike, can you hit it! Hit it! Hit the arrow! Wow, ah! Blind monk! Kill him! , The niches are dizzy again !!! Goodbye! Let you shoot arrows, the fire-players will set themselves on fire! Little night, at this moment, the night **** of vengeance comes, rest assured, in this game, the Wolves will win !!!

Instantly, haha's voice burst! Because this scene is really degassing, and also treats his body with his own way, especially the arrow, because the world's first ice shooter was blown into the sky by the previous two games!

"The first ice in the world? Sorry, please taste the magic crystal arrow today. It must not be sweet, so sorry, Night God come on!" Han Xing has also been infected, the night **** wave, the goddess of revenge is coming!

On all LPL broadcast platforms, the brothers who have not closed the barrage have to bear to close the barrage, because the full screen is "6", they love the barrage, but they are even more unwilling to miss every second of the game!

The playback shows that this arrow is completely outside the sky, and after the blind monks have various empty Qs, when SK is about to evacuate safely, when the Wolves themselves have given up, an arrow comes from the top, Sorry, please taste the taste of death, please be the nourishment of revenge!

This is the role of ice!

This is the adc that nobody knows, Xiaoye!

"The members of the Wolves have no timidity in the face of powerful sk. They maintain a strong fighting spirit regardless of adversity or adversity. I feel that they are more like our fighting nation!" The Wolves, even feel that the Wolves are more like them, wolves, Siberian wolves!

It's a group that no creature can face.

The big screen also gives the full-screen close-up of the night god. His handsome face is slightly raised, and the slightly sloppy lips are only curved in a corner.

"Small night! I love you!"

"I'm happy, how about you, Xiao Ye! Are you happy!"


"Then continue, Zhongta! Push it off, push it off!"

"Well, brother, can't you sing, everyone, you only sing the dead song to the enemy, you're indifferent magic damage ..."

"Wipe, I don't know how to appreciate it, Yoyo says I sing well ..."

Yoyo ~~~~, this name makes Li Mu's blood burn instantly, and Yoyo is waiting for him!

Fight fight!

After this wave, SK strengthened the central tower for 21 minutes and was flattened by ice and clockwork.

With the push down of the No.1 tower, Chengfeng became comfortable, and Xiaobai was like a fish in the lower half of the field opposite to him ......... The blind monk is ever-changing. This is called a Buddhist blind monk, I do n’t understand!

Two people stared at Jira, who came to see the red Buff. Nami's Nami directly sang a big move, and the roar of the raging waves called a wave of rushing waves towards the Jura tsunami.

But at the same time that Jira was hit, below the F4 camp, the mainspring was watching the battle on the downside and was ready to support it at this moment. In the moment, the spider suddenly flashed out in the grass next to F4, and at the same time **** with cocoons. Clockwork.

Immediately afterwards, an accelerated electric energy bombarded by Jess, and at the same time, there was a slower flame of the Kalmar Vatican version of the spirit—the aura of light shining!

Li Mu quickly pressed the mouse, but before breaking free of the cobwebs, Jess was killed by a jump of the sky, and at the same time, the spider came with the venomous venom of the self-exploding spider!

"Ah, ah, God, clockwork! It's been seconds!"

"This wave ... attention is down ..."

The guide was quickly replayed. In slow motion, the clockwork is actually a bit careful. The ball is placed in front of the grass. It may be a big move at any time. However, the spider flashed to the cocoon and the electric light flint. Even so, Li Mu still reacted. Pull yourself an E skill command defense ...

But still can't stop the instantaneous seconds when the damage of three people fully overflows!

At the scene, the North American commentator panted: "It ’s too intense, the horror rhythm, the two sides are really chess opponents, this conversion, suffocating! One side ADC is killed, the other side will kill you. Killing each other at c, killing. "

"LANG is also a great team! But I still firmly believe that SK will definitely win. In this wave, it can be seen that LANG's advantage is very fierce, but it is also scattered, and there are still some operations. Gap. "

There is also a voice inside SK. Climb is the most exhilarating. This round should have been a situation where his spiders killed the Quartet, and he was pulled clockwise. This wave of cocoon revenge, and he was also cool, and In this wave, Jie La, who was blinded by the blind monk and Nami, caught the other side with a flash show and survived. The blind monk and Nami were also killed after they killed the clockwork ...

"Can fight the dragon?" Climb immediately issued a suggestion, and he felt that he should be more fierce and completely extinguish the other's soul.

"Hit." Only agreed immediately, and the final decision was only here.

Commanded the whole team towards the big dragon, and at this time, the Wolves all returned to the city, because Nami has been active in the lower half of the field, so there is no eye in the upper half of the field, especially in the big dragon pit.

Instantly, 22 minutes, the SK five arrived at Dalongkeng!

At the same time, Li Mu, who was waiting for resurrection, signaled to the dragon, "Small night, I have no skills, take a picture! Master, go and see."

"Big dragon, there are spiders. The speed of hitting the dragon is not slow. The blind monk is here! Really inserted! What to do, Tank! Can you grab it at a critical moment!" Haha cried nervously.

Chengfeng's heartbeat was like thunder. This soaring heart rate made him a little suffocated and suffocated. Instantly, the pressure mountain was pressed down, what should I do?

The big dragon, the deadly big dragon, is the pin of sk, what should I do?

It's climb, the Spider King is there ...

If you do n’t get it, you will lose even more ...

"Sit down, go to NMD, grab, fight, and fight, even if I retire now I won't lose it!" Cheng Feng's heart had a moment of care.

Bare feet are not afraid to wear shoes, I'm a reckless husband!

Take a deep breath and focus!

Cheng Feng told himself in his heart that he was 11th level, Spider 12th, Spider's Q is better than his Q, and also has a killing effect ... On punishment, he must not be able to fight, so he can only win in disorder.

Big dragon blood, see it!

2109 ... Tian Yinbo ~ ~ Good luck, Q to Dalong ... 1821 ... 1402 ...

No, SK is very experienced and deliberately slowed down the speed of fighting dragons. At this time, Frost and Namei have rushed to the top of Longkeng, Bobby has entered the river and is waiting for the opportunity in the river grass, and Li Mu is resurrected. The clockwork just got out of the Highland Tower, too late!

His Tianyinbo mark is about to disappear, two Q, echo hit!

"How to choose the tank, I still can't get on. The blind monk went in, he went in, sk stopped collectively, wow, the experience is too rich, and he began to collect the blind monks. This blind monk couldn't hold it, the dragon dragged its tail and kicked it. The spider, but he will fall down! "Haha said madly, no way, the initiative is in the hands of sk.

"Kill the blind monk first!"

Kill the blind monk ~~~ sk's team members are uniform.

"Small night! Kill me!" Chengfeng roared.

At this foot, the enclosed Messi attachment, the Climb spider was stabbed to the top of the large dragon pit, Xiao Ye W million arrows fired at the same time, at the same time, the ice bow gave a critical strike!

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