MTL - Legend of the Asura-v10 Chapter 675 Tearing heart, crazy plan

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(...corrected the release time ⊙_⊙b Khan)

"Lin Ze Shang..." His murky eyes turned to Longwei, and he recognized that he was the highest head of the Huaxia Kingdom. His eyes did not change at all. He said in a dead old voice: "What a sinful name this is." Because of this name, my daughter left me when I was a few months old. Because of this name, my lover and my two genius sons died miserably. Because of this name, I have nothing..."

A bleak emotion filled the old man, causing a heavy feeling in everyone's heart. Long Wei was silent for a while and sighed: "It is the state that does not protect you, and the country cannot hold you."

Xiao Tian’s eyes behind the madman are so big that they can’t help but shout out... Lin Zeshang, the madman turned out to be Lin Ze, the world that shocked the world, and it’s been more than a week in the Dongpu stock market. The Chinese stock gods played with the bankruptcy of the family, and played the "economic nuclear bomb" that was discovered by the Australian big country futures market for a whole month! ?

But his age...

"He is!?" Hearing his name, the face of Blood Sakura showed an expression that he could not believe.

"He should be your father - Lin Zeshang, a person who makes the whole world afraid of shaking. You have a genius and great father." Feng Yan patted her back and said.

"No, no, he... how could he be my father." She thought that her father would be a kind-hearted, middle-aged person with a sense of dependence, which is her impression of the Chinese father. He seems to be a man who is enough to be her grandfather, and how could it be his father.

"I will take you to a paternity test after a meeting..."

"No, no need." The madman slowly shook his head and his eyes fell on Lin Ying's body again: "She... she is my daughter... my daughter, do you know how similar you are to your mother?" I saw you just now, I almost thought I saw your mother again... I and your mother named you Lin Ying, because there is a small cherry-shaped light birthmark on your right shoulder..."

Lin Ying's body swayed abruptly, and the wind helped her body. Her movement made the people present no doubt.

The madman slowly and carefully flipped through the cardboard that had been held on his chest. This is a whitish, but spotless photo that was wiped. I know that this is the only collectible of the madman. I will take it out for almost a long time, but I never let others see it, and I won’t let others touch it.

There are four people on the photo. On the far left is a British man who looks like he is thirty years old. His calm face has a faint smile, and the pair of gold-rimmed glasses hides a pair of eyes that release the wise light. On the far right is a young woman in her thirties with a soft smile on her face. The face and facial features are similar to Lin Ying. In the middle are two teenagers who are only teenagers. Their eyes are crystal clear and their faces are full of confidence and arrogance. The wind finally understood that the madman had always regarded the collection of life as a family portrait before his death.

He pointed the woman on the far right with a trembling finger: "She is my wife and your mother. In my heart, she is the perfect wife in the world. If I knew today, I would rather die than die." Go and pursue her."

The dry fingers trembled and pointed at the two energetic teenagers: "His name is Lin Xiaotian. He was only seventeen years old two years ago. He inherited my character and inherited my expertise. He is from Xiaoli. The next goal is to surpass me, and I have been advancing to this present under my supervision. People in the industry say that he is the second Lin Zeshang in ten years. His name is Lin Xiaoyu, only fifteen years ago. Year and a half, he rejects business, but his computer and economic talents make me marvel, even more than the same age of the year. They are my two sons, your two younger brothers, and the greatest pride of my life. ... With these two talented sons, I even feel that there is no regret in this life..."

"But... the nightmare two years ago, I watched my favorite wife being humiliated to death, watching my favorite son being tortured to death by the knife... At that time, I The eyes leaked out of the blood, and the blood was red in front of me. Every inch of my body was tortured by them, but I didn’t make a sound, because I couldn’t feel the pain in my body, and my heart was already like me. Painful numbness...

"They are dead, they are all dead, and they didn't even have a complete body after they died. They all thought that I was already dead, but I didn't, such hate, how could I be willing to die, so I step by step from hell. I climbed up and struggled to live to the present. Every night, the cry of despair and miserableness sounded in my nightmare, which made me feel unhappy... I hate it, I hate those who are so mad, I hate why I was. I want to go to Dongpu, hate myself, I can't protect them... How many times I can't wait to kill myself, Dong Hao hates me, but why kill my wife... I hate myself and hurt them, I hate!! I hate it. !!!"

A cry of sorrow and sorrow, like a cloud of blood, tears finally fell, splashing on the photos in his hands. The madman who had already lost his feelings shed tears, and every tear of remorse and hatred has a knife like their heart, making them tear in their hearts.

Xiao Tian clenched his teeth, and his fists trembled in the trembling: "This group of beasts is simply extinct!"

Lin Ying's eyes have been blurred by the mist. The madman's story makes her heartache almost impossible to breathe. The nails of the hands holding the windy arm are almost embedded in his flesh. "You... are you really my father?"

The wind screamed out to wipe away the tear marks on her face and said softly: "Is he your father, I think you have an answer in your heart. Have you seen it? The one that is missing your family is the most left. The father looked like two years ago. At that time, he was an economic nuclear bomb that was scared all over the world. He was also a recognized beauty man. However, after walking in hell, he became like this in two years. Can you imagine how much torture he has endured in the past two years? If it is not the revenge that supports him, he may be dead. Although he does not have the responsibility to raise you, He is your father after all, you are his only relative, he needs you."

I took a picture of Lin Ying's back and gave her the same encouragement of laughter. The wind moved toward the door.

"Where are you going." Lin Ying shouted subconsciously.

"Give your father a chance to compensate you and give him a reason to live. After the meeting, I will pick you up." He stared at Xiao Tian, ​​opened the door and went out, then gently closed the door.

"Boss!! The madman is actually the commercial monster, this is this..." As soon as he went out, Xiao Tian exclaimed exaggeratedly, Lin Ze’s name made him not wake up from shock.

"Don't be so fussed, he doesn't want anyone to know him, I didn't say it." The wind said with a blank expression.

"But, since he is the commercial monster and has been with you for two years, why didn't he directly enter the securities market and use his terrible means to collect money? Even if he only gave him a thousand pieces, he will have the ability after one year. Turned into 10 billion." Xiao Tian said somewhat puzzled.

"No way, his technique is easy to reveal his identity, so he gave up. I told him at that time that another world would open one year later, so he immediately said that he would establish a business in a world without danger. Empire, now, he did it perfectly, and I only helped a little."

The 10 million who had been extorted from the identification shop owner had laid a perfect foundation for the “popular world” involving all walks of life.

"In the year before the reincarnation, he has been planning how to take revenge."

"How do crazy people want to rectify the East?" When thinking about this problem, Xiao Tian was obviously excited. The name of the economic nuclear bomb is not white.

"First slam the East 瀛 coin, let Dongpu economic chaos, then take the opportunity to control some of the big companies in the East China, and then ... whether it is for own or to engage in malicious competition or deliberately with those national enterprises to play with both sides will be happy with him." He shrugged his shoulders and said. A very crazy, only a madman wants to come out, and only a plan that the madman dare to do.

"This is also... too crazy! Can a madman really do it?" Xiao Tian said crazy, but his hands were already excited and subconscious.

There are three black lines on the forehead: "When you are a madman, you are a superman. How can he complete such a huge plan alone? Of course, it depends on you to move some... Well, it is not a very cool economy for Dongpu. Mad people come and let them help the madman to implement the plan in his own name."

Xiao Tian’s “啪” hit a finger and did not hesitate to pat his chest: “No problem, this thing is on me, I can get hundreds of thousands.”

"This will be said later, let's go to the Simon's house now... well, look at it."

The Ximen family's industry is spread all over the northern provinces and cities, and its headquarters is naturally in the capital of China's capital, Jinghua City.

Although he has not stepped into the Ximen home for a long time, Yang Aotian has firmly inscribed the location of this family in his heart, and he will not forget it for a moment.

In order to arrive as soon as possible, Yang Aotian asked Xiao Tian for a car, and then rushed to the seat of Ximen's home as quickly as possible. No one stipulates that death cannot drive.

The manor family of the Simon family is large, larger than the size of the previous ordinary village. As one of the four largest families in the North, its financial strength and power are very imaginable. For those who stand at the top of the pyramid, the most precious thing is life, no life, and there is no way to enjoy these rich and glory. Therefore, there are dark piles everywhere in the Ximen home. The guards of the live ammunition patrols are all over the place, and the experts who come here will naturally not be less.

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