MTL - Legend of the Asura-v10 Chapter 710 I am more interested in your body.

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"Amount... Our family's blue is very young, but since childhood, it has been smart and clever, and it has been ingenious. The chess and calligraphy are well-versed, and the temper is good, the old and the young are young, and there is no one in the Xuanyuan family who doesn't like her. It is said that after the blue grows up, it must be a good wife and a good mother." Xuanyuan Xiongtian digs the praise of the heart, listening to the three brothers of Xuanyuan clenching their teeth and not making a sound, the expression on the face is extremely wonderful.

Xuanyuan blue shyly shook his cheeks, and said with a greasy voice: "Daddy, how can you say so well?"

When I was young, I watched Xuanyuan grow up in blue, but I have seen her such a spoiled gesture. Xuanyuan Xiongtian chicken skin fell off the ground and choked a mouthful of water: "No, blue is much better than what I said... a lot better."

"Right! And don't look at the blue age, but the development is already very good. There is absolutely no problem when the Lord is used to warm the bed." Xuanyuan Xiongba also said quickly.

Come on... The whole Xuanyuan family hopes for the stars and hopes for the moon. Finally, I hope that the Xuanyuan Lord will take this little devil away. They will finally spend the rest of their lives in peace. They don’t hang around with their brains. .

There were three clear black lines on the forehead, and he quickly threw a sentence, "I will take the blue first, I will often take her back to see you." Then I took the blue little hand and fled.

"Ah... Blush in the Lord, we are completely at ease, don't come back, don't come back!"

Awkward at the foot of the wind.

When I walked to the door of the hall, a voice stopped him: "When to take me away."

The wind stopped and looked at Xuanyuan. Her voice was not loud, but it fell into the ears of the five people in the hall, and they all opened their mouths.

Could she have a affair with Xuanyuan Lord? Or before the dripping water did not enter, now see the Xuanyuan Lord has such a perfect appearance of talents and immediately change their minds to paste.

I was very interested in watching her. Since she appeared here, the wind has not looked at her, and she has not looked at her side. At this time, she took the initiative to let the wind feel that this Xuanyuan Missess did not seem so suffocating as he imagined.

"Amount, this big sister is?" asked the windy and confused face.

"This is my sister, the big bad guy you have seen clearly." Xuanyuan blue said some puzzled.

"Sister? Blue, do you still have a sister?" Feng Yan asked with a confused look, and then looked up and down the Xuanyuan Nishang.

Xuanyuan Blue: ⊙_⊙b

"Cough, this beautiful woman, what is your name, why do you want me to take you away... I admit that I am a man of great charm, you have encountered countless flower idiots, but I am definitely that kind of * Go to bed when I meet... Ah, no, um, in short, I am not interested in you now, wait for you to let me be interested in you someday."

Did not wait for Xuanyuan Nishang to answer, the wind swept a little, flew into the air with blue, and soon disappeared into sight.

Xuanyuan neon is silent, then slowly leaves. She had already decided to follow this Xuanyuan Lord, but she naturally would not think that she was affectionate to him, but that she was tired and wanted to find someone who could rely on it. During this time, she has lived in a Xuanyuan family that has not returned for many years, in order to be able to expect him to appear.

He appeared, but she was so indifferent to her, more like she did not want her to exist. Is it something you have done wrong, or because you have not paid anything.

Under the thought, she suddenly realized that she did not seem to have done anything for him. Blue for him to become the general manager of Fengcheng Finance, very tired and busy every day, but always laugh so happy. Compared to the blue, in addition to winning the appearance of any woman, it may only be regarded as a vase by him.

It’s a vase, she’s really tired. The beginning of boredom is due to the emergence of the Xuanyuan Lord. She used to think that her life was destined to be lonely like her aunt and her aunt's aunt because of an illusory "Xuanyuan Lord", so she must force herself to overpower all men to change her future destiny. But the Xuanyuan Lord really appeared, and it was a man who was perfect to be beyond, why should she force herself?

Xiao Lan is a very well-behaved little girl... This is the first impression that the windy girls have seen her for the first time. After being brought here by the wind, she slyly called her sister, sly and greeted one by one, and laughed so innocently, and lived off a lovely girl.

The wind blew aside and prayed: Be sure to keep doing it so well... Seeing the reaction from Xuanyuan’s home, I know how terrible this little blue was.

Nowadays, the Weeping Moon has also been brought back by him, with a gift of only one blood between the heavens and the earth. But fortunately, the empty rooms of the Feng family have all been packed. I smashed myself into a room, Feng Yao, Xi Ruo, a soft room, Duanmu Yi and a North Ming dynasty butterfly room, Xue Xueer and often could not help but sneak back the ice blue children a room, weeping moon and charm rain two The same woman who was lost to the memory of a room, Lin Ying and Chen Binger in a room, Qinglong guarded the living room. So there are two empty rooms left, and the blue...

"I don't want my own room, I want to sleep with the big bad guys." Xuanyuan shook his head with blue force and then looked at the wind with his lips.

"Are you sure?" The wind stunned and looked at her bulging chest, laughing, and he suddenly had a rushing impulse.

"Well! I just want to sleep with you! Besides my mother, no one has ever slept with me. I want to be held by you." Xuanyuan looked forward to the blue.

It is also a poor doll that lacks maternal love. It is nodded with a sigh of relief: "Well, then your brother, Shura, will sleep with a small blue tonight."

Fifteen... ah no, it’s already sixteen years old, and it’s sent to the door by yourself. You can pick it, you can...

The door was gently opened and gently closed. Seeing the wind, Chen Binger smiled in the cold face and gently approached him.

"How come so late today?" asked the wind and smiled.

"Dad is not willing to let me go." Chen Binger approached him and said softly. At this time, the "dad" that she shouted in her mouth was so natural, without the bluntness of the original. When the first words of the wind finally made her forget the gap between the father and the daughter, she called Chen Yan a "dad". From that day on, their father-daughter relationship began to ease. Until now, the ice that cuts off the father and daughter’s emotions The wall is no longer there.

"So I will accompany your dad for a while? I will go home with you in a few days. I haven't seen Chen Bobo for a long time." Feng said with a smile.

Chen Binger nodded and looked at his happy smile. Only in front of him, she would like to laugh so much, and laugh so naturally.

Returning to the world of reincarnation, the wind has gone out looking for a large circle of monsters as before, and then absorbed them with the refining pot, refining the demon spirits of various attributes, and then forcibly feeding the little ones.

"I don't believe that you can't reach the Holy Class for three consecutive years!" said the wind. Poor little little bears tears, swallows those colorful stones one by one, and turns them into their own power. It is a five-line holy unicorn with a special power of death. The power of death can be ignored, so if you want to grow, you must need five energy supplies.

When the little one finally finished eating it completely, the message of Lei Di came from the wind: "The Emperor Fengdi, a person named Rainbow Nirvana wants to see you."

The wind sighed a little and replied: "Let her go to the palace to meet me."

The small one was taken back, and the wind returned directly to the Windy City Palace, sitting on the big bed and guessing the purpose of her coming here.

The wind did not wait too long. After less than a minute, a figure like a fairy appeared in the doorway of the palace. Xuanyuan Nishang, who came here for the first time, did not look at it here, but looked directly at the wind, and after a complicated change in his eyes, he slowly approached him and then took off the veil on his face.

Although I haven't seen it for a long time, how can she forget that Tianyan style, which is enough to make the world eclipse? She was quietly admiring her for a while, her eyes from her face, to her neck, to her chest, to her waist, arms, and long legs... ** naked without any cover.

"There are 93,000 sisters in the world, this is the power I have accumulated all the time. Now I can drive you, this is the only thing I can give you." Xuanyuan said, his eyes are extremely complicated. She had established a rainbow of neon to resist men, but now she handed it over to a man just to get his approval.

A woman is a woman after all.

"The only thing? No, no, I don't have any interest in your colorful clothes. By contrast, I am more interested in your body." The windy smile said.

Xuanyuan Nishang face is white, biting his lower lip.

On the side of the wind, he said, "Do you think this is insulting you? Oh... With the power I have now, your color dress will not appeal to me at all, and if I want to destroy you, Color clothing is also a no-brainer. But... although I don’t admit it, you are the first beauty of Huaxia, which is recognized by others, and your body is... Hey, you have seen it from the light. Not to mention, it is really beautiful. If I was determined to be worse at the time, then you are not finished now. And this is your capital. It is not very important to use your body to conquer a man who has your body in the future. Is it cost-effective?"

Xuanyuan Nishang: "..."

"So, let's take off your clothes like you did last time, let me see your consciousness." The windy smile looked at her, still sitting on the bed and didn't mean to get up, and did not urge her again.

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