MTL - Legend of the Asura-v10 Chapter 713 Scary enemy

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Millions of people, how big a **** sea, the wind and cruel smile, Xuanyuan sword body Jin Mang burst, a strong pressure to breathe the earth shrouded the earth. The crowds were all in a footstep, subconsciously looking at the burning golden flame, and the pupils continued to shrink. Because they have not suffered such terrible momentum in this life, it seems to be a terrible atmosphere of the end of the day.

In the direction of the Windy City Palace, Feng Yao looked at the heights of the West, where it has become golden. She smiled and said to the sisters around her: "It seems that my brother doesn't want to waste time..."

However, the golden mans of the Western sky suddenly disappeared in an instant, replaced by a black awn that flashed past the sky.

Feng Yao slammed.

boom! boom!

Two whispers, accompanied by the splashing of blood, the right-handed Shura cracked open more than a dozen cracks, Shura was also broken a little and a half, a foot more than 30 cm long 狰狞 wound from the windy left chest Stretched under his ribs, blood rushed. After three seconds, he was completely healed with the help of 崆峒印.

“Hey! Your equipment ‘the scale of Shura’s scales’ was severely broken, the whole skill could not be displayed, and the full attribute dropped by 90%.”

“Hey! Your equipment ‘the true posture of Shura’ was severely broken, and the whole skill could not be displayed, and the full attribute dropped by 70%.”

What kind of power is this? The wind licks under his ribs and bites his teeth. This energy is even more evil than the demon, and more powerful than the demon. The black light seemed to be just a hit, and it came too fast. He was too late to pick up and evade. The vitality of more than six million was almost emptied.

Chen Binger was horrified. She was just about to go forward. She waved her hand and bit her teeth: "Don't come over!"

Chen Binger stopped and the ice sword was already in his hand, and the whole body was full of ice.

"Wind brother... this power... This person is... is..." Xuanyuan’s voice trembled and seemed to see something terrible.

"You...who!" The wind stared at the tall figure, a hundred meters away, floating in the air, coldly said. He originally thought that the Monarch was already the strong limit of this continent. The strength of Donghuang Liuli is because she is the master of this world. Sally is strong because she is the manager of half the world. And this person... his sense of oppression brought to the wind is even more than Sally. The blow just now was a blade of blade that was crossed by more than a hundred meters. It was such a simple blow that directly ruined his Shura and Xiu Luozhen, and also brought him physical trauma. This is the third person he knows to have this terrible ability since he himself, killing God.

Yes, he is an individual. In appearance, this is a fairly normal human being. He looks like he is in his thirties and looks handsome, but the evil smile on his face makes people shudder. His limbs were obviously thick, his body was dark and heavy, his hair was dark and his roots were erected. The oriental face, the oriental skin color and hair color, the only thing that is not normal is that his body is too tall and tall, and his height is more than three meters high.

The most eye-catching is the machete with his hands clasped. The shank is slender, more than one meter long, the handle end is dark black, and the tail is inlaid with a sturdy tiger head. The blade is surprisingly large, two meters long, more than thirty centimeters wide, and the blade is dark yellow. And this is the big knife, releasing the evil atmosphere that makes him tremble.

"Oh...hehe, hahahaha!! I finally found you, I finally waited for this day, I want to destroy you!" A burst of laughter, let the crowds all over the sky tremble with inexplicable fear. He rushed to the wind at a very fast speed, not close, the big knife in his hand had already squatted... The wind stunned and picked up Chen Binger to quickly escape. The man’s attack was hollowed out, and the air wave fell on the land at the foot of the wind. It easily smashed the earth and even shook the earth like an earthquake.

"Wind brother! Go away! His goal is you. If you stay here, he can easily ruin the windy city, go away!!" Xuanyuaner shouted anxiously.

The wind did not hesitate to push Chen Binger, call out the white, and then launch the shadow flying west. The tall man snorted with a cold smile: "Hello, hahaha... I want to run, this time I will not miss you if I chase the end of the world!!"

His speed is very fast, but he can't be compared with the wind that is blessing the "off-the-mirry" state. He is worried that he lost his target and angered the windy city. The speed is lower than that of him. The angry attack of the man waved behind him again and again, each time bringing up the strong shaking of the earth, and each time the five-nation coalition forces died, and the mourning was everywhere.

Until the wind and the man finally went away, the roaring sound was getting smaller and smaller, and the calmness of the West Gate of the Windy City was reluctantly restored. This terrible change made them dream like a dream. Who is the person who took the big knife? Is it human? Is it magic? Still the **** of this continent? Why did he feel so terrible, so that they could not breathe like being crushed by a thousand stones, and he immediately slammed them and scared them all.

In the windy city, Feng Yao felt the earth tremble again and again, and the heart trembled, because she also felt the terrible limit. She turned and said to many sisters: "You are going to Longfeng Pavilion. Brother, he met a very strong enemy and left here. I have to help my brother to keep the West Gate!"

Lin Ying said: "I will go too." After that, she has already moved in a group of white light. Each of them has the right to transmit anywhere in the city given by the city.

Yang Xiruo quickly said: "I will go too!"

Feng Yao shook his head: "Sakura's strength is very strong. There will be no danger when there is there. You should go to Longfeng Pavilion. If you are relieved, Simon will be fine."

There was only Chen Binger left in front of the city gate. She looked at the wind and went away silently, thinking about the voice he had just passed to her. The blue eyes showed deep concern.

The coalition forces of Russia, the United States, India, Germany, Italy and the Five Kingdoms were in chaos at this time. William calmed down first, and he yelled at his team: "Don't mess! Shura has gone, there is no defense here, what are we waiting for, hurry up!! Let Hua Xiu Shuo know the price of arrogance!" After he finished, he took the lead and rushed to the front.

If the spirit of the dream is awake, the spirit of the singer is spurred. They screamed and slammed into the west gate. They raised their weapons high and seemed to want to vent their fears on the city gate. The actions of the United States have naturally brought up the other four countries, and the stagnation of the tide has finally begun again.

The boundless black pressure crowd is approaching, and Chen Binger has no fear and looks cold in the front. Her expression made William a little surprised when she was caught in front of the team. Finally, Chen Binger, who was silent as ice, moved. She held the ice sword with one hand and waved her hands at the same time. Two ice walls nearly 50 meters long emerged from the ground and became a ice barrier nearly 100 meters long. The cavalry shield guard who was caught off guard in front of the front hit the individual and turned the horse up. The original neat team suddenly became chaotic.

"This is... attacking props?" William wondered, he couldn't believe that someone would be able to form such a large ice wall at once. This seems to be the ability of the beast to do it.

The team that the five countries united is really too big. Chen Binger’s huge ice wall only blocked a small team. The teams on both sides flocked forward and then headed for the direction of the gate where Chen Binger was. Unless they have a rare destruction attribute, they cannot destroy the city wall, and the target can only fall on that gate.

Lin Ying appeared on the wall in the flash of white light. Her eyes were cold, and she jumped down the wall and fell to Chen Binger, standing side by side with her. Then the two looked at each other and nodded and rushed forward. Lin Ying used a very high speed, and Chen Binger relied on continuous teleportation.

Large players ride on the flying pets and fly into the city, they ignore it. The same women who are cold in the bones, they have already had a tacit understanding in the month of getting along, they know about the strength of the other side, and this time, they have chosen the same goal - to boost the morale of the forward row The great country wolf **** William.

The two have not yet approached the team, and the magic of the bow and arrow has already hit the sky. The fast moving Lin Ying suddenly accelerates again, like a lightning bolt into the crowd, and both hands are waving at the same time to weave a tight airtight net. The enemies in front were all spiked, and the crowds of small crowds appeared blank, but they were quickly filled up by people. Lin Ying also slammed this gap forward, and the figure was like a black ghost. It was usually in the crowd, and all the way to harvest life, but no one had time to make an attack.

The crowd finally came under the gates of the city, and all kinds of attacks and chaos attacked the gates. The excessive damage figures were piled up and dense enough to be completely unrecognizable, and they did not find how pitiful the damage they caused. Several people can attack thousands of times.

Such a dense attack, even if it is a small probability of the gate skill, is enough to trigger easily. Finally, the gate suddenly vibrates spontaneously, and a sharp shark sounds from the gate, and all the people within 50 meters in front of the door are shocked. Fly, let no one stop in front of the originally congested city gate.

This scene made the smile on William's face directly solidify, and he finally began to understand why there is no team defense. At this time, Lin Ying finally got close to his goal. She staggered her hands in the fast movement and jumped into the air with a double-edged sword, stabbing William who had already discovered her.

William disdain and did not evade. He was always in his hands by the super artifact "Sinking" that he had placed on his right arm, and then he was thrown into the blood cherry. Although he already knows that he and Shura's strength are different, he thinks that no one else is his opponent, even the **** cherry with the same super artifact - now Lin Ying. Although she wondered why she appeared here, the spike in her right hand has exposed her identity.

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