MTL - Legend of the Asura-v10 Chapter 742 King of Chaos (great ending) + end of the testimonials

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Jinghua City, Fenghuang Street, Fengjia Villa.

The appearance of the Fengjia Villa is not the same as before, but there have been incredible changes in it. Everyone who enters for the first time will be stupid for a long time. The villa, which is not too small, looks less than two hundred square meters outside, but the interior is far more than a thousand square meters. Even the floor is completely different from the outside. It has four floors. There are many.

This naturally depends on the upgraded version of the "chaotic chaos array", the wind is believed that even if the true God comes, it will certainly be blinded by the appearance. Here is where he grew up, with too many memories he couldn't give up, so he never thought about leaving this place, but instead used space to transform the interior.

At this time, the wind squats on the sofa in the hall with his legs on his back. He is playing with a palm-sized mirror in his hand. It is a Kunlun mirror that should have disappeared due to time back a year ago. Every time he will come out and look at it for a while, from the mirror, he seems to see the smile of the dragon's last moment with tears.

Hey, Dad is proud of you in this life. He smiles and meditates again and again.

They still guard the Qinglong and Suzaku, and they have nothing to do with the reincarnation. Xiao Xuanwu was given the Emperor Liuli before the disappearance of the dragon, and he has now slept in the desert of the resurrection of the world, and Kirin and half of the white tiger are always following the wind. The five sacred beasts of the Tianlong Continental are currently only basaltic that have not yet grown. However, for the Tianlong mainland, which is unlikely to have a major disaster, they may have no need to exist. Even if there is any disaster, it is just a matter of moving fingers.

A ring of phone rings and the wind slams into the ear, because the ringtone seems to be from the broken mobile phone.

Sure enough, the delicate water Linger came over with his mobile phone: "Master, your phone."

The wind was taken over, lazy in the ear: "Who?"

"Cough, is a little god... I am really sorry to disturb the refinement of the king. The little **** is the jade emperor who just took office. I would like to greet the king..."

"If nothing happens, I hang up, and don't call me when there is nothing big in the future. I know that I am still playing in the clearing. I really don't understand things." The wind slammed the phone and put it in the hands of Shui Linger, muttering in the mouth. "The guys are really idle... huh? Wait, how did the newly appointed Jade Emperor actually use his mobile phone? Are they actually coming to Earth?"

One year ago, after the restoration of the Earth, he used two virtual infinite curses and he was unconscious because he was completely collapsed. Wake up after three months. After the restoration, he lifted the blockade of the Eastern Heavens, and as for the time of the heavens and the earth, he directly set the heavens and the earth in parallel without distinction. There is no objection in the heavens, and the true status of chaos that is so popular is that they are afraid to increase their worship.

The wind and the nephew did not tell the truth about the heavens. Because the Buddha of the past is the pillar of strength and spiritual belief of the entire Eastern realm. Since everything has passed, why bother to ruthlessly destroy their spiritual beliefs.

He turned his head and smiled at the water Linger said: "Little Linger, the next time such a thing will let the water month come to do well, who will make her performance in bed so bad, Xiao Linger can be many times more than her ""

Shui Linger's face is red and whispered: "So anyone can do such a small thing."

The sweet voice just fell, and the phone suddenly sounded again. It was caught in the wind and it was not broken. There was a middle-aged voice inside: "Wang Shang, Xiao Wang is Zeus, I don’t know the king now. No time."

Zeus? The old man actually used his mobile phone... The wind blew his brain. He asked strangely: "Are you on earth now?"

Zeus quickly replied: "Yes, the Western Alliance and the Eastern Divine World are holding their first association, and the place is chosen on the king's favorite beautiful earth. By the way, feel the high-tech of the world. ”

High-tech... A sly idea can spread the voice throughout the world and still need high technology.

", we hope that the king can appreciate his face..."

I was furious and shouted: "What kind of friendship will you hold me? What else, you have to take my house Gaia and Ya... When will you put my Gaia under house, if not, I am not physically If you are comfortable, believe it or not, I will straighten your nest!"

Zeus’s cold sweat on his forehead: I have been separated from my two daughters for so many years, and it’s hard to go home to gather together. How can it be under house arrest... But this also shows that Wang Shang really likes Gaia, and when he thinks of it, Zeuston is also beaming. Quickly said: "The king is angry, and Xiao Wang will let Gaia come back tomorrow. In fact, Gaia has always missed the king."

"Ang... Also, by the way, let her bring her sister back, and recently there is a little lame." The windy said vaguely.

"Yes, yes." Zeus quickly promised.

"Then it will not disturb the king to clean up, we will come by ourselves, just come by ourselves." Even though he is the king of the West, Wang Zeus, in the face of the wind is also a sultry gesture. Because he not only lifted the blockade of the Western gods, but also the real king of chaos, and when his strength is restored, a small finger can make a real Western world suffer. And the woman around him is more than a horror, especially the Donghuang glaze, and the Pangu girl who seems to be very young, but has the name of "chaotic demon".

"...Jade Emperor, how do you stop this mobile phone?"

"...I don't know. I just stopped myself. I remember Xiao Xiaodi just said that just click on it, eh? Xiao Xiaodi went there."

"Click? Is that true?"

boom! There was a metal crackle on the phone, and three black lines appeared on the forehead. I don't even want to know that the poor cell phone was directly blasted by Zeus.

The wind was just about to throw the phone back, and a ring of bells came.

What day is it today... I took a look at the mobile phone and found that it was Xiao Tian’s number. After I connected it, I asked, “Small day, what happened.”

"Boss, now the Western gods and the gods of the East are holding a 'sorority association' on the top of Kunlun Mountain. Do you want the boss..."

"Oh, I already know this, is this?"

"Also, the solitary home seems to be starting to be somewhat unscrupulous."

"Let hate day to beat them, this little thing you will solve it casually." Feng Li said carelessly.

"Haha, this is natural... Then, the more than 70 devils are not generally easy to use, just one is equivalent to a huge army!"

The magical thing that Xiao Tian said was the demon that was brought out by the demon from the nine secluded purgatory. Now he has been completely manipulated by Fu Xiqin. In short, it is completely brainwashed and becomes a black weapon used by the wind to maintain human order. .

"If they can't even pick up the mortal, then they don't deserve to be called the devil." The wind said slowly.

"That is, of course, the boss, the nephew..."

Half-sounding, he did not get the echo of the wind, suddenly shocked himself to ask questions that should not be asked, and quickly hit a haha: "Haha... Just ask, boss, you are busy, I went to see how God contacted feelings of."

The phone hangs up, and the wind sighs leisurely. Put the phone in the hands of Shui Linger and say, "Linger, let's go first."

Shui Linger took a light look, then secretly looked at him and turned and left. Along with it, a yellow light flashed around the wind and turned into a beautiful yellow figure.

"Glass, help me kick my legs." Feng Yan closed his eyes and said casually.

The emperor's glaze bent down and used her softness, which was more white than the white jade, to gently massage on his legs. The movements were all just right, obviously not the first time.

"Call... The whole body is sour and weak, this state does not know how long it will last." The wind looked at the ceiling and said dissatisfied.

"A virtual stepless time curse makes the time and space of the heavens and earth stop turning, and a virtual stepless space curse cuts through the different dimension space that the ancient gods can't cut. This kind of anti-sky move, you only coma for three months is already Miracle. After waking up, it will be the first time to lift the blockade of the East and West gods and change the time wheel of the Eastern Heaven. It will take at least one year to fully recover from the chaotic body that you are not fully formed. The glass sounds calmly.

"So, is it proud to have such a great master?" squinted and squinted.

Donghuang Liuli: "...I want to know, since you can bring back Kunlun mirror, why not bring back Long Yao."

"Oh..." The wind smirked and smiled indifferently: "How about bringing back the children, by my side, he has the possibility of dying every moment. And that method is the only way to save him. I was the original Just use the Yaochi holy water in advance."

Donghuang Liuli was silent for a while, whispered: "Does he really come back?"

It’s awkward, and suddenly laughed: “Hey, you’re the wisdom of the East Emperor’s glass. You saved your Three Realms with your ability and countless wisdom, but now you have asked such an idiot.” I will definitely come back because he is my son! If he is strong enough to step me on the soles of his feet, I will not be surprised, but will smile at him."

Donghuang Liuli: "..."

The wind sighed and said: "So, now I will give me a mouth massage... Just like last time, it is a full body massage, every place is not allowed to let go, then massage with your body..."

Qinglong didn't say a word, turned cold and turned away, and no sound came out. Suzaku smiled and looked at the Emperor Liuli with great interest. Her face was covered by a bead curtain and she couldn't see what she was now.

Donghuang Liuli did not obey this time, but stood up, seemingly dull, like a resentful saying: "They are back, I will let you dispose of it at night."

Without paying attention to the temperament, she disappeared in place and returned to her reincarnation world.

The internal data of Donghuangzhong was originally opened to all human beings in order to cope with the disaster, but now it is more for responsibility. Because humans have become increasingly inseparable from reincarnation.

The door was opened, and then immediately closed, the dragon baby pulled the little butterfly "whistling" and ran to the front of the wind, and shouted: "Brother, I and Butterfly have to repair with you!"

The wind smashed the brain for a second, then the eyes looked weird and said: "Baby, do you know what it means to do double repair?"

"Of course I know." The dragon baby wrinkled the delicate little nose, and now she is 18 years old, she is no longer the young girl. At the age of thirteen, she was able to let the savage gods who used to be acquainted with the beauty, and now it is a breath-free charm. "Zi Er said, it is a game that must be done with my brother, very fun and very fun."

Xiaodie also quickly nodded.

"..." I looked at Suzaku, who looked like a smile, and whispered: "This... still wait for you to be bigger."

"Don't!" The baby was dissatisfied with the lips: "Zi Zi's sister is obviously smaller than us. She has been with her brother for more than two years, and her brother is eccentric!"

Butterfly also prayed for a pink lip to protest. In the past few years, her shape has not changed in the slightest. Every day, she follows her baby like a small bell. Where does the baby go? Where does the baby do, and she follows it. And she has always maintained a human form over the years, and it is estimated that even she herself has forgotten that she is actually a small butterfly.

"...then next year."


"Is that tomorrow?"

"No! Brother is eccentric!"

"That... just tonight, you can also join your glazed sister and Longer sister, um, help each other, learn from each other." The embarrassing posture on the face of the wind disappeared, revealing a smile of evil spirits.

"Oh! Great, Butterfly, let's go find Zier, let her teach us first, then you can pull the purple child together at night." The baby looked at the little butterfly and ran away, happy laughter. The echo of the sound is empty.

"This... let my mom know that I won't be a meal for me? No matter what, 18 years old, I can already pick it!"

The wind leaped from the sofa and took some of the sour limbs. He said to Suzaku: "Suzaku, you will call my family and all your mothers, remember, it’s all, one is not allowed. less."

"Yes, master." Suzaku answered with a smile, then curiously asked: "Master, do you want?"

The wind slammed his hand and floated six different colors in front of him: the golden Xuanyuan sword, the blue refining pot, the golden tower, the dark enamel, the white Kunlun mirror, and the colored virgin stone. .

"A year ago, the top ten artifacts were sleeping because of the chaos of the chaos. In addition to having a strict restriction that can only be launched by the body of chaos, the punishment for people and devices is more than the nine-day battle. The array of loss is much smaller. It will not interfere with the memory of the actor as the array of the loss, and the power blockade of the device is only one year. Now that one year has passed, all the abilities of the device are awakened to varying degrees. You can launch a chaotic battle again."

"The "missing array" centered on the seal is the 'immortal array', and the "chaos array" centered on the seal, not only allows all the creatures in the array to obtain eternal life, but also allows them to suffer for life. The guardian of the power of 崆峒, will not be hungry and tired."

Eternal life means a wonderful life without end,

It was just... his gaze passed through the obstacles and directed straight into the distant sky. Before the baby came back and brought back to the little sister, the father had to work hard to support the dragon and the whole of China. I have such an inherited person who is not afraid of politics. The Dragon family is really unfortunate.

When I thought of it, the wind picked up my eyebrows and laughed happily.


Shura finished this.

A sigh.

This is the first book of Mars, and it is also pinning and carrying a lot of things on Mars. When I finished the last word of the book, I felt that it was not a relief, but a sense of emptiness and loss that seemed to be deep. After reading the online novels for 5 years, I have seen a lot of comments. I often hear them mention the missing characters, and I don’t think so. Now that I have finished a book, I really feel this feeling. It’s like exhausting your hard-working and pulling your own daughter, and finally you have to marry.

"Shulu" was uploaded from the starting point on September 30, 2009, and moved to May 17, 2010. It has now passed 10 months and is about 2.2 million words. In addition to the two irresistible factors (harmony), there was no more breaks, and Mars completed all the commitments to the brothers. Recalling the days when I streaked 140w words at the starting point and climbed up from the bottom, it was really mixed. For Mars, the biggest gain is not the success of Shura, but the number of brothers who have met within the four seas, and several of them have become confidant-like close friends (knowing that you are a close friend? Do you know? That's right...), for you, "Shulu" is to be reconciled to the next ten times, Mars will also let it resurrect in situ, such as Xiaoqiang generally firm.

"Shu Luo" is extremely brainy to write, because the framework is very complicated, but it can not be messed up, especially the pits of a pit and a pit, and missing one is a failure. I used to write about it for a while, and I didn’t wake up every day. After that, I finally got three months of leisure time. I left everything to complete this repair, so I can keep the update speed of 9000+ every day. Ben, one of the reasons is that the time of leisure is coming to an end.

Well, if you boast about it, you won’t say much. Now, let’s explain to you the bridges that have changed in the process of writing Shura:

1, sprayer. This special prop that popped up with the magnifying glass was originally intended to be used to crack the illusion space, but later it felt a little far-fetched, so it was removed.

2, the robbers of the Vulcan capital. Originally used to protect the gates of the Windy City, because they are intelligent monsters, if they are unfortunately placed in front of the gates, they will be born again. But then I suddenly thought that there is such a counter-town gate, but also what is the use of these waste wood, if the enemy can really break even the city gate, these guys are also placed there, so deducted.

3, the baby's magic. The previous article once suggested that the baby's magic angel set has the possibility of magic, and the consequences are terrible. Originally, I wanted to get into the Shura Road, and she was demonized. Then I thought about it. How can the angel heart be so easily corroded? If so, then use the power of the magic moon to stimulate it. So, the original The magic moon that should be tragic is tragedy in another way.

4, Xuanyuan Nishang. The goddess ranked first, she should have been a very important role, and then I was a heart, and she turned her into a vase. Because you can't let her grab the limelight, so you can make a vase.

5, yin and yang double star chain: its appearance was originally intended to make the wind smashed a hand Xuanyuan sword, a handful of ancient axe, and then a smashing demon, a smashing **** smashed like a child, but thought of a lot of loli control purple child, And she is the only person in the book who makes the wind really unbearable (or twice), so she can lose her share in the final battle. Thus, the Yin-Yang double-star chain became a dragon.

In addition, there are some things that are not explicitly stated. For example: What is the little human figure incarnation? You can imagine this, you want it to be what it is. The most important one, I think one of you may want to know: What is the ending of Long Yao? Where is he now? In fact, I think a lot of students know the answer to this question. There are even a few students who have said a long time ago how to customize the ending of Long Yao. I listened to the sweat. The IQ of your Earth people is really good. Not covered.

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