MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 107 Xiang Xiang

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Lydney patted Carl's nose and calmed him down. Carl snorted unwillingly, squirting a hot breath from his nostrils, slamming his chin on the ground, slipping into Lidney, two huge The dark red eyes kept staring at Lydney in front of him, and they all became cocked, and Lidney had to go a little farther. Love to play with love to see the net. .

"Hey!-" Lydney took a few steps, and Carl immediately raised his head. The dark red eyes were so wet that he looked at Lydney with grievances, as if he was asking why he was leaving.

Seeing Carl like this, Lidney couldn't help but could only stop and sigh: "I'm afraid you are dizzy."

When Carl heard Lidini's words, he immediately closed one eye and looked at Lydney with one eye. He didn't look at it.

Lydney: "..."

Why are you so sticky?

"Auguster!!" Hai'an was very excited after seeing Auguste, rushing to Auguste and grabbing his waist directly, then sticking his head to his chest. Auguste had something in his hand and couldn't hold back Hai'an. He could only bow his head and use his chin to slap Hai'an's head. "How come you?"

"Come to your food." Auguste raised the black bag on his hand.

"Food?!" Queltan heard that there was something to eat, and immediately poked his head out of the pit and looked excited.

Auguste threw the bag along the edge of the pit, extinguished the glow stick, and slammed the waist of Hai'an. "Are you hiding in this pit?"

"Yeah." Hai'an nodded. "What about you? Colin, where are they hiding? How did you find us?"

"Oh, see." Auguste reached out and licked the blood on his face. Haian saw the wound on Auguste and immediately treated him. After a while, all the wounds disappeared. "Colin They are all protected by red protection, don't worry."

"These injuries are..."

"The road that came on hit."

At the time of the temporary base, Carl was clamoring to come out to find Lydney. Auguste had always disagreed, because in such a weather, if he wanted to act on the tomb, he could only become a yucca, but Augu. Ster found that when they became Yajuon, they would be prone to violent, and they were very bloodthirsty and had an urge to fight.

The magnetic storm didn't know when it would end, and Auguste didn't agree that Karl had always kept the look of the Asian dragons on the tomb to find Hai'an.

He volunteered, dug his own eyes, and threw out the protective layer. As the hurricane drifted on the planet, you could see where Hainan was, but the hurricane was too strong, and most of the eyeballs floated. A small distance was crushed by metal wreckage, and even a dozen or so eyeballs were dug up without seeing Hai'an's shadow. Until later, Hai'an lighted the ball of light and made some green vines. Especially the vines of Queltan were so twisted and twisted in the pit that they found them.

Auguste finally decided that he and Carl came out together, exchanged and changed, responsible for shielding the magnetic storm for Hai'an. After Carl's change back to Yajuon, the whole body was full of metal. Except for the head, there was no pain anywhere in his body, so Carl first kept the shape of the Asian Judah. ​​Once Auguste found out that Carl had something wrong, they Exchange again.

"This, isn't this a frozen gel?!" After Queltan opened the zipper of the black bag, he took out a pack of powdery things and widened his eyes, saying incredulously.

Auguste was expressionless and took Hainan and walked over. "Yes, add some water to eat. These two packs are enough for all of us to eat for 1 year."

The frozen gel is powdery before it is added. The whole day can be compressed into a capsule. Every soldier will have a two-month frozen gel on the back of the garment. To ensure that soldiers are not starved to death in the critical situation of losing their connection.

The frozen gel is rich in nutrients, can replenish the various elements needed by the body and provide sufficient energy, and has a feeling of fullness. It only needs a little water to turn into a transparent jelly gel, and modern technology has been able to The water is compressed into a small water cube and carried in a bag. It can be said that this combination is cheap and easy to carry, perfect.

But almost every soldier will never eat frozen gel in times of crisis.

Because the frozen gel is really too bad.

Everyone who has eaten a frozen gel has only two words to evaluate it: yes.

The frozen gel is very stinky. After soaking, it has a scent of flavor. It tastes salty and salty. Although it looks very crystal-clear, it tastes great like a stool. It is a transparent stool. Not too much.

"Red is only a powdery jelly gel, and the water cube is in another bag." Auguste squatted down, pulled another black bag and distributed food to everyone.

"I don't want to eat 1 屎..." Queltan said with a pitiful gel pack, "He said he can grow fruit, I still eat fruit."

"You must eat a few times. If you don't eat, you will be malnourished." Auguste turned over a few packs of pink gelatin powder and handed it to Queltan. "The body of the teeth is not as hard as me and Carl, so he Can't come to you, but he asked me to eat more, don't be hungry, or he will feel distressed, promise, these packs of pink are specially prepared for you, I heard that it is strawberry-flavored."

Queltan took the pink gelatin powder and asked hesitantly: "Is it really strawberry-flavored..."

"I haven't eaten, you can eat and see." Auguste said he didn't know.

"Wow! He is really love for you." At-6765453 and Queltan climbed to the side of the pit and sighed loudly. Sesip often buys food with the next-door planet, because the food is very rare in the tomb, they can only Eat solar energy, this is also the reason why this planet looks gray, only a few robots can find the residual energy cube in the wreck, enjoy delicious and pure energy, once the magnetic storm comes, they will be for a long time If you don't see the sun, it will automatically shut down after the energy is exhausted, until the end of the magnetic storm, it will be retrospectively shot and dried in the sun.

At this time, Queltan’s object did not forget to prepare food for him. It was just like going back to eating food and only preparing food for Cecipo. It is absolutely true love!

Innocent at-6765453 does not know that backtracking does not eat because he has a core, does not need to consume extra energy, he only knows that backtracking never eats, all the food exchanged from companion stars will be stuffed to Sethi. Census.

There are only two waking stones in the hands of Ceci, one for Pace as a wedding anniversary gift, and the other for backtracking as a backup energy, and he does not have so many skating stones to be able to give all the robots on the tomb. All make a nano core.

" give me a banana..." Queltan looked at the strawberry-flavored frozen gel and decided to eat the fruit.

"Ah, I only grow apples and grapes. What do you want to eat?"


"Well, you wait." Hainan went to an open space, took out an apple seed from his pocket, put it on the ground and walked away. After a while, the seed began to germinate, and then the branches grew and grew luxuriant. The green leaves, the last flowering, bears a small fruit.

Hai’an glanced at the tree and the green apple, which was not mature. He went to Auguste and picked up a packet of frozen gel. “It will be cooked in a day. Let’s eat frozen gel first.”

Queltan: "..."

Then he still has to eat frozen gel?

"All the frozen gels on the Wandering have been modified, no odor, the frozen gel prepared for your teeth is modified on the basis of the Wandering Gel, and there should be no odor." Auguste Handed a small bowl and a small spoon to Hai'an, to help him tear the frozen gel, pour it in with the water cube, and stir it to become a transparent jelly.

Queltan sucked the nose and did not smell the odor. When the eyes were bright, he also tore the strawberry-flavored jelly gel prepared for him. After stirring it, he quickly dug a spoonful into the mouth, and then revealed the pain. Expression: "Strawberry-flavored 屎..."

"Hey?! What is that?" At-6765453 curiously came over and looked at the frozen gel in the hands of Queltan. "Can I eat?"

When Lydney heard the words at-6765453, he quickly stopped him: "You can't eat, you can't absorb this thing."

Hai'an also took a spoonful and swallowed it into his mouth. After taste of the frozen gel, Haian couldn't help but frown. It was really too bad...

"It will be a little bit, we can only eat this during this time." Auguste finished the frozen gel with a blank expression, and then contained a water cube to dilute the taste in his mouth.

"I'm going to feed Carl." Lidney stirred a bowl of frozen gel and patted Carl's nose. "Oh, open your mouth."

Carl obediently moved his mouth, opened a huge jaw, revealing a huge fangs, sharp, Lidini poured the frozen gel on his tongue, swallowed quickly after Lydney retracted his hand. Go on.

"Give him another bag, the dragon's energy consumption is relatively large." Auguste handed Lidini a pack of frozen gel powder, ignoring Karl's big eyes.

Kurt wrinkled his face and swallowed a frozen gel with a small mouth.

Hai An patted his shoulder: "You don't have to suffer more when you eat faster."

"Yes." Lidney also smiled and echoed. "The wandering gel is good. After all, there is no smell. When I was at school, I used to eat the taste. The taste is hard to remember."

Carl heard this and distressedly licked Lidini's body. Lidney smiled and hugged Carl's head and thought of the gift that Hai'an said. He felt even happier. He planned to use intermediate magic to make it later. This matter tells Carl.

But Lidney suddenly remembered one thing. The smile on his face disappeared instantly. He turned and said to Auguste: "We have completely lost contact with the outside world during this time. What if the situation of the war has changed?" ”

Auguste frowned, and Lidney’s words made sense. They were caught in a magnetic storm on the first day of training, and they didn’t know why Abbott called Ivan the master. Time is not much. After the magnetic storm came, I don’t know how much progress to delay.