MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 64 God of god

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Auguste's fingers gently licked Hai'an's pointed ear flaps, causing a feeling of numbness. Hai'an shuddered and almost didn't make a noise. Fortunately, Auguste just dialed his hair. Not as he did last time, pressed his ears.

Hai An sighed and smiled and smiled. "Think ~~~"

He hopes that Auguste will take him out to play?

I have never seen the Elune Forest before. His greatest pleasure is to see the horror gathering of the plant leprechaun. After coming to the world, it seems to have been in a state of escape. The scenery that can be seen is similar to the Alruini Forest. He became a human figure soon.

The street-stars of these oriental-style buildings, food, and clothing are the first contact. The inn is painted and painted, and the gold and copper tiles are in the structure. The oriental atmosphere is revealed in the structure, even a small window. It is also intricately carved.

Antique, exquisite and chic.

Hai'an is almost going to see his eyes.

There is also a long lamp street downstairs, the stars are hanging on the beads, the fire is bright, like a day, the pedestrian pontoons slowly pass under the bridge, leaving the circle of water ripples, while the tourists on the road wear The clothes are also the fabrics that Haian has never seen before. They seem to have faint dark lines. When they are photographed by the night light, they will slightly pick up the satin and wear the yarn, which completely attracts all the eyes of Hai'an.

"Clothes ~~~clothes~~~" Hai'an slammed August's coat with one hand, and the other hand pointed hard at the pedestrians underneath. Most of the body went out and Auguste quickly supported his waist. To prevent Hai'an from falling out.

"Well, I will buy it for you." Auguste was busy with Hai'an.

When Hai'an heard this, he quickly sat down, and both hands swayed August's clothes. "Augu ~~~ You are so good~~~" Hai'an, like most children, once started talking, The more he said, the more he said, the longer he said, the more he can now say a little sentence.

However, Hai'an was not intended to let Auguste buy clothes for him. He just curious about the appearance of the clothes and wanted August to tell him. I didn't expect August to buy clothes for him.

Auguste brought Hai'an to his arms. "Let's go find someone first. When you come back, take you to the Long Street and buy new clothes and new toys."

"Hmm!" Hai'an blinked and nodded quickly.

Just then, Jie Ming came knocking on the door. "Auguster, are you there? We can go."

"Okay." Auguste said, they had to go to Paladin first, ask him to help translate the map, and then they can play on the planet.

"Take the hat," Auguste raised his hand and buckled the hat behind the Hai'an coat to Hai'an's head. "The fog is very strong."

"喔~~~" Hai'an obediently pressed the hat, then immediately pulled the clothes of Auguste and pointed at his neckline. "Augu also wears ~~~"

Auguste lowered his head and gently swept the face of Hai'an with his lips. Hai'an's face was blown cold by the wind at this moment, but it was still slippery and soft. "I don't need it, I am not cold."

"How do we go," Karl, who was leaning against the door, saw Auguste coming out of the room and immediately stood up and asked, "Continue to sit on the picture?"

"That is when you are traveling to watch the scenery. When you use that road, we have to fly."

"Yeah, let's try other tools. I think that flying broom is good." Colin took Jay's words, there are many means of flying street stars, but there are no normal flying vehicles, such as spacecraft. It is a flying carpet, a magic broom, and more exotic vehicles.

In the end, Colin got his magic broom on his wish, and Auguste and everyone else were sitting in the pumpkin carriage.

"The trough! The wind is so big outside!" Colin supported his hair and tried to catch up with them outside the pumpkin car.

Jaymin waved his hand at Colin. "You said you want to take a magic broom."

Colin’s voice became more and more blurred in the rushing wind. “How do I know that the wind in the foggy city is so big!!!” The clothes on his body were poured into the wind and propped up. A big fat man, his hair was blown like a fried one, all floating backwards, and the silk was vertical, just like a long thorn in the back of his head.

Unscrupulous brother Corson also took out the light brain and took Colin 10 shots.

"Colin! Look here!"

Colin heard his brother calling his voice and turned his head.



Whether it's a pumpkin carriage or a magic broom, the flying speed is very fast. It is not an ornamental type of walking tool, but is used to hurry. Together with the foggy city and the long street, it is only a few minutes later. They went to the foggy city - this Paladin stayed for 300 years.

Before Paladin came to the city as a priest, he was the most famous translator in the empire.

It is said that there is no text in the interstellar that he does not know, and no one knows how many years he has lived. People's understanding of him is limited to his gentle tone and quiet image, as well as his crazy fascination with medicine and music, so people As soon as he retired, he ran to the street to be a priest and expressed his understanding.

But 300 years later, the talents of the Emperor have come forth in large numbers. No matter how famous Paladin was before, time will gradually bury his past. Now, not many people remember him.

The pumpkin carriage stopped on a wide road, and the road was surrounded by dilapidated houses. Auguste, they got off the carriage in turn. Only Colin took a broom and immediately rushed to Corson. "I want to vomit... ..."

Corson quickly supported Colin.

"It's still the same." Jie Ming crossed his waist and stood on the sidewalk looking around. He sighed.

There are dark nights in Huajiexing, there are white times, there will be dawn at dusk, and the foggy city is on this dawn line.

The wind in the foggy city is very large, and the black leaves that have been defeated fall with the cold wind. There are few pedestrians on the street, because it is the slum of Huajiexing, the most desolate place in the whole street.

There was a little white tip in the dead woods in the distance, and the white cross on the top was solemn. After a few steps, you could see countless sculpted spires stacked on top of each other, sharply breaking through the clouds, as if to penetrate The gray-white sky is generally cold.

That is where Paladin is located - the Ernie Church.

"Can you still walk in Colin?" Colin's whole person hangs on Cossen, and Aria looks at them both helplessly.

"Can... help me..."

"Let's go," Carl walked in front and waved at them. "Follow it."

The church is not far from them, just at the corner of the end of the road. The sides of the road are full of fallen leaves, and the black lacquered branches are sprinkled with few leaves. It is estimated that it will be soon. It will also be blown off by the cold wind.

At the entrance of the church, a man wearing a black cloak was sweeping the floor, and the cloak covered his face, making people unable to see his face.

The door of the church is open. From the outside, you can see the colorful enamel painted window in the church and the tall stone pillars of Senran, which are engraved with vivid marble reliefs and candlesticks on both sides of the church. The rows of candles are swaying by candlelight, and the sound of the burning of the flames is heard.

There was a man in a black dress in the church. He stood in front of the cross and prayed softly. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling gave him a soft yellow soft light, as if he was bathed under the Holy Light as sacred and quiet. .


Paladin heard August's footsteps early. After Auguste shouted his name, Paladin turned his body, his face smiled, his eyes on the ground, and he didn't look at them.

"Long time no see, August."

The way to say hello is almost exactly the same as Dean.

Dean’s every move is almost a replica of Paladin – but it’s limited to when he’s not crazy.

"Are you coming to me to confess?" Paladin spoke, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the long eyelashes cast a shadow on his face, with his white hair, like a god.

"No, I am here to help you." Auguste said, and Jamin went forward and took the map to Paladin.

Paladin took the map and untied the rope. "This is..."

"This is a map, I want to ask you to help translate it."

Paladin chuckled, and the twilight lips slid an elegant arc. "Okay. After a month, come back to me."

"it is good."

Is it so simple?

Just saying a few words, Hai'an thought it would be very difficult. After the outbreak of the war in Noord, the priests of the human sanctuary began to change. They also learned the fallen black magicians and made profits for themselves. I did not expect this world priest to be so gentle and loving.

"Right, the elf in your arms is so cute, can you show me?" When Auguste was ready to turn and leave, Paladin suddenly said a word.


Hearing a word that he had never heard of, August stopped his footsteps.

Hai'an also froze. He didn't expect anyone in the world to know the race of the elves. Hai'an turned his head, but he just happened to face Paladin looking at his eyes.

It was a pair of gray eyes, the same color as the sky in the foggy street. Hai’an suddenly remembered that Dean’s eyes were the same, exactly the same, depressed and deep, deeper than black, as if condensed countless past.

Hai'an couldn't help but shrink his neck. Dean's scene of crushing the dragon egg echoed in his mind. When he saw Paladin's eyes, he would think of Dean and make him a little scared.

Paladin did not wait for Auguste to promise, and went straight to the front desk, coming to Auguste, the black dress gently brushed the steps, no sound.

Auguste stood still.

Except for Paladin, who is coming to them, there is no one in the church. Hai's hand is holding the clothes of Auguste tightly. He wants to look back at Auguste, but he finds that he has no strength to turn back. He couldn't even remove his eyes and could only stare at Paladin.

Read The Duke's Passion