MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 76 Drawing

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There are a lot of fun things on the Philia.し

According to August's time when they boarded the ship, it is only around 11 am, and the concert of Alyxia will not begin until 9 pm.

"I will take you to the exhibition." Auguste pulled up Hai'an's hand and looked at his eyes.

“Art Exhibition?” Hai’an did not understand why Auguste suddenly came to the interest and took himself to see the exhibition.

"Yes, I will take you to see a picture."

The painting that Auguste said is "Love", a painting that was handed down a long time ago and one of the most famous paintings in the interstellar.

The man who painted was a man, the painter couldn’t say it was excellent, but it was not bad. The author used a delicate brush stroke to outline a man’s half-**, the man’s lower body was covered by a velvet blanket, and was lazy. Lying on a gorgeous big bed, the whole body is full of strong muscles, full of power and beauty, but his face is all covered with paint, leaving only the parts of the eyes - two huge white holes.

What makes the painting famous is the pigment it uses, very special, it is blood.

People don't know when the painting was created, but it has been 5,000 years since people first discovered the painting. What is amazing is that the blood on the painting is still bright red, not dried up into a heavy dark brown, but as freshly painted, it shows a bright red.

Even with the most advanced instruments, it is impossible to detect its age.

Everyone who has seen this painting will be shocked by this painting. When people approach this painting, they will feel the strong love that is transmitted from the painting, like blood, strong Desperate, people can't help but cry.

"Oh, I didn't expect to be off the shelf. This painting is really amazing. I have to come here every few years to see it. But after today, I may never see it again." ""

"Yes, who is the person who painted this picture, I have never heard it."

"I don't know, he can't find his record in any history book."

The people around them stood in front of this painting for intense discussion, but everyone's eyes were red, with water, and several people even took out a handkerchief and wiped the tears from their eyes.

When Hai'an saw the painting, he was shocked. When he walked to the painting, the depression of the pavement came to his heart.

"Time magic..." Hainan whispered.

This painting has a seal of time magic, and its time is always fixed at the moment just drawn, so no matter how many years, it will be this appearance, and will never change.

Auguste walked to Hai'an and grabbed his hand. "The owner of this painting will appear tonight. To take this picture, it has been exhibited for more than 5,000 years."

“Is this painting always displayed on the Philia?” Hainan turned his head.

"No, it has been exhibited on many planets, and it was only put on the street star more than two hundred years ago. Is it beautiful?"

Hai’an looked at the picture and took a deep breath. “It’s a miracle.”

That's right, it's a miracle that lasted for tens of thousands of years.

Others can't see the age of the painting, but Hai'an can read the exact time from the magic lines on the canvas. The magic lines are densely layered, layer by layer on the canvas, so this picture is maintained. Painting eternal love, and the reason why people see this painting will cry, it is because the person who draws time magic seals his mood together - that desperate love.

Hai'an is also somewhat sad. The feelings are too heavy. He just has a sad mood near the painting. I can imagine how desperate the people who paint this painting are.

Auguste chuckled and pulled Hai'an a little further and took him away from the viewing area of ​​"Love". "Do you know who the owner of this painting is?"

"I don't know." Hai'an shook his head.

"It’s Ye Shu."

"Ye Shu??!!"

"Yes, he will wait for a while, and the name of the author of this painting, have you seen it?" Auguste raised his finger to the lower left corner of the painting. "Do you know that text?"

The lower left corner of the painting was written in a small line of black ink:

No one in the interstellar knows what the text is, but the owner of the painting says it is the author's name.

Hai'an knows this line.

It is indeed a person's name - the name spelled with the ancient magic words common to Nord's mainland, as long as anyone who has learned magic will know.

"paladin..." Hai'an whispered, only to find out after reading it, this seems to be the name of the priest of the Ernie Church.

Hai'an turned his head and looked at Auguste with shock. "Is this painting Ye Shu?"

"Maybe, after all, I haven't seen Ye Shu's **."

"At the beginning, Carl and I fell on a very bad planet. Ye Shu and Paladin saved us." Auguste took Hai's hand and walked slowly.

"They took me and Carl to leave the planet and taught us a lot. Paladin seems to want to be our teacher, but Carl and I didn't trust others at the time. In my eggshell, it has become possible." When we were in the spaceship, the two of us ran around the clock."

"After that, when I joined Carl, I met Paladin in the Empire. He didn't know how to do it. He fell in love with the photo of the nun and often jumped his feet."


Auguste lowered his head and looked at the ground with a smirk on his lips. He walked forward step by step with Hai'an and said his own past in the most relaxed tone and Hai'an.

Hai'an looked at August's side face. He was awkward. He didn't ask August to take him there. The strong feeling suddenly surged into his heart like a huge wave. There are thousands of words but I don't know where to start.

"Why don't you talk?" Auguste suddenly turned and stopped, and Hai'an fell into his arms without paying attention.

"When did you and Carl first see Ye Shu, did he still be like this?" Hai'an hurriedly withdrew from August's arms and stood upright. "I mean, is he still dressed like this?" Cover your body with a black cloak."

"Yes, and at the time of Emperor Star, Ye Shu’s work is still sweeping the streets."

Hai'an heard this, could not help but smile, his eyes slightly bent, a 16-year-old boy's face, clean and pure, tender and beautiful.

Auguste raised his right hand and gently stroked the face of Hai'an, feeling the smooth and delicate skin of his fingertips. Then he lowered his head and took a bite of Hai's nose, his lips pressed against Hai'an's lips, but he did not kiss. "I really want to eat you..."

Hai'an didn't smile.

Auguste is still playing tricks.

This time it was August's turn to smile, he suddenly hugged Hai'an and ran forward.

Hai'an was shocked by August's sudden action, and quickly slammed August's neck. "Where are you going? Let me down."

"Good." Auguste put him down along with Hai'an.

They went to a church.

Lidnickar, Cossen Corson, and Jaymin are all in front of each other. Standing on the sides of the church, the white marble columns on the side of the church are engraved with delicate patterns, arched domes and colorful The rose glass window, the surrounding statues are vivid, delicate and meticulous relief, and the white marble paved floor shines brightly, reflecting everyone's figure.

Paladin sat in front of the audience, saw Auguste and Haian, turned his head and hung his eyes and they greeted him, "Hey~"

And standing at the forefront is actually the uncle who took off the black cloak.

Ye Shujun’s beautiful face has no expression on his face. The golden hair seems to shine like a ray of light, but his pale lips are now very rosy, like a lip gloss, as clear as a sapphire. they.

"Come." Ye Shu's voice is still so hoarse and low.

He changed his clothes with Paladin. Paladin no longer wore the black-pressed attire, but changed his white priest's robes. Ye Shu wore a white formal suit, and his slightly tight sleeves could be seen. Good body.

Hai'an doesn't know what Auguste is going to do, but his heart beats very quickly.

Auguste pulled Hai'an to Ye Shuqian and stood face to face with him.

Ye Shu looked at the two of them and actually smiled.

"Auguster, do you want this man to be your husband to marry him, whether it is sick or healthy, or for any other reason, love him, take care of him, respect him, accept him, always be loyal to him until life At the end."

"I am willing."

"Haian Garlandod, do you want this man to be your husband to marry him, whether it is sick or healthy, or for any other reason, love him, take care of him, respect him, accept him, always be loyal to him. Until the end of life."

Garland Nord, the surname of all white elves.

Hai'an can see the clear shadow of Auguste's deep red eyes. He looks at his eyes with deep and firm eyes, with a hot flame, and his heart goes straight into his heart.

Hai's throat slipped a little. He felt that he was shaking all over the body. He thought he could not speak, but he heard his clear and determined voice.

"I am willing."

Auguste pulled out a necklace-like thing from his inner pocket, and Hai'an glanced at it, which was hidden in a pot, and Auguste gave him the soul stone.

Auguste opened the rope and put the soul stone on the neck of Hai'an.

"I have witnessed you swearing to love each other, now you can kiss each other."

The temple's dome is engraved with beautiful patterns and reliefs. A beam of sunshine shines into the hall from the round, hitting Auguste and Haian. In the white light, Hai'an closes his eyes and then feels Austrian. Gust's warm lips are lightly printed on his own.


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