MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 82 Black black

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Alila looked up and looked at the sea level that was getting higher and higher from her. She suddenly sneered a little. "It’s so interesting. I almost thought that the person that Auguste was looking for was a weak chicken that couldn’t be anything..."

She opened her brain, "Ivan, took me away."

"How?" Ivan Randall smirked over there. "Are you scared by a pot of plants?"

"Yeah, he can be fierce." Elila listened to Ivan's clear and full of magnetic sounds, eyes screaming, giggling and laughing, with a sweet voice on Ivan, "Let me transfer Go, transfer place in your arms."

"Good." Ivan's voice screamed in the ear of Elila.

The next moment, Alila disappeared on the plate of the Philia. After a few minutes of the disappearance of Alila, the Philea was accompanied by a large number of dead birds and slammed into the sea.

"You are all bird cockroaches." Ivan held Alila and looked at her with a sly look.

Alila’s eyes sparkled, and the vertical hazelnuts turned back into a harmless, docile circle. She puffed her lips slightly. “Do you still love me like this?”

"Love." Ivan twitched his mouth and looked back at Alila with a fiery look. He gently squeezed Alila's chin. "You are like a miracle..."

Elila heard Ivan’s words, straightened her body, grabbed Ivan’s clothes, kissed his lips, and Ivan’s clothes were pulled open by Alila’s movement, revealing a necklace on his neck, hanging on it. The blue Soulstone shines under the bright crystal chandeliers in the house, reflecting the fascinating light.

Hai'an ran along the ice slide on the sea. The sea was big. He didn't know the road, and he didn't know where August was. Hai'an took a deep breath, he was not a panicked child, but now he is still a little confused.

He didn't know where August went, and he couldn't reach anyone. The sound of the waves rustled around him. The sound of ice and broken water began to recur. The sun cast in the sky pierced the eyes of Hai'an. It’s still winter, the cold sea breeze is like an ice blade, it’s shaved on Hai’an’s face, and it’s frozen red in a short time. Hai’an bows his head and silver hair hangs down the ear, covering his face. .

Suddenly thought of something, Hai'an suddenly raised his head, then opened his own clothes, pulled out the soul stone necklace of Auguste's neck from his collar, squatting in the palm of his hand, through no close The fingertips can see the faint blue light from the soul stone.

"...I hope you can hear my prayers and send me to my lover..." Hai'an closed his eyes and sang a magic spell.

Because of the inherent racial superiority of the elves, almost all the magic does not need to be sung, only a few magic curses and some rare attributeless magic, you need to sing, and in the Nord continent, in addition to the long-lost protoss In addition to the mysterious dragons, all races use magic to sing. Only some people with special magical talents can use silent magic, so some people say that this is God's extra pity for the weak people when they created the mainland. .

When Hai An opened his eyes again, the first thing he saw was the blood-red sky at dusk.

There were a few clouds of clouds scattered around the horizon, like orange marshmallows, and Haian sat on the ground for a few seconds.

There is only one land in the land at dusk. Is this the sky garden?

But how did it become like this?

The sky garden is now in ruins. The original tall marble column has been cut in half. The ground is broken stones and reticular cracks. The flower beds around the garden are filled with broken flowers and branches, and are crushed by heavy objects. The traces of the pressure are very obvious, and there are broken walls everywhere.

“Hey?!” exclaimed with the sound of footsteps.

Hai'an looked back and saw Colin and Corson. They both ran over, one arm and one arm, and they took Hai'an away. They ran behind a fallen marble column. Hai'an also found Jieming. At this.

He lay down on the ground, his head reaching into the flowers and making a slight squeak.

"Jie Ming wakes up and doesn't sleep, you see who is coming." Colin opened the branches and beat Jaime's face.

“Hmmm?” Jie Ming sat up and rubbed his head. “I still have a dizzy head. Who is here?”

"Hey!" Jaime squinted. "How did you come here?"

Jaime now has blood on his face and a huge bag on his head. It seems that he has been hit by something.

"Your head... is it okay?" Hai'an pointed at Jie Ming's head and hesitated.

Jie Ming touched the bag on his head, and the whole person was dull. "It is a little dizzy."

Hai'an put his hand over and hanged on Jie Ming's head. Jin Guang gathered in his hand and gradually formed a small mist that covered Ji Ming's wound. Soon, Jie Ming's wound was visible to the naked eye. The speed has healed.

"Oh, my head is not dizzy." Jay's eyes lit up and he took his head. "You can count it, don't know what happened, when we see the light again, we will It’s here.”

"How could this be like this? August?" Hainan was a little anxious. He hadn't forgotten that August's shoulder was worn by Alila.

"This is what Auguste got."

"Right right, Auguste followed us, and the black crow," Colin took over from Jaymin. "He found that you are gone, even the eyes have changed, and you immediately fight with the black crow." It is."

"They fight for it, and they broke the stone pillar. The stone hit my head and pulled out a hole." Jamin pointed at his head and was a bit stunned.

"So where is he now?"

"No, it's there." Cosson straightened his body and pointed to the platform below the marble.

Hai'an also stretched his neck and looked down -

Auguste stood upright. From the perspective of Hai'an, he could see the wound behind him. Elila's hand was really heavy. His shoulders were not only hollowed out by a piece of meat, but also three deep in the wound. The deep claw marks, through the thick clothes, the flesh is folded outwards, the flesh and blood are blurred, and the blood is still oozing out, soaking most of his body, and the dim sum hurts Hai'an.

The black crow was also fixed in front of him, holding a flat plate in his hand, and his hand was drawn, and he didn't know what to do.

"They...what are they doing?" Hai'an didn't understand what the two of them were doing. Looking at the horrors of the sky garden, they should have had a very fierce fight before, but why is it now a peaceful look.

"Maybe... playing wood man?" Colin frowned, thinking seriously.

When Jie Ming heard this, he immediately let go of his hand and touched Colin’s head. “Is it not you who is your head?”

"We don't know, it was very intense. August didn't change back to the dragon shape, but the black crow didn't get any benefit. You look at his mech shell." Cosson pointed at the black crow, the sea. Anshun’s direction in the direction of Cossen saw the large and small claw marks on the black crow and the scratches on the rough stone ground. It was indeed quite embarrassing. "But they played for a while, and Auguste suddenly stopped. He stood there all the time. There was no other movement. The wonderful **** also followed him and stood still."

Cossen mentioned that August has not changed. Hai'an associates with the action that Alila flies from the air. Suddenly, it is not that August has not changed, but he can't change." How long have they been playing?"

"Not long, just three minutes." Cosson pointed at his watch. "I remember clearly, only after three minutes of playing, they didn't fight, and then stood there, at least for a few hours." Let's go."

Sure enough, Auguste must have discovered something that he can't change.

The black crow is also very upset.

He has been standing here for three hours.

Ivan asked him to come here, but only one order was made - using all means to stop Auguste from leaving the sky garden.

He just came here, Auguste rushed up with red eyes, and it was a mess of his own body. Then think about Dean’s nightmare and Aria’s red guard, he is definitely the ugliest primitive mech fighter. ,none of them.

The black crow is sour.

He thinks he is a principled gentleman. What the master asked him to do, he did nothing, but Auguste stopped for three minutes, and he didn’t use it. When he didn't let him kill Auguste, August didn't mean to run. The black crow had to stop and stare with August.

After ten minutes of staying, the black crow finally couldn't help but be lonely. He took out a tablet game console and started playing Lianliankan.

After a while, the black crow's brain received a message:

The **** put away the tablet, and finally looked at Auguste, and the boot wing flew away.

Auguste solemnly opened his face and turned back to Colin Cosson. They looked up and saw that Hai An wrinkled a small face and looked at him tightly. The fear and distress in his eyes were clearly visible. Auguste snorted, and then his body swayed, feeling that the next moment would not hold down.

Hai'an saw this and immediately stood up and ran towards Auguste across the marble column.

And Auguste swayed for a long time, until Hai'an came over to help him, only softly leaned on Hai'an body, buried his face in the neck side of Hai'an, his hands quickly slammed on his waist, the whole set of moves in one go, like a flowing water It’s smooth and fast.

Seeing Colin Kosenjieming, they were stunned. This flamboyant acting was only pure Hai'an. They believed that August and the black crow did not get a little injury when they were fighting. Only the wound that Elila grabbed was all over the body. They used to suffer more serious injuries when they participated in the war. They did not see Auguste frowning.
