MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 12 overly sharp teeth

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At the beginning of eight o'clock in the evening, there was a sound of a key opening the door.

Chu Muyu went home.

Chu Suiyun was originally in the room, but when he heard the movement outside the door, he immediately walked out.

He came to the entrance and saw his younger brother who was changing shoes.

Omega lowered his head and concentrated on changing his shoes, without being distracted by his brother's arrival. When he finally put on his slippers, he raised his head and greeted Chu Suiyun as usual.

"You're back, where did you go?" Chu Suiyun asked, while following Chu Muyu to observe his expression.

"I went to watch a movie with my friends." Chu Muyu replied, and walked to the door of her room.

Holding the doorknob of his own room, he noticed that the people behind him were still following, turned his head to look at Chu Suiyun, and asked, "Brother, what's the matter with you?"

Only then did Chu Suiyun realize that he had unknowingly followed him to the door of Chu Muyu's room. He stopped and said, "It's okay."

"I'm going to take a shower." Chu Muyu said, and then pushed the door into the room and closed the door.

Chu Suiyun stood on the spot, staring at the closed door, wondering.

The younger brother's expression seems to be very normal, and there is no abnormality. It stands to reason that he should have seen the photo, why is he so indifferent?

Chu Suiyun quickly took out his mobile phone and sent Dong Kejie a message.

Chu Suiyun: Dong Er, did you send the photo to Xiao Yu?

After the message was sent, Chu Suiyun walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down, turned on the TV that hadn't been turned on for a long time, and switched to the sports channel casually, but actually focused all his attention behind him.

Chu Muyu changed out of her pajamas after a while, and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

At this time, Dong Kejie's reply was also delivered.

Dong Kejie: ​​It's done. My name is Huanhuanfa, because this topic is easier to discuss between two Omega, and Huanhuanfa can also comfort Xiaoyu by the way.

After reading the news, Chu Suiyun found He Huan's profile picture and asked him about his situation.

He Huan replied quickly: I sent the photo to Xiao Yu, and he said "I got it".

Chu Suiyun was puzzled, and asked: What's going on, isn't he angry or sad?

He Huan: Hey, Brother Yun, you are too... Even if Xiao Yu is angry and sad, does he have to show it directly? It's not easy to be cheated on anyone. It's normal to want to hide your emotions, but your heart has already been broken.

He Huan: Please comfort him. After all, we have created the situation on our own. Although it is for Xiao Yu's benefit, it really hurt him.

After reading He Huan's words, Chu Suiyun felt distressed and felt guilty.

This incident was indeed caused by Chu Suiyun's leadership, even if it was for Chu Muyu's long-term future life, but at this moment his sadness is real.

But thinking about it, if it wasn't for Qin Miao's lack of morals, any Omega who hooked up with him casually would never refuse anyone, and Xiao Yu wouldn't have such troubles.

Even if Chu Suiyun didn't do it on purpose, according to Qin Miao's temperament, there must be someone else in the future, and Chu Muyu will get deeper and hurt more painfully, at least he can adjust in time when he is sad now.

Thinking of this, Chu Suiyun re-established his faith, and decided to wait for his younger brother to come out of the shower and have a heart-to-heart talk with him, to see if he could be induced to tell his true feelings, and it would be best if he could cry in his arms. It's best to forget everything.

So, when Chu Muyu came out of the shower, she saw her brother sitting in the living room, watching a TV that hadn't been turned on for hundreds of years, and what was broadcast on the sports channel was not the live broadcast of the competition.

When Chu Suiyun heard the sound of the bathroom door opening, he quickly turned his head and patted the seat beside him: "Xiao Yu, come here."

Although Chu Muyu didn't know what he wanted to do, she still walked over obediently, but she didn't sit beside Chu Suiyun, but sat down on the single sofa beside him.

"What's wrong?" Chu Muyu asked.

Chu Suiyunzai carefully observed his younger brother's face, and found no trace of hidden sadness.

He wondered, could it be that his younger brother is so good at controlling emotions?

"It's been more than a week since school started, are you still adapting to school life, have you encountered any unhappy things?" Chu Suiyun had no choice but to use old-fashioned words.

Chu Muyu didn't think too much, and replied directly: "It's all okay, there's nothing wrong with it, anyway, I'm staying at home."

"That's good." Chu Suiyun said, thinking quickly about how to guide his younger brother to talk about Qin Miao.

It's all because I was too excited about my younger brother's feelings before, making it impossible for Chu Muyu to take the initiative to bring this matter up to me now.

Ask directly again? Every conversation before ended badly, Chu Suiyun didn't want to keep fighting with his younger brother on this matter.

Chu Suiyun was still thinking about what to say, Chu Muyu didn't know his mental activities, so he looked at him quietly.

Looking at it, Chu Muyu saw that her brother was different from usual.

He pointed to the side of his neck and asked, "Brother, what's wrong with you here?"

Chu Suiyun broke free from his own thoughts, saw Chu Muyu pointing at his neck, reacted, and subconsciously covered the place where the Band-Aid was.

The wound was very new, and there was still a faint tingling feeling when the hand was put on it.

"Ah, it's nothing, I just accidentally scratched it." Chu Suiyun made nonsense.

"How did you scratch your neck?" Chu Muyu's face changed, obviously worried, "Such a dangerous place."

Chu Suiyun didn't want to talk more about the wound, so he waved his hand and said, "Small wound, I'm not an Omega, what's so dangerous about this place?"

Chu Muyu frowned, and stared at her brother displeasedly: "Even if it's Alpha, that's where the glands are, how can you ignore it?"

"Let me see." Saying that, Chu Muyu moved her position and sat beside Chu Suiyun.

This time it was Chu Suiyun who took the lead and moved to the other side, opening the distance between the two of them.

He covered his neck and said, "It's really all right, it's been dealt with."

Chu Muyu put down her hand hanging in the air, because she was so obviously alienated by her brother, she was a little depressed: "Okay, you pay attention, I'll go back to my room first."

After finishing speaking, Chu Muyu got up and walked to his room. Chu Suiyun turned his head and followed him, watching his younger brother walk into the room.

The door of the room was closed with a click, and Chu Suiyun sighed at the same time.

Chu Muyu's expression didn't look strange, and Chu Suiyun couldn't directly go up and ask: "Xiaoyu, is your boyfriend confused with other people?"

After struggling for a long time, he didn't ask anything, but instead made Xiao Yu misunderstand that he deliberately had something to hide from him.

The replay of the game was still playing on TV, Chu Suiyun sat down on the sofa, and for the first time doubted whether it was too cruel for him to insist on revealing Qin Miao's true face to Xiao Yu.

During this time on weekdays, if the two brothers have no common activities, they will stay in their own rooms and do their own things without disturbing each other.

After all, one is an Alpha and the other is an Omega, and they are also four years apart in age. They have a good relationship, but they don't talk about everything.

The younger brother went back to the room, he probably won't come out tonight if he has nothing to do, Chu Suiyun also turned off the TV and went back to his room.

That night, the two really didn't talk any more.

The next morning, Chu Muyu got up first, walked out of the room, and was a little surprised to see her brother's door was still closed.

Generally speaking, Chu Suiyun wakes up earlier, after all, Alpha's energy is the most vigorous of all genders, and the need for sleep is less. Moreover, Chu Suiyun has to go to work and cannot get up late.

It might be because of the injury, Chu Muyu thought of the wound on the side of Chu Suiyun's neck.

As an Omega, the education Chu Muyu received since she was a child all emphasized the importance and fragility of that part. Even a small problem with the gland may cause discomfort to the whole body, but Chu Suiyun didn't take it seriously.

As expected, the Alphas, without exception, were all overconfident in their bodily functions.

Chu Muyu sighed silently in her heart, raised her hand and knocked on the door of Chu Suiyun's room.

no respond.

"Brother? Are you up yet?" Chu Muyu knocked on the door again, this time calling Chu Suiyun.

But still no response.

Chu Muyu guessed that Chu Suiyun might be in the bathroom, so he went to the bathroom outside to wash up first.

But until Chu Muyu finished washing, took out slices of bread from the refrigerator and baked them, and put a simple breakfast on the dining table, there was still no sign of Chu Suiyun's room door opening.

Now Chu Muyu was a little worried, worried that her brother would be late for work.

He knocked on the door again and called Chu Suiyun, but he didn't get a response, so he twisted the doorknob and opened the door.

The curtains were tightly closed, and the light in the room was dim. In the already cool autumn, Chu Suiyun was still turning on the air conditioner, and when he opened the door, he rushed towards him.

Chu Muyu walked in, almost shivering.

He quickly raised his hand to turn off the air-conditioning, turned his head and saw a human figure bulging on the big bed in the middle of the room.

Chu Suiyun should also feel cold, so he wrapped the quilt tightly.

Chu Muyu walked to the bed and pushed his brother's shoulder: "Brother, wake up, you have to go to work today."

"Hmm..." Chu Suiyun groaned.

Chu Muyu's intuition was wrong, so she turned Chu Suiyun over.

The lower half of Chu Suiyun's face was buried under the quilt, and the exposed half of his cheekbone was covered with scorching red. His eyebrows were tightly furrowed, looking very uncomfortable.

"Brother, are you sick?" Chu Muyu stretched out his hand to touch Chu Suiyun's forehead, feeling hot.

Chu Muyu withdrew his hand, shook Chu Suiyun, and said, "Wake up, you have a fever."

"Xiaoyu..." Chu Suiyun called weakly, "Let me sleep for a while, I'm so tired."

Chu Muyu picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table, and opened the lock screen: "Brother, who should you call when you ask for leave, you are so hot, we are going to the hospital."

"Do I have a fever?" Chu Suiyun was obviously a little confused because of the high fever.

He raised his hand to touch his forehead, and murmured, "It's quite normal."

Chu Muyu said helplessly, "That's because you're burnt out."

After finishing speaking, the younger brother walked out of the bedroom, found the medicine box prepared at home, dug out the electronic thermometer, and walked back.

Putting the electronic thermometer on Chu Suiyun's forehead and pressing it, the temperature test result was displayed immediately, and it was almost thirty-nine degrees.

When Chu Muyu saw it, he hurriedly put the thermometer aside, walked to the closet, and casually threw some clothes to Chu Suiyun: "Change quickly, let's go to the hospital."

Chu Suiyun sat up slowly, his whole body was sore and weak, Alpha was in good physical condition, he had never experienced this kind of serious illness since he was a teenager, and at this moment he still couldn't believe that he had a high fever.

Chu Muyu left the room to prepare things for going out, Chu Suiyun took off his shirt, a body of strong and docile muscles lay dormant on his torso, at this time his skin was slightly reddened by the high fever.

The movement of **** accidentally pulled the wound on the neck, Chu Suiyun was in pain, and gasped with a "hiss".

Qin Miao's teeth are too sharp, it still hurts after biting for so long.

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