MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 22 fake engagement ring

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It was already seven o'clock in the morning when Chu Suiyun woke up again. After he finished washing, he saw Qin Miao's text message again.

Chu Suiyun thought for a moment, and replied to the message: "What about what you promised me?"

Unexpectedly, half a minute later, Qin Miao called directly.

Chu Suiyun was changing clothes, and was startled by the ringtone, almost stuck his head into his sleeves.

"Hello?" Chu Suiyun answered the phone.

"You are so eager to urge me to sever contact with other Omegas?" Qin Miao's voice was obviously teasing.

Chu Suiyun refused to accept the offer, and said in a businesslike manner: "This is the content of our agreement, I hope you can fulfill it as soon as possible."

"Well. Let me guess, you want to run away after I cut off the relationship with the person you care about?" Qin Miao calmed down.

The little abacus was guessed, Chu Suiyun choked for a moment, forced himself to calm down, and replied calmly: "I am not that kind of person, I will do what I promise you."

"Then I'm relieved." Qin Miao quickly picked up, "Today at noon, I hope to see you show up on time, and the address has been sent to your mobile phone."

The phone was hung up by the opposite party, Chu Suiyun took the phone from his ear, looked at the big characters "Qin Miao" on the screen, and always felt that he might be tricked.

After breakfast, Chu Suiyun drove Chu Muyu to school.

"Xiaoyu, seat belt." Chu Suiyun reminded before stepping on the accelerator.

Only then did Chu Muyu come to his senses, and pulled out his seat belt to fasten it.

Chu Suiyun started the car, while looking at the road, he glanced at his younger brother.

Since the morning, Chu Muyu's state has been a little bit wrong, it seems that she has something in her heart, and she has been distracted. Such a careful child, she will never forget the seat belt.

Since he realized that his younger brother was wrong, Chu Suiyun asked directly: "Xiao Yu, what are you thinking about, have you been absent-minded all morning?"

Chu Muyu pinched the seat belt and opened her mouth: "I..."

Suddenly there was a sharp sound of brakes, and at the same time, the strong inertia almost threw the two people out of the car, but fortunately, the seat belts held them firmly.

Chu Muyu almost bit her tongue, grabbed the handle above the car door, and barely stabilized her body.

"Damn!" Chu Suiyun cursed secretly, rolled down the car window, and looked back.

Just now he was turning around to go straight on the main road, but the car behind him seemed to be crazy, he didn't even look at his car, and wanted to rush over, if it wasn't for Chu Suiyun's quick reaction, the car's **** would have hit him.

The car almost stopped, but seeing that nothing happened, it turned around and swaggered away again.

Chu Suiyun watched the car drive away angrily, then quickly turned around and asked, "Xiao Yu, are you okay?"

Chu Muyu shook his head.

After confirming that his younger brother was safe, Chu Suiyun resumed his journey.

It's just that after such a encounter, the two brothers forgot what they were going to say just now.

After sending Chu Muyu to school, Chu Suiyun went back to work in the internship company. After he clocked in, he worked hard for half an hour before going to the supervisor to ask for leave.

I never thought that today's supervisor called "Zhou Papi" would be particularly easy to talk to. Hearing that Chu Suiyun said that he would take two hours off at noon, he nodded without much hesitation.

Later, when Chu Suiyun came out, he heard that it might be because the supervisor's wife gave birth to his Alpha son yesterday.

Thanks to the supervisor's wife and son, Chu Suiyun was lucky enough to come to the specialty store Qin Miao mentioned on time at noon.

The exclusive store is luxuriously decorated, and it is the largest luxury jewelry store in the entire cloud country, and it is also the most famous wedding ring brand in the world. Chu Suiyun never thought that he would step here one day.

After all, he hasn't even dated an Omega before, and he hasn't had a chance to think about the wedding ring. Unexpectedly, he will visit this place with an Alpha today.

Chu Suiyun found a toilet to change clothes, waited for a few minutes at the door of the specialty store, and saw Qin Miao appear on time.

The concept of time is not bad. Chu Suiyun silently commented on Qin Miao in his heart.

"Good afternoon, sister-in-law." Zhao Kai followed Qin Miao and greeted Chu Suiyun cheerfully.

Chu Suiyun shuddered when he heard the name "sister-in-law", but after all Zhao Kai didn't know, Chu Suiyun could only politely nod to him: "Hello."

My sister-in-law is still so shy and restrained. Zhao Kai thought to himself.

If Chu Suiyun knew Zhao Kai's inner thoughts, he might tear this stupid Beta in half.

Qin Miao strode forward, grabbed Chu Suiyun's waist very naturally, and asked softly, "Have you eaten yet?"

From this angle, Chu Suiyun could just see Zhao Kai who was beside Qin Miao, Zhao Kai smiled and looked at them both with relief.

With a smile on the corner of Chu Suiyun's mouth, he leaned into Qin Miao's ear, but gritted his teeth when he said the words: "Let's add a little more drama."

Qin Miao's expression was natural, and she continued to speak: "It's good to eat."

Chu Suiyun: ...

Entering the specialty store, the shopping guide with exquisite makeup bowed slightly to Qin Miao and Chu Suiyun: "Welcome, what do you two want to see?"

"Engagement ring." After Qin Miao finished speaking, she glanced at Chu Suiyun and explained, "My fiancée accidentally lost my engagement ring for him. I'll buy another one for him."

This was explained to Zhao Kai. Although Zhao Kai was a bit clumsy in his work, he was still a child of a noble family, so he still had some observation skills. Last night he noticed that Chu Suiyun didn't have the so-called engagement ring on his hand, so he asked Qin Miao about it.

That's why Qin Miao took a lot of trouble to bring Zhao Kai with him today.

Chu Suiyun didn't know the twists and turns behind it, complained in his heart that Qin Miao was adding drama without authorization, and kept his mouth shut.

In Zhao Kai's eyes, this appearance became an image of a beauty who felt guilty for losing the ring, and instantly dissipated the trace of dissatisfaction with Chu Suiyun in Beta's heart.

At first, I thought that my sister-in-law could even lose the proposal ring because she didn't care about her second brother, but now it seems that my sister-in-law must be really careless.

The shopping guide understood, with a professional smile on his face: "Okay, please follow me."

A group of people came to a table and sat down.

The shopping guide asked them to wait for a while, and someone brought three cups of tea and snacks. After a while, the shopping guide came back with several ring boxes.

The shopping guide opened the boxes one by one and placed them in front of Chu Suiyun: "Look, ma'am, these are all high-quality goods from our family. Let's see if you have any styles that you particularly like."

Being called "Madam" again, Chu Suiyun was almost used to it now, and glanced at the row of rings in front of him without changing his expression.

Without exception, these are all diamond rings suitable for Omega's soft and long fingers. It may be tricky to exchange for a real Omega, but Chu Suiyun's heart is not disturbed.

He tugged at Qin Miao's clothes beside him.

Qin Miao came over obediently.

"I don't choose, it's your money anyway, you can just choose one." Chu Suiyun said.

When he spoke, the hot air tickled Qin Miao's ears, causing Qin Miao to move her ears unconsciously.

Then Qin Miao sat up straight and said to the shopping guide: "My fiancée said that he doesn't like these, let's have a look at other styles."

Chu Suiyun was startled, he really didn't mean that.

The shopping guide showed an apologetic expression, immediately put away the rings on the table, and went to choose again.

A few minutes later, the shopping guide came back with twice as many rings as last time.

"Look, guest, here are all the styles that our family sells, even Alpha rings."

As the shopping guide spoke, his eyes drifted eagerly to Chu Suiyun.

This lady looks nice and shy, she didn't expect to be so picky and discerning, and his Alpha is a wife-loving madman, so it seems that he has to work **** her.

The shopping guide has rich experience, and he thinks he has seen who is in charge of the opposite couple.

Chu Suiyun was uncomfortable with the eyes of the shopping guide. After looking around, his eyes were unconsciously attracted by a simple and elegant ring.

But his eyes only stayed on the ring for 0.1 second longer.

Chu Suiyun didn't want to show his likes and dislikes about choosing a ring, he wanted to show Qin Miao his attitude: I just cooperate with you in the performance, and you decide everything yourself.

So Chu Suiyun looked at the ring as a matter of routine, glanced at Qin Miao, and shook his head slightly.

The shopping guide's heart suddenly lifted.

Qin Miao raised her hand and lightly pressed Chu Suiyun's head, as if to comfort her.

Chu Suiyun froze.

Then Qin Miao picked up a ring: "I think this is good, what does Xiaoxue think?"

The shopping guide immediately recognized the style of the ring, and reminded: "Sir, this is an Alpha model."

Chu Suiyun raised his eyes and saw the ring in the box, which happened to be the one he took a second look at just now.

I don't know if it's because Qin Miao is really so keen that he can be noticed when his eyes freeze even for a moment, or because both of them are Alphas, they coincidentally have the same taste in rings, Chu Suiyun doesn't want to show it.

He made an obedient Omega appearance, and said softly, "You decide."

Zhao Kai took a panoramic view of everything from the side, and the little pink bubbles of excitement kept popping up in his heart.

Sure enough, a strong Alpha like the second brother likes the soft Omega the most, and the sister-in-law is too cute. It would be great if I could meet such an Omega in the future...

"Then this one." Qin Miao made a final decision.

Chu Suiyun noticed Zhao Kai's gaze on him from just now, feeling like he was being pressed down by a mountain and couldn't breathe. Hearing Qin Miao's decision at this time, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, he just wanted to escape here quickly.

"I'll also take one of the same style." Qin Miao added calmly.

Chu Suiyun was startled for a moment, and then he was relieved. Although the proposal ring only needs to be one for the suitor, but Qin Miao's money, how he likes to spend it, even if he wears all ten fingers, it will be the same as his own. irrelevant.

After choosing the ring, Qin Miao also asked the store to help engrave the words, and he followed the clerk to decide what to engrave.

Originally, the shopping guide asked if he wanted to take Chu Suiyun with him, but Chu Suiyun panicked for a moment, and before he could tell Qin Miao that he would not go, Qin Miao shook his head and decided not to take him with him.

Chu Suiyun blinked, happy to relax, and took a bite of the free snacks.

After a while, the words are engraved.

Qin Miao handed the ring to Chu Suiyun: "Treasure this time, don't lose it again."

Chu Suiyun knew that Qin Miao had just added the scene, so he nodded obediently: "Yeah."

After getting the ring, Chu Suiyun glanced at the lettering inside the ring.

"My Love Qin Miao".

"Why is it your name?" Chu Suiyun asked quickly.

Qin Miao answered logically: "Is there a problem? You wear my name, and I wear yours. This is the lover."

Well, it doesn't matter. Chu Suiyun stared at the ring for a while. Qin Miao took the ring in his hand and put it on his left ring finger.

Then Chu Suiyun suddenly became curious about the name engraved on Qin Miao's ring.

"Show me yours." Chu Suiyun asked.

Qin Miao put her ring into the box, and the lid closed with a "click".

"It's your name, what's so good about it?" Qin Miao declined.

Chu Suiyun didn't bother, but it was a pity that such an expensive, six-figure ring was just two impossibly fake props, and a fake name was engraved on it.

Read The Duke's Passion