MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 29 Inhibitors are not as good as me

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The moment he heard Qin Miao's words, Chu Suiyun's first reaction was that Qin Miao was crazy. He opened his mouth to refuse, but it seemed rude to be too direct, so he was a little more tactful.

"Why?" The tone was raised, more like a rhetorical question than a question, and the subtext was "no way".

Qin Miao ignored the subtext in Chu Suiyun's tone, took him as an inquiry, and explained patiently: "Because my mother decided to come to my house to see you next weekend, but I'm the only one living in my house. You'll see something's wrong."

Chu Suiyun's head buzzed when he heard this. He glanced back at his younger brother who was waiting at the side, raised his hand to signal to wait, and walked a little further away.

Then he lowered his voice to the phone and asked, "Can't you say we don't live together?"

"Sorry." Qin Miao apologized suddenly, "I already told my mother that we live together."

Chu Suiyun was a little crazy: "Why do you always add drama without authorization?"

Qin Miao was silent for a moment, and replied: "The reason is a bit complicated, and I will tell you when I have a chance. Now I need you to bring some daily necessities."

This request was a little bit beyond Chu Suiyun's expectations. What he expected was just to play in front of Qin Miao's family, but he didn't think about going to Qin Miao's house, and he had to bring his own supplies.

So he kept pushing: "Can't we just meet at the restaurant?"

This time Qin Miao answered quickly and methodically, as if she had prepared a speech in advance: "The older generation likes the atmosphere at home when they get older, and my mother thinks that the restaurants outside are not clean. We met formally, and we also took care that you would recognize your life, so we chose to meet at home."

Chu Suiyun was dumbfounded. He thought that being a shy person would save him a lot of trouble, but now he shot himself in the foot.

"Do you mind?" Qin Miao asked at the right time, with the vague meaning of "Are you going to break the contract?" in the words.

Chu Suiyun took the bait as soon as he heard it, and immediately gritted his teeth and said, "No, I will go to your house, but we will talk about it tomorrow."

"Okay." Qin Miao didn't care about the specific time, anyway, there was still a week before the meeting, so she agreed on the spot.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Suiyun felt as if Qin Miao had pushed him to the limit again, why he couldn't hold his position in front of that person.

After putting away the mobile phone, Chu Suiyun stepped back to his younger brother.

Chu Muyu stared at her big curious eyes, looking at her brother's angry look, feeling like a cat scratching her heart.

Who could make the always good-tempered brother so irritable?

Omega's intuition told Chu Muyu that the person on the other end of the phone must have an unusual relationship with her brother, and there is an 80% probability that she is her sister-in-law.

So Chu Muyu tentatively asked: "Brother, who were you calling just now?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as this was mentioned, Chu Suiyun's face pulled down, and he said fiercely: "A fool is annoying."

Chu Muyu's mouth opened into a small O shape, and he quickly covered his mouth with his hands to prevent his surprise from being too obvious.

Looks like she really is sister-in-law.

Saturday flies by and it's time for the next morning.

Chu Suiyun got up early in the morning, and his younger brother was still locked in the room, sleeping soundly. He ran barefoot to the door of his brother's room and listened, but there was no movement at all.

Only then did he go back to the bathroom in the master bedroom and start changing from Alpha to Omega.

After tidying up, Chu Suiyun warmed the breakfast in the pot, and posted a note on the wall facing his younger brother's room, saying that he had something to do and went out early today, and let his younger brother take care of lunch by himself.

After writing the note, Chu Suiyun went back to the room barefoot, and dragged a big box out, which contained the daily necessities he packed out in a hurry last night.

For Qin Miao, I have made so many contributions, and Yun Guo is simply moved. Even Chu Suiyun's boss did not treat him so wholeheartedly.

Chu Suiyun dragged the box to the garage to drive.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Chu Suiyun put the phone on the holder, clicked on the address Qin Miao sent him yesterday, and started to navigate.

There was no morning rush hour on weekends, Chu Suiyun drove smoothly all the way, and arrived at Qin Miao's house in half an hour.

Chu Suiyun stood at the door, let out a breath, raised his hand and pressed the doorbell.

Waiting with bated breath, two seconds, three seconds, ten seconds, no one answered.

Chu Suiyun was puzzled, and rang the doorbell again. After more than ten seconds, the door was still closed.

It shouldn't be, I said I would come over in the morning, Qin Miao promised very well last night, why is she not at home?

Are you still sleeping? Chu Suiyun raised his wrist to look at his watch, it was only seven o'clock in the morning, he got up two hours earlier than usual, and he himself was a little sleepy.

Since you are sleeping, there is no need to be polite.

Chu Suiyun started ringing the doorbell frantically.

Nonsense, I came here so early in the morning just to play with you, you are fine, you slept so hard, I will not let you sleep well.

Finally, under the attack of Chu Suiyun's persistent magic sound, the door slowly opened in front of him.

The door opened, revealing Qin Miao standing inside.

Alpha was still bleary-eyed early in the morning, with a few strands of hair sticking up in disobedience, a baggy nightgown, his chest was wide open, and the collar was so low that Chu Suiyun could even see the looming chest and abdomen muscles.

Qin Miao frowned, before raising her eyes to see who it was, she said impatiently, "What's the matter?"

The voice is deep and hoarse, which is unique to morning, mixed with faint anger, and anyone who hears it will know that this Alpha is on the verge of rage.

Chu Suiyun, who faced the anger directly, was not afraid at all, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Seeing Qin Miao's angry face, Chu Suiyun felt that it was worth getting up early in the morning.

"It's me." Chu Suiyun snickered inwardly, but his face was still unhappy.

Now that Qin Miao saw the person coming, the anger on his face subsided a lot, and he turned sideways to let him in.

Chu Suiyun dragged the suitcase into the house, and took a look at Qin Miao's residence. This is a large flat, the decoration is very simple and casual, and the color scheme is indifferent. At first glance, it is indeed the residence of a wealthy single Alpha. No trace of anyone else's life.

Chu Suiyun turned around, not knowing when Qin Miao walked behind him, and suddenly faced Alpha's open chest and abdomen muscles, which scared Chu Suiyun enough.

Alright, I know your fitness results are great, can we stop being so high-profile?

Chu Suiyun's forehead twitched, and he pointed to Qin Miao's clothes: "This is what you wear?"

Qin Miao looked down at her nightgown, and answered logically, "I'm sleeping."

Chu Suiyun felt anger creeping up, and gritted his teeth: "Shouldn't you dress more decently in front of the guests? Don't you know that there are guests coming today?"

Even if you are sleeping and you hear someone knocking on the door, you should change your clothes before opening the door.

Qin Miao seemed to be still confused, and asked, "Is there any guest coming today?"

"Me! Am I not?" Chu Suiyun couldn't bear it anymore, pointing at himself for emphasis.

As a result, Qin Miao laughed knowingly: "How can you be regarded as a guest, you are a wife."

"..." Chu Suiyun choked hard.

Forget it, don't get angry, there is no one to replace you when you get sick. Chu Suiyun sighed, and asked: "I brought some things over here, you take me to put them away."


Qin Miao responded, and took Chu Suiyun to the master bedroom first.

Chu Suiyun opened the box and took out some Omega-style clothes inside. With the help of Qin Miao, the shirts that should be hung were hung up, and the trousers that should be stacked were stacked.

For this reason, some of Qin Miao's original clothes were stuffed to the other side, leaving a special space for Chu Suiyun to put clothes.

Qin Miao saw that Chu Suiyun's clothes only took up a quarter of the closet, and said with some dissatisfaction, "I'll buy you some more clothes tomorrow."

Chu Suiyun, who was not an omega, didn't need so many clothes at all, he just wore them occasionally for play. The AO of winter clothes was not much different, and even in winter Chu Suiyun could still wear his own.

So he refused: "No need."

Qin Miao insisted: "I see that other people's houses have more Omega clothes than Alpha."

"Whose family?" Chu Suiyun was helpless.

"My parents." Qin Miao replied.

"It's up to you, you are the boss, I don't care how you spend your money." Chu Suiyun said, "I just use it as props for acting. When the play is over, all the props will be returned as they are."

Qin Miao stopped talking, and stood silently behind Chu Suiyun, watching him take out things one by one.

Chu Suiyun not only prepared clothes, but also prepared the newly bought toiletries, put them away, and even wet the towel and toothbrush to make it look like it has been used.

Qin Miao saw all this in his eyes, and finally commented: "You are quite well prepared."

When he heard this, Chu Suiyun was holding slippers in his hand, he wished he could roll his eyes, could he be inconsiderate. He did this not only so that Qin Miao could fool his mother, but also because he himself could not show his feet in front of Qin Miao.

Chu Suiyun, who didn't know what Omega's daily necessities should have, even consulted He Huan about it.

There were the last few things left in the box, Chu Suiyun took out a small medicine bag.

When Qin Miao saw the medicine package, she couldn't help but ask, "What is this?"

Saying that, Qin Miao took the medicine bag from Chu Suiyun's hand without any notice, and opened it directly to look at it.

It contains pheromone potions that Omega always has, including inhibitors.

Qin Miao accurately recognized the inhibitor, took it out, looked at it in his hand for a moment, raised it up and looked at Chu Suiyun: "Based on our relationship, do you still need to prepare this?"

Chu Suiyun's white eyes finally rolled out, he grabbed the medicine bottle from Qin Miao's hand, and said, "What's the relationship between us?"

"We are already engaged. Did you take medicine instead of looking for me when you had a fever? What should my mother think of me when she sees this medicine?" Qin Miao insisted on her own opinion and wanted to get the medicine back from Chu Suiyun. threw.

"No, don't worry!" Chu Suiyun slapped Qin Miao's hand away, "Even Omega with Alpha will prepare inhibitors, just in case Alpha is not around, it will be strange if I am not prepared .”

"This is a short-acting inhibitor, which is for emergency use, not the kind of long-acting inhibitor that you take once for a year." Chu Suiyun finished speaking enduring a headache.

Actually, Chu Suiyun was the first to hear about this. Fortunately, he had asked He Huan, otherwise how could he, an Alpha, want to get an Omega with a partner and still need to take medicine.

After finishing speaking, Qin Miao really calmed down, and stopped clamoring for Chu Suiyun to hand over the medicine.

In the end, Chu Suiyun even prepared the books he had read and put them on the desk in the study.

Qin Miao opened the book and found that there were notes inside.

Chu Suiyun's words are flamboyant and flamboyant, and they don't fit the character of the character he plays at all. Qin Miao looked at it with a smile unconsciously on the corner of his mouth.

"What are you laughing at?" Chu Suiyun couldn't help asking, his skin got goosebumps from his laugh.

Qin Miao closed the pages of the book, shook her head, and said, "It's nothing, it's just that you brought so many things, as if you really want to live here."

Speaking of this, Qin Miao paused for a moment, his expression changed slightly, he slowly raised his head, and looked straight at Chu Suiyun with a pair of slightly raised Danfeng eyes.

Then he said, "Why don't you really live here."

Read The Duke's Passion