MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 42 high-tech stalker

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After sending Qin's mother to the car home, Qin Miao and Chu Suiyun stood side by side at the door of the sales office.

"I'll take you home." Qin Miao suggested after standing for a while.

Although Chu Suiyun came here by car today, the car was parked in a shopping center, and the sales office is still a while away.

So Chu Suiyun didn't see anything else: "Take me back to the shopping mall, my car is still there."

Qin Miao naturally agreed. The two went to the parking lot to drive.

After the car started, Qin Miao looked at the road ahead, and while slowly driving out of the parking lot, asked distractedly, "What's wrong with you today, are you tired?"

Chu Suiyun didn't know why he asked, "What?"

Qin Miao smiled slightly: "I usually jump up when I touch you, so why did you fall asleep on my shoulder today?"

After saying this, Qin Miao was ready for Chu Suiyun to get angry at him, but unexpectedly, Chu Suiyun didn't blow his hair.

"I don't know." Chu Suiyun was calm, "Maybe I smell a familiar smell on you."

Qin Miao's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help looking back at Chu Suiyun. He tried his best to keep his voice steady, and asked, "What's the smell? Why do you feel familiar?"

Chu Suiyun didn't know what was going on in Qin Miao's heart. He was lazily leaning on the passenger seat, looking at the cityscape outside the window, and his voice was also lazily.

"I forgot." He frowned.

"I seem to have forgotten something."


There are many online celebrity cake shops in Shanlan City, which are the favorite meeting places for young students.

Liao Xiaoyuan has a sweet tooth, so he asked Chu Muyu out to play today, and the place he chose was an internet celebrity cake shop.

Liao Xiaoyuan is an Omega with a round face but a slender figure. I don't know where he got such a big appetite. He ordered a whole table of desserts that are not the same. He specially brought a SLR to take pictures, and when the cake was served, the camera was eaten first.

After shooting "Kacha Kacha", Liao Xiaoyuan raised her head and saw that Chu Muyu was still playing with her mobile phone.

"Chu Muyu!" Liao Xiaoyuan called out to her friend, "You've been looking at your phone since you sat down."

Chu Muyu pressed the phone screen and apologized: "I'm sorry."

Liao Xiaoyuan pursed her mouth: "I don't blame you either. It's just that you don't chat with me and keep playing with your mobile phone. I see you are typing. Could it be that you are chatting with people online?"

"I'm sending a message." Chu Muyu explained, his eyes drifted unconsciously, and he didn't want to go into details.

He is sending a message to Shen Qingdeng.

Since returning from the amusement park last time, Shen Qingdeng has become very strange. Although that person used to say very little, he would reply to Chu Muyu's messages sentence by sentence, and he would reply within seconds.

Even if it is "oh", or even an expression, he will at least reply.

But in the past few days, Chu Muyu sent a lot of messages, and it was only then that Shen Qingdeng could answer one or two words perfunctorily, and all of them were "um", "no time" or "no".

Shen Qingdeng would send Chu Muyu home before, and at school, Chu Muyu would always meet him. Except for the two public classes that the two of them took together, occasionally in the cafeteria, when Chu Muyu was eating alone, Shen Qingdeng would also appear.

But starting this week, Chu Muyu never met Shen Qingdeng at school again.

The two are from different departments, and it is a small probability event for them to run into each other on such a large campus. Chu Muyu is not a fool, of course she vaguely guessed that the frequent encounters before were due to Shen Qingdeng's intention. But now, Shen Qingdeng won't show up even if it's a public class with the two of them together.

Shen Qingdeng was avoiding herself, Chu Muyu clearly realized this.

During this time, he always sent messages to Shen Qingdeng. At the beginning, they politely asked if they were free to go home and have dinner together, without exception, they got the answer "no time"; later, Chu Muyu directly asked Shen Qingdeng if he was hiding from her, but Shen Qingdeng said, "No."

Just now Chu Muyu was also sending a message to Shen Qingdeng, asking if he had time to go out on weekends, but Shen Qingdeng has not yet received an answer.

Liao Xiaoyuan watched Chu Muyu finish speaking, then lowered her eyes, with a melancholy look on her face, and suddenly asked in her heart, "Are you in love?"

"Ah?" Chu Muyu looked up blankly, and denied, "No."

"Still saying no." Liao Xiaoyuan seemed to see through the secret, "You just need to answer me whether the person you sent the message to is an Alpha or not."

"He is Alpha, but we don't have..." Chu Muyu explained.

"Needless to say, even if it's not a relationship, it's almost here, right?" Liao Xiaoyuan grabbed Chu Muyu's hand with a gossipy face, "Tell me quickly, is he handsome or not?"

Chu Muyu was not in the mood to joke with Liao Xiaoyuan, and mentioning Shen Qingdeng only made him feel puzzled and unhappy.

Seeing his friend's mood drop visibly to the naked eye, Liao Xiaoyuan also put away his smile, and asked with concern: "What's wrong? Did he bully you?"

"I don't know..." Chu Muyu raised his hand and covered his eyes.

"It was fine before, but since last week, he suddenly alienated me. I don't know if I did something wrong..."

Chu Muyu told Liao Xiaoyuan about Shen Qingdeng's change of attitude.

Liao Xiaoyuan was surprised at the beginning, but the more he heard it, the more angry he became. When Chu Muyu finished speaking, Liao Xiaoyuan slapped the table and came to a conclusion firmly.

"He's a scumbag!"

Chu Muyu felt that this statement was inappropriate, and retorted: "But he didn't do anything to me, and we are neither...nor together."

Liao Xiaoyuan said: "It's not just the scumbag who hurts you after being together, Xiao Yu."

Chu Muyu looked at Liao Xiaoyuan and listened attentively to his explanation.

"You also said that he suddenly contacted you in public class one day. He was very proactive at the beginning, right?"

Chu Muyu nodded.

Liao Xiaoyuan continued: "This means that he started chasing you first. Afterwards, he sent you home every day, and you could see that he was interested in you. You said that his transformation began in the amusement park, and you were very happy that night. Do you think he is so nice that you even have the urge to confess to him?"

Chu Muyu blushed, and took the initiative to confess that he hadn't thought about it, but Liao Xiaoyuan was right about everything else, he felt that Shen Qingdeng was very nice that night, so for the first time, he took the initiative to say that he was very happy staying with Shen Qingdeng, although Shen Qingdeng didn't hear it.

"This is the problem!" Liao Xiaoyuan clapped his hands, "He already felt the change in your attitude that night, and he felt that he was sure of chasing you, so now he is playing hard to get with you."

"Playing hard to get?" Chu Muyu frowned, "Why?"

"Stupid! Of course it's for the dominance in the future relationship! Think about it, he chased you first, and if he confessed first, you have always been the one you like, and you are the dominator in this relationship." But when he does this, you worry about gains and losses, feel that you can't live without him, and confess to him as soon as you lose your temper, will he dominate the relationship in the future?"

Chu Muyu thought about it, and felt that Liao Xiaoyuan's words made sense, but there was something wrong.

Liao Xiaoyuan continued to speak angrily: "Many Alphas are like this. They like the feeling that everything is under control. Even a partner wants complete control, and can't bear being led by the nose."

"My mother told me that this kind of Alpha is unacceptable." Liao Xiaoyuan said to Chu Muyu seriously.

The light in Chu Muyu's eyes dimmed obviously, he lowered his head and poked the cake on the plate.

"Besides, we don't have that kind of relationship. I just don't want to lose him as a friend."

What Chu Muyu and Liao Xiaoyuan didn't know was that opposite the cake shop, in a gap between two adjacent buildings, Shen Qingdeng in sportswear was standing leisurely by the wall.

Alpha's tall figure easily propped up the loose sportswear, Shen Qingdeng's head was covered with the hood that came with the jacket, which just covered the bluetooth headset he was wearing on his right ear.

Looking at it from this angle, one could clearly see Chu Muyu and Liao Xiaoyuan sitting outside the cake shop.

Chu Muyu's voice came from the earphone, Omega said that he was reluctant to part with his good friend. Hearing this, there was a rippling on Shen Qingdeng's calm surface, and he blinked.

Then Shen Qingdeng took off the bluetooth headset from his ears, took out a mask to cover half of his face, and turned away from the cake shop.

Passing through the gap between the buildings and coming to the main road, Shen Qingdeng waved, and a taxi stopped in front of him.

After getting in the car, Shen Qingdeng played with the bluetooth earphone box subconsciously in his hands. Instead of wearing the earphones as usual whenever he was alone, Shen Qingdeng was staring at the back road in a daze.

Half an hour later, the taxi stopped at the entrance of a high-end residential area, and Shen Qingdeng paid and got off.

Entering the community, taking the elevator, Shen Qingdeng came to the door of his house and pressed the password.

The door opened, and there was an empty room with a simple decoration on the first floor. There was no TV in the living room, and the sofa was not a complete set. Countless cardboard boxes are neatly stacked in the room, it seems that all the storage space in this home is simple cardboard boxes.

Shen Qingdeng changed his shoes and walked back to his room.

The layout in his room is also very simple, a bed and a wardrobe. The only difference is that his bedroom is connected to two other rooms, one door is behind the bathroom, and the other door is ordinary and there is no mystery.

Then Shen Qingdeng walked over and pushed open the door.

The room behind the door is not too big, only a very well-configured computer in the center is very eye-catching.

The computer was not turned off, and the room was kept at a constant temperature. Shen Qingdeng did not show any surprise when he found that the computer was on. It seemed that it was not that he carelessly forgot to turn off the power when he went out, but that the computer had been running all the time.

Shen Qingdeng turned on the lights in the room casually, walked to the computer and sat down.

The computer has three split screens, and a vertically long mobile phone interface is displayed on the right screen. The mobile phone interface is still changing, and someone should be using this mobile phone.

Users obviously don't know that their screens are being monitored in real time, and they send messages on social software without realizing it.

From the computer, it can be seen that the owner of this phone has two top contacts, one with the note "Brother" and the other with the note "Shen Qingdeng".

The owner of the mobile phone clicked on the "Shen Qing Deng" dialog box, and entered a paragraph of text: "What are you doing now?" But it was deleted before it was sent.

Shen Qingdeng silently looked at the monitoring interface of the mobile phone, watching Chu Muyu edit and delete the message for herself in the midst of entanglement, her expression did not change at all.

The phone interface went black, and Shen Qingdeng knew that this meant that Chu Muyu had locked the screen, so he turned his gaze back and naturally landed on the large central screen.

On the entire screen in the center, no programs were running, only the desktop wallpaper, with a pure black background and large scarlet characters, clearly wrote warning words to himself.

"Look at him, but don't come near him."

That was the desktop made by Shen Qingdeng when he was in the second grade of high school. Now Shen Qingdeng has been looking at this sentence for a long time.

The room was extremely quiet, and Shen Qingdeng's peaceful breathing could even be heard.

Then, suddenly, Shen Qingdeng talked to the void.

"Want to get close to him."

Read The Duke's Passion